Michelson Interferometer
Michelson Interferometer
Michelson Interferometer
Michelson Interferometer
Interferometers are basic optical tools used to precisely measure wavelength, distance, index of
refraction, and temporal coherence of optical beams. We will construct a Michelson
interferometer, study the fringe patterns resulting from both a point source and a parallel beam,
and make a precise measurement of the wavelength of the He-Ne laser.
1. Design of the interferometer for circular fringes. Refer to Figure 5.6. Let d1=d2=6 cm,
d3=10 cm, and dE=30 cm. Assume that the diameter of the reflected beams are restricted
by a 1 cm diameter hole at the beam splitter.
• What is the maximum illuminated diameter on the screen, E? Draw to scale the actual
system you will use showing the beam envelope at each point in the system.
• For a 1 mm diameter laser beam, calculate the focal length of the lens L1 that
illuminates an area on screen, E, of the size you obtained in part a).
• For circular fringes obtained with a point source, S, at the focus of L1, calculate the
diameter of the inner three fringes for distances ∆d = ( d1 − d 2 ) of 10, 100, and 1000
microns. Assume in each case that the center of the screen has the maximum.
• Suppose that the mirror, M2, is tilted as shown in Figure 5.1. Where on the screen
would the center of the displaced circular fringes lie? Assume that ∆d = 2mm .
2. Design the interferometer for fringes of equal thickness. You will need to expand the laser
beam using L1 and another lens, L2 (see Figure 5.4).
• What focal length should you use for L2 to produce a 1 cm diameter beam?
• Suppose that the mirror, M2 is tilted as shown in Figure 5.1. Calculate the fringe
spacing that will be observed on the screen.
3. Measurement of the wavelength. Suppose that you determine the wavelength of an argon ion
laser using the interferometer set to display parallel fringes as in Figure 5.8. A photodiode is
placed at the center of the screen and its output is connected to an electronic counter. When
the moving mirror, M1, is driven a distance of 5.120 mm, a total of 19,368 fringes is counted.
What is the wavelength of the light from this laser?
10 microns
2 inches
Figure 5.1
With an optical interferometer you can measure physical distances directly in terms of
wavelengths of light by counting interference fringes that move when one or the other of two
objects are displaced. The beams must be mutually coherent for fringes to be seen. There must be
a definite phase relationship between them. Mutual coherence is obtained in the Michelson
interferometer by splitting light that originates from a single source with a partially reflecting
mirror known as a beam splitter (BS). The reflected (R) and transmitted (T) waves are redirected
by ordinary mirrors to the output where they are superposed to form fringes. This process is
known as interference by division of amplitude.
In the basic Michelson interferometer (Figure 5.2 (a)) the light from a source, S, is divided by a
50% beam splitter oriented at 45 degrees to the beam. The transmitted beam travels to mirror M1
where it is back reflected to BS. 50% of the returning beam is deflected by 90 degrees at BS and
it then strikes the screen, E (the other 50% is transmitted back towards the laser and is of no
further interest here). The reflected beam travels to mirror M2 where it is reflected. Again, 50%
of it then passes straight through BS and reaches the screen (the remaining 50% is reflected
towards the laser and is again of no further interest here). The two beams that are directed
towards the screen, E, interfere to produce fringes on the screen.
A linear optical equivalent of the Michelson helps to understand the optical path differences.
First, replace mirror M1 with its virtual image, M1' seen when looking into the beam splitter
from the laser. The laser aperture, S, is then replaced by its virtual image, S', as seen looking into
Suppose that mirror M1 is moveable. The optical path difference is 2∆d between the rays
reflected from M1' and M2. The center of the screen is bright when the optical path difference is
an integral number of wavelengths. The condition for a maximum of intensity at the center of the
screen is:
2 ∆d = n λ
To understand the fringe pattern away from the center of the screen we must distinguish between
two cases. When the light source, S, is a point source, we will see circular fringes on the screen.
If, on the other hand, we feed the interferometer with a parallel beam (either the original laser
beam or an expanded beam) then we will observe fringes of equal thickness. Before discussing
these two cases, we review the behavior of mirrors and beam splitters.
In Fig. 5.3 (a), rays from a point source, S, that are reflected from the plane mirror, M, appear to
diverge from the virtual image, S', that is as far behind the mirror as the real source is in front.
The mirror surface is the perpendicular bisector of the line, SS'.
The same rule applies to oblique reflection (b) where the mirror is extended to intersect SS'. In
the beam splitter BS the transmitted beam, T, diverges from the original source, S, while the
reflected baem, R, appears to diverge from the virtual source, S'. There is a fixed and constant
phase relation between the waves R and T since they both are derived from the single real source,
S. Waves R and T are mutually coherent.
Therefore, for fixed ∆d, we have fringes at intervals ∆x' given by:
∆x ′ = 2λ sin θ
When mirror M1' is moved in a direction normal to its face, the fringe pattern moves as ∆d
changes. The number, n, of the fringes that cross the center of the screen when M2 is moved a
distance ∆d is given by:
n = 2∆d λ
The geometry for circular fringes produced by a point source, S, is shown in Fig. 5.6. The source
S may be replaced by its virtual image, S', formed by reflection in the beam splitter. Reflection
M1' gives S1", while reflection in M2 gives S2". Singce S1" and S2" are derived from the same
source, S, they are sources for a pair of mutually coherent spherical waves. Interference between
sperical waves of different radii (R1 and R2) give rise to circular fringes in the plane of E
(Fig. 5.6 (c)).
