Ballast Water Management Regulations 2014
Ballast Water Management Regulations 2014
Ballast Water Management Regulations 2014
Shorl title al//I COII/I/ICI/celllem
I. These Regulations may be cited as the Marine (Ballast Water Management)
Regulations 2014 and shall come into force on a date or dates appointed by the Minister
by notice in the Gazelle.
2.-(1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,~
3. The objectives of these Regulations are to-
(a) prevent, minimise or eliminate the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms
and pathogens, through the control and management of ships' ballast water
and sediments;
(/7) require ships to which these Regulations apply, to carry and implement an
approved Ballast \Vater Management Plan which details the actions to be
taken which shall be compliant with these Regulations and the Convention;
(c) require ships toearry a ballast water record book for the purpose of recording
ballast water transactions within the ship which includes ballasting and dc-
ballasting operations and ballast water internal transfers.
(2) Subject to sub-regulation (3), the provisions of these Regulations shaH not apply
to permanent ballast water in sealed tanks 011-
(a) ships not designed or constructed to carry ballast water;
(b) any military ships, naval auxiliary or other ships owned or operated by a
State and used, for the time being, only for Government non-commercial
unless the Authority determines, in accordance with sub-regulation (3), that the discharge
of ballast water from such ships may impair, endanger or damage the environment, human
health, property or resources of Fiji or those of adjacent or other States,
(3) Where the Authority determines that the discharge of ballast water from ships to
which sub-regulation (2) applies Illay impair, endanger or damage the environment, human
health, property or resources of Fiji or those of adjacent or other States, the Authority may
serve written notice on the owner or master of the ships, requiring that the provisions of
these Regulations and the Convention be complied with in relation to the ballast water held
in the ships.
(4) A notice served under sub regulation (3) Illay-
(5) Any owner or master of a ship who fails to comply with sub-regulation (3)
commits an offence and shall he liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both.
(6) The Chief Executive Officer Illay exempt a ship which only operates in Fiji waters
from complying with the provisions of these Regulations or the Convention, but the Chief
Executive Officer shall not grant such exemptions if doing so rnay impair, endanger or
damage the environment, human health, property or resources, of Fiji or those of adjacent
or other States.
(7) If the Chief Executive Officer refuses to grant an authorisation to a ship under
sub~rcgulalion (6), the Chief Executive Officer shall notify the owners or if the ship is a
foreign nagged ship, the Administration of that ship, that it is bound by the provisions of
these Regulations and the Convention.
(4) The Authority shall only issue or authorise to be issued a Certificate, where a ship
has been surveyed under these Regulations and found to he compliant with these Regulations
and the Convention.
(5) The Chief Executive Officer may-
(a) determine the period for which Certificates shall be valid, which shall be
that specified in Regulation E-S, unless otherwise required;
(b) impose any conditions in relation to the ships and its operations (0 ensure
compliance with these Regulations and the Convention;
(c) require the re-survey of any ships during the period of any Certificate; and
(d) suspend a CertiHcate or vary the conditions of any Certificate during its
period of validity to ensure full compliance with these Regulations and the
(6) At the request of the Party, the Chief Executive Officer may calise a ship to be
surveyed and may issue or authorise the isslle of a Certificate to the ship in accordance
with these Regulations and-
(a) each Certificate issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been
issued at the request of the Party; and
(b) a copy of it together with a copy of the survey report shall be transmitted at
the earliest to the Administration of the Government requesting the survey.
Thll1~:f{'r (!fllag
8.-(1) Upon the transfer of the flag of a Fiji ship to the flag of another Party, the
Authority shall transmit as soon as possible to the Government of the Party concerned, a
copy of the Cenillcate carried by the ship before the transfer and if available, a copy of the
ship's most recent survey reporl, if the State makes such a request within 3 months aftcr
the transfer has taken place.
(2) Where a ship is transferred to the Fiji Register of Ships, a new CC11ificate shall
only be issued when the Authority is fully satisfied that the ship is in compliance with the
requirements of these Regulations and the Convention.
