Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras
Abstract- Minimizing the pressure index of a composite solid propellant is of prime importance as far as the
stability of solid rocket motor is concerned. Aluminized and non-aluminized propellants of different
formulations are tested in window bomb and the burning rates are analyzed. A constant burning rate is obtained
in the pressure range 60-80 bars for the propellants with low fine AP/binder ratio, ultrafine AP and cured by
IPDI. This is termed as plateau burning and the pressure index is found to be minimal in the corresponding
pressure range.
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 5, Issue-1, Jan.-2017
Table 1. Propellant formulations. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The matrices of fine AP/Binder ratio from 55/45 to
75/25 are burned in window bomb and the result is
shown in figure 2. These matrices are prepared with
fine AP of size 5-10 micrometer and cured by IPDI.
The matrices 75/25 and 70/30 is burned
completely in all pressures from 20 bars to 70 bars.
The matrix 65/35 is quenched beyond 30 bars. The
matrices 60/40 and 55/45 is started quenching at 30
bar itself. This self-quenching is called the mid-
pressure extinction and it happens primarily due to
the fine AP-Binder melt layer interactions. As we
move from 75/25 to 55/45, the fine AP content
decreases and correspondingly the binder content
increases which make the fine AP movement in
binder melt layer easier and thus the mid-pressure
extinction range is shifting towards left as the plot
proceed to bottom.
Development of Aluminized and Nonaluminized Composite Solid Propellants With Low Pressure Index
International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092, Volume- 5, Issue-1, Jan.-2017
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Development of Aluminized and Nonaluminized Composite Solid Propellants With Low Pressure Index