Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.: A Review

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International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research

Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-Sept. 2020

Review Article ISSN: 2455-7587

Traditional uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology

of Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.: A Review
Een Kustina, Zulharmita, Sestry Misfadhila*
School of Pharmaceutical Science (STIFARM Padang), Padang, Indonesia.
*Corresponding Author: Sestry Misfadhila (


The curcuma plant is traditionally used as a

medicine for heartburn, diarrhea, hemorrhoids,
coughs, asthma, and canker sores. Curcuma has
properties as an appetite enhancer, improves
digestive function, nourishes the liver, and
relieves joint and bone pain. Curcuma rhizome
is nutritious because it contains chemical
compounds, including curcumin, essential oils,
saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins.
Pharmacologically this plant is reported as
antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anti-
fungal, anti-acne, and antioxidant.

Keywords: Curcuma xanthorrhiza, traditional Figure 1. Curcuma plant [1]

use, phytochemical, pharmacological.
Herbpseudo-trunk up to more than one
INTRODUCTION meter high, but less than two meters high.
Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) is The pseudo trunk is a part of the leaf midrib,
a medicinal plant belonging to the tribe which are erect and overlapping, they are
Zingiberaceae. Curcuma comes from green or dark brown. The color of the leaves
Indonesia, especially the Island Java, then is green, or purplish-brown from light to
spread to several places in the region dark leaves 31 - 84 cm long and 10 - 18 cm
biogeography Malaysia. Currently, most of wide, the length of the petiole includes 43 -
the curcuma cultivation is in Indonesia, 80 cm strands, each is connected to the
Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines. This midrib, and the petiole is rather long. The
plant, apart from Asia, can be found in flowers are dark yellow, unique, and
China, Indochina, Barbados, India, Japan, clustered, namely inflorescences lateral,
Korea, United States of America, and slender stalk, and scaly stripe, 9-23 cm long
several countries in Europe. This plant can and 4 - 6 cm wide, with multiple protective
grow well in the lowlands to an altitude of leaves whose length exceeds or is
1500meters above sea level and habitat in proportional to the flower crown. The petals
tropical forests. This rhizome can grow and are white hairy, 8 - 13 mm long, tubular
develop well in loose soil. [1] petals with a total length of 4.5 cm, white
elongated circular flower strands with red or
dice red tips, 1.25 - 2cm long, and one cm
wide. [1]

International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research ( 494

Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
Een Kustina Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.: a review

The dried curcuma rhizome, when
brewed with hot water, can cure liver and
bile disorders. If the rhizome is grated and
squeezed and then drunk, it can facilitate
bowel movements and increase breast milk.
[Error! Reference source not found.]

The content of compounds such as

alkaloids in the curcuma rhizome
candenature protein, thereby impairing
Figure 2. Rhizome of Curcuma [2]
enzyme activity and causing cell death. [3]
Curcuma rhizome is nutritious because it
Rhizome fully formed and strongly contains chemical compounds, including
branched, large, branched, and reddish- curcumin, essential oils, saponins,
brown, dark yellow, or dark green. Each flavonoids, alkaloids, and tannins.
shoot from the rhizome includes 2 - 9 leaves Traditionally, the curcuma rhizome is used
with a round shape extending to wake as a treatment for heartburn, diarrhea, piles,
lanceolate, the flesh of the rhizome is dark coughs, asthma, and canker sores. [Error!
Reference source not found.]
orange or brown, has a strong, pungent Curcuma has seven
aroma and bitter taste. properties, namely using appetite,
improving digestive function, maintaining
Scientific classification [1] the liver function, relieving liver function,
Kingdom : Plantae relieving joint and bone pain, reducing
Division : Magnoliophyta blood, fat, and as an antioxidant. [5]
Subdivisions : Angiosperms Several quality aspects that need to
Class : Monocotyledonae be considered in making or consuming a
Order : Zingiberales natural product as a medicine are the heavy
Family : Zingiberaceae metal contamination of lead (Pb) and
Genus : Curcuma cadmium (Cd). Thick extracts or extracts
Species : Curcuma zanthorrhiza derived from natural ingredients before
Binominal name : Curcuma xanthorrhiza being processed into herbal products must
Roxb also meet applicable quality requirements,
such as lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd)
DATA COLLECTION contamination. Heavy metal contamination
In compiling this review article, the of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) can occur in
technique used is to use literature studies by herbal medicinal products. [21]
looking for sources or literature in the form The results of phytochemical
of primary data or the form of official books screening tests showed that curcuma
and international journals in the last ten rhizome contained several compounds,
years (2010-2020). Besides, in making this namely flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides,
review article, data search was carried out and triterpenoids. Compounds that are
using online media with keywords, namely thought to be responsible for inhibiting the
Curcuma xanthorrhiza, phytochemistry, and action of the xanthine oxidase enzyme so
pharmacology. Look for the primary that it can hinder the formation of uric acid
references used in this review article in the body, namely flavonoids. This
through trusted websites such as Mendeley, research is an experimental study with a
ScienceDirect, PubMed, NCBI, Research pre-test and post-test control group design.
Gate, Google Scholar, and other published It can be concluded that the administration
and relied on journals. of the ethanol extract of curcuma rhizome
can reduce uric acid levels with the

