Image Steganography: Protection of Digital Properties Against Eavesdropping

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Image Steganography: Protection of Digital

Properties against Eavesdropping

Ajay Kumar Shrestha Ramita Maharjan Rejina Basnet
Computer and Electronics Engineering Computer and Electronics Engineering Computer and Electronics Engineering
Kantipur Engineering College, TU Kantipur Engineering College, TU Kantipur Engineering College, TU
Lalitpur, Nepal Lalitpur, Nepal Lalitpur, Nepal

Abstract—Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that Data encryption is basically a strategy to make the data
communication is taking place, by hiding information in other unreadable, invisible or incomprehensible during transmission
information. Different types of carrier file formats can be used, by scrambling the content of data. Steganography is the art
but digital images are the most popular ones because of their and science of hiding information by embedding messages
frequency on the internet. For hiding secret information in within seemingly harmless messages. It also refers to the
images, there exists a large variety of steganography techniques. “Invisible” communication. The power of Steganography is in
Some are more complex than others and all of them have hiding the secret message by obscurity, hiding its existence in
respective strong and weak points. Many applications may a non-secret file. Steganography works by replacing bits of
require absolute invisibility of the secret information. This paper
useless or unused data in regular computer files. This hidden
intends to give an overview of image steganography, it’s uses and
information can be plaintext or ciphertext and even images.
techniques, basically, to store the confidential information within
images such as details of working strategy, secret missions, According to Bhattacharyya et al., “Steganography’s niche in
criminal and confidential information in various organizations security is to supplement cryptography, not replace it. If a
that work for the national security such as army, police, FBI, hidden message is encrypted, it must also be decrypted if
secret service etc. The desktop application has been developed discovered, which provides another layer of protection” [1].
that incorporates Advanced Encryption Standard for encryption Generally, an Image Steganography uses some reliable
of the original message, and Spatially Desynchronized algorithms or secret keys to transform or encrypt secret images
Steganography Algorithm for hiding the text file inside the into ciphered images. Only the authorized users can decrypt
image. secret images from the ciphered images. The ciphered images
cannot be recognized by unauthorized users who grab them
Keywords—Cryptography; Steganography; Eavesdrop; Spatial without knowing the decryption algorithms. This prevents
Desynchronization; Steganalysis. information leaks about their ongoing investigation on cases,
task assignment, working strategy, confidential database etc.
I. INTRODUCTION The available desktop applications for the organizations
Since the rise of the internet, the security of information working in crime and security sectors which have been
has also been one of the most challenging factors of following various techniques to communicate like emails,
information technology and communication. Huge volume of telephones etc., are more prone to attacks by the intruders
data is transferred every second in the internet via e-mails, file including eavesdroppers. The eavesdropping is basically an
sharing sites, social networking sites etc. As the number of attack on the transmitted data in order to capture the packets
internet users rises, the concern on the credibility of the and retrieve the data content such as passwords, session
services is also on rise, so the concept of internet security has tokens, or any kind of sensitive information. Tools like
become the important research topic nowadays. The
network sniffers are used to initiate such attacks by collecting
competitive nature of the computer industry has forced the
the packets on the network and then analyzing the collected
web services into the market at a breakneck pace giving a very
little time for audit of system security. On the other hand, the data for protocol decoding or stream reassembling. So the
tight labor market causes internet project development to be confidential message to be transferred is often encrypted so
managed with less experienced personnel, who may have no that even if the outsiders succeed to receive the message, they
training in privacy and security issues. This combination of become unable to read the original content. However, they
market pressure and the low unemployment creates an may still know that the ciphertext contains some confidential
environment with machines vulnerable to exploits, and information. Now, the concern has been driven towards
malicious users to intrude those machines. Due to the rapid steganography whereby one can hide secret information inside
development of communication technologies, it is convenient other cover objects which can be anything in today’s digital
to acquire multimedia data. However, the problem of illegal world such as image, audio, video etc. Keeping this in mind,
data access occurs unexpectedly every time and everywhere. we have done this research work in order to hide confidential
Hence, it is very important to protect the digital content while messages forwarded from one place to another by encrypting
