Military of Bangladesh: Army Navy Air Force
Military of Bangladesh: Army Navy Air Force
Military of Bangladesh: Army Navy Air Force
O Which is the largest Fertilizer Factory of O What is the name of the sculptor whose
Bangladesh?-Jamuna Fertilizer Factory. artistry was exhibited in Seol Olympic in
O Which is the largest Museum of 1988? Hamiduzzaman
Bangladesh?- National Museum, Shabag, O Who is internationally famous Bangladeshi
Dhaka. architect? Fazlur Rahman Khan.
O Which is the largest garden of Bangladesh? O Who was the sculptor of “Stapes” that took
Ramna Garden. place in the Seol Olympic Park?
O Which is the largest five star Hotel of Hamiduzzaman Khan.
Bangladesh?- Hotel Rupashi Bangla O Which architecture is known as ‘Sammillito
Proyas’? Savar National Smriti Memorial.
O Who is the architect of Mishuk? –Mostofa
Highest/Tallest Slowest of Bangladesh
O How many pillars are of National Memorial?
Seven (7)
Highest Court Bangladesh Supreme
O What is the altitude of National Memorial? 150
Highest Mountain Bijoy
O Who is the architect of central Sahid Minar?
Hamidur Rahman.
Highest Rain Zone Srimongal (Lalkhan) O Where the sculpture ‘Songsoptok’ is
Lowest rain zone Lal pur (Natore) situated? Jahangirnagar University.
Coldest Zone Srimongal (Moulabi O Who is the architect of National Museum?
Bazar) Mostufa Kamal.
Highest Hill Mymensing Garo O Who is the architect of national children park
Tallest Tree Bailam (240 feet) and Botanical garden? Samsul Wares.
Tallest building City Center O Who is the architect of national parliament
building and M.P. hostel? Professor Lui Ey Can.
O Who is the sculptor of Aparajoy Bangla?
Abudallah Khald.
O Who is the sculptor of ‘Soparjito Sadhinata’?
Largest, Longest and Widest of Bangladesh Shamim Sikdar
O When was the foundation of national
memorial founded? on 16 December, 1972
Largest sea Cox’s Bazar sea beach. (155 O Who established the foundation of national
beach K.M). memorial? Late president Bangobondhu
Longest river The Meghna (670 Sheikh Mojibur Rahman.
Kilometres). O When was the sculpture ‘Soparjito
Largest rain Bangabandhu multipurpus Sadhinota’ inaugurated? 25 March, 1989.
bridge bridge
largest Highway Bangabandhu Jamuna Collected from
bridge bridge
Widest river The Jamuna river FOOTAGE-BUP Concept Book & Question
Largest river Brahmaputra. Bank For FASS & FSSS
(Best Book for BUP Admission Test)
Architect & Architecture of Bangladesh
3rd Edition,2020.
O Who is the founder of Baitul Mocarrom
Mosque? -Abul Hossain Md. Thariani Please collect your copy from your nearest
O Who is the architect of national memorial. - library &
Moinul Hossain
For info -01737772739