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Exchange Interaction

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Magnetism can be divided into two groups, group A and group B. In group
A there is no interaction between the individual moments and each moment
acts independently of the others. Diamagnets and paramagnets belong to this
Group B consists of the magnetic materials most people are familiar
with, like iron or nickel. Magnetism occurs in these materials because the
magnetic moments couple to one another and form magnetically ordered
states. The coupling, which is quantum mechanical in nature, is known as
the exchange interaction and is rooted in the overlap of electrons in
conjunction with Pauli's exclusion principle. Whether it is a ferromagnet,
antiferromagnet of ferrimagnet the exchange interaction between the
neighboring magnetic ions will force the individual moments into parallel
(ferromagnetic) or antiparallel (antiferromagnetic) alignment with their
neighbours. The three types of exchange which are currently believed to
exist are, a) direct exchange, b) indirect exchange and c) superexchange.

A. Direct exchange
Direct exchange operates between moments, which are close enough to have
sufficient overlap of their wavefunctions. It gives a strong but short range
coupling which decreases rapidly as the ions are separated. An initial simple
way of understanding direct exchange is to look at two atoms with one
electron each. When the atoms are very close together the Coulomb
interaction is minimal when the electrons spend most of their time in
between the nuclei. Since the electrons are then required to be at the same
place in space at the same time, Pauli's exclusion principle requires that they
possess opposite spins. According to Bethe and Slater the electrons spend
most of their time in between neighboring atoms when the interatomic
distance is small. This gives rise to antiparallel alignment and therefore
negative exchange. (antiferromagnetic), Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Antiparallel alignment for small interatomic distances.

If the atoms are far apart the electrons spend their time away from each other
in order to minimize the electron-electron repulsion. This gives rise to
parallel alignment or positive exchange (ferromagnetism), Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Parallel alignment for large interatomic distances.

For direct inter-atomic exchange j can be positive or negative

depending on the balance between the Coulomb and kinetic energies. The
Bethe-Slater curve represents the magnitude of direct exchange as a function
of interatomic distance. Cobalt is situated near the peak of this curve, while
chromium and manganese are on the side of negative exchange. Iron, with
its sign depending on the crystal structures probably around the zero-
crossing point of the curve, Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The Bethe-Slater curve.

B. Indirect exchange

Indirect exchange couples moments over relatively large distances. It is the

dominant exchange interaction in metals, where there is little or no direct
overlap between neighboring electrons. It therefore acts through an
intermediary, which in metals are the conduction electrons (itinerant
electrons). This type of exchange is better known as the RKKY interaction
named after Ruderman, Kittel, Kasuya and Yoshida. The RKKY exchange
coefficient j oscillates from positive to negative as the separation of the ion
changes and has the damped oscillatory nature shown in Fig. 7. Therefore
depending on the separation between a pair of ions their magnetic coupling
can be ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic. A magnetic ion induces a spin
polarization in the conduction electrons in its neighborhood. This spin
polarization in the itinerant electrons is felt by the moments of other
magnetic ions within the range leading to an indirect coupling.
In rare-earth metals, whose magnetic electrons in the 4f shell are
shielded by the 5s and 5p electrons, direct exchange is rather and indirect
exchange via the conduction electrons gives rise to magnetic order in these

Fig. 7. The coefficient of indirect (RKKY) exchange versus the interatomic

spacing a.

C. Superexchange

Superexchange describes the interaction between moments on ions too far

apart to be connected by direct exchange, but coupled over a relatively long
distance through a non-magnetic material. We take as an example the
coupling between the moments on a pair of metal cations separated by a
diatomic anion as illustrated in Fig.8. The ferric ion has a half filled 3d shell
and so has a spherically symmetric charge distribution (S state ion). The
triply rare-earth ion is not symmetric and has a strong spin-orbit coupling; its
charge distribution is coupled to its moment. The ion's moments are coupled
via superexchange, so turning the Fe moment alters the overlap of the R
cation in the molecule. This changes the magnitude of both the Coulomb and
exchange interactions between the cations, leading to a coupling, which
depends on the moment's orientation.

Fig. 8. Superexchange in ferric-rare earth interaction in a garnet.

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