Revised Syllabus in RPH
Revised Syllabus in RPH
Revised Syllabus in RPH
This course is designed to allow the students to analyze Philippine history from a multi-perspective way through
selected primary and secondary sources from various disciplines and genres.
The students are given the chance to see and compare different historical sources with the aid of digital platforms.
Critical thinking of the students is expected as they will scrutinize the author’s perspectives in writing historical data.
The discussions encompass the Philippine political, economic, cultural, social, and religious history through
interdisciplinary themes that will allow them to develop historical and critical consciousness.
III. Institutional Graduate Outcomes (IGO) and Relationship to Student Outcomes (SO) & Course Outcomes (CO)
of different kinds of primary
sources in understanding
Philippine history.
Effectively communicate,
using various techniques
and genres, their historical
analysis of a particular event
or issue that could help
others understand the
chosen topic.
CO3- Critical evaluation D D D
and promotion of local Manifest interest in local
and oral history, history and concern in
museums, historical promoting and preserving
shrines, cultural our country's national
performances, indigenous, patrimony and cultural
religious rites and rituals. heritage.
V. Course Output
Spanish period, and the sources.
American period and our
current social and political Demonstrate the ability to use
situation primary sources to argue in
favor or against a particular
CO3- Compare the different Manifest interest in local history Group Action Plan or Project Proposal on the
primary sources and give your and concern in promoting and Current Social, Political, and Economic Issues in
intelligent opinion on each preserving our country's the Philippines
source. national patrimony and cultural
VI. Assessment/Evaluation/Rubrics:
The rubrics to be used in grading the following activities can be found in the link in the references.
CO1, One Past but Many Histories:
CO2 Develop critical and Controversies and Conflicting Views
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effective: Completed:
Readings in Arabia, Exzur Jay 3 of 7
Philippine AUGUST AUGUST Collado, Analiza Grace D. Baral Dr. Neliza C. Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
History 2021 2021 Lim, Anthony
analytical skills with in Philippine History
exposure to primary Online Debate Quiz
sources. Site of the first Mass
7-11 Lecture/Discussion Seatwork
Demonstrate the ability Cavite Mutiny PowerPoint Recitation
to use primary sources to Cry of the Revolution (Balintawak, presentation Position Paper in a
argue in favor or against
Pugadlawin) controversy assigned
a particular issue.
Tejero’s Assembly
communicate, using
various techniques , their
historical analysis of a
particular event or issue
Learn and understand Social, Political, Economic and
the history and the Cultural Issues in Philippine History
development of the
Documentary film Quiz
Philippine constitution Philippine constitution
and basic concepts on viewing Film review
taxation and land reform. History and Evolution of the
CO2 13-15 Lecture/Discussion Recitation
Critically analyze the Philippine Constitution PowerPoint Proposed Action plan in
current social and
political situations using Taxation and Agrarian Reform presentation Current Political or
history as a tool Current political and social issues Social issues
1. Prelim Period - Prelim Exam Covering the Prelim Topics with Critical Analysis Paper Primary and Secondary Sources of
the Selected Readings
2. Midterm Period - Midterm Exam Covering the Midterm Topics with Online Debate about Different Sources in Selected
3. Final Period – Group Action Plan or Project Proposal on the Current Social, Political, and Economic Issues in the
Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
effective: Completed:
Readings in Arabia, Exzur Jay 4 of 7
Philippine AUGUST AUGUST Collado, Analiza Grace D. Baral Dr. Neliza C. Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
History 2021 2021 Lim, Anthony
Rubrics for Critical Analysis Paper Primary and Secondary Sources of the Selected Readings
Criteria Description Percentage Points
Background of the Primary The presentation includes a clear, interesting, and
Source effective introduction that identifies how the
material is related to the topic under discussion, as
well as to previously discussed topics.
Contextual Analysis The presentation of the author’s background and
context (bias) is clear, accurate, and detailed. 30
X. Grading System
Prelim Period Midterm Period Final Period
Components Semestral Grade
30% 30% 40%
Class Standing
(Attendance, Recitation, 50% 50% 50%
Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
effective: Completed:
Readings in Arabia, Exzur Jay 5 of 7
Philippine AUGUST AUGUST Collado, Analiza Grace D. Baral Dr. Neliza C. Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
History 2021 2021 Lim, Anthony
XI. References
Books/ Textbooks:
Agoncillo, T. (2002). The Revolt of the masses: The story of Bonifacio and the Katipunan. Quezon City, Philippines: University
of the Philippines Press.
Asuncion, N., Cruz, G. (2019). Readings in Philippine History (Outcome-Based Module). Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.
Candelaria, J, Alphora, V. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc.
