Developing A Business Plan

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Department of public administration

University of Dhaka
Assignment on
Develop a Business Plan


Course NO: PA 112

Course Name: fundamentals of management
Submitted to : Dr.Adila Reza Hasan
Department of public administration,
University of dhaka

Submitted by: pollob rana parves

1st year,1st semester
Department of public administration
University of dhaka
1. Our business plan :

There are no current policies in Bangladesh regarding the necessity for urban agriculture. Rapid
population growth in Dhaka has created severe pressure on the land of the already overcrowded
country. Agricultural lands have given way to housing developments and roads in an
agriculturally based economy like Bangladesh. With rapid and unplanned urbanization, the
incidence of urban poverty and food insecurity has been also increasing alarmingly in Dhaka.
Moreover, the vegetable sold in the local market is found with harmful chemicals very
often.Rooftop gardens convert unutilized space into areas suitable for food production within the
city. With careful management to assure quality control and reliable distribution of the produce,
such gardens can create jobs for the unemployed while stimulating the economy and promoting
environmentally friendly practices Rooftop gardening can be an effective method in ensuring
food supply and satisfying nutritional needs of the inhabitants. Our business plan name is
‘bonoloto rooftop gardens'.The potential revenues are significant from 1000 m of rooftop
gardens. Revenue will be generated through the sale of produce locally to some of the 100
restaurants the team identified in Dhaka. We will be targeting people of a very specific niche
who love fresh foods. Initial market research suggests a strong interest in fresh, local, organic
produce and supporting rooftop job creation through food purchases.

4. Competition

Local vegetable markets, van vendors, mega shops like Shawpno or Agora who sells vegetables
are our competitors in selling. Bonayan (Green Orchid & Cactus Nursery) and other local
nurseries are the tough competitors in case of supplying.

5. Financial highlights

One customer can earn almost 50,000 taka yearly from this gardening and if we initially make 50
rooftop gardens like this, our net profit would be 15,00,000 taka.

Opportunities and Vision

Problem worth solving

Our business idea is based on some basic problems that are engaged with the environment and
our food habit. The problems we are considering are

• Absent of fresh and healthy foods especially vegetable. In our country, almost every kind of
vegetable is adulterated. Through our business consumers will be able to get fresh vegetables
from their roof.

• Many people want to garden in free spaces around the their house especially at the roof but
most of the time it is not possible because there are not enough logistic and consultancy services.

• All of us know that the environment of Dhaka City is getting more and more polluted day by
day and one of the main reason is the absence of green atmosphere throughout the city. For this
reason, the temperature is rising at an alarming rate.

Our solution

Our business Roof Top Gardening is going to be a great solution to the problems that are
mentioned above. It is because we are providing various services like

• We will provide complete logistic support to our customers. For example, we will provide
them soils, seeds, seedlings, etc. So they will not need to worry about any kind of logistic

• We also provide a proper guideline to our customers like how they will maintain their plants,
how much and when they will need to water, in which quantity they will provide insecticide etc.
For this service they will be able to the culture there plants properly which will ensure sent
percent productivity.

• We will also provide inspection services. If customers want our specialist will visit there
garden and will provide necessary instructions. It will take charge but customers will get some
discount from us at the time of selling their products.

• Finally, if the customers want to sell their surplus products, we will buy from them. We will
sell the products in different areas so it will be easy for our customers to sell their extra
vegetables after their own consumption.

Key to Success

The primary keys to success for the company will be based on the following factors:
• Sell products of the highest quality with excellent customer service and support.

• Continue to expand daily sales by adding to the variety of vegetables or fruits we sell.

• Communicate with our customers through creative advertising.

Road map and future plan

We will start our business in our urban areas. We will use social media and direct marketing to
encourage our customers to start their own rooftop garden. The products that we will buy from
our customers will be sold in different areas. It will serve as our sales plan and also a kind of
branding for our business. If our assumptions are correct then we will be able to cover Dhaka
City area in five or ten years. We will also try to establish some super shop in different areas of
the city. After covering the Dhaka City we will try to expand our business in other parts of the

Market analysis

Marketing Plan Summary

Our marketing plan is becoming a great choice to make the proper use of unutilized roof and
supply fresh agricultural products to the city dwellers. Our first target is establishing our business
in urban areas like Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Uttara, Motijheel and expand the market in other urban
areas through selling the products. People will buy our products because we will provide
absolutely fresh and pure products. Since it's a completely eco-friendly business and beneficial
from several sights so we are hoping that within five or ten years we will be able to expand our
business throughout the Dhaka City.