ensuring the users’ privacy and the authorized use of and then hiding them inside an image file so that no
multimedia data. information leaks occur. Despite the fact that cryptography
and steganography are not the same, we applied the
combination of both the techniques in order to achieve better
results for security. In our research work, we have also
developed a desktop application for the secret organizations
like police service where the communication needs to be
confidential. The application provides a user friendly
environment for the secret service personnel to type their
messages, encrypt the written text and hide them inside an
image file. The receiver can on the other side can also use the
application to retrieve the .txt file hidden inside the image and
hence decrypt the actual message from the retrieved file
containing encrypted message. There are different encryption
algorithms and the steganography techniques available so far.
This research work has evaluated their performances and used
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for encryption of the
original message, and Spatially Desynchronized Fig. 1. Asymmetric Key Algorithm
Steganography Algorithm (SDSA) for hiding the .txt file
inside the image.
ii. Asymmetric Algorithms (Public-key Algorithms)
II. OVERVIEW Unlike, symmetric algorithms, the asymmetric-key
algorithms use a key for encryption, which is different from
A. Cryptography the key used for decryption. Furthermore, the decryption key
The process of encryption involves disguising a message cannot (at least in any reasonable amount of time) be
or making it cryptic so as to hide its actual appearance and calculated from the encryption key and is kept secret.
meaning. Confidentiality, authentication, integration and non- However, the encryption key can be made public as described
repudiation are the characteristics of secured communication by the name, “public-key algorithm”. In other words, a
and cryptography guarantees the achievement of these. The complete stranger can utilize public encryption key to encrypt
general concept of cryptography is that for a given plaintext or the message, but only a specific person who owns the
message “M”, we have an encryption function or algorithm corresponding decryption key can decrypt the message. Fig. 1
“E” and key “K” to produce ciphertext or encrypted message clearly demonstrates the asymmetric key algorithm.
“C” which can be decrypted using decryption function “D” to In these systems, the encryption key is often called the
get the plaintext back. Basically there are two types of public key “K+”, and the decryption key is often called the
algorithms used in cryptography which are: Symmetric private key or secret key “K-”. Encryption using public key K+
Algorithms and Asymmetric Algorithms. and decryption using private key K- is denoted by:
EK+(M) = C
i. Symmetric Algorithms (Secret-key Algorithms)
DK-(C) = M
In symmetric algorithms, also known as conventional
algorithms, the encryption key can be calculated from the Contrary to this, digital signatures use private key for
decryption key and vice versa. Most symmetric algorithms use encryption and public key for decryption of messages. RSA is
the same, secret key for both encryption as well as decryption. an example of public key algorithm.
For this reason, these algorithms are popularly known as
secret-key algorithms, single key algorithms, or one-key
algorithms. The security of a symmetric algorithm entirely B. Cryptanalysis
resides in the key; divulging the key means that messages are The process of recovering the original plaintext from the
easily available for intruders. As long as the communication encrypted message without access to the key is known as
needs to remain secret, the key must remain secret. Encryption cryptanalysis. Successful cryptanalysis may recover the
and decryption with a symmetric algorithm are denoted by: plaintext itself or the key used in the cryptography process.
EK(M) = C The loss of a key through non-cryptanalytic methods is called
a compromise. An attempted cryptanalysis is called an attack.
DK(C) = M If others can’t break an algorithm, even with knowledge of
how it works, then they certainly won’t be able to break it
Symmetric algorithms can be divided into two categories:
without that knowledge [2].
stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers operate on
the plaintext, a single bit at a time, whereas the other operates Generally, four types of cryptanalytic attacks are prevalent
on the plaintext in groups of bits also called blocks. For and each of them is based on the assumption that the
modern computer algorithms, a typical block size of 64 bits is cryptanalyst has the complete knowledge of the encryption
large enough to preclude analysis and small enough to perform algorithm.
some work [2]. AES, DES, 3DES etc. are some important
symmetric key algorithms available so far.
i. Ciphertext-only attack
As the name suggests, in this type of attack, the
cryptanalyst has only the ciphertexts of several messages, all
of which have been encrypted using the same encryption
algorithm. The ultimate goal is to recover the plaintext of as
many messages as possible, or better to discover the key (or
keys) used to encrypt the messages so that it can be used
further to decrypt other messages encrypted with the same
Given: C1 = EK(P1), C2 = EK(P2),...Ci=EK(Pi)
Deduce: Either P1, P2,...Pi; K; or an algorithm to infer Pi+1
from Ci+1= EK(Pi+1)

