MF-107 MCQ Test - Google Form Answer Key
MF-107 MCQ Test - Google Form Answer Key
MF-107 MCQ Test - Google Form Answer Key
5) “Management should find one best way to perform a task” Which technique of scientific
management is defined in the sentence
a) Time Study
b) Motion Study
c) Fatigue Study
d) Method Study
8) The Plans which deal with fairly small set of activities are called
a) Strategic Plan
b) Tactical plan
c) Operational plan
d) Personal plan
9) MBO offers basis for assessing the …….
a) Techniques
b) Performance
c) Authority
d) Subject
11) An identified group of people contributing their efforts towards attainment of goals is called
a) Organization
b) Business
c) Management
d) Department
12) As the span of management increases in the organization, the number of levels of
management in the organization
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains unchanged
d) None of the above
13) Identify the type of organizational structure which facilitates occupational specialization
a) Functional structure
b) Horizontal structure
c) Network structure
d) Divisional structure
14) When the “voice of customers” is brought in to the organization, which of the following
organizational structure works best?
a) Virtual teams
b) Cross functional teams
c) Matrix
d) Line and staff
15) Why grievances to be redressed?
a) Collective disputes conversion
b) Affects the management
c) Affects the individual
d) All of above
18) Direction is________ function performed by all the managers at all levels of the organization
a) Managerial
b) Organizational
c) Both a) & b)
d) None of the above
19) When authority is delegated as per the organisation structure it is called ____.
A. formal delegation.
B. informal delegation.
C. general delegation.
D. specific delegation.
24) Controlling function brings the management cycle back the to the
a) Organizing function
b) Planning function
c) Directing function
d) None of above
25) Reducing the workers absenteeism in a factory by 20% is an example of
a) Qualitative standard
b) Quantitative standard
c) Deviation
d) None of above