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RBSXT - 2nDr2 Repair Instruction

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Repair instruction


Published July 10, 2015

These repair instructions are for NON WARRANTY repairs only!
Please make visual inspection for signs of corrosion
or mechanical damages before starting.
List of RBSXT-2nDr2 series................................................................................................3
Disassembling information.................................................................................................4
Routerboard does not power on........................................................................................6
Routerboard does not boot...............................................................................................10
Ethernet port does not work.............................................................................................12
Voltage and temperatur monitor does not work.............................................................13
WiFi does not work............................................................................................................15

2 Latest Checking procedure for over-voltage damage available at www.mikrotik.com

List of RouterBoard SXT Lite2 series

SXT Lite2

List of RouterBoard SXT Lite2 series 3

Disassembling information
1. Use two “-” screwdrivers. Push screwdrivers in case cavities.

2. Rotate screwdriver and pull both case parts.

4 Disassembling information
3. Remove rubber bushing

4. Push back Plastic PCB holders and take out the board.

Disassembling information 5
Routerboard does not power on
There no signs of any LED, LCD or buzzer activity

Find potential problem area

RouterBOARD does not turn on when one of the power is disconnected. Check Which voltage is
switched off, Power IN (10 – 28V), 3.3V or 5V.


Power IN



6 Routerboard does not power on

If Power_IN Failed
1. No power on 10-28V input

Check for 10-28V

output on C27

Try to use different

PSU adapter


Problem solved Measure if there is no short

between GND and C27 “+” pin

No short Short

Measure voltage Change C27,

on Q1 pin 1-3 C401
10-28V 0V

Change Q1 Measure FB1

<1 >1
Ohm Ohm
Measure voltage Change FB1
drop over D3 and D4
>0.7V 0.7V

Change faulty diode Measure voltage on

D5 at R405 side
Problem still
10-28V 0V

Change Q2
Change D5 Change TRF400

Routerboard does not power on 7

2. No Voltage on 3.3V output

Check for 3.3V output

on L1

Measure if there is no
short between GND and L1

No short Short

Measure L1 resistance Change C8

<1 Ohm >1 Ohm

Measure resistance on R2 Change L1

(26.1k Ohms) and R3 (10k Ohms)


Change U1 Change R2, R3

3. No Voltage on 5V output

Check for 5.0V output

on L2

Measure if there is no
short between GND and L2

No short Short

Measure L2 resistance Change C42

<1 Ohm >1 Ohm

Measure resistance on R6 Change L2

(44.2k Ohms) and R8 (10k Ohms)


Change U2 Change R6, R8

Is still board does not power up, please send it to RMA.

8 Routerboard does not power on

4. Supply voltage components location on RouterBOARD



TRF400 R2
D5 Q2

5. Supply voltage Components table

Reference Manufacturer code Description Manufacturer
C27 EMZE350ADA221MHA0G Capacitor elec 220uF 20% 35V 8x10 SMD 8000h 600mA 0.22Ohm MZE-series NIPPON CHEMI-CON CORPORATION
C8, C42 VL006M221E06PKKKV00R Capacitor PolymerAl 220uF 20% 6.3V 6.3x6mm SMD 5000h 2.8A 22mOhm VL-series KUAN KUN ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (Su-scon)
C401, C428 CL21B104KCFSFNG Capacitor 0.1uF 10% 100V X7R 0805 Samsung Semiconductor Europe GmbH
D3 BZX84C10-7-F Diode Zener BZX84C 10V 5% 300mW SOT23 Diodes Zetex Limited
D4 BZX84B30-AU_R1_000A1 Diode Zener BZX84B 30V 2% 400mW SOT23 PanJit International Inc.
D5 SS1060FL-T1-LF Diode Schottky 60V 1A SOD123 Won-Top Electronics Co., Ltd.
FB1 CB04YTYH800 Ferrite Bead 80 Ohm 3A 1204 Viking Tech Corporation
L1 BCRH8D43-100N-NL Inductor 10uH 30% 3.6A 8.3x8.3x4.7 34mOhm RoHS T&R Bao Cheng Electronics Co.,Ltd.,
L2 BC43-100K Inductor 10uH 10% 1.25A 4.3x4.8x3.5 RoHS Bao Cheng Electronics Co.,Ltd.,
Q1 AO4441 Transistor MOSFET P-Ch -60V -4A 100mOhm 3W SO-8 Alpha & Omega
Q2 BC856B,215 Transistor PNP -65V -100mA 250mW Hfe=220-470 SOT-23 RoHS NXP Semiconductors
R2 RC0402FR-0726K1L Resistor 26.1k 1% 0402 Yageo Corporation
R3, R8 RC0402FR-0710KL Resistor 10k 1% 0402 Yageo Corporation
R6 RC0402FR-0744K2L Resistor 44.2k 1% 0402 Yageo Corporation
TRF400 NS601680 10/100 Single Ethernet transformer SMD 16pin RoHS T&R Feei Cherng Enterprise CO., LTD.
U1, U2 LSP5526-S8A DC-DC Step-down converter 4.5-30V input 2A output Sync SO8, RoHS Lite-On Semiconductor corporation