Market Segmentation

Based on our services and different geographic, demographic variables we have divided our
market into two segments. One is the interior set up the segment and another is selling products

Interior Set-up Segment

• At the very beginning, we will target three residential (Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Uttara) and one
commercial area (Motijheel).

• The total population of this four area is about 1.5 million.

• There are about 105000 houses with an area of 96 square kilometers.

• Most of the people of these are higher or higher middle-class so it's quite easy for them to
afford the primary cost.

Products Selling Segment

• Primarily we will start selling our products from the Mirpur area. It will be helpful to us in
expanding our interior set-up business in the future.

• The population of this area is about more than one million with an area of 59 square

• Most of the people in this area are middle or higher middle-class so they will buy fresh
products easily. Even the price is a few higher than regular.

Target Market Segmentation Strategy

Our target market is based on becoming a complete service provider for rooftop gardening and
fresh agricultural products provider. Our marketing strategy centers around three basic services:

• Interior Set-up

• Consulting

• Products selling

The target markets are separated into two segments. One is the interior set-up segment and
another is selling products segment. In here we will follow a differentiated marketing strategy.
Our primary marketing target is introducing our new idea to our customers. At first, we will start
from residential areas mentioned above. We will provide complete information and guidance to
give individual attention to every customer and to serve their planting needs. We will make a
contract with different kinds of suppliers for trees, insecticides and other agricultural materials.

After completing the interior setup part we will focus on product selling part which another
segment. In this stage, we will sell our products to throw our own vans which will roam around
Mirpur area and will sell our products. It will promote our products and will describe our interior

Future Market

In the far future, we are expecting to expand our market throughout Dhaka City. And as we
know that there is about 20 million people and about 1 million houses in Dhaka City so it's a
huge market. Our business is totally eco-friendly and it is also a whole new concept so we are
expecting that in ten or twelve years we will be able to concentrate outside the Dhaka City also.


Though the concept of our business is totally new, it is also highly competitive because of the
different types of alternative farms and nurseries. It is also too much challenging to maintain a
high level of customer service, providing quality products and introduce the customer with a
range of choices when shopping for plants or trees. But after all of these things, exceptional
customer service and top priority on quality will help us to survive in the market.

Competitors and alternatives

Smart Garden,, Green Garden and some of the nurseries are the most
competitive firm for our business. Generally, they provide only trees or helps to beauty buildings
or commercial spaces. Some provide consultancy facilities but the services are very much costly.
But we are going to provide a complete package of service at a reasonable price. So in the sense
of providing services category, our market is almost a monopoly.

Our Advantage

Our organization will provide a competitive price for its services and we will ensure different
and complete customer service. And these exceptions will make us stand out to our target

Execution plan
For the Interior Set-up Segment, we need some equipment and tools. These are,

• Seeds: As seeds were always a major problem for our agriculture, so we will take good
care of this issue. Our countries most reliable seed supplier organization Bangladesh
Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) will be the most reliable source for our
• project. We will use organic and natural preservatives for seed preservation like leaves of
• Fertilizer: We will use organic fertilizer and the firms of Capital’s outskirts will be our
main source of its raw material. Its processing and preservation method is very easy and
nearly costless. We’ll use the necessary amount of chemical fertilizer if there any need of
• Pesticide: Nature will be the first and foremost source of a pesticide like the juice of
Neem and Mahogany etc.
• Irrigation: Irrigation will be a problem in seasons except for the rainy season. But as the
area of irrigation for this project won’t be so big, so we’ll use the internal water system of
the house.
• Beds: We’ll use mixed soil with organic fertilizer and pesticide to build beds for
gardening and build boundaries of concrete, wooden barriers to bind them.

For selling rooftop cultivated products we need,

• Vending trucks and vans: We will buy 10 trucks and 100 vans to roam around the city
and sell our products to the interested customers.
• Supershop: Primarily, we will set up 3 super shops in different areas to reach our
customers more efficiently.
Bonotota rooftop garden.
Company and Management plan

Like every organization, our organization will also have a strong organizational structure. In our
organization, each department will have close relations with it. Below are some summary
chakras in our coordinated department.

