Icact 2

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An Inspector Calls

Summary Act II

Gerald knows that the inspector’s questions will ......... his involvement with
Daisy Renton. He wants .......... to leave but she insists on staying. Mrs.
Birling enters and meets the inspector for the first time. she tries to make
light of the situation which she refers to as ‘this ......... business.’ Sheila
realises that her mother’s ......... and uncaring attitude will eventually be
turned against her and tries to ......... her. We realise that the family really
know very ........ about each other. At this point, for example, Mrs. Birling
discovers that Eric has been ......... heavily for years.

The inspector questions Gerald who admits that he know Daisy Renton. He
met her at the ......... at the Palace Variety Theatre in Brumley. Gerald
explains that Alderman Meggarty was ......... Daisy and he .......... her. He
set her up as his ......... until ........... when the affair came to an end. He
seems genuinely ......... about the girl’s death, particularly as Eva was
very .......... when he broke off the relationship. Sheila then gives Gerald
back her ......... ........... .

After some prompting Mrs. Birling admits that the girl had approached
the ........... organisation which she is involved with. Eva, who was .......... ,
had unfortunately called herself .......... ........... when she first met the
committee which ........... Mrs. Birling against her. Mrs. Birling ......... the
committee not to help her and told her to go and look for the .......... of
her .......... . The inspector traps Mrs. Birling into stating that the man should
be made an ......... of. Mrs. Birling is a .......... character who remains ..........


1. What do we learn about Eva Smith from Act II? How does Priestley
contrast her behaviour with that of the Birling family and Gerald Croft?
2. Act II ends with Mrs. Birling finally weakening. What is the cause of this?
How does the inspector trap her into condemning her own son?
3. Compare and contrast the reaction of Gerald Croft and Mrs. Birling to
interrogation by the inspector.
4. How has Eric’s guilt been suggested by Priestley in Acts I and II?

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