Seaweed Production NC II
Seaweed Production NC II
Seaweed Production NC II
Section 2 The Competency Standards format was revised to include the Required
Knowledge and Required Skills per element. These fields explicitly state the
required knowledge and skills for competent performance of a unit of
competency in an informed and effective manner. These also emphasize the
application of knowledge and skills to situations where understanding is
converted into a workplace outcome.
Page No.
Basic Competencies 2 - 18
Common Competencies 19 - 28
Core Competencies 28 - 56
1. Appropriate sources May include:
1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information discussion
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face to face communication
3. Storage May include:
3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Forms May include:
4.1 Personnel forms
4.2 Telephone message forms
4.3 Safety reports
5. Workplace interactions May include:
5.1 Face to face
5.2 Telephone
5.3 Electronic and two-way radio
5.4 Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms,
non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams
6. Protocols May include:
6.1 Observing meeting
6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3 Obeying meeting instructions
1. Appropriate sources May include:
1.1 Team members
1.2 Suppliers
1.3 Trade personnel
1.4 Local government
1.5 Industry bodies
2. Medium May include:
2.1 Memorandum
2.2 Circular
2.3 Notice
2.4 Information discussion
2.5 Follow-up or verbal instructions
2.6 Face to face communication
3. Storage May include:
3.1 Manual filing system
3.2 Computer-based filing system
4. Forms May include:
4.1 Personnel forms
4.2 Telephone message forms
4.3 Safety reports
5. Workplace interactions May include:
5.1 Face to face
5.2 Telephone
5.3 Electronic and two-way radio
5.4 Written including electronic, memos, instruction and forms,
non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and diagrams
6. Protocols May include:
6.1 Observing meeting
6.2 Compliance with meeting decisions
6.3 Obeying meeting instructions
1. Role and objective of team May include:
1.1 Work activities in a team environment with enterprise
or specific sector
1.2 Limited discretion, initiative and judgment maybe
demonstrated on the job, either individually or in a
team environment
2. Sources of information May include:
2.1 Standard operating and/or other workplace
2.2 Job procedures
2.3 Machine/equipment manufacturer’s specifications
and instructions
2.4 Organizational or external personnel
2.5 Client/supplier instructions
2.6 Quality standards
2.7 OHS and environmental standards
3. Workplace context May include:
3.1 Work procedures and practices
3.2 Conditions of work environments
3.3 Legislation and industrial agreements
3.4 Standard work practice including the storage, safe
handling and disposal of chemicals
3.5 Safety, environmental, housekeeping and quality
1. Evaluation May include:
1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Psychological Profile
1.3 Aptitude Tests
2. Resources May include:
2.1 Human
2.2 Financial
2.3 Technology
2.3.1 Hardware
2.3.2 Software
3. Trainings and career May include:
opportunities 3.1 Participation in training programs
3.1.1 Technical
3.1.2 Supervisory
3.1.3 Managerial
3.1.4 Continuing Education
3.2 Serving as Resource Persons in conferences and
4. Recognitions 4.1 Recommendations
4.2 Citations
4.3 Certificate of Appreciations
4.4 Commendations
4.5 Awards
4.6 Tangible and Intangible Rewards
5. Licenses and/or certifications 5.1 National Certificates
5.2 Certificate of Competency
5.3 Support Level Licenses
5.4 Professional Licenses
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in
promoting career growth and advancement.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Integrate 1.1 Personal growth and 1.1 Work values and 1.1 Appropriate
personal work plans are pursued ethics (Code of practice of
objectives with towards improving the Conduct, Code of personal
organizational qualifications set for the Ethics, etc.) hygiene
goals profession 1.2 Company policies 1.2 Intra and
1.2 Intra- and interpersonal 1.3 Company Interpersonal