(2) The requirements of regulation 9( I )(a) shall not apply in the circumstances set out
in Regulation A-3 of the Annex as prescribed in Schedule I, and subject to sub-regulations
(3) and (4), the Cbief Executive Oflker Illay grant exemptions for Fiji waters, in relation
to any of those requirements in the circumstances set out in Regulation A-4 of the Annex
as prescribed in Schedule I.
(3) Exemptions granted pursuant to sub-regulation (2) shall not have effect until after
communication to the nvlO and circulation of relevant information to the Parties has been
(4) The Chief Executive Officer shall not grant an exemption under this regulation
which may impair, endanger or damage the environment, human health, property or resources
of Fiji or those of adjacent or other States.
(5) Any exemptions granted under this regulation shall be recorded in the ballast water
record book of the relevant ships.
Sedimellt receptiolljilCilifie.\'
12.-(1) All facilities for the reception and disposal of sediments at ports and any
other location shall be designed, constructed, managed and operated so as to effectively
contain the sediments taken from the ship, and protect the environment and human health,
and shall-
(a) comply with thc requiremcnts of these Regulations, the Convention and
any requirements from time to time by the Chief Executive Officer;
(b) detain the ship until it is made to comply with the requirements of these
Regulations and the Convention, or rendered safe as required by these
(c) order that the ships be excluded from Fiji waters, and from ports and off-
shore facilities in those waters; or
(d) grant permission to leave the port or offshore terminal for the purpose of
discharging ballast watcr or proceeding to the nearest appropriate repair
yard or sediment reception C'lcility, if the movement of the ship does not
present a threat of harm to the environment, human health, property or
resources of Fiji or those of other adjacent States.
(5) If a sample of ballast water taken from a ship indicates that the ship poses a threat
to the environment, human health, properly or resources of Fiji or those of other adjacent
States, the Chief Executive Officer may issue a notice to the i\.llaster of the ship to prohibit
any discharge of ballast water until the threat is removed,
(6) \Vhere a request for an investigation is received from any Party to the Convention,
an authorised officer may inspect a ship when it enters port or an offshore terminal, and
the report of such investigation shall be sent to the State requesting it and to the competent
authority of the Administration of the ship concerned so that appropriate action may he
(7) In the event that any action is taken in relation to a ship under these Regulations,
the officer taking the action shall give written notice to the Administration of the ship
concerned, or if this is not possible, to the consul or diplomatic representative of the ship
concerned, of the action taken against it.
(8) The Chief Executive Officer shall also notify the ship's next port of call of all
relevant information about the violation,
(9) If the Chief Executive Officer detains a ship due to an alleged contravention of
these Regulations, he or she shall authorise the release of the ship if-
(a) no proceedings for the offence in question are instituted within 3 working
days, including the day the ship is detained;
(b) the master or owner is not convicted in any such proceedings;
(c) the sum of $100,000 or of all amount determined by the Chief Executive
Officer is lodged with the Authority by way of security;
(d) where the master or owner is convicted of the offence, all fines, costs and
expenses are paid in full in accordance with the order of the court of law; or
(e) the release is ordered by a court or tribunal referred to in Article 292 of the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, and any bond or
other financial security ordered by such a court or tribunal is posted.
(to) The Authority shall repay any sum paid under sub-regulation (9)((') or release
any security so given if-
(a) no proceedings for the offence in question are instituted within 7 days
beginning with the day on which the sum is paid; or
(b) such proceedings, having been instituted within that period, arc concluded
without the master or owner being convicted.
(11) \\'here security has been given, by any person in accordance with sub-regulation
(9)(c) and the mastcr or owner is convicted of the offence in question, the slim so paid or
the amount made available under the security shall be applied as 1'ollows-
(a) first in payment of any costs or expenses ordered by the Court to be paid by
the master or owner;
(b) payment of any fine imposed by the Court; and
(e) any balance shall be repaid to the person giving the security.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments.
