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Chapter 3 Rotation and Revolution Notes

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Chapter 3

Rotation and Revolution

Short Answer Question

1. What is meant by the inclination of the earth's axis? At what angle is the
earth's axis inclined?

The earth is always tilted in the same direction, towards the Pole star, as it
moves round the sun. The angle at which the earth is tilted is known as the
inclination of the earth's axis.

The axis of the earth is inclined or tilted at an angle of 23 ½° from the vertical
or 66 ½° with the plane of the earth's orbit.

2. Name the two chief motions of the earth.

The two chief motions of the earth are rotation and revolution.

3. Describe two characteristics of rotation.

Two characteristics of rotation are-

1. Direction- The earth completes one rotation from west to east on its axis
in 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds.

2. Inclination of axis- The earth is always tilted in the same direction,

towards the Pole star, as it moves round the sun. The angle at which the
earth is tilted is known as the inclination of the earth's axis.

3. Speed – The speed of earth’s rotation at the Equator is 1670 km per

hour. The circumference of the earth= length of the equator= 40075 km.
Time taken to complete one rotation = 40075 km/1670 km/hr = 23 hours
56 minutes 4.09 seconds which is roughly equal to 24hours. (any 2)

4. State two effects of the rotation of the earth.

Two effects of the rotation of the earth are-

1. Day and night are caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis.
2. Sunrise and sunset are caused by the rotation of the earth from west to
3. Coriolis Effect - Due to the earth's rotation, the direction of the winds
and the ocean currents are deflected towards the right in the Northern
Hemisphere and towards the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
4. The sun, moon and the stars seem to move from east to west.
5. Centrifugal force - Centrifugal force is an apparent outward force,
arising from the body's inertia, which appears to act on a rotating
object, moving in a circular path and is directed away from the axis of
6. Rotation causes difference in time over various places on the earth.
7. The side of the earth towards the sun constantly gains heat and the
side away from the sun constantly loses heat. (any 2)

5. Mention any two possible consequences if the axis of the earth was vertical
instead of inclined.

Two possible consequences if the axis of the earth was vertical instead of
inclined are-

1. The length of day and night would have been equal at all places on the
2. All the places on the earth would have had the same temperature
throughout the year. There would be no seasons.

6. State one reason why we do not feel the motions of the earth.

We do not feel the motions of the earth because the force of gravity keeps
everything attached to the earth. This keeps all objects at rest with reference
to the motions of the earth unless any external force acts on it.

7. Define 'revolution'.

The motion of the earth around the sun in an elliptical orbit is called

8. State two chief characteristics of the revolution of the earth.

Two chief characteristics of the revolution of the earth are-

1. The earth moves round the sun in an elliptical orbit at an average speed
of 29.8 km per second.
2. When the earth is closer to the sun, the gravitational pull makes the
earth move faster than when it is away from the sun. Thus, the speed of
revolution is not uniform.
3. The period taken by the earth to make one complete round around the
sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45.51 seconds, taken as 365
days and 6 hours.
4. The axis of the earth is inclined or tilted at an angle of 23 ½° from the
vertical or 66 ½° with the plane of the earth's orbit.

9. Mention two effects of revolution.

Two effects of revolution are-

1. Seasonal Changes - Revolution causes different seasons on earth due to

differences in the heating of the earth.

2. Inclination of the earth's axis - Since the axis of the earth is inclined,
seasonal changes are not abrupt.

3. Perihelion and aphelion positions – The earth orbits around the sun in an
elliptical path due to which the distance between the earth and the sun varies.
When the earth is closest to the sun, the position is called perihelion (147.3
million km away from the sun) and when it is the farthest, the position is called
aphelion (152 million km away from the sun).

4. Creation of heat zones -The spherical shape of the earth along with
revolution of the earth causes difference in the distribution of heat on the
earth's surface and results in the creation of heat zones.

10. On which two days are the days and nights equal all over the world and
why? What name do you give to these days?

The days and nights are equal all over the world on March 21st and September
23rd because the sun crosses the plane of the earth's equator making day and
night of equal length.

March 21st is known as Spring or Vernal Equinox and September 23rd is known
as Autumnal equinox.
11. Which is the longest and which is the shortest day in the Northern
Hemisphere and why?

The longest day in the Northern Hemisphere is June 21st as the sun's rays fall
vertically at the Tropic of Cancer and the North Pole is tilted towards the sun.

The shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere is December 22nd as the sun's
rays fall vertically at the Tropic of Capricorn and the North Pole is tilted away
the sun.

12. On which dates does the sun shine vertically overhead at:

(a) Equator
(b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) Tropic of Capricorn

The sun shines vertically overhead at the:

(a) Equator on 21st March and 23rd September

(b) Tropic of Cancer on 21st June
(c) Tropic of Capricorn on 22nd December

13. Why is noon hotter than morning?

Noon is hotter than morning because at noon, the sun is overhead. So, vertical
rays of the sun fall at noon making the place hotter than the morning when
slanting rays of the sun fall at a place.

14. Why are days and nights equal at all places on earth on September 23rd?
What are the seasons in the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres on this

Days and nights are equal at all places on earth on September 23 because on
this date, the sun shines vertically over the equator, making day and night of
equal length.

It is autumn season in the northern hemisphere and spring season in the

southern hemisphere.

15. What is meant by Summer Solstice? When do we have Summer Solstice in

the Northern Hemisphere?
On June 21, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the sun is
overhead at the Tropic of Cancer. So, the northern hemisphere enjoys the
longest day. This day is called Summer Solstice.

We have Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere on June 21st.

16. What is meant by Equinox?

Equinox refers to the time when the sun shines vertically over the equator. At
the equinoxes, the days and nights are of equal length throughout the world.

17. What will be the duration of daylight on March 21st at 23°30'N and 66°30'S
latitudes? Give reason.

The duration of daylight on March 21st at 23°30'N and 66°30'S latitudes will be
12 hours because on March 21st, the sun shines vertically over the equator
and so the length of day and night is equal all over the world.

18. What is the relationship of seasons between the Northern and Southern

The northern and southern hemispheres always experience opposite seasons.

This is due to the tilted axis of the earth, the north pole remains inclined
towards the sun for a part of the year while the south pole is tilted away. For
the remaining part of the year, the situation is reversed.

19. How has the phenomenon of the 'Midnight Sun' come about?

During the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the rays of the sun
fall vertically on the Tropic of Cancer. The duration of sunlight increases from
12 hours at the equator to 13 hrs 27 minutes at 23 1/2° N and further to 24 hrs
at 66 1/2° N. Beyond the Arctic Circle, the regions experience 24 hours
daylight. This phenomenon is called the ‘Midnight Sun’ and it only takes place
at the poles.

20. Mention one effect of seasons in low and high latitudes.

The effect of seasons in low and high latitudes is distinct through various
phases of different seasons. Low latitude areas experience high temperature
and get ample rainfall while the high latitude areas are cold and receive less
Tropical regions are always warm with heavy rainfall season, the temperate
regions are cold with scanty rainfall and the polar regions are covered with
snow throughout the year due to extremely low temperature.

21. Draw a well labelled diagram to show changes in the altitude of the midday
sun at different times of the year.

II. Distinguish between the following-

1. Rotation and Revolution

Rotation Revolution

It is the spinning of the earth on its It is the motion of the earth around the sun in an
axis. elliptical orbit.

The time taken for one rotation is 23 The time taken for one revolution is 365 days, 5
hrs 56 min. hrs and 48 min.

It causes day and night. It causes seasonal changes.

2. Vertical and Slanting Rays

Vertical Rays Slanting Rays

Vertical rays travel over a shorter distance Slanting rays travel over a larger distance and
and thus loose less heat. loose more heat.

Vertical Rays of the sun fall within its

Slanting Rays of the sun fall in temperate and
migration belt that is, between the Tropics
Polar regions.
of Cancer and Capricorn.

3. Equinox and Solstice

Equinox Solstice

It refers to the time when the sun reaches its

It refers to the time when the sun
highest or lowest point in the sky at noon,
crosses the plane of the earth's equator,
resulting in the shortest and longest days of the
making night and day of equal length.
Equinox Solstice

It happens on March 21st and

It happens on June 21st and December 22nd.
September 23rd.

It happens at the start of spring and

It happens during summer and winter.

4. Summer Solstice :

1. The Earth is in this position on its orbit on 21st June.

2. The Sun is overhead on Tropic of Cancer (23 1/2° N).
3. Days are longer than nights in the Northern Hemisphere.
4. There is summer season in the Northern and winter season in the
Southern Hemisphere.

Winter Solstice :

1. The Earth is in this position on its orbit on 22nd December.

2. The Sun is overhead on Tropic of Capricorn (23 1/2° S).
3. Days are shorter than night in the Northern Hemisphere.
4. There is winter season in the Northern and summer season in the
Southern Hemisphere.