relationships are operations, skills
maintained in the procedures and 1.3 Communicati
course of managing standards on skills
oneself based on 1.4 Fundamental
performance rights at work
evaluation including gender
1.3 Commitment to the sensitivity
organization and its 1.5 Personal hygiene
goal is demonstrated in practices
the performance of
2. Set and meet 2.1 Competing demands 2.1 Work values and 2.1 Appropriate
work priorities are prioritized to ethics (Code of practice of
achieve personal, team Conduct, Code of personal
and organizational Ethics, etc.) hygiene
goals and objectives. 2.2 Company 2.2 Intra and
2.2 Resources are utilized policies Interpersonal
efficiently and 2.3 Company skills
effectively to manage operations, 2.3 Communicati
work priorities and procedures and on skills
commitments standards 2.4 Managing
2.3 Practices along 2.4 Fundamental goals and
economic use and rights at work time
maintenance of including gender
equipment and facilities sensitivity
are followed as per 2.5 Personal hygiene
established procedures practices
2.6 Time
1. Safety regulations May include but are not limited to:
1.1 Clean Air Act
1.2 Building code
1.3 National Electrical and Fire Safety Codes
1.4 Waste management statutes and rules
1.5 Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards
1.6 DOLE regulations on safety legal requirements
1.7 ECC regulations
2. Hazards/Risks May include but are not limited to:
2.1 Physical hazards – impact, illumination, pressure, noise,
vibration, temperature, radiation
2.2 Biological hazards - bacteria, viruses, plants, parasites,
mites, molds, fungi, insects
2.3 Chemical hazards – dusts, fibers, mists, fumes, smoke,
gasses, vapors
2.4 Ergonomics
2.4.1 Psychological factors – over exertion/ excessive
force, awkward/static positions, fatigue, direct
pressure, varying metabolic cycles
2.4.2 Physiological factors – monotony, personal
relationship, work out cycle
3. Contingency May include but are not limited to:
measures 3.1 Evacuation
3.2 Isolation
3.3 Decontamination
3.4 (Calling designed) emergency personnel
4. PPE May include but are not limited to:
4.1 Mask
4.2 Gloves
4.3 Goggles
4.4 Hair Net/cap/bonnet
4.5 Face mask/shield
4.6 Ear muffs
4.7 Apron/Gown/coverall/jump suit
4.8 Anti-static suits
5. Emergency-related May include:
drills and training 5.1 Fire drill
5.2 Earthquake drill
5.3 Basic life support/CPR
5.4 First aid
5.5 Spillage control
5.6 Decontamination of chemical and toxic
5.7 Disaster preparedness/management
6. OHS personal records May include:
6.1 Medical/Health records
6.2 Incident reports
6.3 Accident reports
6.4 OHS-related training completed
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It
includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place
in performing safety measures.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Work tasks are 1.1 Different work 1.1 Identifying work
areas of identified in line with tasks in farm tasks in farm
concern for farm operations operations operations
safety 1.2 Place for safety 1.2 Place and time 1.2 Determining
measures measures are for place and time
determined in line with implementation for
farm operations of safety implementation
1.3 Time for safety measures of safety
measures are 1.3 Different hazards measures
determined in line with in the workplace 1.3 Reading labels,
farm operations 1.4 Types of tools, manuals and
1.4 Appropriate tools, materials and other basic
materials and outfits outfits safety
are prepared in line 1.5 Preparation of information
with job requirements tools, materials 1.4 Identifying
and outfits effective/function
al tools,
materials and
1.5 Preparing tools,
materials and
1.6 Discarding
defective tools,
and materials
2. Apply 2.1 Tools and materials 2.1 Uses and 2.1 Using tools and
appropriate are used according to functions of tools materials in the
safety specifications and 2.2 Outfits and how workplace
measures procedures to wear it. 2.2 Wearing of
2.2 Outfits are worn 2.3 Expiration/shelf outfits
according to farm life of materials 2.3 Observing
requirements 2.4 Proper disposal expiration/shelf
2.3 Effectivity/shelf of expired life of materials
life/expiration of materials 2.4 Disposing of
materials are strictly 2.5 Environmental expired materials
observed rules and 2.5 Following
2.4 Emergency regulations emergency
procedures are 2.6 Emergency procedures
known and followed to procedures
1. Work tasks Work task may be selected from any of the subsectors:
1.1 Crop Production
1.2 Post-harvest
1.3 Agri-marketing
1.4 Farm Equipment
2. Place May include:
2.1 Stock room/storage areas/warehouse
2.2 Field/farm/orchard
3. Time May include:
3.1 Fertilizer and pesticides application
3.2 Feed mixing and feeding
3.3 Harvesting and hauling
4. Tools, materials and outfits May include
4.1 Tools
4.1.1 Wrenches
4.1.2 Screw driver
4.1.3 Pliers
4.2 Outfit
4.2.1 Masks
4.2.2 Gloves
4.2.3 Boots
4.2.4 Overall coats
4.2.5 Hat
4.2.6 Eye goggles
5. Emergency procedures May include:
5.1 Location of first aid kit
5.2 Evacuation
5.3 Agencies contract
5.4 Farm emergency procedures
6. Hazards May include:
6.1 Chemical
6.2 Electrical
6.3 Falls
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to use farm tools and equipment. It includes selection,
operation and preventive maintenance of farm tools and
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Select and 1.1 Appropriate farm tools 1.1 Types and uses 1.1 Identifying farm
use farm tools are identified of farm tools tools for the work
according to 1.2 Characteristics 1.2 Checking the
requirement/use of functional conditions of
1.2 Farm tools are tools tools
checked for faults and 1.3 Checking tools 1.3 Reporting
defective tools for defects/faults defective tools
reported in 1.4 Segregation and 1.4 Using tools
accordance with farm reporting
procedures defective tools
1.3 Appropriate tools are 1.5 Uses of tools
safely used according and equipment
to job requirements
and manufacturers
2. Select and 2.1 Identify appropriate 2.1 Types and 2.1 Identifying
operate farm farm equipment operations of appropriate farm
equipment 2.2 Instructional manual farm equipment equipment for
of the farm tools and 2.2 Standards the work
equipment are operating 2.2 Reading
carefully read prior to procedures of instructional
operation farm equipment manual.
2.3 Pre-operation 2.3 Instructional 2.3 Conducting pre-
check-up is manual of operation check-
conducted in line with equipment up
manufacturers 2.4 Pre-operation 2.4 Identifying
manual check-up faults/defects of
2.4 Faults in farm 2.5 Equipment farm equipment
equipment are Specification 2.5 Reporting on
identified and 2.6 Procedures in defective farm
reported in line with calibrating and equipment
farm procedures use of equipment 2.6 Operating farm
2.5 Farm equipment used 2.7 Equipment faults equipment
according to its identification and 2.7 Following safety
function reporting procedures
2.6 Safety procedures 2.8 Operation of
are followed. equipment
2.9 Codes and
Regulations on
1. Farm equipment May include:
1.1 Engine
1.2 Pumps
1.3 Generators
1.4 Sprayers
2. Farm tools May include:
2.1 Sickle
2.2 Cutters
2.3 Weighing scales
2.4 Hand tools
2.5 Measuring tools
2.6 Garden tools
3. Pre-operation check-up May include:
3.1 Tires
3.2 Brake fluid
3.3 Fuel
3.4 Water
3.5 Oil
3.6 Lubricants
3.7 Battery
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
to perform safety measures effectively and efficiently. It
includes identifying areas, tools, materials, time and place
in performing safety measures.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are REQUIRED SKILLS
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Determine 1.1 Work tasks are 1.1 Different work 1.1 Identifying work
areas of identified in line with tasks in farm tasks in farm
concern for farm operations operations operations
safety 1.2 Place for safety 1.2 Place and time 1.2 Determining
measures measures are for place and time
determined in line with implementation for
farm operations of safety implementation
1.3 Time for safety measures of safety
measures are 1.3 Different hazards measures
determined in line with in the workplace 1.3 Reading labels,
farm operations 1.4 Types of tools, manuals and
1.4 Appropriate tools, materials and other basic
materials and outfits outfits safety
are prepared in line 1.5 Preparation of information
with job requirements tools, materials 1.4 Identifying
and outfits effective/function
al tools,
materials and
1.5 Preparing tools,
materials and
1.6 Discarding
defective tools,
and materials
2. Apply 2.1 Tools and materials 2.1 Uses and 2.1 Using tools and
appropriate are used according to functions of tools materials in the
safety specifications and 2.2 Outfits and how workplace
measures procedures to wear it. 2.2 Wearing of
2.2 Outfits are worn 2.3 Expiration/shelf outfits
according to farm life of materials 2.3 Observing
requirements 2.4 Proper disposal expiration/shelf
2.3 Effectivity/shelf of expired life of materials
life/expiration of materials 2.4 Disposing of
materials are strictly 2.5 Environmental expired materials
observed rules and 2.5 Following
2.4 Emergency regulations emergency
procedures are 2.6 Emergency procedures
known and followed to procedures
1. Four basic mathematical May include:
operation 1.1 Addition
1.2 Subtraction
1.3 Multiplication
1.4 Division
2. System of measurement May include:
2.1 English
2.2 Metric
3. Units of measurement May include:
3.1 Area
3.2 Volume
3.3 Weight
3.4 Length
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
operate seaweed nursery. It includes conducting pre-
nursery activities, sourcing out propagules, planting
propagules, maintaining seaweed nursery, harvesting
propagules and carrying-out post-nursery activities.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Conduct pre- 1.1 Feasible nursery site 1.1 Site selection 1.1 Selecting
nursery is selected based on criteria: feasible nursery
activities industry standards Bureau of site
1.2 Test planting is Fisheries and 1.2 Conducting test
conducted based on Aquatic planting
Bureau of Fisheries Resources- 1.3 Securing
and Aquatic Fisheries necessary
Resources-Fisheries Office Order documents
Office Order (BFAR (BFAR-FOO) 1.4 Accessing
FOO) Fisheries capital and other
1.3 Necessary Administrative resources
documents are Order (FAO) 1.5 Preparing simple
secured for nursery SEAFDEC project proposal
operation following University of 1.6 Installing nursery
industry requirements the Philippines- structure
1.4 Capital and other Marine
resources are Science
accessed based on Institute (UP-
nursery requirements MSI)
1.5 Simple project Seaweed
proposal is prepared Industry
for assistance Association of
1.6 Nursery structure is the Philippines
installed according to (SIAP)
plan and design. endorsed
Presence of
healthy wild
seaweeds and
other aquatic
1.2 Test planting
1.3 Guidelines for
1.4 Necessary
1. Farm equipment May include:
1.1 Engine
1.2 Pumps
1.3 Generators
1.4 Sprayers
2. Farm tools May include:
2.1 Sickle
2.2 Cutters
2.3 Weighing scales
2.4 Hand tools
2.5 Measuring tools
2.6 Garden tools
3. Pre-operation check-up May include:
3.1 Tires
3.2 Brake fluid
3.3 Fuel
3.4 Water
3.5 Oil
3.6 Lubricants
3.7 Battery
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude to
operate seaweed nursery. It includes conducting pre-
nursery activities, sourcing out propagules, planting
propagules, maintaining seaweed nursery, harvesting
propagules and carrying-out post-nursery activities.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Conduct pre- 1.1 Feasible nursery site 1.1 Site selection 1.1 Selecting
nursery is selected based on criteria: feasible nursery
activities industry standards Bureau of site
1.2 Test planting is Fisheries and 1.2 Conducting test
conducted based on Aquatic planting
Bureau of Fisheries Resources- 1.3 Securing
and Aquatic Fisheries necessary
Resources-Fisheries Office Order documents
Office Order (BFAR (BFAR-FOO) 1.4 Accessing
FOO) Fisheries capital and other
1.3 Necessary Administrative resources
documents are Order (FAO) 1.5 Preparing simple
secured for nursery SEAFDEC project proposal
operation following University of 1.6 Installing nursery
industry requirements the Philippines- structure
1.4 Capital and other Marine
resources are Science
accessed based on Institute (UP-
nursery requirements MSI)
1.5 Simple project Seaweed
proposal is prepared Industry
for assistance Association of
1.6 Nursery structure is the Philippines
installed according to (SIAP)
plan and design. endorsed
Presence of
healthy wild
seaweeds and
other aquatic
1.2 Test planting
1.3 Guidelines for
1.4 Necessary
Cost consciousness
Time management
2. Prepare grow 2.1 Boat and engine are 2.1 Basic inspection 2.1 Inspecting
out farm inspected and tested procedures for boat and testing
for functionality and engine: boat and
2.2 Defective boat is Gas engine
reported to immediate Leaks 2.2 Reporting
authority following 2.2 Different Types of defective boat
standard workplace farm tools, 2.3 Preparing
procedures materials and tools,
2.3 Farm tools materials equipment materials and
and equipment are 2.3 Installation of farm equipment
prepared according to structure 2.4 Installing farm
work requirements. 2.4 Different culture structure
2.4 Farm structure is methods 2.5 Performing
installed and set-up in 2.5 Measurement measurement
accordance to culture activities activities
method selected 2.6 Different seaweed 2.6 Eliminating
2.5 Measurement grazers and
activities are done 2.7 Control measures controlling
according to farm plan for grazers grazers
2.6 Grazer are controlled 2.7 Small engine
following established repair skills
farm practices 2.8 Using hand
2.9 Diving
2.10 Swimming
2.11 Calibrating
2.12 Reading and
2.13 Safe keeping
of equipment
every after use
2.14 Reading and
design lay-out
and systems
of grow-out
1. Necessary documents Necessary documents include:
1.1 Fisherfolk registration
1.2 Boat registration
1.3 Letter of application
1.4 Site sketch plan
1.5 Health certificate of transboundary movement of
live seaweeds for aquaculture purposes
1.6 LGU applicable permits/licenses
2. Capital Capital may include:
2.1 Start-up
2.2 Expansion
3. Farm tools, materials and Farm tools, materials and equipment include:
equipment 3.1. Tools
3.1.1 Ball hammer
3.1.2 Floaters
3.1.3 Stainless steel table knife
3.1.4 4” scissor
3.1.5 Rechargeable flashlight
3.1.6 Battery flashlight
3.1.7 Transistor radio
3.1.8 Seed bin
3.1.9 Anchors
3.1.10 Sinkers
3.2. Materials
3.2.1 Clean sacks
3.2.2 50 k capacity native bags
3.2.3 Native baskets
3.2.4 1000m soft ties 1roll
3.2.5 #10 (5mm) utility ropes
3.2.6 20L cap. pails
3.2.7 ordinary dippers
3.2.8 100pp record book
3.2.9 5x5m canvass/cover
3.2.10 Straw
3.2.11 Sticks
3.2.12 Bamboo
3.2.13 Ropes
3.2.14 Sampling plastic bags with and without
3.2.15 Cheese cloth or “Katsa”
3.2.16 Labelling pen
3.2.17 PPEs
Face mask
1. Necessary documents Necessary documents include:
1.1 Fisherfolk registration
1.2 Boat registration
1.3 Letter of application
1.4 Site sketch plan
1.5 Health certificate of transboundary movement of live
seaweeds for aquaculture purposes
1.6 LGU applicable permits/licenses
2. Capital Capital may include:
2.1 Start-up
2.2 Expansion
3. Seaweed species Seaweed species may include:
3.1 Kappaphycus spp.
3.2 Eucheuma spp.
3.3 Gracilaria spp.
4. Healthy seaweed propagules Healthy seaweed propagules include:
4.1 Clean
4.2 Shiny
4.3 Young
4.4 Plenty of thalli
5. Floaters Floater may include:
5.1 High-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic floats
5.2 Empty pet bottles
6. Water quality Water quality includes:
6.1 Salinity
6.2 pH
6.3 Temperature
6.4 Food Nutrients
6.5 Presence of Phosphorous
6.6 Nitrite and Nitrates
6.7 Turbidity
7. Measuring instruments Measuring instruments may include:
7.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Meter
7.2 Thermometer
7.3 pH meter
7.4 Secchi disc
7.5 Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate test kits
8. Foreign materials Foreign materials may include:
8.1 Drift wood
8.2 Sticks
8.3 Unwanted vegetation
8.4 Garbage
8.5 Mud
8.6 Plastics
8.7 Barnacles
9. Pests and diseases Pests and diseases may include:
9.1 Diseases
9.1.1 Fungal infection
9.1.2 Bacterial infection
TR – Seaweed Production NC II (New) Promulgated December 16, 2015 Page 34
14.9 Avoid throwing of trash and farm structures to the
14.10 Proper selection of healthy seaweeds for planting
14.11 Maintain two (2) or more farming areas
14.12 Ice-ice control - Proper spacing among propagules,
transfer of healthy seaweed in another area,
position farm structures parallel to current, removal
of infected thallus
14.13 Epiphyte and ice-ice control - Pruning of infected
thalli, transfer of culture area
14.14 Grazing control – fencing
15. Harvesting criteria Harvesting criteria includes:
15.1 Seaweed maturity
o planting date
o estimated period of harvest
15.2 Seaweed quality
o fully-grown
o presence of branchlets
o severe presence of disease(s)
Anticipated abnormal weather and tidal conditions
16. Harvesting techniques Harvesting techniques may include:
16.1 Untying of cultivation ropes
16.2 Pulling of cultivation ropes
Cutting of soft ties
17. Farming/Culturing methods Farming/Culturing methods include:
17.1 Floating long lines
17.2 Fixed-bottom
18. Management of harvested Management of harvested seaweed crops include:
seaweed crops 18.1 Washing of seaweed with seawater
18.2 Removal of ties, debris, macro-epiphytes, and
foreign materials
19. Seaweed production data Seaweed production data includes:
19.1 Location
19.2 Date harvested
19.3 Weight
19.4 Species
20. Handling of seaweed crops Handling of seaweed crops may include:
20.1 Stocking
20.2 Covering of sargasum/ banana leaves
20.3 Sprinkling
20.4 Loading and unloading
21. Labelling of seaweed crops Labelling of seaweed crops includes:
21.1 Date of harvest
21.2 Weight
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to dry the newly harvested seaweeds, pack
and store dried seaweeds.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Dry the newly 1.1 Tools, materials, 1.1 Proper use of 1.1 Preparing tools,
harvested equipment and tools and materials,
seaweeds facilities are prepared equipment equipment, and
and cleaned following 1.2 Drying facilities
workplace procedures techniques and 1.2 Selecting drying
1.2 Appropriate drying procedures techniques
techniques are 1.3 Moisture content 1.3 Demonstrating
selected based on of seaweeds drying
production 1.4 Seaweed techniques
requirements sampling 1.4 Analyzing
1.3 Harvested seaweeds 1.5 PNS-BAFPS 85- moisture content
are cleaned and dried 2010 1.5 Cleaning and
according to
1.6 3R’s drying of
Philippine National seaweeds
1.7 5S
Standards (PNS) on
1.8 OSHS 1.6 Sampling
dried raw seaweeds
1.4 Seaweeds samples
Values: 1.7 Handling tools
are collected for
moisture content Safety and health 1.8 Practicing PNS,
analysis consciousness 5S, OSHS and
1.5 Housekeeping is Resourcefulness HACCP
practiced following 5S Diligence
of Good housekeeping Time
Personal integrity
in doing routine
Perseverance in
executing routine
Ability to work with
2. Pack the dried 2.1 Tools, materials and 2.1 Proper selection 2.1 Selecting
seaweeds equipment are of packing appropriate
prepared for packing materials packing
purposes 2.2 Good practices materials
of sorting and
TR – Seaweed Production NC II (New) Promulgated December 16, 2015 Page 49