International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research ( 495

Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
Een Kustina Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.: a review

percentage of decreasing uric acid levels,

respectively, by 19.53%, 28.80%, and
43.04%. The ethanol extract of curcuma
rhizome with a dose of 200 mg/kg weight
has the most optimal ability to reduce uric
acid levels compared to the doses of 50
mg/kg and 100 mg/kg. [22]
Figure 3. Chemical Structure of Curcumin

PHYTOCHEMICAL Curcuma is very closely related to the

Curcumin is a colorant in curcuma in
bioactive compounds in it, especially
the form of orange, yellow crystals. To find
curcuminoids. The curcuminioid structure is
out the best condition for curcumin from
a group of phenolic compounds and is
curcuma, using ethanol as a solvent. The
composed of curcumin,
ethanol concentration variations used were
demethoxycurcumin, and
50%, 70%, and 96%. The highest curcumin
bidemethoxycurcumin compounds. [8]
content was 2,617%. Curcumin (1,-bis (4-
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene- Table 2. Curcuminoid structure
3, 5-dion) is a yellow pigment extracted No. Compound Name R1 R2
from the curcuma rhizome plant. [7] 1
Curcumin (C21H20O6)
Demethoxicurcumin (C20H1805)
3 Bisdemethoxycurcumin (C19H16O4) H H

Several chemical elements, such as

curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, l-hydroxy- In this research, determination of levels of
1,7-bis (4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) -6- lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) contamination
heptene- 3,5-dione and 1- (4-hydroxy-3,5- using atomic absorption spectrometry is
dimethoxyphenyl) -7- (4-hydroxy- valid for samples of methanol extract and
3methoxyphenyl) -1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione curcumarhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza
was identified in the ethyl acetate fraction of Roxb.). The levels of lead contamination
C. xanthorrhiza. In addition, (Pb) in methanol extract and
bisdemethoxycurcumin and 1,7-bis (4- curcumarhizome were 2.10 ± 0.001 mg/kg
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) -heptane-3,5- and 4.34 ± 0.001 mg/kg, respectively, and
diol were detected only using UPLC-MS / cadmium (Cd) levels were not detected. [20]
MS. [9]

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Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
Een Kustina Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.: a review

PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS homogeneity test, pH test, spreadability test,

Antibacterial and protective ability test. Based on the
Curcuma contains chemical results of the curcuma rhizome extract, it
compounds that have physiologically active can be made into an ointment that meets the
compounds, namely curcuminoids and requirements for testing ointment
essential oils. Curcuminoid content in preparations. [12]
curcuma has pharmacological effects as
antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, and Antimicrobial
contains antioxidants. Curcuminoid content Analysis of gas chromatography/
in curcuma ranges from 1-2%, and essential mass spectroscopy showed that the
oil content in curcuma ranges from 3 - 12%. dominant monoterpene (88.53%) in the
Curcuma rhizome extract is antibacterial curcuma rhizome oil (Curcuma
against Staphylococcus aureus and xanthorrhiza). Sesquiterpenes (50.10%) is a
Staphylococcus epidermis, Bacillus cereus, component of the most abundant essential
Streptococcus mutans, which are gram- oil of C. glans. As a comparison, it was
positive bacteria. [10] found monoterpenes (45.55%) and
Based on the results of the study, it sesquiterpenes (45.81%) in C. aeruginosa
can be concluded that the ethanol extract of by a significant amount. The main
96% of curcuma rhizome (Curcuma component C. aeruginosa is characterized
xanthorrhiza Roxb.)can inhibit the growth as camphor (29.39%) and germakron
of the bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis. (21.21%). Germacrone (15.76%), b-pinene
The ethanol extract of 96% curcuma (9.97%) and camphor (9.96%) were
rhizome (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) had identified as the main compounds in the oil
a significant difference in inhibition in each rhizome C. glans. The third essential oil of
concentration group. The concentration of curcuma species have a more significant
curcuma rhizome extract 25% have been activity against gram-positive bacteria
able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus
epidermidis bacteria, and the most massive cereus) compared with gram-negative
inhibitory response lies in the curcuma bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
rhizome extract with a concentration of aeruginosa). The results showed that the
100%. The results of this study illustrate essential oil of fresh curcuma rhizome
that the active ingredients in curcuma can be potential as a source of natural antimicrobial
useful for antibiotic treatment in the future. agent. [13]
The antimicrobial activity of
essential oil from curcuma rhizome extract
Anti-fungal has xanthorihizol, camphene and curcumene
Curcuma methanol extract has an derivatives, monoterpene hydrocarbons,
anti-fungal function against Candida oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene,
albicans by invitro, using a concentration of and hydrocarbons. The antimicrobial
10% curcuma methanol extract can produce activity of curcuma essential oil is known to
an inhibition zone diameter of 16.2 mm. [11] inhibit bacteria such as Asperrgilus liger
and Fusarium oxysforum significantly. [14]
Anti-acne The minimum inhibitory level
Curcuma rhizome extract was cannot be determined because the higher the
prepared by maceration method using 95% concentration of curcuma rhizome extracts
ethanol as a solvent. An ointment is used by in the tube, the more cloudy. In comparison,
dissolving nipagine with PEG 400, then the minimum kill rate is a concentration
melting PEG 400, and mixing nipagin as a level of 6.25%. The test results using one-
preservative. The ointment then passed way ANOVA showed significant
several tests, including an organoleptic test, differences in treatment (P = 0.000). The

