Unit 5 - Debit & Credit Cards
Unit 5 - Debit & Credit Cards
Unit 5 - Debit & Credit Cards
Debit & Credit Cards
20 Questions
c) Both
3. Consumers can purchase items now and pay for them later.
c) Both
in the account.
5. Convenient to use.
c) Both
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a purchase.
c) Both
c) Both
9. Eric purchased a movie ticket with his card. This money will
10. Rosa’s gas pump went out as she was driving her car to
work. Since she did not have enough money to cover the
cost to replace the pump, she used a card that allowed her
to pay later. What card did she use?
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Mrs. Brady took her family out to eat. She handed the
waitress a card to purchase the meal. This charge appeared
on a bill that she paid three weeks later. Which card did she
c) Both
12. To avoid carrying cash, Ned pays for his lunch using this
c) Both
c) Both
c) Both
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c) Both
c) Both
c) Both
c) Both
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Answer Key
1. a 6. a 11. b 16. c
2. b 7. b 12. a 17. b
3. b 8. c 13. c 18. c
4. a 9. a 14. b 19. b
5. c 10. b 15. b 20. b
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