• Purchase Department: The department will be split into their own, even though all the
departments will have the principle of the bicycle. The purchasing department will be
working on buying seeds, saplings, tub, fertilizer, water buckets and drainage pipes for
the rooftop gardeners. It will also buy produced surplus products from them.
• Interior designing department: They will provide the customer with the proper guideline
about how to decorate their rooftop and do the mapping and design it. They will provide
the necessary tools and logistics needed for gardening according to the place and plant.
• Marketing Department: Because our business concept is completely new, the most
difficult task is getting public attention. Our vending trucks and delivery vans will sell the
fresh vegetables and do the promotion as well. Our products will be labeled as green
products. Moreover, we will regularly conduct a social media campaign to keep our
customers hooked up.
• Human Resources Department: Our Human Resource Department will train and guide
our employees and workers, for example, suppliers, inspectors, vending truck and van
sellers so that they can conduct the business properly.
• Customer Care Department: As our business plan relies on the success of complete
nursing customers. Therefore, customers should give their correct information and create
a 24-hour co-operation. Online agricultural experts will be there to give full knowledge of
the customers. We will provide gardening services also if they require.
• Sales Department: Customers who want to sell their products through us, the sales
division will be there for their special convenience. Their job will be to collect and sell
products from customers and sell them through regular delivery vans and send them to
the Super Shops and supermarkets
• Finance and Accounting Department: Our accounts will be properly audited and
financing us. We believe that we will be able to work properly on our calculations and
Financial plan

Our Objectives

1. Maintain an average gross margin at or above 50%.

2. Earn an average of 20,000 taka of sales each business day of each month.

3. Realize an annual growth rate of 10% in Year 2.

Since the total cost and revenue for each vegetable and fruit is different, we will be discussing
only one vegetable (capsicum) to give an idea.

Setup cost:

We are predicting that for capsicum, the total cost will be approximately 67,000 taka yearly for a
rooftop area of 2000 m2. Breakdown cost includes

45% of the cost 30,000 taka will be accounted for interior setup
(consisting of land preparation, soil bed, irrigation pipe, plastic tub,
sheds, and fence, etc).

12% (8000 Taka) for saplings; 9%


7% (5000 Taka) for fertilizer;


9% for pesticides (6000 Taka),

12% (8000) for farming tools;

15% (10000 Taka) for maintenance (watering, stakes and twine Interior setup Saplings
Fertilizer Pesticide
removal, mowing, plastic mulch, and drip tapes removal, and removing
Farming tools Maintainance
crop) residues).

Initial revenue:
So we will charge 15% of the total cost for our interior setup cost and consultation fee. So a
customer has to pay us overall (67000+10000) = 77000 taka if he wants to grow capsicum. So
from each rooftop, our revenue is almost 10,000 taka

Purchase cost:

If the procedures are followed properly, it is estimated that one can produce 400 kilograms of
them in each 2000 m2 area. And the market price of capsicum now is 300 taka per kilogram. So
we will buy them from the rooftop garden owner at (400*300 )=1,20,000 taka.

Total profit for a customer:

One customer will make a profit of (1,20,000-77,000)=43,000 taka for 2000m2 rooftop area.

Sales revenue:

Since we are selling the product with a green tagline, we will sell them at a higher price and the
average selling price for our capsicum would be 350 taka for each kilogram.

So the profit is 20,000 taka approximately for one rooftop of 2000m2

Total profit:

Our overall profit from this 2000m2 capsicum garden would be (10000+20000) =30000 taka.

If we can initially start 50 rooftop gardens in the city then the net profit would be

(50*30000)= 15,00,000 taka.

Conclusion :

Actually,starting up a business is very e tough task for the investors.but the harder fort and strong
determination can help to achieve the ultimate goal. Besides if we see some successful
entrepreneurs, they even started from the bottom but

now they rule. They even didn’t have a lot money. But with proper planning they managed to

survive in this critical age. They went through their path step by step. At last they got the

success that they always wished for. So, I will also do the same thing which I am inspired
from the successful entrepreneurs. I will go step by step, from small amount of money to big

amount of money. With proper planning, trust and honest work I believe I will be able to

achieve my goal.

Thank you

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