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Classification of Adjective 01 09 Phrases & Idioms

Comparison of Degree 02 10 Literature

Article 03 11 One word substitution

Sequence of Tense 04
E-04 12 Analogy

Spelling 05 13 Foreign words

Linkers 06 14 Misused words

Tag Questions 07 15 Vocabulary

Group Verbs 08 16 Appropriate preposition

“What is all this noise?” The underlined word is a/an __________

(a) Pronoun

(b) Adjective

(c) Adverb

(d)None of these

(i) Nayareen completed a four years degree in Biology.

(ii) Gone are these days when we used to go swimming.

(iii) Neither reports is true.

Which of the above is/are correct?

(a) Only i & iii

(b) Only ii & iii

(c) All of these

(d) None of these

 Difference between Pronoun & Pronominal Adjective
Pronoun Pronominal Adjective
Demonstrative Adjective: Demonstrative pronoun েখি noun এর
Demonstrative Pronoun: এরকম pronoun ককো
পূ শিে িশে তখি তো Demonstrative adjective হয়।
noun কক বিশেষভোশি বিশদেে কশর।
গঠি: This+noun, These+plural noun.
কেমি-This, that, these, those, it.
That+noun ইতযোবদ।
This is a book. These are my pens.
This book is mine. These pens are mine.
Distributive Pronoun: এই pronoun একজোতীয়
Distributive Adjective: Distributive pronoun েখি adjective বহশেশি
একোবিক িযবি িো িস্তুর মশিয প্রশতযকবিশক পৃথকভোশি
noun এর পূ শিে িশে তখি তো Distributive Adjective হয়।
গঠি: (Each/Every/Either/Neither) +noun
গঠি: (Each/Either/Neither) +of+noun
Every boy has arrived.
Each of us sees the world differently.
Each book was a different colour.
Every কখিও pronoun বহশেশি িযিহৃত হয় িো।
Every েিেময় adjective বহশেশি িযিহৃত হয়, কখিও pronoun বহশেশি িযিহৃত
Incorrect: Every of them has problems.
হয় িো।
Correct: Each of them has problems.
 Difference between Pronoun & Pronominal adjective
Pronoun Pronominal Adjective
Interrogative Pronoun: এরকম pronoun প্রশ্ন Interrogative Adjective: Interrogative pronoun েখি noun এর পূ শিে
করোর জিয িযিহৃত হয়। এগুবি িোশকযর প্রথশম িশে। িশে adjective এর কোজ কশর, তখি তো Interrogative adjective হয়।
who, whose, whom, which, what. গঠি: what+noun, which+noun.
Which is your book? Which book do you want?
Who are you? What books are you reading?
Relative Pronoun: এই pronoun দুবি িোশকযর
Relative Adjective: Relative pronoun েখি noun এর পূ শিে িশে
মশিয relation িো েমন্ধ িুবঝশয় কদয়। এগুবি িোশকযর
adjective এর কোজ কশর, তখি তো Relative Adjective হয়।
মোশঝ িশে। Who, whose, whom, which, that.
We saw some people whose car had broken down.
The woman who lives next door is a doctor.
Possessive Pronoun: এই pronoun-এর দ্বোরো
Possessive Adjective: Possessive pronoun গুশিো বিজস্ব adjective
possession িো অবিকোর িুঝোশিো হয়। possessive
form আশে। এরো হশে-my, our, your, their one’s ইতযোবদ। এরো েিেময়
pronoun েমূ শহর বিজস্ব form রশয়শে েোরো একোকী
noun এর পূ শিে িশে এিং Possessive adjective বহশেশি কোজ কশর।
িশে এিং pronoun এর কোজ কশর। এরো হশে-mine,
This is our house.
ours, theirs, his, hers, its.
This is my book.
This house is ours.
(i) She is taller than I.

(ii) He is as good as she.

Which of the above is/are incorrect?

(a) Only i

(b) Only ii

(c) Both of these

(d) Neither of these

 ক োন Positive/ comparative sentence-এর প্রথম পক্ষ (subject) যদি noun/pronoun হয় তোহলে দিতীয় পলক্ষ (as---as/so--
-as/than/different from এর object) personal pronoun থো লে তোর subjective from হলে। Personal Pronoun এর
subjective form হলে I, we, they, he, she.

