Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.: A Review
Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.: A Review
Traditional Uses, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.: A Review
The dried curcuma rhizome, when
brewed with hot water, can cure liver and
bile disorders. If the rhizome is grated and
squeezed and then drunk, it can facilitate
bowel movements and increase breast milk.
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higher the concentration of curcuma thereby suggesting areas for further study.
rhizome, the greater the ability to inhibit and
kill Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (r = -
0,788). Giving the concentration of curcuma Anti-inflammatory
extract affected decreasing the number of The development of anti-
bacterial colonies of Staphylococcus aureus inflammatory agents focused on the
Perml (106) (r2 = 62.1%). [15] response to the proteins involved in
inflammatory disorders. The ethanol extract
Antioxidants of rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza
The type of solvent had a significant standards (CE) with xanthorrhizol evaluated
effect on antioxidants and affected curcumin to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory
levels. Total phenol, as well as the activity in a mouse model of 5% dextran
antioxidant activity of curcuma extract, did sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis-induced colitis
not affect yield. The best type of solvent for (UC). Treatment with CE (4 or 40 mg/kg)
curcuma extraction is ethanol, which debilitating disease activity index,
produces 14.90% yield, 1.74% curcumin, shortening of the colon, histologic changes,
total phenol 51.56 mgGEA/100 g sample, and myeloperoxidase activity. We
the antioxidant capacity of 5.49 mgGAEAC concluded that CE is a natural plant material
/ 100g sample, and antioxidant activity IC50 which is relatively edible and non-toxic
amounting to 51.17 mg/L. [16] which appears to be related to dietary
supplements beneficial gut, and their use
Anticancer can provide an alternative approach to
Xanthorrhizol (XNT) is a kind modulate inflammation. This discovery
bisabolene sesquiterpenoids compound highlights the potential of CE as a
extracted from Curcuma xanthorrhiza functional food products, and cost-effective
Roxb. It has been demonstrated that phytopharmaca. [19]
curcuma has a variety of biological
activities such as anti-cancer, antimicrobial, CONCLUSION
anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti- The information collected above
hyperglycemic, anti-hypertensive, anti- regarding the use of Curcuma (Curcuma
platelet, nefroprotektif, hepatoprotective, xanthorrhiza) in the world is adjusted to the
estrogenic and estrogenic effects. Because available literature. This plant is used in
many synthetic drugs have toxic side effects traditional alternative medicine systems
and are not capable of supporting the against various diseases such as asthma,
increasing prevalence of the disease, the malaria, fever, dysentery, diarrhea, epilepsy,
development of natural products for the skin diseases, snake bites, and others. In
treatment of uterine stem increasing. XNT is recent years, the use of ethnobotany and
a potent natural bioactive compounds that traditional natural compounds, especially
can meet the needs of today's new drug those of plant origin, has received much
discovery. Regardless of its importance, a attention because of their well-tested
comprehensive review of the efficacy and generally believed to be safe
pharmacological activity XNT not yet been for human use. All available literature on
published in the scientific literature to date. curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) illustrates
Here, this review aims to summarize the that curcuma is a popular medicine among
information available in this area, focusing various tribes and traditional practitioners
on anti-cancer properties, and shows the for the treatment of diseases. Researchers
status of current research. It also can help are currently exploring the plant's
facilitate understanding of the role of therapeutic potential.
pharmacological XNT in drug discovery,