Foreign Words For SNAP - NMAT - IIFT: Facebook & Telegram Links
Foreign Words For SNAP - NMAT - IIFT: Facebook & Telegram Links
Foreign Words For SNAP - NMAT - IIFT: Facebook & Telegram Links
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1. agenda list of things to be done
2. ambiguous having a double meaning
3. atrocity cruel act
4. cull select from a variety of sources
5. debilitate weaken
6. dirigible capable of being guided
7. ferrous made of iron
8. flux in the process of flowing
9. futile in vain
10. incalculable too great to be counted
11. insipid lacking flavor
12. introspection looking within at one's mental or emotional state
13. languid slow, relaxed
14. lucubration meditation
15. modicum small amount
16. moribund near death
17. mundane worldly as opposed to spiritual
18. naive exhibiting lack of experience
19. obvious clear
20. perpetuate preserve
21. perturb make anxious
22. plausible probable
23. precarious uncertain
24. rapport close relationship
25. renegade a rebellious person
26. reprisal retaliation
27. stipend fixed allowance
28. succumb fail to resist
29. tentative provisional
30. ubiquity found everywhere
1. Á la Carte According to the menu
2. Adieu Farewell
3. Adroit Dexterous, skilful, clever
4. Au contraire On the contrary
5. Ballet A classical type of dance
6. Bon appétit enjoy your meal
7. Bon voyage Have a good journey
8. Bouquet Bunch of flowers
9. Boutique Small store or company
10. Brunette Brown-haired girl.
11. Bureau Office
12. Cache Collection of items of the same type
13. Café Coffeehouse
14. Chauffeur Driver
15. Cliché An overused expression or idea, stereotype
16. Clique A small exclusive group of friends
17. Coup Seizure of power, successful act or move
18. Couturier Fashion designer
19. Critique Critical analysis or evaluation of a work
20. Debacle Complete failure, fiasco
21. Debacle An event or enterprise that ends suddenly and disastrously,
often with humiliating consequences.
22. Décor Décor
23. Déjà vu A feeling you've experienced something before
24. En route On the way
25. Façade The front view of an edifice
1. Alligator A lizard
2. Avocado A dark green pear-shaped fruit
3. Breeze A small wind
4. Canyon A deep narrow gorge with steep sides
5. Cargo Goods that are transported through ship, aircraft, or motor
6. Fiesta Festival
7. Guerrilla little war
8. Lasso A rope with a knot that forms a ring to catch horses and cattle
9. Mosquito An insect
10. Mustang A small and lightly built American horse
11. Patio An open area or a courtyard attached to a house
12. Plaza Public square
13. Ranch A large farm to raise livestock or crops
14. Siesta nap
15. Stampede A sudden frenzied rush of people or animals
16. Tornado A powerful, destructive windstorm that forms itself into a cone-
like shape, capable of destroying everything on land
17. Vanilla A sweet substance
1. Angst fear, depression, anger
2. Automat Machine
3. Bagel a type of food
4. Cobalt A color
5. Fest feast, celebration, party
6. Gestapo police force
7. Hamster a small animal
8. Kaput not working, broken
9. Kindergarten grade before first grade
10. Knapsack a backpack or book bag
11. Kraut cabbage
12. Panzer a type of German tank
13. Plunder taking goods by force
14. Poltergeist Ghost
15. Rucksack backpack
16. Waltz a formal dance
17. Wanderlust pleasure, desire, wanting