1. The positions of the Earth on 21st June and 22nd December are
known as Solstices.
2. The Sun is overhead at tropics.
3. Days and nights are unequal.
4. The term Solstice mean “Sun standing ‘still’.
5. There is summer or winter season in Northern Hemisphere.

1. The positions of the Earth on 23rd September and 21st March are
known as Equinoxes.
2. The Sun is overhead at Equator.
3. Days and nights are equal.
4. The term Equinox means ‘Equal night’.
5. There is autumn or spring season in Northern Hemisphere.

III. Structured Questions

1(a) What is meant by rotation of the earth? State three effects of the rotation
of the earth.

The spinning of the earth on its axis from west to east once in 24 hours is
called rotation of the earth.

Three effects of the rotation of the earth are:

1. Day and night are caused by the rotation of the earth on its axis.
2. Rotation causes difference in time over various places on the earth.
3. Sunrise and sunset are caused by the rotation of the earth from west to

1(b) What is the effect of the inclined axis of the earth on day and night?

Due to the inclined axis of the earth, the duration of day and night is different
at different places of the earth. The time of day at any place is determined by
the height of the sun in the sky.

1(c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) Kuala Lumpur rotates faster on the earth's axis than London.
(ii) We always see the sun rising in the east.
(iii) Norway is called the Land of the Midnight Sun.

(i) Kuala Lumpur rotates faster on the earth's axis than London because Kuala
Lumpur is closer to the equator while London is away from the equator and
the speed of rotation is greater at the equator and decreases towards the
(ii) We always see the sun rising in the east because the earth rotates from
west to east.

(iii) Norway is called the Land of the Midnight Sun as Norway lies beyond the
Arctic circle and hence, the region experiences 24 hours daylight, the sun is
visible at a very low height, just above the horizon continuously for almost
three months, up to autumn equinox. So it is called the Land of Midnight sun
due to the sunlight seen at night, too.

1(d) Draw a well labelled diagram to show inclination of the earth on its axis.

2 (a) Describe how the duration of sunlight changes from the Equator to the
Poles with respect to the angle of incidence during the solstices.

As the angle of incidence changes from 0° to 90° from Poles towards the
Equator, the duration of sunlight also changes.

On June 21st, the equator receives 12 hours of sunlight which increases to 24

hours at the North pole and decreases to 0 hours at the South pole.

Similarly, on December 22nd, the equator receives 12 hours of sunlight which

decreases to 0 hours at the North pole and increases to 24 hours at the South
2(b) Describe how seasons are made and reversed between the Northern and
Southern Hemispheres.

The earth's axis is tilted so when the northern hemisphere is facing the sun on
June 21st, it receives maximum amount of Sunlight and the summer season is
prevalent in the Northern hemisphere at the same time the southern
hemisphere is away from the sun on December 22nd, as a result it receives less
amount of sunlight and it faces the winter season. The same happens when the
southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun it receiving maximum amount of
Sunlight and summer season in prevalent here and the reverse happening in
the Northern hemisphere. Thus, both hemispheres have reversed seasons.

(3 marks)


Due to the tilted axis of the earth, the Northern Hemisphere gets maximum
sunlight from March to September and Southern Hemisphere from September
to March. So, the seasons are also reversed, for e.g., the summer season in
Northern Hemisphere correspond by winter in Southern Hemisphere and the
spring is exchanged with Autumn season. (2 marks)

2(c) Give a geographical reason for each of the following:

(i) The length of day and night is not equal at all places on the earth.
(ii) The period of twilight and dawn increases polewards.
(iii) 25th of December in New Zealand may be one of the hottest days of the

(i) The length of day and night is not equal at all places on the earth due to the
tilted axis of the earth and the migration belt of the sun between Tropics of
Cancer and Capricorn.

(ii) The period of twilight and dawn increases polewards because of the oblique
path of the sun rays towards the poles than the vertical path along the
equator. Thus, the length of dawn and twilight is greater, as it is nearly one
hour near equator and 50 days at the poles.

(iii) On December 22, the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. The
sun shines directly overhead the Tropic of Capricorn. The places in the
southern hemisphere experience the summer season. Therefore, 25th of
December in New Zealand may be one of the hottest days of the year.
2(d) Draw a well labelled diagram to show the tilt of the earth's axis and how
the revolution causes seasons and variation in the length of day and night.

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