6 BBU RplcParts 16-020834-00
6 BBU RplcParts 16-020834-00
6 BBU RplcParts 16-020834-00
August 2007
6-2 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
Overview The purpose of this chapter is to identify select replacement parts for the Bluebird Upright (BBU)
Video. These parts are current as of August 2007, and may change without notice.
CAUTION: The use of any component not listed in this chapter or any other unapproved hardware
causes non-compliance of the BBU. Only replace BBU components with WMS-approved
components and parts to ensure compliance with all product and safety certifications and
Ordering Parts Replacement parts are ordered by contacting the Customer Resource Center at WMS: 866-967-4457.
August 2007
Electrical Parts 6-3
Electrical Parts The parts below reflect the current production Bluebird Upright Video.
Bulbs and Ballasts
Table 6-1 Bulbs and Ballasts
Part Numbers Description
6620-008027-00-00 ballast: dual univ in 9w x 2
6620-018006-00-00 ballast: univ input, dual 6w
6620-004995-00-00 ballast: universal input, 15wS
24-005467 bulb: 4pin pl-9 w/o starter
24-014092 bulb: fluor, 4pin, 5w, w/o starter 4100k
24-8809 bulb: fluorescent 15w 18"
24-010167 bulb: t3.25 wedge 14v
24-008144 lamp: 9" 6w f6t5cw
6710-005466-00-00 socket: 4pin pl-9 fluorescent (service lamp)
6710-9848-00-00 socket: fluorescent lmp
24-8841 socket: mini bi-pin snap fit
Table 6-2 Batteries
Part Numbers Description
6880-017813-00-00 battery: coin cell, 3v, 20mm
WARNING: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Before discarding this appliance the batteries
must be removed and disposed of safely. Disconnect the power supply cord(s) before removing the
Button Panel,
Table 6-3 Buttons and Button Lenses
Buttons, and Button
Inserts Part Numbers Description
KIT-015880-01-07-zzz 10 Button Poker
6-4 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
KIT-015880-01-09-zzz 13 Button
KIT-015880-00-01-zzz 5 Button
August 2007
Electrical Parts 6-5
Table 6-3 Buttons and Button Lenses (continued)
Part Numbers Description
KIT-015880-00-02-zzz 6 Button (See Pays)
Table 6-4 Cables
Part Numbers Description
HS-13315-00-06 cbl: 6 meter f/o
HD-012802-00-01 cbl: f/o power cable (fiber optic)
HS-011762-00-01 cbl: f/o serial cable
HS-020015-00-08-004 cbl: rj45 mld 45deg rt/45 deg lt 162w yel
HS-020015-00-20-004 cbl: rj45 mld 45deg rt/str 40in yel
6850-14052-00-00 line cord: IEC 320 M/F jumper
6850-011816-00-00 LINE CORD: N. AMERICA - 3 PRONG - 120V
CAUTION: Always replace a failing cable with a new cable of the same part number. Cables that
appear similar but have different part numbers are not interchangeable.
6-6 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
Table 6-5 Electrical Assemblies/Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
Assemblies/ Printed
Circuit Boards Part Numbers Description
A-015310-01-00 assembly: 24v aux psply - bux
6555-009823-00-00 assembly: bose-w/gde-ubx
A-017999-xx-yy assembly: cpu-nxt2
A-010786 assembly: lcd and brackets -ubv
A-015309-01-00 assembly: pdu, BUX
A-012492-01-00 assembly: pwr strip-ubx
A-017096-xx-yy assembly: RoHs cpu nxt
A-013324-02-00 assembly: service lamp-ubx
A-006672-04-01 assy: bluebird bulkhead tito disabled
A-013312-02-00 pcb: audio isolation w/spdif
A-012938-02-00 pcb: Printer Power Fail Reset
A-006672-04-00 pcba: bluebird bulkhead
A-15895-01-00 pcba: fiber optic link
Table 6-6 Fuses
Part Numbers Description
6733-005797-00-00 fuse holder: panel 5mm x 20mm
6731-017329-00-00 fuse: 5x20mm, hc, sb, 10a, 250
Table 6-7 Mechanical Assemblies
Part Numbers Description
A-010779-01 assembly: bv/hsg-wba-13-ubx
A-009561-00-00 assembly: cntr, 7dgt, 12vdc w/conn
A-010770 assembly: i/o pnl bulkhd-ubx
A-009907-03-00 assembly: i/o pnl bulkhead mtg-bux
01-013832-01-zzz cvr: coin tray endcp-std-lh zzz finish
01-013832-02-zzz cvr: coin tray endcp-std-rh zzz finish
21-013831-01-zzz endcp: coin tray-std-lh zzz finish
21-013831-02-zzz endcp: coin tray-std-rh zzz finish
6651-018251-01-00 fan asy: 12vdc, 60x60x15mm, 2.5", KKF
01-013830-02-zzz tray: coin-no j bend zzz finish
01-013830-01-zzz tray: coin-std
August 2007
Electrical Parts 6-7
Table 6-8 Media
Part Numbers Description
6769-020451-00-01 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 128 MB
6769-020451-00-04 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 1GB
6769-020451-00-02 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 256 MB
6769-020451-00-05 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 2GB
6769-020451-00-03 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 512 MB
6769-020451-00-00 crd: compact flash, w/dma, w/dual plane, 64 MB
6345-007244-00 intgrated circuit: eprom 4k spi bus serial
RAM 256MB to
Table 6-9 RAM 256MB to 512MB Upgrade Kit
512MB Upgrade Kit
Part Numbers Description
kit-013977 kit: CPU-NXT 512 MB upgrade - Bluebird (Kit includes parts listed below.)