Regulation A·3
The requirements of regulation B-3, or any measures adopted by a Party pursuant to article
2.3 and section C, shall not apply to-
1, the uptake or discharge of ballast water and sediments necessary for the purpose
of ensuring the safety of a ship in emergency situations or saving life at sea; or
2. the accidental discharge or ingress of ballast water and sediments resulting from
damage to a ship or its equipment:
.1 provided that all reasonable precautions have been taken before and after
the occurrence of the damage or discovery of the damage or discharge for
the purpose of preventing or minimizing the discharge; and
.2 unless the owner, Company or officer in charge wilfully or recklessly
caused dam<tge;
3. the uptake and discharge of ballast water and sediments when being llsed for the
purpose of avoiding or minimizing pollution incidents from the ship;
4. the uptake and subsequent discharge on the high seas of the same ballast watcr
and sediments; or
5. the discharge of ballast water and sediments from the ship at the same location
where the whole of that ballast water and those sediments originated and provided
that no mixing with unmanaged ballast water and sediments from other areas
has occuned. If mixing has occurred, the ballast water taken from other areas is
subject to ballast water management in accordance with this Annex.
Regulation A·4
I. A Party or Parties, in waters under their jurisdiction, may grant exemptions to
any requirements to apply regulation B-3 or C-I, in addition to those exemptions
contained elsewhere in this Convention, but only when they are-
.1 granted to a ship or ships on a voyage or voyages between specified pOliS or
locations; or to a ship which operates exclusively between specified ports
or locations;
.2 effective for a period of no more than five years subject to intermediate
.3 granted to ships that do not mix ballast watcr or sediments other than
between the ports or locations specified in paragraph 1.1; and
.4 granted based 011 the guidelines on risk assessment developed by the
2. Exemptions granted pursuant to paragraph I shall not be effective until after
communication lO the Organization and circulation of relevant information to the
3. Any exemptions granted under this regulation shall not impair or damage the
environment, human health, property or resources of adjacent or other States.
Any State that the Party determines may be adversely affected shall be consulted,
wilh a vicw to resolving any identified concerns.
4. Any exemptions granted under this regulation shall be recorded in the ballast
water record book.
Special Requirements in Certain Area
Regulation Col
Additional measures
I. If a Party, individually or jointly with other Parties, determines that measures
in addition to those in Section B are necessary to prevent, reduce or eliminate
the transfer of Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens through ships' ballast
water and sediments, such Party or Parties may, consistent with international law,
require ships to meet a specified standard or requirement.
2. Prior to establishing standards or requirements under paragraph 1, a Party or
Parties should consult with adjacent or other States that may be affected by such
standards and requirements.
3. A Party or Parties intending to introduce additional measures in accordance with
paragraph I shall:
.1 take into account the guidelines developed by the Organization .
.2 communicate their intention to establish additional measure(s) to the
Organization at least six months, except in emergency or epidemic
situations, prior to the projected date of implementation of the rneasure(s).
Such communication shall include:
.1 the precise co~ordinates where additional measure(s) is/are
.2 the need and reasoning for the application of the additional measures,
including, whenever possible, benefits;
.3 a description of the additional measure(s); and
.4 any arrangements that may be provided to facilitate ships'
compliance with the additional measure(s) .
.3 to the extent required by customary international law as reOected in the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, as appropriate, obtain
the approval of the Organization.
Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments.
Regulation B-1
Ballast Water Management Plan
Each ship shall have on board and implement a Ballast Water Management Plan. Such a
Plan shall be approved by the Administration taking into account guidelines developed by
the Organization. The Ballast Water Management Plan shall be specific to each ship and
shall at least:
I. detail safety procedures for the ship and the crew associated with the ballast
water management as required by the Convention;
2. provide a detailed description of the actions to be taken to implement the ballast
water management requirements and supplemental ballast water management
practices as set forth in this Convention;
3. detail the procedures for the disposal of sediments:
.1 at sea; and
.2 to shore;
4. include the procedures for co-ordinating shipboard ballast water management
that involves discharge to the sea with the authorities of the State into whose
waters such discharge will take place;
5. designate the officer on board in charge of ensuring that the plan is properly
6, contain the reporting requirements for ships provided for under this Convention;
7. be written in the working language of the ship. If the language used is not English.
French or Spanish. a translation into one of these languages shall be included.
Regulation B-2
Ballas/lVafer record book
I. Each ship shall have on board a ballast water record book that may be an
electronic record system, or that may be integrated into another record book or
system and which shall at least contain the information specified in Appendix 6.
2. Ballast watcr record book entries shall be maintained on board the ship for a
minimum period of two years after the last entry has been madc and thereafter in
the Company's control for a minimum period of three years.
