The Woman in White Students

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

The Woman in White Photocopiable

While reading Chapters 7–9
PART 1 4 Complete these sentences. Then find the
Chapters 1–3 sentences in the book and check your answers.
1 Find the words which mean the following. a He told us that several years ago he had a
a (page 1) a quickly-made drawing ……………… called Mrs Catherick.
……………… b To my surprise Marian seemed to show some
b (page 6) a very large amount of money ……………… .
……………… c I therefore ……… ……… the marriage
c (page 8) to worry ……………… settlement according to her wishes.
d (page 10) an official agreement d ‘If you decide to object to the marriage
……………… settlement, Sir Percival must ……… ……… .’
e (page 11) a female servant ……………… e Walter Hartright had given her a little book
2 Who is speaking and to whom? What is the ……………… some of his drawings.
speaker talking about? f I really hoped that Mr Fairlie’s nerves would
a ‘Tell me how I can help you.’ be ……………… for the rest of the day.
b ‘How I wish I was going there too.’ g Sir Percival arrived at Limmeridge House,
c ‘He’s not very keen on visitors.’ bringing with him some really beautiful
d ‘I’ve found out something interesting.’ ……………… for Laura.
e ‘You must leave Limmeridge House at once.’ PART 2
Chapters 4–6 Chapters 1–4
3 All the sentences are wrong. Correct them. 5 Find the words which mean the following.
a In the churchyard the boy saw a woman a (page 34) someone who cooks and cleans for
dressed in a long dark-blue coat. another person in their house ………………
……………………………………………… b (page 34) a member of your family who lived
……………………………………………… a long time ago ………………
b The Woman in White came to the churchyard c (page 35) dark, especially in a way that seems
to meet Walter Hartright. sad ………………
……………………………………………… d (page 35) someone whose job is to look after
……………………………………………… animals and birds that are wild and are
c The Woman in White missed her mother and hunted in private land ………………
was planning to visit her. e (page 37) not knowing about the bad things
……………………………………………… in life ………………
……………………………………………… f (page 39) to move very quietly and slowly
d Mr Fairlie was really glad that Walter was ………………
leaving as he didn’t like him. g (page 42) to give attention to something
……………………………………………… ………………
……………………………………………… h (page 43) the way in which two people behave
e Mr Gilmore was a detective who investigated towards each other ………………
the case of Anne Catherick. i (page 45) to find a solution to a problem
……………………………………………… ………………
……………………………………………… 6 Mark each statement true (T) or false (F).
f At Walter’s last dinner at Limmeridge House a Marian visited Mrs Catherick and had
everyone was very excited and talked a lot. a chat with her. c
……………………………………………… b Marian admired Count Fosco as she
……………………………………………… thought he was a very attractive and
interesting man. c

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

The Woman in White Photocopiable

c This time Mr Merriman brought good c Eventually Sir Percival and Count Fosco
news for Sir Percival. c managed to find Anne Catherick. c
d Marian got extremely worried when d Anne Catherick was put at the asylum
she heard the conversation between again. c
Mr Merriman and Sir Percival. c e Count Fosco deceived Laura by telling
e Sir Percival learnt about Mrs Catherick’s her that her sister was waiting for her in
visit from the housekeeper. c London. c
f Sir Percival needed Laura’s signature f Count Fosco was much more clever
badly. c than his friend. c
g The mysterious figure Marian and g The plan was based on one extraordinary
Laura saw near the lake was Anne feature. c
Catherick. c h Mr Fairlie was really happy to hear that
Laura was alive. c
Chapters 5–9
i Mrs Catherick shared the secret with
7 Complete the following sentences.
Walter because she wanted to take
a If Marian hadn’t gone down to the lake, she
revenge on her former lover. c
wouldn’t …………………………………… .
b If Count Fosco hadn’t seen Anne, Anne Chapters 4–7
…………………………………………….. . 10 All these sentences are false. Correct them.
c If Marian hadn’t been out on the balcony, she a Sir Percival couldn’t get out of the church
…………………………………………….. . because someone had locked it.
d If it hadn’t been wet and cold, Marian ………………………………………………
…………………………………………….. . b Sir Percival’s servant tried to rescue him.
e If Walter Hartright did not go to visit Lady ………………………………………………
Glyde’s grave, he ………………………….. . c Laura’s guardian was Anne Catherick’s father.
8 Put these events in the order of the time at ………………………………………………
which they occurred. d Count Fosco died in London.
a c Laura arrives at Count Fosco’s house. ………………………………………………
b c Mrs Michelson realizes that Sir Percival e Mr Fairlie died of a fever.
deceived her and Laura: Marian is still at ………………………………………………
Blackwater Park. f Marian inherited Limmeridge House.
c c Walter meets Laura again. ………………………………………………
d c Laura leaves Blackwater Park. After reading
e c Sir Percival decides to close up Blackwater 11 Discuss: In small groups, discuss the following
Park. question: If people were animals, what animal
f c Laura dies. would the following characters be? Compare the
PART 3 results as a whole class, giving reasons for your
Chapters 1–3 choice.
9 Mark each statement true (T) or false (F). Walter, Laura, Marian, Sir Percival, Mr Gilmore,
a Sir Percival and Count Fosco had left Mrs Catherick.
Blackwater Park before Marian recovered. c 12 Discuss: In your opinion, in what way is The
b On receiving the news about Laura’s Woman in White a detective novel? Who is/are
death Marian hurried to London. c the detective(s)?