20-011892-00 ASSY: PCB, SODIMM, 144 Pin, 512 MB
16-009785-04 Rev. 4 label: CPU DOOR - CPU-NXT - 512MB - "CPU-NXT - 512MB" label
16-009785-07 Rev. 4 label: CPU DOOR - CPU-NXT - 512MB - "CPU-NXT - 512MB" label
kit-013979 kit: CPU-NXT 512 MB upgrade - Legacy (Kit includes parts listed below.)
20-011892-00 ASSY: PCB, SODIMM, 144 Pin, 512 MB
16-013981-01 label: A-008316-19 board upgrade
A-010785-01 ASSY: Bluebird CPU-NXT, 256MB CPU Assembly
A-010785-05 ASSY: Bluebird CPU-NXT, 256MB CPU Assembly (hinged door)
A-010785-04 ASSY: Bluebird CPU-NXT, 512MB CPU Assembly
A-010785-07 ASSY: Bluebird CPU-NXT, 512MB CPU Assembly (hinged door)
A-008316-0x ASSY: Legacy (550, 3601) PCB, 256 MB CPU
A-008316-19 ASSY: Legacy (550, 3601) PCB, 512 MB CPU
Table 6-10 Switches
Part Numbers Description
6643-10059-00-00 switch: lck 0.25 term., mom.
6643-009187-00-00 switch: momentary dpdt chtbl 10a 250v
6643-14246-00-00 switch: momentary dpdt interlock
6643-13229-00-00 switch: momentary interlock
6643-13204-00-00 switch: momentary w/cheat-interlck
6642-002513-00-00 switch: rocker,dpst,non-illuminate
Table 6-11 Miscellaneous Electrical Parts
Electrical Parts
Part Numbers Description
6851-010666-00-00 conn: recept, iec320,.187 term
03-011913 cvr: f/o pcb
6651-002832-01-00 FAN ASSY: 12VDC, 80x80x25MM, 6.0", MFM
RM-22-xx foam tape (Gasket used on LCD bezel and for water diversion)
6902-019380-00-00 hard drive: sata, 40g, 2.5", 5400 rpm (hard drive for the CPU-NXT2)
6102-002009-00-00 line filter: EMI 6a,250v ac,2-stage
6851-010666-00-00 outlet: IEC 320-FEMALE-one position (on power strip)
6792-009188-00-00 outlet: IEC 320-FEMALE-two position (on power strip)
6-8 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
Mechanical The parts below reflect the current production Bluebird Upright Video.
