HM 120 Doc 2
HM 120 Doc 2
HM 120 Doc 2
4. Click delete.
5. Click return to exit the delete panel.
If you do not know the location of the HyperWorks installation directory, contact your systems
See Also
The HyperMesh Panels On-line Help for more information on the geom cleanup panel features.
surface A collection of one or more adjacent faces whose common edges are
suppressed. HyperMesh meshes on surfaces.
free edge The edge is owned by one surface. In the geom cleanup panel, the
default color is red.
shared edge The edge is owned by two adjacent surfaces. In the geom cleanup
panel, the default color is green.
non-manifold edge The edge is owned by three or more surfaces. In the geom cleanup
panel, the default color is yellow.
fixed point A point associated with a surface. A fixed point is displayed as a small
circle (o) and is the same color as the surface to which it is associated.
The automesher places a finite element node at fixed points.
free point A point in space not associated with a surface. A free point is
displayed as a small x, (x), and is the same color as the geometry
collector to which it belongs.
cleanup tol = The tolerance used to determine if two surface edges or two surface vertices
should be considered as one.
Values for cleanup tol= can be specified in two locations. The global value
for cleanup tol= is in the options/modeling subpanel. The local value for
cleanup tol =, which is used for a specific cleanup operation, is in the geom
cleanup panel. Sometimes, operations performed by the local cleanup
tolerance can be lost by a global cleanup tolerance overriding it.
visual options Enables user to control display mode of surfaces and edges. View surfaces
in wire frame or shaded mode. Display on/off surface edge types.
edges subpanel Used to remove gaps and overlaps between surfaces and to merge surfaces
together by modifying the edges of the surfaces.
toggle Convert individual surface edges from one edge type to another with single
mouse clicks. Free edge shared edge suppressed edge (red
green dotted blue).
replace Combine two free edges into a shared edge. Free edge shared edge
(red green).
equivalence Convert free edges between adjacent surfaces to shared edges. Free edge
shared edge. (red green).
surfaces subpanel Used to delete duplicate surfaces, remove surface holes, organize
find duplicates Find and delete duplicate surfaces. Non-manifold edge shared or
free edge (yellow green or red).
organize by feature Combine surfaces based on fillets. Shared edge suppressed edge
(green dotted blue).
move faces Stitch faces to an existing surface or stitch faces to create a new
surface. Shared edge suppressed edge (green dotted blue).
Note: In the surface edit panel, the lines from surface edge subpanel no longer exists. In
most panels, surface edges can be used as lines.
7. Click import.
8. Click return.
9. Review the iges.msg message file.
In the iges.msg file, there are zero error and zero warning messages.
The message file has an .msg extension and is created in the directory in which HyperMesh was
invoked. After you import any file, it is good practice to review the message file for import errors.
In the files / import subpanel, use file geom tolerance and use automatic cleanup tol are
default settings. It is recommended that these settings be used when you import CAD data files
into HyperMesh for the first time. Experienced users may want to override the default settings
based on prior knowledge with similar files. These options can be toggled to geom tol = and
cleanup tol =. For information about these tolerances and how to use them, see HyperMesh
The file geometry tolerance for this file is 1.E-06. File geometry tolerance is recorded in iges files
at the top of the files. For this exercise, the iges file’s top section follows:
116 1 0 0 1 0 0 000000000D0000001
116 0 0 1 0 0 0D0000002
To renumber surfaces: