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Quotation Marks Lesson Plan

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MARCH 20, 2023

 The learner demonstrates an understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups, and
nature; also, how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches
for occasion, pronouns, and structures of modification.
 The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.

 EN10LC-IIIc-3.14: Summarize important points discussed in the text listened to

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the main lyrical theme of the song “Paraiso”,
b. Explain the message of the song and how it relates to Filipino culture,
c. create a personal interpretation of the song and explain why they chose a particular

Topic: Quotation Marks
Reference: English 10 Module, Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature, page 315
Materials: PowerPoint presentation

Teacher’s Tasks Student’s Tasks

a. Prayer
May I request everyone to
please stand for our prayer to
be led by our prayer leader for Heavenly Father, we lift up to you and Your name
today. on high. Sorry for all the sins that we have
committed. Thank you, Lord for this morning.
Thank you for giving us another day and
opportunity to grow through learning. May you
always grant us the wisdom and knowledge that we
need. And please help us understand and embed in
Thank you for that wonderful our hearts all the good things that we are going to
prayer. discuss today. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

b. Greetings
Good morning, class!
Good morning, ma’am.
Before you take your seat, kindly
check your area, and arrange your
chairs. Also, do not forget to look
at the person beside you and greet
them a good day with the smile. (Students do what is instructed)
Very good! You may now be

c. Checking of attendance
Ms./Mr. secretary, do we have any
Everyone is present, ma’am.
absentee for today?

Oh! That’s good to hear. Thank


d. Review
Let’s have a recap.
What did we discuss last Friday? About Mother Earth ma’am.

Very good. What else? We also compare Mother and nature, ma’am.

Yes, thank you. So, can you give

me, one comparison of nature and
a mother? Mother and Nature are both sources of life, ma’am.

Do you have any questions or
clarification regarding the last None, ma’am.

If no more questions, class, do you
want to go on a field trip?
Yes, ma’am!
Okay, buckle up, and let's have a
quick tour of a place out of the

You will be grouped into two. The

groups will visit two different
destinations. What you are going to
do is to proceed to your respective
group and fall in line. Then, you
will do the "Gallery Walk," in
which you will uncover the
pictures posted on both sides of
this room and look closely at them.

As you wander, you may take

some notes or take selfies or
pictures if you have cameras.
When you finish visiting the place,
return to your proper seat and share
your experiences and discoveries
with the class.
Yes, ma’am.
Definitely, ma’am.
Are my instructions clear?
Is it exciting?
(Students do the activity.)
Okay, class, you may now go.

(After 3 minutes…)
Class, go back to your respective seat

Now, what have you seen from the

I want to hear from group 1 first.
I have seen a lot of pictures that show a clean
environment. People are cleaning the surrounding,
Yes, ________?
segregating the garbage, and planting trees.

Very good.
It was contrary to the first destination because we
How about the second group? What
had seen a dirty and polluted environment. Some
have you observed? Yes, ______?
people are cutting trees, burning garbage, and
polluting the air and water.

Excellent observations! Those

observations will be helpful in our
discussion today. Keep them in your
mind while we analyze the song
"Paraiso" by Smokey Mountain.

The previous activity opened your
mind to see the present condition of the
environment. The song we're going to
discuss will inspire you to care more
about nature.

This dirty and polluted environment is

a beautiful place before. But what
happened now?