ii. Known-plaintext attack

In addition to the ciphertext, the plaintext of those
messages are also accessible for the cryptanalysis process. The
job is to deduce the key (or keys) used to encrypt the messages Fig. 2. Categories of image Steganography
or an algorithm, in order to decrypt any new messages
encrypted with the same key (or keys). affects the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and the statistical
properties of the image. These embedding algorithms are
Given: P1, C1 = EK(P1), P2, C2 = EK(P2),...Pi, Ci=EK(Pi)
applicable mainly to lossless image compression schemes like
Deduce: Either K, or an algorithm to infer Pi+1 from Ci+1 = TIFF images. For lossy compression schemes like JPEG, some
EK(Pi+1). of the message bits get lost during the compression step.
Fig. 2 presents the detail flow of the image
iii. Chosen-plaintext attack steganography. The Least Significant Bit (LSB) Replacement
technique is the most common algorithm belonging to this
The cryptanalyst has access to both the ciphertext and class of techniques. As suggested by the name itself, the least
associated plaintext for several messages and can choose the significant bit of the binary representation of the pixel gray
plaintext that gets encrypted. The analyst has to deduce the levels is replaced to represent the message bit. The
key (or keys) used to encrypt the messages or an algorithm, to replacement of the LSB causes an addition of a noise in the
decrypt any new messages encrypted with the same key (or pixels of the image.
Given: P1, C1 = EK(P1), P2, C2 = EK(P2),...Pi, Ci = EK(Pi), This kind of embedding also leads to an asymmetry and a
where the cryptanalyst gets to choose P1, P2,...Pi grouping in the pixel gray values (0, 1) ;( 2, 3). . . (254,255).
Deduce: Either K, or an algorithm to infer P i+1 from Ci+1 = To overcome this undesirable asymmetry, the decision of
EK(Pi+1). changing the least significant bit is randomized i.e. if the
message bit does not match the pixel bit, then pixel bit is
either increased or decreased by 1. This technique is popularly
iv. Adaptive-chosen-plaintext attack known as LSB Matching [3].
This is a special case of a chosen-plaintext attack. Apart
from the features already present in chosen-plaintext attack, D. Transform Domain Steganography
this one adds up little more. The cryptanalyst is allowed to While spatial domain steganography uses the image
choose a plaintext and also modify the choice based on the properties directly, the transform domain steganography
results of previous encryption. The analyst can choose one encodes the message bits in the transform domain coefficients
large block of plaintext to be encrypted and then a smaller of the image. Data embedding performed in the transform
block of the plaintext and then choose another based on the domain is widely used for robust watermarking. Similar
results of the first, and so forth making attack more efficient in techniques can also realize large capacity embedding for
search of the key or the algorithm itself. steganography. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete
Wavelet Transform (DWT), and Discrete Fourier Transform
C. Spatial Domain Steganography (DFT) are the most popular candidate transforms for this type
Spatial domain steganography conceals the message bits in of steganography.
the images using the gray levels and the color values of the Being embedded in the transform domain, the hidden data
pixels directly. In terms of embedding and extraction resides in more robust areas, spread across the entire image
complexity, these techniques are some of the simplest thus providing better resistance against signal processing. For
schemes. Even after the encoding of the message into image example, we can perform a block DCT and choose one or
pixels, the change in image is not detectable to human eyes. more components in each block to form a new data group
The amount of additive noise that creeps in the image directly depending on payload and robustness requirements. The
image is pseudo randomly scrambled and undergoes a second-
layer transformation. Using various transform domain
schemes, modification is then carried out on the double
transform domain coefficients previously derived. These
techniques have high embedding and extraction complexity.
Because of the robustness properties of transform domain
embedding, these techniques are generally more applicable to
the “Watermarking” aspect of data hiding [3].


