Senator Joe McCarthy Morphine Addict
Senator Joe McCarthy Morphine Addict
Senator Joe McCarthy Morphine Addict
. Maryland state Archives
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MSA No. Sl268
(Death Record, Counties)
Joseph Raymond McCarthy
May 2, 1957
Certificate #05373
Montgomery County
As witness my hand and the seal of the Hall of Records Commission
of the State of Maryland as authorized by Section 9-1009, State
Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, 1984 edition,
as amended to date.
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: Edward C. ·papenfuse
~.::State ·c
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-05397 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Reg, Dltt. No. 215 ;.;.(.
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John H. Shenefield
Acting Associate Attorney General
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--" ~'---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cashire, England. lfome: Kirkannan. Castle Douglas, Kirk- America, American Institule for Political Communication. The daughter of a union attorney, Cheshire was born and raised
dt• Ill ~1u•rre ffHun·.
cudbrightshire DG7 I PE, Scolland. Central States Speech Communication Asoociation. Easiern in Harlan, Kentucky , better known during the 1930's as "bloody
'rmis ~t de.,· lwmmes.
Communication Association. Awards. honorJ": Fellow of Na- Harlan." It was in Harlan that Cheshire received her "bapfom
('fJ t/t•.f portulun.r; 0 11,
c,~REER: Archilcct. wriler. editor. Memli.r: Royal Institute by fire, .. spending the first twenty-one years of her life amidst
·e-Empirc. 1980. lional Endowment fur the Humanities. 1974.
of British ArchitccL• . the violence of the area's continuing war between 1he pro-
·rull<·s, lf'ranccl. 1943 WRITINGS: (With Bernard L. Brock) Public Policy Deci.>im1- union coal miners and the anti-union mine owners. The au~
WRITINGS: Shafi I /Je an Architea?, A . Wheaton & Co., Making: Systems i\11alysis and Comparatfrr Adrnntages De-
c hundred 11 lh articles 1967; (editor wilh David Sidney Parlett) House s Guide to th<· tobiography reviews the events of Cheshire's early life. in·
·I <!f Parap.n~-fwlo~.r bote. Harper, 1973; (with Caroline Hamsher) Orirnratio11 to eluding incidents such as the time she was caught, while still
R1..·n1111mt.•11dutio11s. Rt.•xulatimrs, um} Swrwory and Adrisary Public Communication, Science Research Associates. 1976;
t.L 11)54-. a babe in anns. in lhc machine-gun crossfire of an anti-union
Bodies of the Buildini: Industry, House Independent Publish- (editor) Gaysptak: Gay Male/Lesbian Communicatinns. Pil-
ing. 1968, revised edition (wilh Margaret Fisher). 1970; (editor debacle. The journalist also recollects watching throughout her
I cmomologiSI. Remy grim Press, 1981. Contributor to spt.-cch journals. Editor of
with Jdhn Painter Piper) Wilishire: A Shell Guide, 3rd edition childhood as her father pcrfonncd the ritual of strapping on
uch uhout populalion. Mo~nt.r in Ccmttmpowry Rlretoric and Commu11ication. 1971-
(Cheetham was not associated with earlier editions published his bulletproof vest each morning before he left the house.
· , from the animal king- 73.
~t <1m:c rcm~ukc<l . he as Shell Guide to Wiltshire). Merrimack Book Service, 1968;
WORK IN PROGRESS: LJrmru.11ism a11d Drumatur~_\": Com·
Cheshire's father died in 1951. leaving his family easy prey
Jli nl! with vcnchrah!S. (undcrname Hal Chec1ham) P11rtrai1 of Oxford, R. Hale. 1971 , for his fonncr enemies. Thus, when the city's political strong-
munication a.< Lift and Metaphor; rc.carch on ncurophysio-
• I~ gros'i. What arc published as Portrait of Oxford: Hi>wry a11d Guide of tht• City anncr. Merle Middlelon. found himself in need of an alibi after
ofOxford. England. International Publications Services. 1972; logical responses of lhe br:iin to electronic media; research on
IOWit: :-.. rai~c no call le. a double murder in downlown Harlan, he simply lied to au-
Eunice Books i11 fluiltfing . Mac millan. 1972-; (editor) Guide illness as a rlicturical act, or psychosomatic illness as a function
.toragi:'! Ants ~nd hccs lhorilics . According to Cheshire. he fabricated a story about
trs ·· to rlw Comtructio11 l11du.1tl)'. Rcdland. 1973 . publishc,J as R•d- of symbolically constructed social realities. having been with her and her attorney looking at some tim-
lancl Guidt' to tit(• Recmmrwndmions. Rexuhaion.L llnd Statu- SIDEUG/ITS: Chescbr.> wrote: .. At present. my research er. berlands . It was made perfectly clear, re<:ounted the author,
111 Unfrerst•. Chauvi n wry crnd A<frisury Bodie.<; of tlu• Conj'tructiun lnduslry, 1974. fort is to integrate area.< of investigation traditionally vi ewed that were she 10 deny Middlelon his nealcd alibi her two younger
t~ as well a~ recreates
Contributor uf articles to periodicals. including fllack1rnods u di.crcte. Particularly. I am seeking a theoretical schema bro1hcrs would likely mcet with a fatal "accident. .. Needing
tctl wllh the insect..; In
Mae:a1im1 • Hou.'lt' mrd Garden. ancJ i\rchitt.'<'t.t' Journal . which unifies symbol-using. physiological reactions of the hrJin no further impetus. the family fled Harlan under covcrof night.