The paradise is lost and she sent a letter

to us. “Hello! My name is Paradise. I am the most
Will you read, _____? beautiful place you could ever see. But what
happened? Someone has taken away my beauty and
destroyed my awesome scenery. Will you please
Let’s find out what happened to help me bring back my beauty?”
paradise by watching a video
presentation of the song “Paraiso” by
Smokey Mountain. But first let us
know more about the song and the
people behind it because they would be
of great help to our journey.
Paraiso is an award-winning composition by a
Please read __________. Filipino composer, Maestro Ryan Cayabyab. It was
first premiered by Smokey Mountain, a singing
group also formed under the guidance of Cayabyab.
The group was named after a garbage dumpsite in
Manila, Philippines. In 1989, they released their
first album which consisted of songs revolving
around social, environmental, and patriotic themes.
Thank you!
Also, I will now tell you about your
first mission. First Mission
Will you please read _______? Watch the video presentation and answer the
following questions afterwards.
1. What is the song all about?
2. Who could be talking in the song?
3. What is the stand of the speaker?
4. Why does the land need to expect some
truth, hope, and respect from the rest of us?
What does this tell about the condition of
Mother Nature?
5. What did you feel after listening to the
song? Express yourself freely on the
freedom board and share with the class.
Is your first mission clear?
Yes ma’am!
Now, please watch the video silently.
(Students watch the video presentation.)

Now class, what is the song all about? Possible answers:

Yes, ________?
The song is all about the environmental condition in
a garbage dumpsite.
Very good. How about you ______? It is about the problem in our nature which is its
destruction because of human activities and abuses.
Who could be talking in the song? For me, the one talking in the song is a concerned
May I hear your answer __________? citizen who asks for understanding from the rest of
us and who is hoping for change.
Amazing! The one talking in the song could also be a resident
Who else? Yes ________? of the garbage dumpsite. S/he can be a scavenger or
a less fortunate person who wants to make us know
and realize about human’s environmental condition.
Definitely right!

What do you think is the stand of the The stand of the speaker is that the song is a
speaker? Yes _________? reminder of each Earth citizen’s moral
responsibility as steward of this planet.
Nice one!
The song is not only dedicated to marginalized folks
How about you _________?
but especially to young people who have hopes and
dreams of a better future.
Very nice!
Now, why does the land need to expect
some truth, hope, and respect from the
rest of us? What does this say about the
condition of Mother Nature?
Yes __________? The land needs to expect some truth, hope, and
respect from the rest of us because observably, it is
dying and hopeless. Due to pollution, mountains of
Exactly! garbage, and bad doings, the land is being
How about you ___________? destroyed.

Because it needs transformation for the betterment

Nice! and changes to keep Mother nature a paradise of
You know what class, this song is life.
really an inspirational song.

Now class here’s your next mission.

Meaning, you are going to sing along Your next mission:

and then tell me the interpretation of Sing the song “Paraiso” and make a good
the song. interpretation of the song.
(A lyric video will be presented.)

What is your interpretation (Students will sing along.)


The song “Paraiso” reminds us of our responsibility

Good. How about you __________? in taking care of our environment.

This song also talks about the problem in our nature

Very good, class.
which is its destruction because of human activities
and abuses.

Who can sum up the learnings you Possible answer:
gained? Share your realizations from
the actions we executed earlier. The song is all about the environment and the
tragedies that happen to our nature. It means that we
should be objective in our surroundings, and we
should take care of it…the environment in the past
is so clean and fresh, while in our present times, it is
now dirty because of the neglect of the Filipinos…
so we should make this our inspiration of our life to
start clean and healthy surroundings.

       The speaker must be a concerned citizen who

cares a lot about Mother Nature. The speaker of the
song talked about environmental concerns and
societal issues brought about by abusive human
activities. The song title was ironically described in
the song. Literally, Paraiso means paradise, but in
the song, it was described as a degrading
Excellent! environment filled with trash and amounts of
garbage. A Paraiso which is very polluted.

Now, for your last activity. Question:

Did you realize that nature has its own limits?

How do you deal with it?
Relate it to real-life situations by sharing your own,
personal experiences.

Write a poem about your own idea of a “PARAISO.”

1. Creativity of Language (20%)
2. Form and Structure (20%)
3. Imagery (20%)
4. Meaning and Message (20%)
5. Tone and Voice (20%)

Look for 10 unfamiliar words from the poem “SONG OF AUTUMN.” Define these words
and provide an example.

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