Steganography may sound new to many people but it is not Fig. 3. Steganography combined with encryption
a new science. Methods used may be different but it has been
practiced since ancient periods for secret communication. The steganalysis techniques focus on detecting the
presence/absence of a secret message in observed message. To
Familiar steganography techniques include invisible inks, our knowledge, there seems to have been no attempt in
the use of carrier pigeons, and the microdot. Along with the extracting the secret message. Diop et al. in their paper have
development of digital communication, newer and more mentioned that the extraction of the secret message could be a
effective steganography techniques came into existence. harder problem than mere detection [6]. Therefore, based on
Moving with the pace of digitization, more of today’s the ultimate outcome of the effort, steganalysis has been
communication occurs electronically. As a result, there have classified into two categories:
been advancements in steganographic techniques through the
use of digital multimedia signals such as audio, video or image Passive steganalysis: Detect the presence or absence of a
as cover signals. In traitor-tracing schemes, the original cover secret message in an observed message and
signal is needed to reveal the hidden information and such Active steganalysis: Extract a (possibly approximate) version
schemes are called cover escrow. In this scenario, the of the secret message from a stego message.
assignee’s identification is embedded in the copies of the
cover signal, thereby producing modified cover signal and So as to assure reliability and prevent the loss of original
disseminated. In case of acquisition of the illegal copies of the information hidden in the digital data, it is necessary to
signal, subtraction of the original cover data from the modified introduce an appropriate framework that can encrypt and hide
signal results in the source of copy plus the offender’s identity. the contents. Some works have been carried out subsequently
However, in many applications it is not practical to require the on the related filed. Sutaone et al. in [7] designed
possession of the unaltered cover signal to extract the hidden steganography system for encoding and decoding a secret file
information. Another variant, the blind schemes allow direct embedded into an image file using random LSB insertion
extraction of the embedded data from the modified signal method in which the secret data were spread out among the
without knowledge of the original cover. Blind strategies are image data in a seemingly random manner. To achieve this,
predominant among steganography of the present day [4]. they have used a secret key so as to generate the
pseudorandom numbers, which would identify where, and in
A block diagram of a Steganographic system is depicted in what order the hidden message was laid out. Their work just
Fig. 3. An original text is encrypted and then embedded in a incorporated some cryptography in that diffusion was applied
digital image by the stegosystem encoder using a stego-key. to the secret message.
The resulting stego image is transmitted over a channel to the
receiver, where it is processed by the stegosystem decoder Neil et at. in [8] have discussed three popular methods for
using the same key. During transmission, the stego image can digital message concealment which were LSB insertion,
be monitored by eavesdroppers/viewers who can only observe masking and filtering and algorithmic transformation. Kevin et
the image itself without even noticing the fact that a secret al. in their paper [9] analyzed seven different image
message lies within it. steganography methods. These methods were Stego1bit,
Stego2bits, Stego3bits, Stego4bits, Stego ColourCycle,
Since steganography leaves behind detectable traces (i.e., StegoPRNG, and StegoFridrich.
distortion) in the stego object and modifies the statistical
properties, steganalysis is used to detect the presence of Several digital data hiding techniques for images such as
distorted statistical properties. The statistical attacks can substitution systems, transform domain techniques, statistical
further be classified as: Targeted Attacks and Blind Attacks. steganography, hiding in two -color images, distortion and
Steganalysis is a relatively new research discipline with few cover generation were explored, analyzed, attacked and finally
articles appearing before the late-1990s. Basically steganalysis counterpart was provided by Neil F. Johnson et al. in [10]. Wu
is the process of detecting steganography by looking at et al. presented an adaptive steganographic scheme based on