><>eial and individua l and centraJ nervous system. and media use under the term. taking only S4.500 in cash and a loaded .38 revol\'cr. They
ii hy crilics. this study
·ttcd a n:,·tcwcr in 1hc * * * drama . These linkages arc being tle"cloped in parts. I have
linked symbol-u~ing and physiological reactions. ncuroph ys-
relocated in Knoxville, Tennessee, where the journalist found
work as a police reporter wi th the Kncm•illr News-Sent ind.
CH'EN, Chi-yun 1933- iological reactions and media. drama anti media. What remains And. Cheshire noted in her autobiography , "l have never set
au\·in also invc'itiga1c.~ is to develop one schema which unifies these dimensions.'· foot in Kenlucky again.' ·
PERSONAL: Born May~- 1933. in Canton. China; came to
.lls. Since the behavior the United Slates in 1960. naturalized c itizen. 1973; son of .. As a result of such experiences. she \Cheshire I has a belief
,1 tcd. mctho<l~ uf ana- Chok-sun {Won-yin) Chen and Shao Po-ching: married Yvonne
* * * in the mob and a Monse of conspiracy equaled only by other
hisrica1cJ. It i!" for this Yuan-ifan (an architect). 1962; children: Donna Tc-wei, Da- CHESHIRE, Maxine 1930- mob reporters and Government prusccurors." opined Ephron.
rvation as the method vina Tc-min. Education: Taiwan N<innal University, B.Ed., J>ERSONAL: Born April 5. 1930. in Harlan. Ky.; daughter of "For several years, she carried a gun in the glo ve compartment
.. Fnr example. while 1'156: New As ia College. Hong Kong. M.A .. 1958: Harvard
Millard F. (a union lawyer) and Sylvia fa legal a ide; maiden o f her car. She has a mob>lcr's contempt for informers. even
h<1Viori~1 lea rned that
University. A.M., 1962 . Ph.D.. 1967. Office: Department of when they arc her informers. . . And she quotes with glee
1'imity to each other in name, Cornett) Hall: married Herbcn W. Cheshire (a journal-
History. University of Californb. Sama Barbara. Calif. 93 106. ist). Aprii 25. i 954; chiJ.lren: Marc. Hall. Paden. Leigh. Ed- remarks from others that make her sound as fearsome as any
'ioons sec dan£cr. and
Godfather. .. Supporting Ephron's assessment, c rilic Michael
1c ..;pccics miss4.!s. 1hc C,\REER: Univer.;ity of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, lecturer in ucati011: Attended Univers ity of Kentuck y. 1 949-~0. and Union
Halberstam admitted in the Washi11g1011 Post Book World: .. A
~ \'ic wcd in c.:aptivicy Chinese history. 1963-67; University of California . Santa Bar- College, 1951 -52.
Washington reviewer approaches lhis txx>k with some trepi-
111 ,,bscrvcr. Chauvin, hara. ""istant profc"or. 1967-74. as.wciatc professor. 1974-
XO. professor of his1ory. 1980-. Visi ting asS<>eiatc professor dation. Maxine Cheshire. after all. not only has a reputation
rk Time.\' /Joo/.: H1..Tiew CAREER: Reporter fur 8urbc111rvilk Mou111ai11 Atfro..-utc. Bar-
al Harvard University. 1973-74; Mok Hing Cheong senior fel- as a tough rcponer, hut docs not hesilatc to proclaim it in her
·t'k.:lal ;mimals (hmugh bourYille. Ky .. and Harra11 Daily Enterprise. Harlan, Ky. :
low at Chinese University of Hong Kong. Aft.tml>er: American book... As evidence. Halberstam offered the following cx-
1al. sympalhcl ic llR>Ufh Knux vi/le N~ws-Senti11cl. Knox ville . Tenn .. police reporter,
Historical Association. Association of Asian Smdics. ccrpt.S from 1\lcnim! Clleshiu. Reporter: ''Drew Pcarson·s widow
1951-54; Washi11Kton Pim, Washington. D .C .. women·s page ·1old a mutual acquaintance that I was the only person in Wash-
::;. !.i,1r11n· Journal. WRITINGS: /fom Y11t'11 . A.D. 1411-20<J: The Life a11d Rcflcc- reporter. 1954-65, columnist. 1965-81. Author of--VI P"column inglon her hushand really feared ' ; ' Whate ver the FBI may have .