We can calculate the fringe radii as follows: Consider a point P lying on a circular fringe. The
optical path difference at P is δ = ( R1 − R2 ) = 2∆d cos θ . The point P lies on a bright fringe if
δ = nλ (n is called the order of the fringe). The polar angle, θn, where the nth order fringe occurs
is given by:
2∆d sin θ n = nλ (1)
where we have made the simplifying assumption that R1 and R2 are much greater than ∆d.
Suppose now that we label the fringes by the subscript p, with p=0 referring to the center of the
screen. Suppose further that we adjust ∆d until the center of the screen is at maximum brightness.
Then, the fringe orders are:
p=0 at center of screen order n0 = 2∆d / λ
p=1 first fringe out from center order n0 −1
p=2 next fringe out order n0 −2
p fringe out order n0
and rp is the fringe radius on the screen. Substituting into Eqn. (1) above then gives:
n p λ = 2∆d 1 − 2
2 R0
This expression can be compared with measured fringe radii, for example by plotting the fringe
radii against the index, p.
1. New components
• Optical Table
The experiment will be set up on a 3' by 4' optical table. The table is rigid so that
the relative positions of optical components attached to it will remain constant to less
than one wavelength. Anti-vibration pads should be inserted between the optical table and
the bench, to isolate the table from floor vibrations.
• Magnetic clamps
These clamps hold the components in fixed
positions on the optical table. Depress the locking
button to fix the clamp in place. Push the button the
opposite way to free it.
Components are attached to the magnetic
clamp by means of a post/post-holder combination.
The post holder is attached by a 1/4-20 screw set in
the tapped hole in the top of the clamp.
The lab arrangement for using the laser beam to align the mirrors of the interferometer is
shown in Fig. 5.8 (a). The direction of the cross arm is at 90 degrees to the laser beam.
The microscope objective, lens L3, is removed for the initial alignment, which is best
done with the 1 mm laser beam. The objective is inserted to make fringes larger. The lens
that forms the point source, S, for circular fringe generation is shown in Fig. 5.8 (b).
Alignment Procedure
a. Set up the laser with the beam 6-1/4" above the optical table and parallel to its
b. Adjust the heights of M1, M2, and BS so that the beam hits the center of each
when you slide each into the beam. Mark the center of the screen E at the same
The interferometer should now be ready to observe interference fringes of various kinds.
a. Set up the interferometer to produce fringes of equal thickness with the natural
laser beam.
b. Insert a photodiode
through a hole in the
screen to measure the
intensity of the light in
the center fringe.
Connect the photodiode
via a Schmitt Trigger to a
Figure 5.9 Optical detector system.
DC 504A counter-timer.
The Schmitt, based on a 555 timer chip should reduce the spurious counts due to
noise that appears in the intensity (what causes this noise?). Set the controls of the
counter to totalize the number of counts. In addition, display the photodiode and
trigger circuit outputs on an oscilloscope to check the behavior of these signals.
The scope will be particularly useful in studying the signals while translating
mirror M1.
c. Install a slow speed motor to drive the translator. Connect the translator with a
flexible torque cable to a low speed variable speed motor. Do not touch the table
Again, the primary difficulty in this experiment is reducing vibration and the associated false
counts as the fringes wiggle and jump across the photodiode. Your job is to experiment with the
motorized driving of M1 to produce a smooth and reproducible motion. In solving the problem
of vibrations, it is extremely helpful to have an oscilloscope to view the photodiode circuit and
the 555 timer output. Use these signals as your major source of feedback on the mirror motion
and vibration. Remember, mirror motion of only 300 nm is enough to produce a complete
transition from bright to dark on the photodiode. Therefore, your Michelson is an exquisitely
sensitive tool for studying vibrations and stage motion. When dealing with vibrational problems,
there are two general concepts to keep in mind: First, vibration is the result of FORCES applied
to your system, but the motion itself arises from the associated accelerations. Recall that F=ma!
Even if you cannot reduce the vibrational forces (which you usually can if you figure our where
they come from), the acceleration can be controlled through the use of large masses. Second,
vibration implies oscillatory motion. If damping is high enough, then the amplitude of oscillation
can be dramatically reduced without any change in the drive forces. If the motion is lightly
damped, the vibrational motion can grow enormously.
Talk to your instructors and other colleagues in the lab. Experiment with the addition of mass
and damping. With a bit of care, you can produce excellent results for the He-Ne wavelength.