Routerboard does not power on 9

Routerboard does not boot
If Netinstall can see the board, but can not install it
1. Troubleshooting flow chart

Measure inductor L103, L100,

L101, L102 resistance

<1 >1
Ohm Ohm
Check 1.8V output on Change defective
transistor Q200 pin2 inductor

1.8V 0V

Check FB200, Change Q200


<1 >1
Ohm Ohm
Check 2.0V output on Change defective
transistor Q100 pin2 inductor
2.0V 0V

Change 25MHz Change Q100

Crystal Y700
Problem still

Change 25MHz Crystal Y700

Problem still

Change RAM U200

Problem still

On CPU silcscreen must be the same product code,

Change CPU U100
or You will lose the license.
License may also lose if changes U901
If you still can't can't install Board, please send it to RMA.

10 Routerboard does not boot

2. Components location on RouterBOARD

L100 U100 Q100

L102 FB100



3. Components table
Reference Manufacturer code Description Manufacturer
L100-L102 HLMA-100505-18NJT Multilayer INDUCTOR 18nH +-5% 0.23 Ohm 200mA SFR-2 0402 King Core Electronics Inc.
L103 MLH08MT2R2 Inductor Chip 2.2uH 20% 1300mA 1008 RoHS Tape&Reel Viking Tech Corporation
FB100, FB200 CB03YTYH330 Ferrite Bead 33 Ohm 3A 0603 Viking Tech Corporation
Q100, Q200 DXT2907A-13 Transistor PNP -60V -600mA 0.5W Hfe=100-300 SOT89 RoHS Diodes Incorporated
U100 AR9344-BC2A SOC BGA 2x2 11n 5FE Qualcomm Atheros Technology Ltd.
U200 W9751G6KB-25 DDR2 SDRAM 512Mbit DDR2-800 32Mx16bit BGA-84 0+85C T&R Winbond Electronics Corp.
Y700 NXK25.000AE18F-KAB6-2 Crystal 25MHz 20ppm 18pF -20+70 3.2x2.5 NSK Jenjaan Quartek Corporation

Routerboard does not boot 11

Ethernet port does not work
No link on Ethernet port
1. Troubleshooting flow chart

Measure resistors R400,

R401, R402, R403 resistance

25 Ohm >25 Ohm

Change ESD protection Change faulty

diodes D400 resistor
Problem still

Change ethernet
traf TRF400
Problem still
On CPU silcscreen must be the same product code,
Change CPU U100 or You will lose the license.
License may also lose if changes U901
If there is still no link on ethernet port, please send board to RMA.

12 Ethernet port does not work

2. Ethernet port components location on RouterBOARD

U100 D400



3. Ethernet port components table

Reference Manufacturer code Description Manufacturer
D400 L15ESDL5V0NA-4 Diode Array TVS 150W 4 channel low cap DFN-10 Lite-On Semiconductor corporation
R400...R403 RC0402FR-0749R9L Resistor 49.9R 1% 0402 Yageo Corporation
TRF400 NS601680 10/100 Single Ethernet transformer SMD 16pin RoHS T&R Feei Cherng Enterprise CO., LTD.
U100 AR9344-BC2A SOC BGA 2x2 11n 5FE Qualcomm Atheros Technology Ltd.

Ethernet port does not work 13

WiFi does not work
1. Troubleshooting flow chart

Check 5.0V output on L2

5V >5V

Change FEM U700 Measure inductor

and U702 L2 resistance
Problem still
appears 1 Ohm >1 Ohm

Change filtrs F700 Change U2 Change faulty

And F701 inductor
Problem still

Change U701, U703

Problem still

Change 25MHz quartz Y700

Problem still
On CPU silcscreen must be the same product code,
Change CPU U100 or You will lose the license.
License may also lose if changes U901

If wireless still does not work, please send board to RMA.

2. RF components table
Reference Manufacturer code Description Manufacturer
F700, F701 LTU-1608-2G4S1-A1 Balun 2.45 GHz, 50/100 Mag.Layers Scientific-Technics Co., Ltd.
U2 LSP5523-R8A DC-DC Step-down converter 4.5-30V input 3A output Sync SO8, RoHS Lite-On Semiconductor corporation
U100 AR9344-BC2A SOC BGA 2x2 11n 5FE Qualcomm Atheros Technology Ltd.
U700, U702 SE2620T-R 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN/BT Front End SiGe Semiconductor
U701, U703 LTB-2012-2G4H6-A2 Ceramic Bandpass Filter 2.4GHz Mag.Layers Scientific-Technics Co., Ltd.
Y700 FY2500070 Crystal 25MHz 20ppm 15pF -20+70 CL15pF SMD 5x3.2 PSE Technology Corporation
L2 BC43-100K Inductor 10uH 10% 1.25A 4.3x4.8x3.5 RoHS Bao Cheng Electronics Co.,Ltd.,

14 WiFi does not work

3. RF components location on RouterBoard


F700 U703



U100 Y700

WiFi does not work 15

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