𝑎𝑠 … 𝑎𝑠
Noun/Pronoun + verb + 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 + subjective Pronoun

01. Which of the following is correct?

(a) He is better than me (b) He is better than mine.
(c) He is better than I (d) None of above Ans: c

02. Which sentence is correct?

(a) He is as good as mine (b) He is as good as me
(c) He is as good as myself (d) He is as good as I Ans: d
 ক োন Positive/ Comparative sentence-এর প্রথম পক্ষ (subject) যদি The+ noun + of + Noun হয়, তোহলে দিতীয় পক্ষ হলে
that of/those of + Noun।

as … as
The + Noun + of + Noun + verb + than + that of/ + noun
different from those of

01. Select the correct sentence.

(a) The roads of Dhaka is wider than Khulna

(b) The roads of Dhaka are wider than those of Khulna

(c) The roads of Dhaka are wider then those of Khulna

(d) The roads of Dhaka is wider than those of Khulna Ans: b

i) I do not propose to discuss it any farther.
ii) Eat less, work much.
iii) We want more men like him.

Which of the above is/are incorrect?

(a) Only i & ii

(b) Only ii & iii

(c) All of these

(d) None of these

 Irregular Comparison: দ ছু adjective ও adverb আলছ, যোরো ক োন দনয়ম নো কমলন comparative ও superlative হয়।

Positive Comparative Superlative

Good, well Better Best
Bad, evil, ill Worse Worst
Little Less, lesser Least
Much More Most (quantity)
Many More Most (number)

Latter Latest (most recent/newest)

Later Last (final)
Older Oldest
Elder Eldest
Far Farther Farthest

“The more you read, the more you learn.” The underlined word is a/an ________

(a) Adjective

(b) Pronoun

(c) Either of these

(d) Neither of these

 েবদ একই িযবি িো িস্তুর বিবভন্ন গুশের মশিয তুিিো করো হয় তখি েিেময় প্রথম adjective এর পূ শিে more িশে। কখিই
adjective-বির েোশথ r\er কেোগ হয় িো।
01. Which one is the correct sentence?
(a) He better than bad (b) He is much well than bad
(c) He is more good than bad (d) He is most better than bad Ans: c

 েত --- তত অশথে (the + comparative degree – the + comparative degree…..) এই structure-বি িযিহৃত হয়।
The more dangerous it is, the more I like it.

 দুশয়র মশিয কিশে কিয়ো িুঝোশত comparative degree – এর আশগ the এিং পশর of িশে।
গঠিবি এরূপ হশি- subject + verb + the + comparative form + of + the + two +….
01. Select the correct sentence:
(a) This is the wisest plan among the two (b) This is the wiser plan of the two
(c) This is the wisest plan of the two (d) This is the wiser plan between the two Ans: b

The syllabus at the public school is as good –––––– of any private school.

(a) or better than

(b) as or better than

(c) as or better than that

(d) as or better than those

 Latin comparatives-গুলেোর পর than নো েলে to েলে।

senior, junior, inferior, superior, prior, ulterior, posterior

01. He is senior –––––– me.
(a) from (b) than (c) by (d) to Ans: d

 Very & much: Positive degree এর পূ শিে very এিং Comparative degree এর পূ শিে much িশে। তশি very much
+ comparative হশত পোশর। কেমি- I am very much happier in my new life.

 Perfect, supreme, false, complete, unique, universal, extreme প্রভৃবত েব্দগুশিো বিশজরোই superlative অথে প্রদোি
কশর িশি এশদর পূ শিে most িো অিয ককোশিো qualifier িশে িো।
01. Which sentence is correct?
(a) This is an unique case. (b) This is unique case.
(c) This is a very unique case. (d) This is the most unique case. Ans: b
02. Which sentence is correct?
(a) He is a most perfect judge (b) He is the most perfect judge
(c) He is a very perfect judge (d) He is perfect judge. Ans: d

Johan is the eldest of four brothers. The underlined word is a/an ________

(a) Adjective

(b) Noun

(c) Either of these

(d) Neither of these

 Older, elder, oldest, eldest : এ েব্দগুশিোর অথে কোেোকোবে হশিও িযিহোরগত পোথেকয রশয়শে। একই পবরিোরভূি িযবিিশগের

কেশে elder/eldest িযিহোর করো হয় এিং older/oldest িযিহোর করো হয় অিযোিয কেশে।

 My eldest sister lives in Dhaka.