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Progress test LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

The Woman in White Photocopiable

PART 1 f Laura spoke to Sir Percival / Anne Catherick at the
Chapters 1–3 boathouse.
1 Choose the right sentence. Write 1 or 2. g Anne Catherick hates the name Fairlie / Glyde.
a Walter Hartright didn’t want to take his new job Chapters 5–9
because ….. 5 Mark each statement true (T) or false (F).
1) he didn’t want to leave London. a Count Fosco saw Laura talking to Anne
2) he had a strange feeling about it. Catherick. c
b Walter’s meeting with Mr Fairlie was very short b Both Sir Percival and Count Fosco needed
because ….. Laura’s money. c
1) Mr Fairlie got tired very quickly. c Marian didn’t go to the boathouse with Laura
2) Mr Fairlie didn’t like the new teacher. to meet Anne because it was raining heavily. c
c Marian told Walter to go away because ….. d Count Fosco was afraid of Anne Catherick. c
1) Laura was going to marry Sir Percival. e Soon after coming to London, Laura died. c
2) she didn’t want Laura to marry a poor teacher. f Anne Catherick looks exactly like Laura
Chapters 4–6 would after a long illness. c
2 Who did that? Write in the correct name. g Walter Hartright was too heartbroken
a …………… took Walter to the churchyard. after learning of Laura’s death to return to
b …………… cleaned the marble cross. Limmeridge House. c
c …………… wrote to Mr Gilmore about the PART 3
warning letter. Chapters 1–3
d …………… told Anne that Sir Percival Glyde 6 Who did that? Write in the correct name.
was coming. a ……………… had changed a lot since Walter saw
e …………… has very delicate nerves and allows her for the first time.
Mr Hartright to leave. b ……………… wrote a letter to Mr Fairlie about
f …………… sends a copy of the letter to Sir Anne Catherick.
Percival Glyde. c ……………… used all her money to help Laura.
d ……………… changed Anne’s and Laura’s clothes.
Chapters 7–9
e ……………… didn’t show any emotion at hearing
3 Put these events in the order of the time at which
about Anne’s death.
they occurred. Write 1–5.
f ……………… wanted to punish Sir Percival Glyde
a c Marian helps Walter find work abroad.
for what he had done to Laura.
b c Mr Gilmore and Mr Merriman have a dispute
g ……………… tells Walter Hartright to go to the
over the marriage settlement.
church near Blackwater Park.
c c Sir Percival Glyde explains the situation.
d c The wedding date is fixed. Chapters 4–7
e c Mr Fairlie accepts Sir Percival’s wishes. 7 Mark each statement true (T) or false (F).
a Walter didn’t find any record about Sir
PART 2 Percival’s parents’ marriage. c
Chapters 1–4 b Mrs Catherick knew that Sir Percival’s
4 Choose the correct word. parents hadn’t been married. c
a Mrs Michelson / Marian found the dog. c There was an official enquiry about Sir
b Sir Percival was really a charming and polite / Percival’s death. c
cruel and wicked man. d There was an explanation why Laura and
c Count Fosco was a very kind / dangerous man. Anne Catherick were so much alike. c
d When Marian heard Laura’s story about her married e Walter Hartright and Laura had a little girl. c
life, she felt relieved / guilty. f After Mr Fairlie dies, Limmeridge House
e Laura told Marian that she had lost the bracelet / belongs to Walter Hartright. c
necklace that Marian had given her as a wedding g The future owner of Limmeridge House is
present. Walter Hartright’s son. c

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