1ril. 1961 : -Enmomisl. rirms uf t.111 Eurl_r Medie\-·a/ Confuciun, Cambridge University for Los Angeles Times :>yndieate. beginning 1965. Spons it's probably nothing compared to what is tucked away in the
r 1h. t<J(>:'i: T;nws Li1- Press. 1975: Hw11 Y11t'l1 1111d fh<' Mimi of lat<' Han China. stdngrr for Louin·ill~ Couritr-Journal,· stringer for N~wstttt files of Maxine Cheshire· (James J. Kilpartrick): and ' My net-
·s:t1111 l'ost /loo/.: World. Princeton University Press. 1980. (newsletter for women). 4 wards. honors: Worth Bingham work of sources is so vast and infamous thal Teddy Kennedy
'l1mk.r. November 2 J, Award, 1974. for distinguished reporting: Front Page Award once said thal if Bobby had been elec ted he was going lo give
1•1 ,1 ~- i . 1968. April 4. * * * from the Baltimore- Washington Newspaper Guild; George me !he choice of either Dick Helms· or J. Edgar Hoover·.,
. I'1111: O/J.l·ern·r. Dc- Pryor Award; Sigma Delta Chi award, 1976; Drew Pearson jobs. '··
1111r1r, April I . 1971: CHESEBRO, James William 1944- Award for Journalism [re>m the National Press Clu b. 1976. for
l;rnu11ry. flJKl: Srfrncc ·~sustained co:nribution lo invcstigati,,c reporting." Cheshire began her career a. a society reporter af1cr moving
l'ERSO/\IAL: Bnm June 24. 1944, in Minneapolis, Minn. ; son to Washington. D.C., following her marriage, in 1954. lo Herb
•nu;uy . i IJX I~ Co111rm- of Floyd J . and Jeanelle M . Chesebro. Ed11c<11im1: Unive"ity WRITINGS: (With John c; n.:en)·a) Mu.rine Cht'.<hin•. Reporter. Cheshire. a UPI (U nited Press International) bureau chief. In
of Minneso ta. B. A .. 1966. Ph. D . . 1972; Illinois Stale Uni- Houghton. 1978. Contributor of articles to magazines. Wa,hington she took 1he only newspaper job she could find.
versity. M .S . . 1967. Re.<idc11ce: forest Hills . N.Y. Offic<•:
SIDELIGllTS: Allhough Cheshire's profcs.<;ed ambition was tn workmg on the woman's page of the \Ve1shi11gwn POJt. "I
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences. Queens Col-
be a lawyer. her autobiography . Mnxi11e C/wshir<'. Reporter. walke d into the job with my nose in the air. intending In stay
lege o f the City University llf New York. Flushing. N. Y.
reveals her early inclination toward Journalism. At the age of only long enough tu trJnsfcr rn citysidc coverage, or anywhere
I l.'67.
oldl five, recalled the author. she slopped at the local newspaper else . a.' soon as possible. I was not interested in tea-party
CAREER: Concordia College. Moorhead. Minn .. instructor in office on her way home from kindcrgancn and told the wom- journalism." remembered Cheshire ... As it !urned ou1. neither
speech cummunica1ion. 1967-69; Temple University. Phila- an· s page editor: --1 know everything that goes on in this town. was my new boss !Marie Sauer!. As much as anyQllC in Amer-
delphia. Pa .. as'istant prufc»llr. 1972-79, associate professor and if you give me a job so will you.· · Sixteen yean. later ican journalism . . . Sauer was responsible for the shift away
i 'J!J. of speech communicatinn. 19M0-8 I: Queens College of the Cily Cheshire jo ined the paper's staff as a reporter. eventually nK>v- from the tradition of lightweight chilchat of the nalion·s wmn-
University of New York. Flushing. N. Y .. associalc professor ing tu the Washin~ton Po.<t. where she gained national repute cn·s pages . I had stumbled into the right place at precisely the
of communica1ion arts and 'cienccs. 198 1-. Member: Speech .. for her expertise in the field of Inside Din ... pointed out Nora right time.·· Actually, "Maxine Cheshire made the most of
l'l \\'arringlon . Lm- Communication Association of America. Rhetoric Society of Ephron in the Ne"' York Time.< ll11ok R<"•·iell'. what was open to her.·· observed Halberstam. ''Brilliant . in-
..................................... ~~
,.>- ·- "
• ·• I~ CHILES
corruptible. she not only overshadowed her sisters in ' society CAREER: Writer and sailor. Lecturer: guest on television pro- Asia ..In M3Y: 1980 . he was invited by the People's I
re porting,' but many of her colleagues on the city and national grams. including the " Merv Griffi n Show: · of Chon3 ln~t1tu1e of Foreign Affairs to visit tha t coui
Initially. Cheshire made her mark at the Washington Pust by
WRITINGS: Storm Passage: Alone Around Cape Hom (Dol-
phin Book Club selection). Times Books, 1977; The Open * * *
covering First Ladies. Then. in I 962. after writing a series of 8001: AC'ross the Pacifit• (Dolphin Book Club selection}, Nor- CHlTIY, Lelllla 1897- 1982
articles revealing Jacqueline Kennedy's plans for redecorating ton. 1 9~2: T/ir Open Boar II: The East, Nan on. in press.