International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research ( 497

Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
Een Kustina Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.: a review

higher the concentration of curcuma thereby suggesting areas for further study.
rhizome, the greater the ability to inhibit and
kill Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (r = -
0,788). Giving the concentration of curcuma Anti-inflammatory
extract affected decreasing the number of The development of anti-
bacterial colonies of Staphylococcus aureus inflammatory agents focused on the
Perml (106) (r2 = 62.1%). [15] response to the proteins involved in
inflammatory disorders. The ethanol extract
Antioxidants of rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza
The type of solvent had a significant standards (CE) with xanthorrhizol evaluated
effect on antioxidants and affected curcumin to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory
levels. Total phenol, as well as the activity in a mouse model of 5% dextran
antioxidant activity of curcuma extract, did sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis-induced colitis
not affect yield. The best type of solvent for (UC). Treatment with CE (4 or 40 mg/kg)
curcuma extraction is ethanol, which debilitating disease activity index,
produces 14.90% yield, 1.74% curcumin, shortening of the colon, histologic changes,
total phenol 51.56 mgGEA/100 g sample, and myeloperoxidase activity. We
the antioxidant capacity of 5.49 mgGAEAC concluded that CE is a natural plant material
/ 100g sample, and antioxidant activity IC50 which is relatively edible and non-toxic
amounting to 51.17 mg/L. [16] which appears to be related to dietary
supplements beneficial gut, and their use
Anticancer can provide an alternative approach to
Xanthorrhizol (XNT) is a kind modulate inflammation. This discovery
bisabolene sesquiterpenoids compound highlights the potential of CE as a
extracted from Curcuma xanthorrhiza functional food products, and cost-effective
Roxb. It has been demonstrated that phytopharmaca. [19]
curcuma has a variety of biological
activities such as anti-cancer, antimicrobial, CONCLUSION
anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti- The information collected above
hyperglycemic, anti-hypertensive, anti- regarding the use of Curcuma (Curcuma
platelet, nefroprotektif, hepatoprotective, xanthorrhiza) in the world is adjusted to the
estrogenic and estrogenic effects. Because available literature. This plant is used in
many synthetic drugs have toxic side effects traditional alternative medicine systems
and are not capable of supporting the against various diseases such as asthma,
increasing prevalence of the disease, the malaria, fever, dysentery, diarrhea, epilepsy,
development of natural products for the skin diseases, snake bites, and others. In
treatment of uterine stem increasing. XNT is recent years, the use of ethnobotany and
a potent natural bioactive compounds that traditional natural compounds, especially
can meet the needs of today's new drug those of plant origin, has received much
discovery. Regardless of its importance, a attention because of their well-tested
comprehensive review of the efficacy and generally believed to be safe
pharmacological activity XNT not yet been for human use. All available literature on
published in the scientific literature to date. curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) illustrates
Here, this review aims to summarize the that curcuma is a popular medicine among
information available in this area, focusing various tribes and traditional practitioners
on anti-cancer properties, and shows the for the treatment of diseases. Researchers
status of current research. It also can help are currently exploring the plant's
facilitate understanding of the role of therapeutic potential.
pharmacological XNT in drug discovery,

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Vol.5; Issue: 3; July-September 2020
Een Kustina Traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Curcuma xanthorriza roxb.: a review

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