Military of Bangladesh: Army Navy Air Force

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FOOTAGE-BUP Concept Book & Question Bank for FASS & FSSSS

O What is the reserve seat of Parliament for the

Military of Bangladesh women? - 50.
O What is the duration of Parliament? - 5 years.
Army Navy Air Force O What is called Parliament in English? -
General Admiral Air Chief Marshal House of the Nation.
O Who invites the assembly of the Parliament?
Lieutenant General Vice Admiral Air Marshal - President.
Major General Rear Admiral Air Vice Marshal O What is the interval time from one assembly
to another one? - 60 days.
Brigadier General Comodore Air Commodore O How many members are necessary for the
Colonel Captain Group Captain Quarum? - 60 members.
O What is the present Govt, sytem in
Lieutenant Colonel Commander Wing Commander
Bangladesh? - Parliamentsary system.
major Lieutenant Squadron Leader O Who is the chief of state and Govt. in
Commander Parliamentary system. - Chief of the staste-
Captain Lieutenant Fight Lieutenant President and chief of the govt.-Prime
Lieutenant Sub Lieutenant Flying Officer Minister.
O What was he system of Govt. in Bangladesh
Second Lieutenant Midshipman Pilot Officer after the independence? - Parliamentary
O When was one sided ‘Baksal’ established in
Bangladesh? - 25 January, 1975.
Parliament Building O To whom did the President submit his
resignation letter? - To the speaker.
O Where is the National Parliament Bhaban? - O Which Deputy Speaker was killed by a
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. member of Parliament? - Deputy Speaker.
O On how many acres of land the National O Which Deputy Speaker was killed by a
Parliament Bhaban is built? - 215 Acres. member of Parliament? - Deputy Speaker
O When was the building of National Shahed Ali.
Parliament Bhaban started? - 1964-1965. O Who formulates the Public Committee and
O Who is the architect of Parliament Bhaban? Accounts Committee? - National Parliament.
- Professor Luice-I-Khan, an architect of the O Where is situated the crescent lake? - Near
USA. the National Parliament.
O How many stories are in Parliament Bhaban? O What is ‘casting vote’? - Vote of the Speaker.
- 9. O What does whip do in Parliament? - To
O What is the height of Parliament Bhaban? - maintain the peace.
155 feet 8 inches. O What is ‘Floor crossing’? - To cast vote for
O What is the height of Parliament room? - 112 opposition.
feet. O When is the regular meeting of the minister
O What are the number of seats for the members held? - Every monday in week.
of Parliament in House of Nation? Ans: O Which is called the laws declared by the
350. President? - Indemnity.
O How many seats are there in House of Nation O When did the Parliament recognize the care
for the guests? - 56. taker system? - 27 March, 1996.
O How many seats are for the Journalists? - 80. O When did President recognize the law of
O How many seats are there for the executives? care-taker system? - 28 March, 1996.
- 41. O Which district has the most seats and how
O How many seats are there for the audience? - many are they? - Chittagong, 15.
430. O How many foreign Presidents delivery their
O When was the House of Nation inaugurated? speeches in our Parliament? - 2 (two).
- 28th February, 1982. O Which Parliament had the short duration? -
O Who inaugurated the house of Nation? - 6th Parliament (only 13 days).
Formerly President Abdus Satter. O How many parties took part in the election of
O What is the symbol of the Parliament? - seventh Nation Parliament? - 81 parties.
O What are the numbers of elected seats of the
parliament? - 300.
FOOTAGE-BUP Concept Book & Question Bank for FASS & FSSSS