Contributor to magazines and newspapers. including Cruising OBffUARY NOTICE: Bum July 15 . 1897: died Scptc1
the White House. the reporter was rewa.rded with her own 1982. Engineer. educator. and author. The first womar
column. "'VIP" (f0< ··very Interesting People") quickly earned W11rld. Yachting \Vorld. Yachti1111 Monthly. and Modem Boat-
firSI class.honors i.n the. mechanical sciences tripos cxar
the Oedgling columnist her reputation "' " that Cheshire Cat.·· ing.
at Cambnd~c Unovcri;uy. Chitty helped to formulate
Syndicated in 196.5, '"VIP" regularly scooped the competi tion, IVORK IN PROGRESS: T/1t• Open Boat Ill: Across the Atla111ic, u~ str~SSC> m a1 rcra~t structures that were published ir
drawing on the journalist's growing files of information and public3tion by Sail Book' c~pccted in 1984. Air M1ms1ry papen> on the I 930's. After World War II
.ccmingly endless sources. Noted for her investigative re- research in construction strc'™'-,. and wa' involved in
sourcefulness, Cheshire maintains that " the only way to keep SIDELIGHTS: On December 12 . 1975. in a thirty-.cven-foot
culler. Et1rti:io11s. Chiles became the fi rlit American to sail eulations 3,nd practical test< for giant dam, built th rouc
" .ccrct in Washington. if you are lhc only perlion who knows world. Chilly also taught civil engineering ot Jmpcriui
it, i' never to tell another living soul. " According to reports. alune around Cape Hom . In 1975-76. Exrexwus sci a world
record for the fastest solo circurnnu vigation in monohull: Two from 1934 to 1962 and received a Telford Gold Mei
the award-winning journalist '-pends twenty-live thousand dol- the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1969. Her non1
lors a year on telephone bills. lists her phone number. and hundred two days. Since 197!1. Web~ has made a gre3l open
bual voyage. covering more tha n twenty thousand miles from writings include Abruad: An Alphabet vf F/1111•,.rs. 01
accepts ca lls day or night from anyone. '" I once told an editor and 01hcr sources: \Vh1>'.< \V/w. I25th edition, St. ~
31 the Po.rt." she boasted in her book. " that all I need to get Sun Diego to Saudi Arabia. induding the very first crossing
a story is a roll of d imes and a telephone boolh-1 can find of the l'acific Ocean in an upcn boat. and the longest nonstop f- 1973: Ti1111•.1, October 8. 1982.
out anything with a telephone." open boat pa.~.agc from Singapore tu Aden. tl * *
Cheshire's many exclusives support her claims. Her scoops Ch1 k:s commented: ··Adventure o ften begins with books. I ~!
developed an interc.'1 in sailing 3.~ a result of reading about the ,.
~1 C llLOROS, A(lexander) G(eorge) 192(;-11182
have included Storie.~ o n Jackie, Ethyl. and Joan Kennedy 's
pregnancies. Henry Kif..~ inger 's latest lady fr iend<. the Ken- ><ca when I was a boy in the Midwe' t. I never outgrew the
..!"I (Aleck George Chloros)
nedy-Ona" is marriage. Rich3rd Nixoo"s disapproval of son-
in-law Edward Cox. and the friendship of Frank Sinatra and
Spiro Agnew In 1968 Cheshi re predicted Lyndon BainesJohn-
dream. I 1.lritled three hundred mile.• in a nine-fou l rubber boat
ufter 3 cap~izc on the Pacilic in 1980. I was imprisoned-
folo.ely- fo r nine day' in I '1~2 in Saudi Arahia a.• a spy."
OBTfUARY NOTICE: B1lm Augu." 15, 1926. in Athens.
died November l:i. 1982. Judge. <-durntor. and au1
e•pcrt in fire lield of comparative law. Chlnros tm
wn"s announcement th3l he would Ill){ seek another term as HIOCRAPHICALICRIT/CJ\l SOURC£S: \Vmlringtrm Po.<t, June suhja:t at the University College of Wales and :it the U1
president nf the United St31cs: she was the only reporter in the t I. llJX2: U..v Ange/rs Tim,.,. June 20. 1 11~2 . uf u1ntlon. where, in coopera tion with the University ,
country to do so. And in I 976 Cheshire's by-line appcan:<l on he e>1abhshed a degree program in French and Engl
the front page above the highl y·:>Cclaimctl e•pose on urueponcJ
gifts given by foreign government~ to pubhc figures . The gifts.
