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Lesson Plan English 10 - Unit 13: Films and Cinema D. Writing

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Phuoc Kien High School

Teacher’s name: Nguyễn Trương Ngọc Diễm Quỳnh

Class: 10A1
Lesson: Unit 13: Films and cinema _ Part D: Writing

English 10 – Unit 13: Films and cinema
D. Writing
I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students will have:

- Sympathized for the loss of the Titanic disaster.

- Gained information about the Titanic film.
- Practiced writing about a film they have seen.
II. Time: 45 minutes
III. Techniques:
- Techniques: ask and answer the questions,
- Methods: Presentation Practice Production
IV. Lexical items and structures:
- Vocabulary:
- Grammar: present simple tense
- Language function: describing a film
V. Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, mini boards,
VI. Procedures:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ Content

Warm-up -Divides the class into -Listen to the
(5’) 4 groups T’s instructions
-Explains the rules: In
90 seconds, each
group has to rearrange
pieces of cut papers to
form complete
pictures. After
finishing the
activity, each group
comes to stick their
pictures on the board
and write down the
name of that movie
-Checks Ss’
-Executes the game -Participates in
the game
-Asks the Ss “Do you -Answer the T’s
Lead-in (2’) know what today’s questions
topic is?” and leads to
the lesson
Presentation -Activates Ss ideas -Brainstorm and Suggested answers: character, soundtrack, action
(15’) and vocabularies tell the teacher movies, scene, sequence…
about the topic by words related to
asking them to tell any the topic
words they can think “Films”
of when they hear the
topic “Films”.
-Writes the
Ss’answers on the
-Asks Ss to read the -Read the
passage on page passage silently
137,138 silently in 2
-Explain some new -Learn new -tragic, sinking, luxury, voyage, engaged, iceberg.
vocabularies. vocabularies
-Gives Ss to 2 minutes -Answer the 1)What is the name of the film?
to answer 8 questions questions 2)What kind of film is Titanic?
on page 138. 3)What is it about?
4)Where is it made?
5)What is it based on?
6)Who is/are the main character(s)?
7)What do you know about the character(s)?
8)Does the film have a happy ending or sad
-Corrects the task by -Answer the Answer:
calling Ss to stand up teacher’s 1)The name of the film is Titanic.
and give the answers questions 2)Titanic is a tragic love story film.
3)It is about the sinking of a luxury liner (ship) on
its first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.
4)It is made in America.
5)It is based on a true story of the Titanic disaster
that occurred in 1912.
6)The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose
DeWitt Bukater.
7)Jack is a young and generous adventurer. Rose
is a beautiful girl who is already engaged.
8)The film has a sad ending.
-Asks Ss to read to -Read through
yourself the paragraph and understand
. the meaning of
the model.
- Analyzes the - Finding out 1.What’s the topic sentence of the paragraph ?
paragraph ( model ) by tthe answers The answer is “Of all the films I have seen,
asking some question. Titanic is the one I like best”
2.What are the factors that the paragraph mainly
discuss ?
 The type of the flim
 Content
 Base
 Main characters
 Ending
- Gives Ss the 3.Which structures does the writer use to describe
structure of writing these factors?
about a flim . Content : It is about ….
Origin : The flim is made …
Base : It is based on …
Main characters : The main characters are …

Topic sentence Name

Supporting Type
sentences Country
Main characters
Concluding Your feelings
Practice -Reminds Ss that there - Listen to -Suggested answer: kind, place, main characters,
(13’) are 5 main factors they teacher content,ending.
need to pay attention
to when writing about
a movie.
-Shows Ss to the -Pay attention
handout they are to the handouts
going to receive. as well as
-Explains that they teacher’s
have to think about guides.
their own favorite
movies’ features to fill
in the blanks using the
given clues in 3
minutes. When they
finish writing, some
Ss will be invited to
read their movie
riddles to the class and
the rest will try to
guess the movies.
Wait until all five
clues have been read
before guessing.
-Checks Ss’ -Answer
understanding. teacher’s
-Delivers the -Receive the
handouts. handout
-Makes a -Listen to - Suggested riddle: It’s a horror film. It takes
demonstration for Ss teacher’s movie place in South Korea. The main characters are a
easier to understand. riddle, try to father and his daughter, a husband and wife, and 2
guess what is high school students It’s about the time that a
the movie’s zombie virus breaks out in South Korea,
name. passengers struggle to survive on the train from
Seoul to Busan. In the end, most of the passengers
are dead, only a pregnant woman and a girl stay
alive. (Answer key: Train to Busan)
-Asks the Ss to finish -Think of their
their writing in 3 favorite movies
minutes. and fill in the
blanks in 3
-Invites 2-3 students -One student
to read their movie read his/her
riddles to the class so riddle, the
that they can guess. others listen and
try to guess.
-Corrects and gives -Listen and take
feedback. notes.
Production -Divides the class into -Listen to the Suggested riddle: It’s a horror film. It takes place
(10’) Group of 5 T’s instructions in South Korea. The main characters are a father
-Gives each group 5 -Work in group and his daughter, a husband and wife, and 2 high
minutes to write a to write a school students It’s about the time that a zombie
paragraph about a film paragraph virus breaks out in South Korea, passengers
they like. struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to
-Asks 2 Ss to write -Correct the Busan. In the end, most of the passengers are
their paragraph on the paragraph dead, only a pregnant woman and a girl stay alive.
board (Answer key: Train to Busan)
- Corrects and gives
VII. Homework:
- Write a paragraph about a film you like in your exercise book
- Prepare your next lesson: Unit 13_ Part E: Language Focus
VIII. Feedback:


Movie ________________________________ (Movie Title: Keep this a


Clue #1 It’s a _____________________________. (Kind)

Clue #2 It takes place __________________________________. (Place)

Clue #3 The main characters are___________________ (Main Characters)

Clue #4 It’s about _____________________________________ (Content)


Clue #5 In the end, ____________________________________

_____________________________________________ (Ending)

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