5G Beamforming Design
5G Beamforming Design
5G Beamforming Design
5G Beamforming Design
4.1 Introduction
Let's go over the agenda of this presentation. After some introductory remarks, we
essentially going to present three different sections related to 5G beamforming. The first
section is all about 5G waveform generation.
Which brings us to the second topic, the antenna array design and the MATLAB tools we
have to not only design antenna elements as well as antenna arrays that help with
characterizing or beamforming performance.
Let's go over to enabling technologies of 5G. As you know, 5G has multiple use cases,
and one of the most familiar use cases is the 5G enhanced mobile broadband. And that is
the challenge that the networks that are going towards 5G is dealing with right now, how
do we substantially increase the throughput and data rates over our mobile
So I might think of the solutions that have been proposed is the following. You can
increase the bandwidth by using your signals, a larger bandwidth. You can essentially
increase your throughput. And you can also squeeze more from a given Hertz of
bandwidth. That's called better spectral efficiency, how much more bits per second can
you use per Hertz.
You can also use flexible interfaces. In this case, it means using multi-carrier
communication systems that use OSM or OSDMA and multi-user MIMO. And also, you
can use small cells such that you can essentially use MIMO techniques to achieve better
received power and performance.
Another approa ch is also using a higher frequency band. And that's one of the main
themes that 5G will exhibit. Instead of working at the typical below 6 gigahertz
frequencies in the 4G and before similar communication systems, we are going beyond
the [? hertz, ?] millimeter again. And with using that, you have large swaths of bands
available for you, and you can essentially achieve the high throughputs you want.
Now, all these things are not without challenges. The minute you decide to go to
millimeter wave and higher frequencies, the simple intonation becomes a real problem.
Systems with very broad bandwidth, the frequency selective fading becomes a real
problem. And you have to seriously look at multicarrier systems like OSTM, OSTMA,
and channel estimation equalization in order to combat the effect of frequency selective
fading. And also, you need scatter-rich propagation environments in order to make this
viable or if you have systems possible. And then you have to constantly update your
channel characteristics and your models.
4.2 Wireless Generation Waveform
Now, we're focusing on the 5G waveform generation. Notice that you can generate,
uplink, or downlink fixed reference channels, or we can use the new radio test models in
RTM. In this case, we're going to choose an RTM. We have multiple options here, the
frequency range FR1, which is below 6 gigahertz frequencies or FR2D, the
[INAUDIBLE], and choose the FR1, and the multiple standard-based test models
available here. Each of them represent different modulation schemes and use of the
We're going to choose the 64 QAM full band that looks by TM3.1. In terms of channel
bandwidth, as you can imagine, we have multiple bandwidth possibilities here. We can
choose a 10-megahertz bandwidth. And the subcarrier spacing can be values 15, 30, and
60. We're going to choose a 30 kilohertz and choose our duplex mode, FTP. Of course,
we can do also filtering, if needed.
4.3 5G Channel Models
The following schematic shows the processing for the channel sounding modeled.
For the chosen MIMO system, a preamble signal is sent over all transmitting antenna
elements, and processed at the receiver accounting for the channel. The receiver antenna
elements perform pre-amplification, OFDM demodulation, and frequency domain
channel estimation for all links.
Figure 4.4. 3D Response Pattern
For the wideband OFDM system modeled, the analog weights, mFrf, are the averaged
weights over the multiple subcarriers. The array response pattern shows distinct data
streams represented by the stronger lobes. These lobes indicate the spread or reparability
achieved by beamforming. The Introduction to Hybrid Beamforming example compares
the patterns realized by the optimal, fully digital approach, with those realized from the
selected hybrid approach, for a single-user system.
Figure 4.5. Equalized Symbol Constellation Per Stream
For the MIMO system modeled, the displayed receive constellation of the equalized
symbols offers a qualitative assessment of the reception. The actual bit error rate offers
the quantitative figure by comparing the actual transmitted bits with the received decoded
bits per user.
4.4.1 Dipole Antenna
AZ Pattern
We can specify the polarization and the bandwidth as well as specify the operating frequency.
Let's just look at a 28-gigahertz frequency millimeter wave, and you say Accept. When you do
that, each antenna is characterized with all these geometry and load properties. Can apply that.
And look at different analysis capabilities of the Antenna Toolbox.
Design, analyze, and visualize antenna elements and antenna arrays provides functions and apps
for the design, analysis, and visualization of antenna elements and arrays. You can design
standalone antennas and build arrays of antennas using either predefined elements with
parameterized geometry or arbitrary planar elements. uses the method of moments (MoM) to
compute port properties such as impedance, surface properties such as current and charge
distribution, and field properties such as the near-field and far-field radiation pattern. You can
visualize antenna geometry and analysis results in 2D and 3D. Rectangular Array Of Dipole Antennas
Figure 4.9. Rectangular Array Of Dipole Antennas
Layout 3D
Figure 4.11. Pattern
antenna array for you based on geometric array characteristics you have here. Can be rectangular
array, circular array, conformal array, and so on. And then you specify your desired frequency. In
this case, I put 28, and except it.
You will see that the geometry and all the characteristics here are specified for you, can modify
all these parameters, apply, and look at things like antenna propagation array patterns. Here, look
at the 3D [INAUDIBLE] pattern of this particular antenna array, at the desired frequency of 28
gigahertz, and you'll see we can compute other patterns such as remote and elevation. And
finally, we can export the results to our MATLAB environment.