* * * He served us dean of rhe faculty of lawi. from I97 I
and was directtlr uf the univen>ity's Centre for Europe.
which violated a 1966 statu te. included S2 million worth of C HIPP. U(onald) Ueslie) 1925- As a memhcr 11f tile central negotiatinl! committee ul
state-gift jewels 10 the Nixon fumily women. The following ropean &onum1c Community. Chlor,;. worked for {
PERSONA L: Bum Augu' t 2 1. 1925 . in Melbourne. Australia:
year. Cheshire once again won plaudit' for her front-page di'- entry mlo the lll'jlaniruliun. and in 1973 and 1975 h1
'llln of Leslie and Jcf..,ie Sara Chipp: married Monica Tere.<a
elosurc uf the Tong.sun Park i;c3ndal. involving influence pcd· as an ad viser UI the govern ment of the Scychelle•. ass.
1...111r, 1951 (divllrccd, 1979); marrrcd Idun Gulla Welz, No-
dling by the Korc3n Government. · the re rorm uf the Cude Nap<)lcon and the Commcrcia
vembcr 25. 1979: children: Deborah (Mn>. Jim Reid ). Gregory.
Cheshi re shows no signs uf slowing down her career. At the John. Melissa, Juliet. f.'tlrtl'atimr: University of Melbourne. He became u follow nf King's College in 1980 and an h
end of her autobiography she tell> about the time she went to ll.S .. 1946. Oj]ire: 400 Flinders St., Melbourne . Victoria 3000. master of the hcnch ""Cray' s Inn in 1981. Chloros I
her ofti ce dctem1ined to quil: she did not. Later, when she wa• Australia. Gn.-ck >Cal un the C'nurt of Justice nrthc European Comr
askcu wh:it had stopped her. she replied. " l was busy and just at lhc tune til .1~1 s death. Hi> writings include Y11110.1/,
CAREER: Commonwcahh Ins1itu1c of Accountants. Mel- U1w :ind Cmlij1c111w11 itt '' Mi 1·t·J Jw i >.diclimt. lie
never had the time: · She eonclud.:d: " I have su many more bourne. Auslraha. registra r. 1950·55; City nf Kew. Mel·
stories I still want Ill do, stories that are as importan t to me as ~cncrn l c<lilor of Hnra1u•a11 SttuHt•s in·. Obi1uarics :u
boumc. member of coty rnuncil. 1955·62: AustrJ!ian Parlia- >OUrl'c., . \V/w'.• \Vlt11 11J tlir IV11rld. 3rd edi tion. Marq ui·
Jewels and Korcagate . . . . My life would be s.implc if re- ment. t<J60- . Liberal member of Parliament for Higinbotham,
porting wercn 't so important tn me. But it is . .. l..C1111/11n Titur.-. Ncwcmhcr I~. 1982.
V1ctcino. l<}(l().(ilJ. •nd for Hotham. Victoria, 1969-77. min-
BIOGR/\f'HICAUCRITICA L SOURCES: V"1:11e. June I . 1970:
Darbaralcc Oiamonstcin. Opt•n Seaets. Vikmg . 1971; rime.
ister lor the Navy. 1966. minister fur tourism, 11166. minister
for <u, turn• ant! excise. 1969-72. le3der of House of Reprc-
February 5. 1973. January 3. 11177: N•wsweek. February 5. '"nlati vcs. 1972. minister for ai r. 1972. niimster for works. C HLO ROS, Aleck G eorge
1973 : Ma•ioc Cheshire and John Grccny3, Mrui11e Cfleslrire. 1972. mini, ler for national devd11pmcn1. t \172, shadow min- ~e C HLOROS, A(lcxa nder ) G (corgc)
Re1mrtcr. Houghrun. 1978: Woshi11g11111 l'o.<t B<1ok World . Junr ister fur interna tional trJde and social •ccuri ty . 1972-75. min-
4. l'J78: Neu • York Times Book Review, July 16 . 197!\.• i~tcr !or M>cial security. 1'175. minister fo r health. 1975. min-
ister fo r repatriation anti cnmpc!n."iation. 1975. Austr.ilian
* * *
-Skrtrh by l..illiu11 S Sfo1:\ CHOBANIAN , Aram V(an) 1929·
Democrat member of Senate anll l'arliamcntary leader of Aus-
lrJli:in Dc1110<:rat party. 1977- . Chief exe<.'Utive of Olympic
* * * Civic Committee. 1954-56. Independent management consul-
Pf:RSONAL · Bum Augu>l !O, 1929. in Pawtuc ket. R
of Vahan (a textile and Marina (Arscnian) Ch<
tant. 1959-64. Military· .<en •in·: Rnya.I Austrahan Air l'on:e .