First in Bangladesh O Which is the first drama of ‘Ekushee’?-

Kabor. (Munir Chowdhury)
O Who is the first president of Bangladesh?- O Which is the first Novel of Ekushee?-Arekh
Bangabandhu Sheikh Muzibur Rahman. Falgun (Zahir Rayhan)
O Who is the first Acting president?-Syed O By which Arabian Country was Bangladesh
Nazrul Islam (17 April, ’71 to 12 January first recognized?-Iraq.
1972) O In Bangladesh first test tube baby was born
O Who was the first Prime Minister of on-29 May, 2001
Bangladesh?-Tajuddin Ahmed (17 April to 12 O What is the name of first test tube baby?-
January 72) Hira, Moni & Mukta
O Who was the first Vice-President of
Bangladesh?-Syed nazrul Islam Largest & Smallest of Bangladesh
O Who was the first foreign minister of
Bangladesh?-Khondakar Mostak Ahmed. O Which is the largest District?-Ranghamati,
O Who was the first home minister of Area 6116 Squar K.M.
Bangladesh?-AHM Kamruzzaman. O Which is the largest Embankment of
O Who was the first lady Prime minister in Bangladesh?-Kaptai Embankment.
Bangladesh?-Begum Khaleda Zia O Which is the largest sea port of Bangladesh?-
O Who was the first Lady opposition leader?-Sheikh Chittagong Sea port.
Hasina. O Which is the largest power plant of
O Who was the first Chief Justice of Bangladesh?-Veramara power plant, Kustia.
Bangladesh? Justice A.S.M. Sayem O Which is the largest Stadium of Bangladesh?-
O When was the first sitting of parliament held? Mirpur, no.2 National Stadium
10 April, 1972 O Which is the largest Cinema Hall of
O Who was the first speaker of the parliament?- Bangladesh?- Monihar (Jessor)
Speaker Shah Abdul Hamid. O Which is the largest Memorial of
O Who was the first Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka Bangladesh?- National Memorial.
University?-Sir. P.J. Hartz.
O Which is the largest Temple of Bangladesh?-
O At first who raised the national flag? A.S.M.
Dhakeshori Temple
Abdur Rab.
O Which is the largest Cultural Research Centre
O By which country Bangladesh was
recognized first?-India. of Bangladesh?- Bangla Academy.
O When was the currency of Bangladesh O Which is the largest Division of
innovated?-4 March, 1972 Bangladesh?- Chittagong Division
O Who was the first governor of Bangladesh O Which is the largest City of Bangladesh?-Dhaka
Bank?-A.N. Hamidullah. city
O Which Prime Minister visited Bangladesh O Which is the largest University of
first?-Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandi. Bangladesh?- Dhaka University
O The first Commercial ship of Bangladesh?- O Which is the largest Jamee Mosque of
Banglar Dut. Bangladesh?-Baytul Mukarram Jame
O The name of first Bangla film is-Mukh-O- Mosque.
Mukhos. O Which is the largest Railway Station of
O In which Olympic did Bangladesh participate for Bangladesh?- Kamlapur Railway Station
the first time?-In 1984, Los Angles Olympic O Which is the largest paper mill of
O Where was the first satellite center of Bangladesh Bangladesh?- Khulna Newsprint mill
established?-Bethbunia, Ranghamati O Which is the largest Gas Field of
O In which World Cup Cricket did Bangladesh Bangladesh?- Bakhorabad (Comilla)
participate for the first time-1999, England. O Which is the largest Sugar mill of
O When did Bangladesh participate in the test
Bangladesh?- Cary & co, Darshona (Kushtia)
match?-10 November, 2000.
FOOTAGE-BUP Concept Book & Question Bank for FASS & FSSSS

O Which is the largest Fertilizer Factory of O What is the name of the sculptor whose
Bangladesh?-Jamuna Fertilizer Factory. artistry was exhibited in Seol Olympic in
O Which is the largest Museum of 1988? Hamiduzzaman
Bangladesh?- National Museum, Shabag, O Who is internationally famous Bangladeshi
Dhaka. architect? Fazlur Rahman Khan.
O Which is the largest garden of Bangladesh? O Who was the sculptor of “Stapes” that took
Ramna Garden. place in the Seol Olympic Park?
O Which is the largest five star Hotel of Hamiduzzaman Khan.
Bangladesh?- Hotel Rupashi Bangla O Which architecture is known as ‘Sammillito
Proyas’? Savar National Smriti Memorial.
O Who is the architect of Mishuk? –Mostofa
Highest/Tallest Slowest of Bangladesh
O How many pillars are of National Memorial?
Seven (7)
Highest Court Bangladesh Supreme
O What is the altitude of National Memorial? 150
Highest Mountain Bijoy
O Who is the architect of central Sahid Minar?
Hamidur Rahman.
Highest Rain Zone Srimongal (Lalkhan) O Where the sculpture ‘Songsoptok’ is
Lowest rain zone Lal pur (Natore) situated? Jahangirnagar University.
Coldest Zone Srimongal (Moulabi O Who is the architect of National Museum?
Bazar) Mostufa Kamal.
Highest Hill Mymensing Garo O Who is the architect of national children park
Tallest Tree Bailam (240 feet) and Botanical garden? Samsul Wares.
Tallest building City Center O Who is the architect of national parliament
building and M.P. hostel? Professor Lui Ey Can.
O Who is the sculptor of Aparajoy Bangla?
Abudallah Khald.
O Who is the sculptor of ‘Soparjito Sadhinata’?
Largest, Longest and Widest of Bangladesh Shamim Sikdar
O When was the foundation of national
memorial founded? on 16 December, 1972
Largest sea Cox’s Bazar sea beach. (155 O Who established the foundation of national
beach K.M). memorial? Late president Bangobondhu
Longest river The Meghna (670 Sheikh Mojibur Rahman.
Kilometres). O When was the sculpture ‘Soparjito
Largest rain Bangabandhu multipurpus Sadhinota’ inaugurated? 25 March, 1989.
bridge bridge
largest Highway Bangabandhu Jamuna Collected from
bridge bridge
Widest river The Jamuna river FOOTAGE-BUP Concept Book & Question
Largest river Brahmaputra. Bank For FASS & FSSS
(Best Book for BUP Admission Test)
Architect & Architecture of Bangladesh
3rd Edition,2020.
O Who is the founder of Baitul Mocarrom
Mosque? -Abul Hossain Md. Thariani Please collect your copy from your nearest
O Who is the architect of national memorial. - library &
Moinul Hossain
For info -01737772739

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