 Reza is the oldest man in our village.

Mr. Amin has got three sisters, Jasmine is the –––––– one.

(a) oldest (b) older

(c) elder (d) eldest Ans: d


 Article হশে এক িরশের Determiner, েো ককোি Noun এর পূ শিে a/an িশে ঐ Noun কক modify কশর। A/an িশে Singular
Countable Noun এর পূ শিে এিং The িশে Singular Countable Noun, Plural Countable Noun ও Uncountable
Noun এর পূ শিে।

Singular Countable Noun

(the book, the pen, the apple)

Singular Countable Noun T Plural Countable Noun
A/An I The
(a book, a pen, an apple) C (the books, the pens, the apples)

Uncountable Noun
(the water, the milk)
 A িোবক An ককোিবি িেশি?
 A(অযো) এিং An (অযোি) হশে Indefinite Article. Singular Common/Countable Noun এর পূ শিে A িেশি িোবক An িেশি
কেবি Pronunciation (Vowel sound ও Consonant sound) এর উপর বিভের করশি। Consonant sound (িযঞ্জি ধ্ববি)
হশি a িেশি এিং Vowel sound (স্বরধ্ববি) হশি an িেশি।

 A + Consonant letter  An + Vowel letter (অিেযই Vowel sound হশত হশি)

(অিেযই Consonant sound হশত হশি) কেমি- an egg, an apple, an ox, an ant,

কেমি- a bag, a boy, a book, a cat, a chair, an umbrella, an ice-cream, an inch

a mango, a tiger
 A + Vowel letter (অিেযই consonant sound  An + Consonant letter (অিেযই vowel sound
হশত হশি) হশত হশি)
 u/eu/ew বদশয় শুরু word এর উচ্চোরে consonant
 অিু চ্চোবরত (h silent) কথশক vowel sound উচ্চোবরত হশি
sound y(you) এর মত হয়, তখি এশদর পূ শিে a িশে।
an িশে। কেমি- an hour (আওয়োর), an honest (অশিস্ট),
কেমি- a unit (younit), a union (younion), university
an heir (এয়োর)।
(youniversity), a eulogy (youlogy), a European
আিোর H এর উচ্চোরে ‘হ’ এর মশতো হশি তোহশি
(youropean), a euphemism (youphemism), a ewe
স্বোভোবিকভোশিই article a িশে। কেমি: a horse, a
history, a hotel, a handle ইতযোবদ।

 O এর উচ্চোরে consonant sound w (ওয়ো) এর মত  েশব্দর েংবেপ্ত রূপ এর প্রথম অের consonant হওয়ো
হশি এর পূ শিে a িশে। কেমি- a one eyed man, a েশেও তোর উচ্চোরশে vowel sound আেশি তোর আশগ
one-dayer, a one-act play, a one taka note an িশে। বিশের িেেগুশিোর উচ্চোরে েিেময় vowel
a/e বদশয় হয়, তোই এই িেেগুশিো বদশয় abbreviations
 েশব্দর েংবেপ্ত রূপ এর উচ্চোরশে Vowel sound িো বিখশি েিেময় an িশে।
এশে consonant sound আেশি a িশে। f (ef) l(el) m(em) s(es)
কেমি: a BSC, a BA, a BBA কেমি- an FRCS, an LLB, an MP & an SP
(i) The duration of the match was about a quarter of hour.

(ii) Many a deer was killed in the forest.

(iii) The number of people are present.

Which of the following is/are correct?