CHILES, Webb 1941- married Jasmine Guorogian (an ani,I). June 5, 1955: "
1943-45. Mcm/,.,r: Amnesty lntemauonal . Victorian Council
K:irrn. Lisa, Aram. £d11rntum: Brown University. A. U
Pf.RSONAL: Born November I I. 194 1. in St. Louis. Mo.: son of Civil Liberties.
Harvard Uni vcn.ity. M.D.. 1955. Homr: 5 Rathhun R
of William Tedford and Marion Weber. married four limes WRITINGS. (With John L3rkin) Don Cltipp: Tire Third 1\1011 , tid . Mass. 0 1760. Oj)lcr: Department of Mcd1c11ic .
(di vnrccd) Education: Univcn ity of Dubuque. B.A .. 1963. Rigby. 1978. Contributor tu j ournals. of Medicine. Boston Unr vcn.ily. Boston. Ma,s. 021 1i
lf1>1nc mldrrs.<: c/o Saylor, 1608 Watwood, Lemon Grove,
Caltl. 92045. /\gent: Perer Shepherd. Harold Ober Associates . SIDEUG/I TS: Since I 980. Chipp's travels have taken hi m tu CAREER: Boston University, Boston. Mas. .. intern
40 East 49th St . New York, N.Y. 1001 7. the Unilcd States, Mexico , Israel. Indonesia. and Southeast vcrsity Hnspital. 1955-56. d1icf resident in medicine
: ~·~ ;:.:.\o: ~··: t..i:>-.~:·
' . ... · ·~.-:;
- ..... ~
some White House guests feel free to indulge in the m
on the premises.
At the White House's first jazz festival on the South
Lawn this summer, a haze of marijuana smoke hung
resigned aft er :.i series of revela tions about his alleged
"recreationa l" use of drugs (which he d enied) , and his
having written a prescription for Quaalude table ts, using
a phony name, for an aide who had requested the dmg.
heavy under the low-bending branches of a magnolia President Car ter, on July 24, warned sta ff members
tree when President Carter darted behind the band- that anyone using drngs illegally in the future would he
s tand to congratulate the musicians. One of the Presi- fired. In a terse memo, he made clear that he expected
dent's bodyguards looked uncomfortable, a nd fee bl y everyone wo rking at the \.Vhite House to "obey the law."
fanned the air around his boss. But if C arter recogniz.d "Whether you agree with the law or not is tota lly irrele-
the arom a that enveloped him, he pretended to noticC' vant .. . . You will obey it or you will st>ek employrne11t
nothing. elsewhere."
Onlv thl' mnsieians the mselves se('m C'cl to app recia te Bourne. in a statement that he has sin t•e retractctl .
the iro.1w of the m oment and sm iled at one another. }. lost had said that he and other members of the \\'hi t(• House
of them. \\'ere cldcrlv men, some of the grea test munt·s staff had smoked marijuana, ant.I tha t lw was aware of
in jazz history, who ·had Ji\·ecl Jong enough to sec m <u i- the use of cnc:ain e hv some of the President's aides.
juana-if not legalized-at least legitimized. Suddenl y, the world ;,utside of Washing to n. D.C., be-
But outside the gates of 1600 Pennsyl vanja Avenue, came aware of a fact of life in the nation's capital that
in the city itself, an y of them could still he arrested for the m edia had heen rcl udant to publicize ..\lun y of the
p ossession of even the smallest amount of marijuana, an reporters and editors took the position, a nd still do, that
offense that h as b een ille gal since the days th ey had a governme nt official's or employee's use of drngs in his
ii played in pl:wes like the Cotton Club in Harlem in the private life is none of the public's business unless the
;,i : late 1930's. in dulgence affects t he way he conducts himself during
:\. Indeed , hy the time schools opened this foll, teen-
agers in affluent Montgomery County, Maryland, less
office honrs.
Th e sad truth is that <lrngs, on the \ vashington social
than ten miles fro m the White H ouse, would he arrested scene, are "in." They are trendy, kicky, chic. And users
in droves in campus crackdowns for the same offense. are not just smoking marijuana, a substa nce government
I On the night of the White House jazz festival on officia ls estimate at least a tenth of the adult population
I June 19, however, those who would like to sec marijuana enjoys occasionally and, (continued on page 176)
! i 62
'I ;.
·I -
' .; ~ '•'',·. '
- ··If I
--.. '.
"!\larijuana smoking· an1ong congressn1en \Vas rare until a
fe\V years ago,-but it's no\v fairly commonplace. The number
of pot smokers are gro\Ving and son1e of those 'vho \Vere t:O.i-
sidered young radicals yesterday are n1aking policy and shap-
. ··n I
." .
longer without ous administrations."
----- ..