variances between bit patterns and unusually large file sizes. It pixel-value differencing method [11]. Accordingly, the hiding
is the art of discovering and rendering useless covert messages capacity of each pixel could be different. Since the degree of
as mentioned in a paper by Satenik et al. [5]. The goal of distortion tolerance of an edge area was naturally higher than
steganalysis is to identify suspected information streams, that of smooth area, instead of smooth areas they chose edge
determine whether or not they have hidden messages encoded areas or pixels to hold more secret data.
into them, and, if possible, recover the hidden information.
Similarly, Chun-Shien Lu in [12] presented several
techniques for steganography, watermarking, fingerprinting,
signature based image authentication for digital image and
audio files. Alwan et al. introduced a novel approach of image
embedding on 8-bit images [13]. The proposed method
embedded three images and text in one image using edge-
pixels. Out of the several, only LSB insertion method was
used in the implementation of the techniques proposed in the
paper by Juneja et al. [14]. Their work focused on a new
image-based triple-A algorithm. They used the same principle
of LSB, where the secret message bit was hidden in the least
significant bits of the pixels, with more randomization in
selection of the number of bits used and the color channels
that were used. The randomization was expected to increase
the security of the system and to increase the capacity. The
technique can be applied to RGB images where each pixel is
Fig. 4. Block Diagram of Spatial Block Desynchronization
represented by three bytes to indicate the intensity of red,
green, and blue in that pixel.
arrangement is slightly shifted from standard JPEG
However in this paper, we have used AES for encryption compression block arrangement. A formal description of
of the original message, and SDSA to hide .txt file inside the spatial block desynchronization is given below.
Let I be a gray scale image of size (N×N). A sub image of
I can be obtained by removing u rows from the top and v
IV. SPATIAL DESYNCHRONIZATION columns from left. Let us denote the cropped image by Ic u, v
To break the JPEG steganographic algorithms, the with size (N-u) × (N-v) and the cropped out portion of image
calibration attack during eavesdropping has been one of the Io u, v can be represented as:
most successful attacks in recent past. The successful Io u, v = I – Ic u, v
prediction of cover image statistics from a stego image leads
to the success of the eavesdropping. It is necessary to prevent The block size should not necessarily be 8×8, i.e. Spatial
the eavesdropper from successfully predicting the cover image domain desynchronization presents the choice of using blocks
statistics in order to resist the calibration attack. The of sizes m×n where m ≠ 8 and n ≠ 8. In such a case, the
separation of the embedding domain from the staganalytic quantization matrix Q has to be changed accordingly to size
domain is used to prevent cover image prediction from the m×n at the time of data embedding. Randomization can
stego image. In other words, if the embedding domain is kept further strengthen the desynchronization process. In this case,
secret from the eavesdropper then it is not possible to mount the removal of rows and columns and also the sizes of the
calibration attack by predicting the cover image statistics [15]. blocks can be chosen randomly using a shared secret key and
matrix Q between the two communicating parties. In the
The spatial de-synchronization operation randomizes the steganalysis process, the image statistics are derived using
embedding domain so as to hide it from the eavesdropper. blocks of sizes 8×8. Choosing the block size other than 8× 8,
Here spatial desynchronization implies the embedding grid is the steganalyst is not able to capture effectively the
not synchronized with the JPEG compression grid of the stego modifications made during the embedding process. It is
image. The spatial shifting (desynchronization) adds up a difficult to track the portions of the image containing the
noise (sometimes called desynchronization noise) to the stego embedded information due to randomized hiding, even if it is
image and the noise masks the steganographic noise in such a known that embedding has been done using blocks of different
way that the detection of steganographic embedding becomes sizes. Any JPEG steganographic scheme can be employed for
difficult for the eavesdropper [16]. Thus spatial shifting embedding, once the quantized DCT coefficients have been
operation resists the attempted calibration attacks. obtained.