(a) only i & iii

(b) only ii & iii

(c) all of these

(d) none of these


U → (ইউ) → a
U → (আ) → an

Abbreviated word (েব্দ েংশেপ) O → (ও) → an
(Vowel sound আেশি) O → (ওয়ো) → a

H (silent)
 Clause Marker মোশঝ িেশি-
Main Clause Clause Marker Dependent Clause
Clause marker িযতীত একোকী before/after Clause marker েংবিষ্ট ডোিপোশের
clause বি হশে main when/while clause বিই হশে dependent clause
clause/independent clause that/as soon as/if/as if/as (পরোিীি িোকযোংে)
(স্বোিীি িোকযোংে) though/till/until etc.

 Clause marker শুরুশত িেশি-

Clause Marker Dependent Clause, Main Clause
before/after মশি রোখুি- Clause marker েংবিষ্ট clause marker িযতীত একোকী
when/while ডোিপোশের clause বিই হশে clause বি হশে main
that/as soon as/if dependent clause (পরোিীি clause/independent clause (স্বোিীি
as if/as though/till/until etc. িোকযোংে)। clause marker + িোকযোংে)
dependent clause শুরুশত িেশি এর
পর, (কমো) িশে।
 দুবি িোকযোংে েখি Present Indefinite Tense হশি:
দুবি বেরন্তি েতয/বিজ্ঞোবিক েতয ইতযঅবদর কেশে: দুবি বেরন্তি েতয িো বিজ্ঞোবিক েতয ঘিিোর কেশে উভয় অংেই Present
Indefinite Tense হশি।
Present Indefinite Tense + Conjunction + Present Indefinite Tense
(Main Clause) (Dependent Clause)

01. When water _________ it turns into ice.

(a) freezes (b) will freese
(c) would freeze (d) froze Ans: a

02. A solar cell is a device that _______

(a) converts light and produces electricity
(b) converted light and produced electricity
(c) converts lighting and produces electricity
(d) conversion of light and producing electricity Ans: a
 দুবি িোকযোংশের েখি একবি Indefinite Tense এিং অিযবি Continuous Tense হশি:
দুবি িতেমোশির ঘিিো, তশি একবি েিমোি (Continue) থোকশি: েবদ দুবি িতেমোি ঘিিো when/while দ্বোরো েুি হয় তোহশি when/while
েুি অংেবি Present continuous tense হয় এিং এর বিপরীত পোশে Present indefinite tense হয়।
Present indefinite tense Present continuous tense
(Main clause) (Dependent Clause)

01. Don't make a noise while your father ______.

(a) is being asleep (b) asleep
(c) is sleeping (d) has slept Ans: c

 দুবি অতীশতর ঘিিো, তশি একবি েিমোি (Continue): when/while/as েুি অংেবি েবদ Past continuous tense হয়
তোহশি তোর বিপরীত অংশে Past indefinite tense হয়। এখোশি অতীশতর দুবি কোশজর একবি েিমোি (continue) বেি িুঝোশি।
Past indefinite tense + 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 + Past Continuous tense
(Main Clause) (Dependent Clause)
 েখি দুবি িোকযোংশের একবি Future Tense এিং অিযবি Present Tense হয়ঃ

দুবি ভবিষযশতর ঘিিো: দুবি ভবিষযৎ ঘিিো Conjunction (when, before, after, till, until) দ্বোরো েুি হশি Conjunction েুি অংশে
Present Indefinite Tense হয় এিং অপর অংশে Future Indefinite Tense হয়।
𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛, 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒,
Future Indefinite Tense + + Present Indefinite Tense
𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟, 𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙, 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙

01. I will phone you when I ______ the news.

(a) am getting (b) get

(c) will get (d) will be getting Ans: b

02. When I _____ money, I will buy a book.

(a) may get (b) may be got

(c) will get (d) get Ans: d

 প্রশতযকবি Expression এ had auxiliary থোকোয় তোরপশর main verb 𝒗𝟑 হশি। এিং অপর অংে Past Indefinite Tense হশি।
No sooner had + subject + V3 than + Past Indefinite
Scarcely had + subject + V3 when + Past Indefinite
Hardly had + subject + V3 before + Past Indefinite
01. Identify the correct sentence:
(a) No sooner had we reached the station the train left
(b) No sooner had we reached the station then the train left
(c) No sooner had we reached the station the train had left
(d) No sooner had we reached the station than the train left Ans: d
02. No sooner had he left ______ I came.
(a) then (b) than
(c) when (d) after Ans: d
03. Hardly had the train stopped ______.
(a) before we got down (b) as we got down
(c) than we got down (d) when we got down Ans: a
 Since হশত/কথশক, কেশহতু (কোরে অশথে)