3. In the event of the discharge of ballast water pursuant to regulations A-3, A-4
or B-3.6 or in the event of other accidental or exceptional discharge of ballast
watcr not otherwise exempted by this Convention, an entry shall be made in the
ballast water record book describing the circumstance of, and the reason for, the
4. The ballast water record book shall be kept readily available for inspection at all
reasonable times and, in the case of an unmanned ship under tow, may be kept on
the towing ship.
5. Each operation concerning ballast water shall be fully recorded without delay
in the ballast water record book. Each entry shall be signed by the officer in
charge of the operation concerned and each completed page shall be signed by
the master. The entries in the ballast water record book shall be in a working
language of the ship. If that language is not English, French or Spanish, the
entries shall contain a translation into one of those languages. When entries in an
official national language of the State whose nag the ship is entitled to fly are also
used, these shall prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy.
6. Officers duly authorized by a Party may inspect the ballast water record book
on board any ship to which this regulation applies while the ship is in its port or
offshore terminal, and may make a copy of an entry, and require the master to
certify that the copy is a true copy. Any copy so certified shall be admissible in
any judicial proceeding as evidence of the facts stated in the entry. The inspection
of a ballast water record book and the taking of a certified copy shall be performed
as expeditiously as possible without causing the ship to be unduly delayed.
Regulatiou B-3
Ballast water management for ship
I. A ship constructed before 2009:
.1 with the ballast water capacity of between 1,500 and 5,000 cubic metres,
inclusive, shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-I or regulation D-2 until 2014, after
which time it shall at least meet the standard described in regulation D-2;
.2 with a ballast water capacity of less than 1,500 or greater than 5,000 cubic
metres shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-l or regulation D-2 until 2016, after
which time it shall at least meet the standard described in regulation D-2.
2. A ship to which paragraph lapplies shall comply with paragraph 1 not latcr
than the Ihst intermediate or renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after the
anniversary date of delivery of the ship in the year of compliance with the
standard applicable to the ship.
3, A ship constructed in or after 2009 with ballast water capacity of less than 5,000
cubic metres shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-2.
4. A ship constructed in or after 2009 but before 2012, with a ballast watcr capacity
of 5,000 cubic metres or more shall conduct ballast water management in
accordance with paragraph l.2.
5. A ship constructed in or after 2012 with ballast water capacity of 5,000 cubic
metres Of more shaH conduct ballast water management that at least meets the
standard described in regulation D-2.
6. The requirements of this regulation do not apply to ships that discharge ballast
water to a reception facility designed taking into account the guidelines developed
by the Organization for such facilities.
7. Other methods of ballast watcr managcment may also be accepted as alternatives
to the requirements described in paragraph 1 to 5, provided that such methods
ensure at least the same level of protection to the environment, human health,
property or resources, and are approved in principle by the Committee,
Regulation 8-4
Ballast water exchange
1. A ship conducting ballast water exchange to meet the standard in regulation D-l
.1 whenever possible, conduct such ballast water exchange at least 200
nautical miles from the nearest land and in watcr at least 200 metres in
depth, taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization;
,2 in cases where the ship is unable to conduct ballast water exchange
in accordance with paragraph 1.1, such ballast water exchange shall be
conducted taking into account the guidelines described in paragraph 1.1
and as far from the nearest land as possible, and in all cases at least 50
nautical miles from the nearest land and in water at least 200 metres in
2, In sea areas where the distance from the nearest land or the depth does not meet
the parameters described in paragraph 1.1 or 1.2, the port State may designate
areas, in consultation with adjacent or other States, as appropriate, where a ship
may conduct bal1ast water exchange, taking into Recount the guidelines described
in paragraph 1.1.
3, A ship shaH not be required to deviate from its intended voyage, or delay the
voyage, in order to comply with any particular requirement of paragraph I.
4. A ship conducting ballast water exchange shall not be required to comply with
paragraphs 1 or 2, as appropriate if the mastcr reasonably decides that such
exchange would threaten the safety or the stability of the ship, its crew, or its
passengers because of adverse weather, ship design or stress, equipment failure,
or any other extraordinary condition.