1. Tools, materials, equipment Tools, materials, equipment and facilities include:
and facilities 1.1 Tools:
o Knife
o Scissor
1.2 Materials:
o Bamboo
o Net
o Wood
o Rattan baskets
o Sacks
o Canvass
1.3 Equipment:
o MC Analyzer
1.4 Facilities
o Solar dryer (green house)
o Elevated wooden flat form
2. Drying techniques Drying techniques include:
2.1 Hanging method
2.2 Elevated flat form
3. Philippine National Standards Philippine National Standards (PNS) include:
(PNS) 3.1 Moisture content
3.2 Clean anhydrous seaweeds
3.3 Impurities
3.4 Sand and salt
3.5 Color
3.6 Sampling
4. Tools, materials and Tools, materials and equipment include:
equipment for packing 4.1 Tools:
o Needle
4.2 Materials
o Ropes
o straws
o sacks (Polypropylene sacks)
4.3 Equipment:
o weighing scale
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
in monitoring prevailing seaweed price, applying
marketing strategies and trading seaweed.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Monitor 1.1 Major producing and 1.1 Major producing 1.1 Determining
prevailing trading areas of and trading major producing
seaweed price seaweeds are areas of and trading
determined seaweeds areas of
1.2 Seaweed information 1.2 Seaweed seaweeds
is sourced through industry 1.2 Sourcing of
coordination with other stakeholders seaweed
farmers and 1.3 Seaweed information
cooperatives/ information 1.3 Monitoring
associations 1.4 Supply and seaweed price
1.3 Seaweed price is demand of Coordinating
monitored through the seaweed local skills
assistance of BFAR and international 1.4 Monitoring skills
and seaweeds 1.5 Source of 1.5 Communication
industry information and skills
sharing of price
bulletin (txt, call,
tv, e-mail,
internet, social
1.6 Monitoring
methods of price
1.7 Logistical
1.8 Interpersonal
1.9 Recording
procedures of
1.10 Communication
1.11 Weighing
relationship with
1. Seaweed information Seaweed information includes:
1.1 Local demand and supply
1.2 International demand and supply
1.3 Location of producing and trading areas
1.4 Prevailing price of seaweeds
2. Seaweeds industry Seaweeds industry includes:
2.1 Farmers
2.2 Processors
2.3 Traders
2.4 Exporters
3. Buyers Buyers include:
3.1 Seaweed traders
3.2 Farmer traders
3.3 Agent/Middle-man
3.4 Consolidators
3.5 Processors
3.6 Exporters
4. Selling points Selling points includes:
4.1 Volume of harvest
4.2 Premium quality of seaweed
4.3 Economic impact to the community
4.4 Environmental benefits
These standards are set to provide technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for SEAWEED PRODUCTION NCII.
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units of
competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To
this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to
include Technology, Science, Math, English/Communication, and Safety to
Environment. Includes also green technology, issues on health and drugs and cater
to person with disabilities (PWD’s).
Course Description:
This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of
a seaweed nursery operator, seaweed farmer/grower or seaweed trader to operate
seaweed nursery, grow-out seaweed, produce raw dried seaweed and market seaweed.
These competencies are required to an individual who will be engaged in seaweed
production at economic scale, handling at least one-fourth (1/4) to one (1) hectare of
seaweed farm.
To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved.
