Analysis of Shashtamsha
Analysis of Shashtamsha
Analysis of Shashtamsha
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c75Z ^Hcsco^Lri^dr^od
How To Study D (visional Charts 100
SHASHTHAMSA Female bom 20 June, 1943,0453
The sign Gemini rises in the
vK As Su xflK^Rs ascendant and Rahu and Ketu are
the functional malefic planets. In
this case, both the ascendant and
4 X 10 the sixth house do not contain the
mooltrikona sign of any
planet. The Sun becomes the
9 Me
prime determinant for health. The
sign Aries rises in shashthamsa.
As the weakness of some planets
and afflictions can cause disease
or chronic disease, let us see the strength of the planets.
In rasi, the Sun holds almost 95% strength and is well placed
in the chart, 84% conjunct with the most effective point of the
ascendant. The Moon is weak as it is placed in the state of old
age. Jupiter and Venus are weak due to the weakness of their
dispositor. Mercury and Saturn are weak as they are badly placed
besides Saturn being combust. Mars is exactly afflicted by the
aspect of Rahu. Saturn is exactly afflicted by the aspect of Ketu
from the eighth house.
In shashthamsa, the significator for vitality is exalted in the
ascendant and aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The Moon occupies
the sixth house. Mars and Saturn are afflicted by the association
of Rahu and Ketu. In rasi, the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Mars and
the second, fourth, ninth and eleventh houses are suffering from
utter weakness. The basic weakness of Mercury and the Moon,
both ruling lungs, caused sufferings to the native. Mercury rules
the fourth house in the nativity and the Moon is the general
significator for lungs. The weakness of prime determinant of lungs
in the nativity caused sufferings to the native by way of a chronic
disease of asthma in addition to frequent other indispositions.
CHART 44 .
Male bom 14^ August, 1949, 1718 Hrs.'
The native of this chart suffered from diabetes from the young
age i.e. from the main period of the Sun and the sub-period of Jupiter.
101 Analysis Shashthamsa
IpC As 27:16 yC
Ra 24:59 12 X 6 Ke 24:59
" ^
y/Sa 144)4
Ma 21:38 /\Me 15:43
4 29:37
Female bom 6th November, 1982, 1205 Hrs.
This is a very peculiar chart, indeed. The sign Capricorn rises
in the ascendant and the Sun,'Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu become
functional malefic planets. The Sun becomes the prime determinant
for health. Saturn is weak as it is placed in the state of infancy though
]05 Analysis Shashthamsa
SHASHTHAMSA in its sign of exaltation. The
dispositor of Saturn is combust and
under the close affliction of the
functional malefic planets, the Sun
and Jupiter. Saturn is debilitated in
shashthamsa. Mercury, Jupiter and
Venus are combust. Mercury is
additionally weak as its dispositor
is weak and exactly afflicted. The
weak Mercury is exactly under the
exact affliction of Rahu from the
sixth house. The Moon is weak as
it is badly placed in the chart and
is under the close affliction of the functional malefic planet, Jupiter.
The badly placed Mars is in close conjunction with Ketu in the twelfth
house. The weakness of almost all the planets and affliction of Mars,
Moon, Mercury and Venus, ruined the health of the native. The
significator for vitality, the Sun, is in its sign of debilitation.
In shashthamsa, Venus, which is already highly afflicted and
combust is rasi, becomes the lord of the ascendant. The ascendant
of shashthamsa is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu in association with the
most malefic planet, Mercury. The child had a short life span and the
ending part of the main period of Jupiter proved to be fatal.
The child kept ill health almost persistently. The body resistance
was very low. Jupiter, whose mooltrikona sign falls in the twelfth
house, had its main period since birth. During the Mercury's sub-
period the child suffered from diseases of the respiratory canal,
congestion of lungs, etc. Ketu's sub-period caused suffering by way
of boils, fever, etc. The sub-period of afflicted Venus gave a sluggish
liver and jaundice. During the sub-period of Venus, all afflictions and
weakness in the sign Libra started manifesting. The weak digestion
and indifferent health retarded the overall growth of the native and
shortened the lifespan. The reasons were attributed to Mercury, the
significator for the nervous system; Venus, the significator for the
venous system; debilitation of the Sun, the significator for vitality,
and the weakness and affliction of the Moon and Mars.