S. When a ship is required to conduct ballast watcr exchange and does not do so in
accordance with this regulation, the reasons shall be entered in the ballast watcr
record book.
Regulation B-S
Sediment management/or ships
I, All ships shall remove and dispose of sediments from spaces designated to
carry ballast water in accordance with the provisions of the ship's Ballast \Vater
Management Plan.
2. Ships described in regulations B-3.3 to B3.5 should, without compromising safely
or operational efficiency, be designed and constructed with a view to minimize the
uptake and undesirable entrapment of sediments, facilitate removal of sediments,
and provide safe access to allow for sediment removal and sampling, taking into
account guidelines developed by the Organization. Ships described in regulation
B-3.l should, to the extent practicable, comply with this paragraph.
(Regulatioll 10)
Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments.
Regulation D-I
Ballast water exchange standard
1. Ships performing ballast water exchange in accordance with this regulation shall
do so with an efficiency of at least 95 per cent volumetric exchange of ballast
2. For ships exchanging ballast water by the pumping- through method, pumping
through three times the volume of each ballast water tank shall be considered
to meet the standard described in paragraph 1. Pumping through less than three
times the volume may be accepted provided the ship can demonstrate that at least
95 per cent volumetric exchange is met.
Regulation D-2
Ballast waleI' pel,lo1'l1ul11ce standard
I. Ships conducting ballast water management in accordance with this regulation
shall discharge less than 10 viable organisms per cubic metre greater than or equal
to 50 micro metres in minimuill dimension and less than 10 viable organisms per
Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments.
Regulation E-l
I. Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above to which this Convention applies,exciliding
floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs, shall be subject to surveys specified below:
.1 An initial survey before the ship is put in service or before the Certificate
required under regulation E-2 or E-3 is issued for the first time. This survey
shall vcrify that the Ballast \Vater Management Plan required by regulation
B-1 and any associated structure, equipment systems, fitting, arrangements
and material or processes comply fully with the requirements of this
Convention .
.2 A renewal survey at intervals specified by the Administration, but not
exceeding five years, except where regulatiou E-5.2, E-5.5, E-5.6 and E-5.7
is applicable. This survey shall verify that the Ballast \Valer Management
Plan required by regulation B-1 and any associated structure, equipment
systcms, fitting, arrangements and material or processes comply fully with
the applicable requirements of this Convention,
.3 An intermediate survey within three months before or after the third
anniversary date of the Certificate, which shall take the place of onc of
the annual surveys specified in paragraph 104. Thc intcrmediate surveys
shall ensure that the equipment, associated system and processes for ballast
water management full comply with the applicable requirements of this
Annex and are in good working order. Such intermediate surveys shall be
endorsed on the Certificate issued under regulation E-2 or E-3 .
.4 An annual survey wilhin three months before or after each anniversary
date, including a general inspection of the structure, any equipment,
system, fittings, arrangements and material or processes associated with
the Ballast \Vater fvlanagcment Plan required by regulation B-1 to ensure
that they have been maintained in accordance witb paragraph 9 and remain
satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended. Such annllal
surveys shall be endorsed on the Certificate issued under regulation E-2 or
E~3 .
2. The Administration shall establish appropriate measures for ship that are not
subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 in order to ensure that the applicable
provisions of this COllvention are complied with.
3. Surveys of ships for the purpose of enforcement of the provisions of this Convention
shall be carried out by ofHcers of the Administration. The Administration may,
however, entrust the surveys either to surveyors nominated for the purpose or to
organizations recognized by it.
4. An Administration nominating surveyors or recogJ1lzlIlg organizations to
conduct surveys, as described in paragraph 3 shall, as a minimum, empower such
nominated surveyors or recognized organizations to:
.1 require a ship that the survey to comply with the provisions of this
Convention: and
.2 carry out surveys and inspections if requested by the appropriate authorities
of a port state that is a Party.
5, The Administration shall notify the Organization of the specific responsibilities
and conditions of the authority delegated to the nominated surveyors or recognized
organizations for circulation to Parties for the information of their officers.
6, \Vhen the Administration, a nominated surveyor, or a recognized organization
determines that the ship's ballast water management does not conform to the
particulars of the Certificate required under regulation E-2 or E-3 or is such that
the ship is not fit to proceed to sea without presenting a threat of harm to the
environment, human heallh, property or resources, such surveyors or organization
shall immediately ensure that corrective action is taken to bring the ship into
compliance, A surveyor or organization shall be notified immediately, and it shall
ensure that the Certificate is not issued or is withdrawn as appropriate. If the ship
is in the port of another Party, the appropriate authorities of the port state shall
be notified immediately. \Vhcn an officer of the Administration, a nominated
surveyor, or a recognized organinllion has notified the appropriate authorities of
the port statc, the Government of the port state concerned shall give such officer,
surveyor or organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligations
undcr this regulation, including any action described in article 9.
7. \Vhencvcr an accident occurs to a ship or a defcct is discovered which substantially
affects the ability of the ship to conduct ballast water management in accordance
with this Convention, the owner, operator or other persoll in charge of the ship
shall report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the recognized
organization or the nominated surveyor responsible for issuing the relevant
Certilkate, who shall calise investigations to be initiated to determine whether a
survey as required by paragraph 1 is necessary. If the ship is in a port of another
Parly, the owner, operator or other person in charge shall also report immediately
to the appropriate authorities of the port state and the nominated surveyor or
recognized organization shall ascertain that such report has been made.
8. In every case, the Administration concerned shall fully guarantee the
completeness and efficiency of the survey and shall undertake to ensure the
necessary arrangements to satisfy this obligation.
9, The condition of the ship and its equipment, systems and processes shall be
maintained to conform with the provisions of this Convention to ensure that the
ship in all respects will remain fit to proceed to sea without presenting a threat of
harm to the environment, human health, property or resources.
10. After any survey of the ship under paragraph I has been completed, no change
shall be made in the structure, any equipment, fittings, arrangements or material
associated with the Ballast 'Vater Managcment Plan required by regulation B-1
and covered by the survey without the sanction of the Administration, except the
direct replacement of such equipment or fittings.
Regulation E-2
Issuance or endorsement (~la Cert(ficate
1. The Administration shall ensure that a ship to which regulation E-l applics
is issued a Certificate after successful completion of a survey conducted in
accordance with regulation E-I. A Certificate issued under the authority of a
party shall be accepted by the other parties and regarded for all purposes covered
by this Convention as having the same validity as a Certilkate issued by them.
Regulation E-3
Issuance or cfl(/orSC11Jel1l (~ra CertUicate hy another Party
1. At the request of the Administration, another party may cause a ship to be
surveyed and, if satisfied that the provisions of this Convention are complied
with, shall issue or authorize the issuance of a Certificate to the ship, and where
appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of that Certificate on the ship,
in accordance with this Annex,
2. A copy of the Certificate and a copy of the survey report shall be transmitted as
soon as possible to the requesting Administration.
3. A Certificate so issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been
issued at the request of the Administration and it shall have the same force and
receive the same recognition as a Certificate issued by the Administration.
4. No Certificate shall be issued to a ship entitled to Hy the Hag of a State which is
not a Party.
Regulation E-4
Form of the Certijicate
The Certificate shall be drawn up in the official language of the issuing Party, in the form
set forth in Appendix 5. If the language used is neither English, French nor Spanish, the
text shall include a translation into olle of these languages.
Regulation E-S
Duration lind validity (dIlle Certijicate
1. A Certificate shall be issued for a period sped fied by the Administration that shall
not exceed five years.
2. Por renewal surveys:
.1 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph I, when the renewal survey
is completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing
Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion
of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of
expiry of the existing Certificate .
.2 \Vhen the renewal survey is completed after the expil'y date of the existing
Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid from the date of completion
of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding five years from the date of
expiry of the existing Certificate .
.3 \Vhen the renewal survey is completed more than three months before the
expiry date of the existing Certificate, the new Certificate shall be valid
from the date of completion of the renewal survey to a date not exceeding
five years from the date of completion of the renewal survey.