Unit of Competency Learning Outcome Learning Activities Assessment
Methodology Duration
1.Apply safety 1.1 Determine Identify work tasks in farm Lecture Written (Total-7
measures in farm areas of operations Discussion examination hrs)
operations concern for Incomplete Interview 1 hr
safety worksheet Oral
measures Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Discuss safety measures in a Lecture Written 1 hr
workplace during farm Discussion examination
operations Incomplete Interview
worksheet Oral
Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Role playing
Explain farm operations Lecture Written 1 hr
situations and period when to Discussion examination
observe safety Incomplete Interview
worksheet Oral
Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Role playing
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to dry the newly harvested seaweeds, pack
and store dried seaweeds.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range
of Variables
1. Dry the newly 1.1 Tools, materials, 1.1 Proper use of 1.1 Preparing tools,
harvested equipment and tools and materials,
seaweeds facilities are prepared equipment equipment, and
and cleaned following 1.2 Drying facilities
workplace procedures techniques and 1.2 Selecting drying
1.2 Appropriate drying procedures techniques
techniques are 1.3 Moisture content 1.3 Demonstrating
selected based on of seaweeds drying
production 1.4 Seaweed techniques
requirements sampling 1.4 Analyzing
1.3 Harvested seaweeds 1.5 PNS-BAFPS 85- moisture content
are cleaned and dried 2010 1.5 Cleaning and
according to
1.6 3R’s drying of
Philippine National seaweeds
1.7 5S
Standards (PNS) on
1.8 OSHS 1.6 Sampling
dried raw seaweeds
1.4 Seaweeds samples
Values: 1.7 Handling tools
are collected for
moisture content Safety and health 1.8 Practicing PNS,
analysis consciousness 5S, OSHS and
1.5 Housekeeping is Resourcefulness HACCP
practiced following 5S Diligence
of Good housekeeping Time
Personal integrity
in doing routine
Perseverance in
executing routine
Ability to work with
2. Pack the dried 2.1 Tools, materials and 2.1 Proper selection 2.1 Selecting
seaweeds equipment are of packing appropriate
prepared for packing materials packing
purposes 2.2 Good practices materials
of sorting and
TR – Seaweed Production NC II (New) Promulgated December 16, 2015 Page 49
Unit of Competency Learning Outcome Learning Activities Assessment
Methodology Duration
Incomplete Demonstration
Wear personal protective Discussion Written 0.5 hr
equipment Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
Incomplete Demonstration
Prepare report on hazards in the Discussion Written 1 hr
workplace Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
Incomplete Demonstration
Report on hazards in the Discussion Written 0.5 hr
workplace Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
Incomplete Demonstration
Role playing
State labelling and storing Discussion Written 1 hr
procedures for unused materials Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
Explain proper wastes disposal Discussion Written 1 hr
Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
Clean and store used tools and Discussion Written 1 hr
outfit Power point examination
presentation Interview
Video Oral
presentation questioning
relationship with
Unit of Competency Learning Outcome Learning Activities Assessment
Methodology Duration
1.Apply safety 1.1 Determine Identify work tasks in farm Lecture Written (Total-7
measures in farm areas of operations Discussion examination hrs)
operations concern for Incomplete Interview 1 hr
safety worksheet Oral
measures Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Discuss safety measures in a Lecture Written 1 hr
workplace during farm Discussion examination
operations Incomplete Interview
worksheet Oral
Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Role playing
Explain farm operations Lecture Written 1 hr
situations and period when to Discussion examination
observe safety Incomplete Interview
worksheet Oral
Power point questioning
presentation Demonstration
Role playing
(2 inches dia. ,
1mts. Length)
100 pcs. Full length
Bamboo (raft
1 roll Polarex Screens
goggles, face
25 sets mask, snorkel,
rubber boots,
paddle, flippers,
hat, life vest
4.1.2 Upon accumulation and submission of all the above COCs acquired, an
individual shall be issued the corresponding National Certificate signed
by the TESDA Director General. Certificates of Competency (COCs)
shall be issued to candidates who have been assessed as competent in
any of the above COCs (COC 1, COC 2, COC 3, COC 4).
4.1.3 Assessment shall focus on the core units of competency. The basic and
common units shall be integrated or assessed concurrently with the core
4.1.6 Re-assessment shall focus only on the specific area/s where the
candidate has not satisfactorily achieved the required level of
competence AND must be undertaken within two (2) years during the
period of validity of the Training Regulations.
4.1.7 A candidate who fails the assessment for two (2) consecutive times shall
be advised to go through a refresher course before taking another
For Trainer-Assessor
For Industry-Assessor
AQUACULTURE regulation and cultivation of water plants and animals for human
use or consumption
BRACKISH somewhat salty, as the water of some marshes near the sea
This undertaking was also made possible through the collaborative effort
between TESDA and DA-BFAR which is supported by the Department of Agriculture-
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.