Table 6-12 Cams
Part Numbers Description
01-12793-08 cam: flt 1.25 dual mtg (used on the Bill Acceptor enclosure door on BBS)
01-001614-04 cam: offset 1.50x.25 dual mtg
01-12793-02 cam: flt 1.30 dual mtg (used on the second CPU Enclosure lock)
Table 6-13 Marquees
Part Numbers Description
A-015061-01-xx assembly: oval marq
HU-011866-00-00 cbl: bb marq switched ac (marquee AC Y-cable)
HD-012305-00-00 cbl: dc ext. y 8pmff-8pmfm (marquee DC Y-cable)
A-012487-01-xx marq: cloud w/o art
Marquee Adaptor
Table 6-14 Marquee Adaptor Kits
Part Numbers Description
KIT-015933-00-01 kit: marquee mtg - bbu - 7" & 12”
KIT-015933-00-02 kit: marquee mtg - bbu - 12" & 17" (Fastback)
KIT-015933-00-03 kit: marquee mtg - bbu - 13" & 18”
Table 6-15 Miscellaneous Mechanical Parts
Mechanical Parts
Part Numbers Description
A-012866 assembly: cn deflector-bux (used on the Coin Tray)
A-011502-01 kit: spare parts, BBU
02-008221 post: b/pnl-l/dr sprg rel-ubv
02-010321 roller: brr-pnl-ubx
02-010320 shaft: brr-pnl-rlr-ubx
20-010203 spring: gas-door-ubx
Plates, Brackets,
Table 6-16 Plates, Brackets and Covers
and Covers
Part Numbers Description
A-016754-00-00 assembly: lwr dr lmp-no lcd-bur
01-010222 bracket: 7'' Top Box-lmp-mtg-ubx
01-008210 bracket: atx pdu-mtg-ubx
01-010825 bracket: barrier pnl mtg crdr cvr
01-009821 bracket: bose-h/snk mtg-ubv
01-010209 bracket: cab-dr rel-ubx
01-010914 bracket: cab-meter mtg-red-bux
01-008276 bracket: cab-srvc-lmp-ubx
01-007685 bracket: cn mech chute-cnvtr-ubv
01-009911-01 bracket: cn mech-mtg-std-ubx
01-008281 bracket: dr-sw actr-ubv
August 2007
Mechanical Parts 6-9
Table 6-16 Plates, Brackets and Covers (continued)
Part Numbers Description
01-008306 bracket: fan mtg-ubx
02-014798-00-00 bracket: lcd mtg btm-ubv
02-014797-01-00 bracket: lcd mtg-lh-ubv
02-014797-02-00 bracket: lcd mtg-rh-ubv
01-13533 bracket: line in cvr w/b
01-011594 bracket: lwr dr - hook - ubv
01-011594-01-00 bracket: lwr dr - hook - ubv
01-010422 bracket: lwr dr sw-actr-ubx
01-010421 bracket: lwr dr-sw mtg-ubx
01-010869 bracket: mtr lt mtg -buv
01-011857 bracket: roller ramp-sw mtg-ubx
01-008282 bracket: s/lmp-sw mtg-ubv
01-010645 bracket: strut cab mtg-ubx
01-014321 bracket: strut dr mtg - ubx
01-013211 bracket: Top Box conn-ubx
01-008248 bracket: wba-conn mtg-ubv
01-008302 bracket: wba-dr sw act-ubx
03-009532 cover: opto board
01-010591 plate: 24v & h/snk assy-bux
6-10 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
Tower Lights
Table 6-3 Tower Lights
Part Numbers Description
20-008273-00-01 twr lt: 2 tier shrt-std-bux
20-008273-00-02 twr lt: 2 tier shrt-rnd-bux
20-012194-00-02 twr lt: 2 tier tall-rnd-bux
20-012194-00-01 twr lt: 2 tier tall-std-bux
20-012195-01-02 twr lt: 3 tier tall-rnd-bux
20-012195-01-01 twr lt: 3 tier tall-std-bux
Peripherals For replacement parts related to peripheral devices (Printers, Hoppers, etc.), reference the
"Replacement Parts" Chapter of 16-020839-xx: Manual for Bluebird Peripheral Components.
August 2007
Other Parts 6-11
Other Parts
Table 6-5 Labels
Part Numbers Description
16-010588-13 label: 5x20mm, 250ma, 250v, slo-blo
16-002747 label: battery disclaimer
16-010588-05 label: bb caution bonding
16-010588-05 label: bb caution bonding
16-010588-03 label: bb fuse rating
16-010588-04 label: bb fuse replacement mrkng
16-010588-04 label: bb fuse replacement mrkng
16-010588-02 label: bb non-switched receptacle
16-010588-07 label: bb plytrk receptacle
16-010588-07 label: bb plytrk receptacle
16-010588-07 label: bb plytrk receptacle
16-010588-06 label: bb pwr configuration
16-010588-06 label: bb pwr configuration
16-010588-06 label: bb pwr configuration
16-010588-01 label: bb switched receptacle
16-010588-08 label: bb tb* fuse rating
16-010588-09 label: game configuration, model tb*
16-010588-12 label: game configured
16-002750 label: grounding
16-002850-03 label: meter w/b see dwg legend
16-010588-11 label: mtg game to pedestal
16-009959 label: on/off sw
16-009959 label: on/off sw
16-009959 label: on/off sw
16-010588-10 label: t6.3ah250v, 5x20mm type
16-007629 label: warning no shaking eng/fr
16-007629 label: warning no shaking eng/fr
20-007880-05 plate: csa us/c
6-12 Chapter 6: BBU Video Replacement Parts
August 2007