3. If a Certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the Administration
may extend the validity oflhe Certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum
9. A Certificate issued under regulation E-2 or E-3 shall eense to be valid in any of
the following cases:
.1 if the structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material
necessary to comply fully with this Convention is changed, replaced or
signiticantly repaired and the Certificate is not endorsed in accordance
with this Annex:
.2 lIpon transfer of the ship to the flag of another state. A new Certificate shall
only be issued when the party issuing the new Certitkate is fully satisfied
that the ship is in compliance with the requirements of regulation E-l, In the
case of a transfer between parties, if requested within three months after the
transfer has taken place, the party whose flag the ship was formerly entitled
to fly shall, as soon as possible, transmit to the administration copies of the
Certificates cnrried by the ship before the transfer and, if available, copies
of the relevant survey reports;
.3 if the relevant surveys arc not completed within the periods specified under
regulation E-l.l ; or
.4 if the Certificate is not endorsed in accordance with regulation E-l'!.
(Reglliation 2)
~............................... ............................................... .
(li"l designatioll (~(th(' competent person or orgalliz.atioll authorized under the plVvisiolls
(~rthe Convention)
Pal'ticulars of ship
Nanle of ship ....................................................................................................................... .
Distinctive number or letters"" ....... ,", ........ " ......... ,', .......................................................... .
Port of registry ............................................................................................... " ............... " .. .
Gross tonnage .................................................. ,' ...................... ,........... " .......................... ,",.
1M 0 llllluber.................... ,........................ ,.......... ,...................... ,........ "., ............. " ............ "
Date of construction " ......... " ....... ,............. ,................................. " .......... " .......................... .
Ballast water capacity (in cubic metres) ..... ,.......... ,........... ,........... ,........... ,', .............. ,....... .
I. That the ship has been surveyed in accordance with regulation E-J of the Annex to
the Convention: and
2. That the survey shows that ballast water management on the ship complies with the
Annex to the Convention.
Issued at ....................................................................................... .
(Place oj iss/le ,!I" Certificate)
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at a survey required by reguiation E-i of the Annex to the
Convention the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Convention:
Place ...
Piace .............................................. .
Signed ............................................ .
( signature (?lduly authorized o.l/icial)
The ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Convention, and the Certificate shall,
in accordance with regulation E-S.3 of the Annex to the Convention, be accepted as valid
until ...... , .............. , ............... " ....... , ....... "" ........................................... '" .
Place ........... , ..... ,', ..... ,"', ... ,', ...... ,', ..
Date", ..... ,", .... ,', .... ,', ..... , ........ "." ..
The ship complies with the relevant provisions of the Convcntion and this Certificate shall,
in accordance with regulation E-5.4 of the Annex to the Convention, be accepted as valid
until." ...... , ..... ,', .... ,', ....... " ...... "",, .... ,., ...... ,' ...... " ..... ,", .... ,"', .. , ...... ,.,', ...... .
Placc ..... ,', .... ,', ..... " ..... ,', .... ,", ....... ..
Date .... " ..... ,', ..... " ..... ,', .... ,", ....... ,"
This Certificate shall in accordance with regulation E-5.S and E-S.6 of the Annex to the
Convention, be accepted as valid until .................... ,............... ,... ,.. ,......... "........................ .
Signed ............................................ .
(sigllatllre of dilly allthorized lif/icial)
Date ............................................ , ..
In accordance with regulation E-S.8 of the Annex to the Convention the new anniversary
date is ,..................................................... ".... ".... ,.......... ,........................... "...................... ..
Signed ............................................ .
(signatllre of dilly allthorized ojjieia/)
Date ............................................. ..
In accordance with regulation E-S.8 of the Annex to the Convention the new anniversat)' date
~ ................................................................................................... .
Signed ............................................ .
(sigllatllre of dilly allthorized o/ficial)
(Regulation 9)
1 Introduction
In accordance with regulation B-2 of the Annex to the International Convention
for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast \Vater and Sediments, a record
is to be kept of each ballast water operation. This includes discharges at sea and
to reception facilities,
2 Ilallast water and ballast water management
Ballast water means water with its suspended matter taken on board a ship to
control trim, list, draught, stability. or stresses of a ship. Management of ballast
water shall be in accordance with an approved Ballast Water Management Plan
and taking into account guidelines developed by the Organization.
3 Entries in the ballast water record book
Entries in the Ballast Water record book shall be made on each of the following
Signature of master. ..... ,', ... , ...... " ..... , ..... " ..