,. Sho\\' business personalities, the single most important
source of campaign func1-raising for \\'ashington politicians
smoking more. under today's election la\vS, are largely responsible for the
rising popularity of dn1gs, especially cocaine, at \Vashington
parties. One Carter ad1ninistration insider involved in re-
•• election fund-raising is said to have "a nose for coke," and
Hi: Rich, full-flavored the bankroll to afford it, \Vhen big names come to to\Vn e.x-
.... Saratoga 120's give you extra pecting to be entertained .
.. ' smoking time and extra Guests come prepared
----- smoking pleasure. Hosts and hostesses \vho don't or \\•on't serve cocaine theiu-
selves find that their celebrity guests often come prepared.
1---- - · .. ' And they cost no
more than 100's.
President Gerald Ford once found himself dancing at the
--- ...
-- '+ \Vhite House \Vith a beautiful young actress \Vho had recently
arrived in movies via the fashion 1nagazines and Jet-Set route.
..• After frequently slipping off to the pO\\•der room throughou~
the evening (cocaine \Vas not sniffed in public then), the
·~ ac:tress became so unsteady, an alarmed Ford had to grasp
her lace go\Vll to keep her from sllpping limply out of his
··~ arn1s. An observant \Vhite House militarv aide cut in and
- - - ~·~I
danced her, like a rag doll, out of sight'. •
•I \ Vashington has been so quick to follo\v the trendy drug
. ,, . fad, that one obsen'er of the \Vashlngton social scene \Vas
moved to say, "Heaven help us if all the 'beautiful peOp'e'
started murdering their mothers. ~vlatricide \\•ill su<ldenlv be-
con1c fashionable in some circles." ·
Cocaine is the costly caviar of the drug trade for \vhich
anyone but the most affluent of users can spend in one eve·
ning an amount equal to the cost of a \Veck's groceries. lt
enjoys as much a status in the nation's capital as it does i'l
Ne"' York or Holly,vood, or any other sophisticated scene.
According to authorities, an1bassndors and lo\ver level ein-
bassy officials \Vith diplomatic in1munity regularly b:ing
. . .
...._ .·. ~- ):, ' ~~:.7.f ::: '..i,, ~~~ 7{: · ·~ ;~: ··~=~- -._~ ·'("
-,,r - . .
.! - .
~ -
. ~ .
DRUGS AND Can Drugs Affect OoYernment Decisio~-.?
WASHINGTON, D.C. The broad social effect of drug-tak-
ing by performers and theatrical
tions. There is now also new evi-
dence that smoking three or mort:
continued celebrities can best be measured in "joints" a week may cause mort'
told as long as the United States wants the permissive climate it creates and respiratory damage, such as emphy.
to keep its allies. the example it sets for young people. sema and lung cancer, than smokinf'
The federal Drug Enforcement Agen - But when officials at government 16 cigarettes a day.
cy investigated one world leader's sister levels are involved, a whole other set Amyl Nitrite is a cardiovascular pre-
suspected of drug trafficking and known of questions arises. Are important scription stimulant that can cause di-
as the "Dragon Lady" in international decisions being clouded by "recrea- lation of the blood vessels and high
tional" chemicals? Are government blood pressure. Although sold as an
.. heroin circles. DEA sources say there
were officials who wanted her barred leaders actually endorsing drug use
by '"looking the other way"? Is illegal-
aphrodisiac because it lessens sexual
inhibitions, it actually tends to re-
from entering the U.S., but a Republi-
can senator, friendly to her brother, in- ity the only reason for disciplining duce sexual performance. Overdose~
-..-...-_.., __ ,
terceded on her behalf at the White
House. An Asian embassy official, also
elected public officials and govern-
ment employees who are known to be
are often fatal. Butyl nitrite is chemi-
cally similar but can be bought over-
suspected of being a major figure in the drug users? the-counter in shops where dnig
global heroin hierarchy, cuts a wide True, there are many who say that paraphernalia is sold.
.......... ---- -·
... ~-~. ~ · -- -.. swath socially in Washington, seldom
missing a congressional birthday party
all the facts are not in on drug use,
and that the future may see "pot"
Angel Dust or PCP is a strong animal
tranquilizer that can affect humans
------·-- ~- . -·
or wedding and frequently traveling sold in liquor stores, as one political for at least eight · hours, often dis-
with congressional delegations to the candidate in Vermont recently sug- astrously. It may cause poor judg-
Far East. gested. But meanwhile, the Journal ment, lack of coordination, delusion,
The potential for discreet leverage asked a leading drug abuse expert, outbursts of violence, including mm-
------· continued
maniage of one of \Vashington's beautiful "F. Scott Fitz-
gerald" couples \vhose lifestyle enlivened society pages until
..... ~
"The lawmaker went on for some
time , guaranteed his morphine because
it was underwritten by the Bureau,"
Carter aides felt betrayed by the
media over Bourne and expressed con-
cern that the rest of the country would
According to the federal Drug li:n-
forcelhent . Agency, possession o(-
marijuana is a federal offe~e, su\lje~t
to imprisonment of one year plus
Anslinger wrote. "On the day he d ied I misunderstand and believe ~hat a bun ch
. - 4" $1,000 fine, except for 11 states·
thanked God for relieving me of my of "drug-using freaks" were n~pning the which have decriminalized it. Iri the
burden." government . On the other hand,"report-
following states you cannot be ar-
- - - --- •1', McCarthy died at the age of 47. ers who had been .involved in drugs
rested for possession of up to one
Doctors listed his-d eath as being due to were understanda bly uncomfortable and
ounce of marijuana for personal use;
a noninfectious, seldom fatal, hepatitis, reluctant to play detectives prying into Alaska (unlimited amount legal for
"cause unknown." drug use or abuse in the White House
private use, but possession of over
The McCarthy incident was probably and elsewhere in Washington.