Since (হশত/কথশক) দ্বোরো দুবি িোকযোংে েুিহশি Since এর পূ শিে Present Indefinite অথিো Present Perfect হশি Since এর পর
Past Indefinite হয়। এশেশে Since হশত/কথশক অশথে িযিহৃত হশি।
Present Indefinite অথিো Present Perfect + Since + Past Indefinite

01. It is two years ______ I had a holiday.

(a) since (b) when

(c) while (d) whence Ans: a

02. Twenty years ______ since my father died.

(a) are passed (b) passed

(c) have passed (d) had passed Ans: c

 একবি কম অতীত ও অিযবি কিবে অতীত হশি ‘হশত/কথশক’ অশথে since এর পূ িে Past Indefinite Tense হশি since এর পশর
Past Perfect Tense হশি।
Past Indefinite Tense + Since + Past Perfect
01. The suffered much ______ tornado had hit their village.
(a) until (b) since
(c) as if (d) let alone Ans: b
02. Ten years passed since Rahim _______ you again.
(a) meet (b) met
(c) had met (d) met Ans: c
03. I mentioned that he ___________ in my room the previous day.
(a) will lie (b) would lie
(c) had lain (d) had laid Ans: c

“I told you treat me as a friend.” The underlined word is a/an ______

(a) Preposition

(b) Adjective

(c) Adverb

(d) Conjunction
Despite is used to introduce a fact
Despite all her
Despite that is in sharp contrast with another
faults, everybody likes him.

They can listen to music provided they

Provided Provided means if or only if.
disturb nobody.

Unless means; except on the

Unless You don’t need to go unless you want to.
condition that

Since Since is used to show result. Since I see you, I am better.

So So is used to show result. Whoever says so is a liar.

If If is used to show condition. Let me know if you go to the school.

We haven’t finished eating the

Yet Yet shows contrast or joins opposites.
watermelon yet.

After After tells us about order, sequence. I can pass after the green light is on.

She usually eats at home, because she

Because Because is used to show reason.
likes cooking.

Although is used to show two Although he speaks seldom, he says

opposite statements. meaningful words.
Whereas Whereas is used to show contrast. She is very funny whereas he is boring.
But is used to join two ideas that are
But I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
Besides means in addition to, also. It She speaks three languages besides
is a preposition. Spanish.
Unlike means different from, not
Unlike Jack is completely unlike his father.
similar to.
Therefore is used to show the result She came first. Therefore she got a good
/effect of an action. sea

 Choose the pair which best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed by the
capitalised pair.
01. Apple: Fruit::
(a) Carrot: Vegetable (b) Mass: Energy
(c) Headmaster: Teacher (d) Marble: Statue
02. ‘Botany’ is to ‘plants’ as ‘Zoology to-
(a) flowers (b) Trees
(c) dear (d) animals
03. Fire: Ashes::
(a) Accident: delay (b) Water : waves
(c) Event: memories (d) Wood: fragments
(i) But me no buts, will you?

(ii) Mother let me go there, didn’t she?

(iii) The party broke at last, didn’t it?

Which of the following is/are correct?

(a) only i & ii

(b) (b) only ii & iii

(c) all of these

(d) none of these


01. He has to work hard to get higher salary, ____________________?

02. They hadn’t left when you arrived, _______________________?

03. I am your well-wisher, _____________________?

04. Let’s go to a picnic, _____________________?

05. Pass the salt, ___________________?

06. Nobody honed, _______________________?

07. You have two pets,__________________?

08. I need some books, __________________________?

09. I ought to complain, ____________________?

10. Bangladesh cricket team won the match over Sri Lanka, ____________________?

11. There has not been a great response to the sale, ___________________?

12. Everybody loves flower, ________________?

13. Nothing is impossible, ____________________________?


 Foreign Word
 Literature
 One word substitution
 Spelling will be added in the slide
 Group Verb
 Vocabulary (T-Z)
 Appropriate preposition (T - Z)

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