Contreras, A., Dela Cruz, A., Erasga, D., Fadrigon, C. (2016). Understanding Culture Society and Politics. Quezon City: Phoenix
Publishing House.
Corpuz, R., Tabotabo, C. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. Manila: MINDSHAPERS CO., INC.
de Viana, A. V. (2015). New ink on the parchment: A simple guide for the research and writing of Philippine history.
Mandaluyong City, PH: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
Howell, M. & Prevenier, W. (2001). From reliable sources: An introduction to historical methods. London: Cornell University
Mallat, J. [author], Santillan-Castrence, P. [translator], & Castrence, L. S. [contributor]. (2012). The Philippines. Manila: National
Historical Commission.
Ocampo, A. (2018). Rizal Without the Overcoat. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Publishing Inc.
Online References:
Bernad, M. (2002). Butuan or Limasawa: The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A Reexamination of the Evidence.
Retrieved from
Brillo, B. (2011). A theoretical review on Philippine policy-making: The weak state-elitist framework and the pluralist
perspective. Philippine Quarterly of Culture & Society, 39 (1), 54-57. Retrieved from
Capistrano-Baker, F. (2015). Whither art history in the non-western world: Exploring the other’s art histories. The Art Bulletin,
97(3), pp. 246-257. Retrieved from
Clavio, A., David, K. (2008). Case Unclosed: “Lihim ng 1897 (The secret of 1897).” Retrieved from http://freedom-
Consultative Committee to Review the 1987 Constitution (2018). Proposed draft of the federal constitution of the Philippines. Retrieved from
Escalante, R. (n.d.). Did Jose Rizal Die a Catholic? Revisiting Rizal’s Last 24 Hours Using Spy Reports. Retrieved from
Guerrero, M. Encarnacion, E., Villegas R. (2003). In Focus: Balintawak: The Cry for a Nationwide Revolution. Retrieved from
Hou, Charles (n.d.). Using Visual and Written Primary Sources to Teach Critical Thinking. Retrieved from:
Malcolm, G. (1921). The Malolos Constitution. Political Science Quarterly, 36(1), 91-103. Retrieved from
McCarl, C. The Transmission and Bibliographic Study of the Pigafetta Account: Synthesis and Update. Retrieved from
Pugay, C. (2012). The Two Faces of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny. Retrieved from
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. (2013). Primary vs. secondary sources. Retrieved from
Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
effective: Completed:
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Philippine AUGUST AUGUST Collado, Analiza Grace D. Baral Dr. Neliza C. Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
History 2021 2021 Lim, Anthony
Streefkerk, Raimo (2019). Primary and Secondary Sources. Retrieved from:
balatucan615 (2007). THE MARCH OF THE SUMILAO FARMERS. Retrieved from
Chua, C. (2019) Xiao Time: Ang Unang Sigaw ng Himagsikan sa Balintawak, Caloocan [Video file]. Retrieved from
Chua, C. (2020) Xiao Time: Retraction ni Jose Rizal, totoo kaya? [Video file]. Retrieved from
Chua, C. (2020) Xiao Time: Ang pag-aaklas sa Cavite (Cavite Mutiny)? [Video file]. Retrieved from
De Veyra, L. (2011). WOTL: Emilio Jacinto [Video file]. Retrieved from
GMA7. (2015, November 8). Code of Kalantiaw: Isang historical hoax [Video file]. Retrieved from
Ink Spot, (2019). Historical Criticism [Video File]. Retrieved from
Meily, M. (2012). El Presidente: The story of Emilio Aguinaldo and the first Philippine Republic [Video file]. Retrieved from
NCCA Philippines (2020). Buhay na Buhay : Kultura ng Pagdidiwata (S1E1). Retrieved from
Redmon, R. (2013). Primary vs. Secondary Sources [Video File]. Retrieved from
Williams, E. (2014). Bonifacio: Ang unang pangulo [Video file]. Retrieved from
1. The students are expected to attend both the synchronous and the asynchronous sessions punctually and during the entire
class hour.
2. The students are expected to observe proper decorum during the online sessions since the method of teaching is through
the internet.
3. The students are expected to maximize the BB platform for both synchronous and asynchronous activities that allows
them to be interactive and participative in discussion, and consultation with the teacher.
4. The students are expected to submit the necessary requirements in the entire course
5. The students are expected to accomplish and submit/perform the required outputs for each grading period/term.
Course Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Checked by: Approved by: Page
effective: Completed:
Readings in Arabia, Exzur Jay 7 of 7
Philippine AUGUST AUGUST Collado, Analiza Grace D. Baral Dr. Neliza C. Casela Dr. Gliceria C. Lunag
History 2021 2021 Lim, Anthony