A. Spatial Block Desynchronization
The Spatially Desynchronized Steganography Algorithm
An image is divided into non-overlapping blocks of size
(SDSA) has been used to embed data in a spatially
8×8 and then the information contained in these blocks is then
desynchronized version of the cover image so that the cover
compressed by taking the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform of
image statistics cannot be easily recovered from the stego
the block followed by quantization step which are then used
image. Fig. 5 shows the spatial desynchronization scheme.
for embedding data bits. A slight alteration of this spatial
The cropped version of the image Ic u, v is used for
block arrangement can desynchronize the whole image, thus
Steganographic embedding using any DCT domain scheme.
termed as Spatial Block Desynchronization. For example, 8×8
After embedding, this embedded portion of the image is
non overlapping blocks for embedding can be taken from a
stitched with Io u, v to obtain the stego image Is. The JPEG
subimage of the original cover image or we can say the block
compressed version of Is is communicated as the stego image.
Fig. 5. Spatial Desynchronization

Below is a stepwise description of the algorithm [3]:

Input: Cover Image I
Input Parameters: Rows and Columns to be cropped (u, v),
Block size (m×n), Quantization Matrix (Q) Fig. 6. AES

Output: Stego Image Is For AES, NIST selected three members of the Rijndael
Begin family, each with a block size of 128 bits, but three different
key lengths: 128, 192 and 256 bits. The key size used for an
1. Partition the cover image I into Ic u, v and Io u, v by AES cipher specifies the number of repetitions of
cropping u topmost rows and v leftmost columns. transformation rounds that convert the input, called the
2. Perform m×n non-overlapping block partitioning on Ic u,v. plaintext, into the final output, called the ciphertext. The
Let us denote this set of blocks by P I u, v (m×n). number of cycles of repetition are as follows:

3. Choose a set of blocks from PIc u, v (m × n) (using a key 1. 10 cycles of repetition for 128-bit keys.
shared by both ends) and perform the embedding in each of 2. 12 cycles of repetition for 192-bit keys.
the selected blocks using any standard DCT based 3. 14 cycles of repetition for 256-bit keys.
steganographic scheme. The quantization matrix Q which
is a shared secret is used for obtaining the quantized Four different stages are used, one of permutation and
coefficients. three of substitution:

4. Apply dequantization and Inverse Discrete Cosine 1. Substitute bytes: Uses an S-box to perform a byte-by-byte
Transform (IDCT) to the set of blocks used for embedding substitution of the block
in Step 3. 2. ShiftRows: A simple permutation
3. MixColumns: A substitution that makes use of arithmetic
5. Join Io u,v with the resulting image obtained at Step 4. This over GF(28)
combined image is the output stego image Is which is 4. AddRoundKey: A simple bitwise XOR of the current
compressed using JPEG compression and communicated block with a portion of the expanded key
as the stego image.
Unit testing has been carried out on each module before
integrating them. Since Visual Studio was used, simple
For the encryption of the data, Advanced Encryption syntactical mistakes were immediately shown so that the
Standard (AES) was used. Overall encryption and decryption correction was of much ease. The research work resulted in
via AES has been shown in Fig. 6. AES, developed by two the development of a desktop application that has specially
Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, is been designed for police department where the department
a symmetric block cipher based on Rijndael cipher that is administrator has the full authority to all the services. After the
intended to replace DES as the approved standard for a wide login verification for admin, the required information can be
range of applications. written, the secret information is then encrypted thereby
forming ciphertext which can be hidden in the jpeg image. The
webcam is used to capture the photograph for records and the
image containing the hidden ciphertext are sent via email to
the specified departments. Then the hidden secret messages
can be extracted from the digital images.
Basically, the size of the stego-image depends on the
length of the text. For example,
Size of original image: 659 KB
For long length text, size of stego-image: 666 KB
For short length text, size of stego-image: 660 KB

The following Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, illustrate

the original message, encrypted text, original image and the
image with hidden message respectively. The size of original
text message was 25 bytes, the size of the encrypted text
message was then 88 bytes, the size of original image was
Fig. 10. Image with hidden ciphertext
194,971 bytes and the size of image with hidden ciphertext
became 1,688,201 bytes. Fig. 11 presents the snapshot of our
deveoped application that encrypts, hides and retrives the
message and maintains database of the required records.

Fig. 7. Original Text Message

Fig. 8. Encrypted Text

Fig. 11. Image with hidden ciphertext of the apps

The secure communication of information is of much
essence in today’s world. Day per day eavesdropping are
going on during the confidential information transmission;
may it be the banking details of a bank, the call taping of
people for blackmailing, the information leakage through
unsecure communication media etc. Thus, concerning about
these aspects, Image Steganography is the application for the
organizations such as police department to hide confidential
police details like strictly confidential criminal details, secret
missions, police strategy etc. inside an image file. Also this
technique can be widely applicable to deliver required
confidential matters even through social networking sites
Fig. 9. Original image
where people will not even think that the image could hold
something else. The message is highly secure since it has
double-layer protection: encryption and steganography, and
has wide range of applications in various sectors.
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