Making Comparatives
Making Comparatives
Making Comparatives
Common Error 2: Doubling up comparisons or superlatives
o INCORRECT: His car is more faster than mine.
o REVISION: His car is faster than mine.
o INCORRECT: His car is the most fastest.
o REVISION: His car is the fastest.
Common Error 3: Using empty comparisons (part of the
comparison is missing)
o INCORRECT: The participants were more experienced.
o REVISION: The participants were more experienced than the
previous participant pool.
o INCORRECT: The line moved more slowly.
o REVISION: The line moved more slowly than the line next to it.
Common Error 4: Using ambiguous comparisons (the comparison
has more than one possible meaning)
o INCORRECT: She likes pizza better than her husband. (Does this
mean that pizza is better than her husband?)
o REVISION: She likes pizza better than her husband does. (Now it
is clear that the comparison is who likes pizza more.)
o INCORRECT: Her suitcase is bigger than John. (Does this mean
that the size of the suitcase is larger than another person?)
o REVISION: Her suitcase is bigger than John’s. (Now it is clear
that the comparison is about two suitcases, not about John.)
Common Error 5: Missing the article “the” in the superlative
o INCORRECT: Finishing quickly was least important task.
o REVISION: Finishing quickly was the least important task.
o INCORRECT: The youngest girl was also littlest.
o REVISION: The youngest girl was also the littlest.
Subject + Verb + Not + As + Adjective + As + Object
The floral one is not as beautiful as the yellow one.
They are not as shy as their friends.
My grandpa is not as old as my grandma.
The house is not as expensive as the apartment.