Amanuel Temesgen Simulation and Modeling 2

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Course code:Mng6113

ID NO WCU/R/1500099 Engineering)

Name: Amanuel Temesgen

Assignment II(modeling and simulation air Flow in a Pipeline)

Course Instructor:Yoneal M (Msc)

Problem Statement:

validate the result using ANSYS (Fluent) in order to make sure that makes a sense.

Compute the following: -

a) Geometry modelling
b) The mesh
c) Set up
d) Xy plots of velocity and pressure
e) Wall Yplus vs position
f) The Cfd posts
- velocity stream lines
- contour lines
- streak lines
-velocity vectors

The purpose of this paper is to describe the flow of natural gas in a pipeline. to show how
air behave in horzontal pipe . The gas flows in along a horizontal pipe, and then can be
considered as one-dimensional flow. It is assumed no heat source occurs inside the pipe
and transfer of heat due to the heat conduction is much less than the heat exchange with
the surrounding. In this paper, the results obtained by solving the problem by ansys

The article is organized as follows. In Section(1) fluid flow(fluent). In Section (2) geometery
,In Section(3) Mesh , In Section(4) setup, In Section (5) solution, In Section (6) result section.
In Section (7) Conclusions .


 Open ANSYS Workbench and start a new project.

 Drag the Fluid Flow (FLUENT) Analysis System to the project schematic.
 Since 2D geometry is considered, right click on Geometry and select Properties

 Under Advanced Geometry Options for Analysis Type select 2d.

 Double click on geometry and a new window will appear.

 Click on the default unit, Meter then OK.

 Under Tree Outline, select XY-Plane, and then click on Sketching right before
 Details View. This will bring up the Sketching Toolboxes

 Click on the +Z axis on the bottom right corner of the Graphics window to view the
 XY-Plane

 Select sketching from the Tree Outline.
 Select Rectangle from the Draw options.
 In the graphics window place the cursor at the origin. The letter P should be visible
meaning that point is fixed at the origin.
 Drag the pencil in the positive x and y directions and click once with the LMB thus
creating the rectangle.

Next the rectangle’s dimensions need to be specified.

 Select Dimensions from the Sketching Toolboxes.

o Retain the default of General.
 In the Graphics Window, click on any of the two horizontal edges.
o By moving the pencil away from the edge and clicking once a ruler should be
created. Then the horizontal dimension can be edited in the Details View,
 Set the horizontal dimension to 8 meters. Do the same for the vertical dimension and
set it equal to 0.1 meters (we will analyze the flow as axisymmetric).
 You can zoom on selected portion of the geometry by selecting box zoom and by
selecting pan the shape can be dragged around the screen. The created shape can also
be manipulated for better visualization by right clicking in the Graphics Window and
selecting Zoom to Fit.

 Click on Modeling under Sketching Toolboxes.
 Under the XY Plane select the created sketch and then choose Surfaces from Sketches
from under Concept.
 Click apply in the Base Objects under Details of SurfaceSk1.

 Finally select Generate to create the body

 You can then exit the Design Modeler which will automatically save the created
 The check mark now visible next to geometry in the project schematic in workbench
indicates no problems are detected and we can proceed with the mesh creation.
 The name of the project can be changed from the default Fluid Flow (FLUENT) by
double clicking it and writing a desired new project name.

Laminar flow

Mesh Generation:
 Double click on Mesh from the Fluid Flow System in the project schematic. Keep the
Meshing Options defaults.
 Verify metric units are used (meters, kilograms, Newtons, etc.). That can be done by
selecting units.
 Select Mesh in the Outline.
 In Details of Mesh, under Sizing, select Off for Use Advanced Size Functions.
 This is necessary since we are manually going to specify the elements size and
mesh type.
 Select Mesh Control, then Mapped Face Meshing.
 Select the face of the body (the rectangle should turn green) and click apply.
 By doing so opposite ends will correspond with each other.

 Under Mesh Control, select Sizing. Select the edge cube and select both horizontal edges
by holding Ctrl. Click Apply.

 Under Type select Number of Divisions.
 Enter 100 divisions.
 Next to Behavior choose Hard.
 This is to overwrite the sizing function used by the ANSYS mesher. One hundred
divisions are created in the axial direction

 The mesh size for the two vertical edges is to be specified next.
 Select Sizing under Mesh Control.
 Select the both vertical edges (you can use pan to move the rectangle). Make sure the
edge cube is turned on.
 Click Apply under Details of Sizing. Select Number of Divisions next to Type and enter 5
 In Mesh, Select Generate Mesh to review the created mesh

 Next the geometry zones are named so they can be further manipulated in FLUENT.
 Select the top edge and right click and select Create Named Selection.
 Enter wall and click OK.

 Meshing can now be closed and it will automatically be saved.

 In the Project Schematic in Workbench right click on Mesh and select Update.

 A check mark next to Meshing should appear again indicating no problems have been
found and next a solution can be obtained in FLUENT.
 Save the project by selecting File-Save As.

Problem Setup:
 Click on Setup which will bring up the FLUENT Launcher.
 In the Fluent Launcher, under Options, select Double Precision for better accuracy. Press

 As the physics behind this problem are solved, we will work our way down the problem
setup list, to solution and finally—results (Fig. above)
 Upon starting FLUENT a warning is displayed in the command prompt:
 For simplicity purposes, the problem is analyzed as axisymmetric hence specify
 Axisymmetric in Problem Setup—General under 2D Space.

 Click on display and verify the named zones in Workbench are all present. Select all of

 In Problem Setup—Reference Values, specify for the reference values to be computed
from the inlet zone. This step is important when the skin friction coefficient is computed.
 The skin friction will be explained later.

 In Solution—Monitors, double click on Residuals. Specify the absolute criteria for
convergence as 1e-06 which is more conservative than the default value of 1e-03.
 Make sure Print to Console as well as Plot are both checked.

 The residuals to be calculated are FLUENT’s output upon solving the governing
equations—the conservation of mass, momentum and energy governing equations.

 In Solution—Run Calculation, enter 100 for Number of Iterations and click Calculate.
FLUENT will obtain solution at the 48th iteration.

 Under problem set up go to Results--Graphics and Animations--Vectors and then click on
Display—Fig.A.38. Notice the velocity profile starts to become more developed (exhibits
typical parabolic shape) the further it is from the inlet.


The result for all body (for wall, axis,inlet and outlet) means when we select all body
the velocity vectors look like

Results—XY Plots—Velocity Profile:

 The variation of the axial velocity along the centerline will be plotted.
 In Results--Plots double click on XY Plot.
 Set Position on X Axis (under Options) and X is set to 1 and Y to 0 under Plot
 Direction. This tells FLUENT to plot the x-coordinate value on the abscissa of the graph.
 Under Y Axis Function, pick Velocity and then in the box under that, pick Axial
 Finally, select Axis under Surfaces since we are plotting the axial velocity along the
centerline. Then click Plot.


Under problem set up go to Results--Graphics and Animations--contours and then click on
Display—Fig below. Notice the static pressure profile starts to become more developed

Under problem set up go to Results--Graphics and Animations--contours and then click on
Display—Fig below. Notice the contour velocity profile starts to become more developed.

Velocity contour for:- periodic shadow one

Velocity contour for axis,inlet,outlet,periodic1, periodic shadow one ,plane wall

Pressure contour

. Conclusion

This paper invetigate some important works done on numerical analysis and modeling of
laminar flow on horzontal pipe.Flow is allow for prediction and analysis of how fluid might
be impacted by a simple and complexgeometery in an operational environment.


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