one ounce in public is subject to a
rare in that era-alcohol was far more ·Are drug-users running the govern- fine-the law h ere is gr'ay, possession ·
fashionable theQ. Drugs were left to the ment? Has the media blown the story
of a large amount might not be con-
radicaJs-like the Washington news- out of proportion, o'r are reporters, en- strued "for personal use"), Califor-
paper columnist who openly share~ a joying close relations with government
nia, Colorado, · Maine, Minnesota~
joint (marijuana cigarette) with a young employees, burying the story for the Mi~sissippi, Nebraska, New York,
n·ews m·a gazine reporter in the White convenience of all involved?
North Carolina, Ohio (up to 100
H ouse movie theater as a political "state- Washington's new fascination with
grams-approximately 3ls ounces)_
_.... __ ----·· ment." They were disappointed to see
their gesture go ignored.
drugs m ay be just this year's fad, but it
m ay imply a moral bankruptcy among
and Oregon. These above 11 states
-- - - ----+ can impose a civil fine of up to $100
-----·· During the Carter campaign, politi-
cinns and press drew closer together.
Younger Carter aides and younger
some of the nation's leaders that the
government can ill afford. Certainly, no
one condones drug use among Holly-
for the first offense, more for the sec-
ond a nd detain you the third time.
You cannot be arrested on a claim ·
m em bers of the press corps worked and wood stars, but the idea of the country's that you smoke or have smoked pot..
partied together. A magazine reporter, leaders indulging in mind-altering drugs There must be evidence.
who hung around the Carter trailer at raises disturbing questions of whether.
Outline area - fo r hair and fill in with Flowers may be glued to top of head or
. Brown ballpoint pen. Add 2 clots for eyes. attach flower trim at back.
Fold coaster around .clothespin so that it lit~
- --- - · tightly al neck and Bares out at bottom. Glue
For Prima Ballerina: Glue ribbon in place
for bodice and add sequin trim. Gather ·2
in place at back. Glue some coasters from layers of lace for tutu and tack to ribbOn.
continued from page 117 back to front, Inserting a lace doily for skirt Cut pipe cleaner In half for arms and glue,
front. For others, attach .doily for skirt rufBe, in place. Add Hower headpiece. · -- ..
All pictured on pages 116-:117 then attach coaster. Use figures as tree ornaments. Tie invisi,
TOY SOLDIERS Fold 2!;" doilies in half over a pipe ble nylon thread around neck. Leave a long
cleaner. Glue in place for arms. Fold either a loop for hanging. To use upright as shown1
MATERIALS: Push-type wooden clothes- 4" doily or a 3" coaster in half, glue in place, glue a T-pin to inner side of clothespin leg. ·
pins with round tops, ice cream sticks,
...' '
medium-size ball fringe, Red, as needed; 1
ball in White; acrylic paint in Red and
then glue to the back of the smaller doily.
Clue completed piece to back of ballerina.
Pin should extend about "" below bottom":>
edge. End ··
Blue; Black ballpoint pen~ - Wli.ite decora~
tive adhesive tape; fast setting glue.
Paint lower portion of clothespin Blue for
trousers, Red for jacket. Cut ice cream sticks
in half and paint Red, leaving a small area
at round end in natural .for hands. Outline
nrea for hair and fill in with Black ballpoint
pen. A<ld 2 clots for eyes. Cut very narrow
strips of decorative tape for crosspieces and
attach, stretching slightly over the shoul-
ders. Add a wider ( W' ) · piece for the belt.
Glue arms in place. Glue a ball from the
fringe to top of clothespin for hat. Use Re el
for the soldiers, White for the "Prince."
MATERIALS : Push-type wooden d otbes-
pins with round tops; 3" paper coasters; 4"
and 2lo" lace doilies, pipe cleaners; smaU
artificial flowers ; flower-type trim, l " wide
lace, bits of ribbon and seqllin trim; Brown
ballpoint pen; Elmer's glue.