Finite Element Analysis of CFRP-externally Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected To Three-Point Bending
Finite Element Analysis of CFRP-externally Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected To Three-Point Bending
Finite Element Analysis of CFRP-externally Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected To Three-Point Bending
Purpose – This paper aims to develop a non-linear finite element model predicting the response of externally strengthened beams under a three-
point flexure test.
Design/methodology/approach – The ANSYS software is used for modeling. SOILD65, LINK180, SHELL181 and SOLID185 elements are used,
respectively, to model concrete, steel reinforcement, polymer and steel plate support. A parametric study was carried out. The effects of compressive
strength, Young’s modulus, layers number and carbon fiber-reinforced polymer thickness on beam behavior are analyzed. A comparative study
between the non-linear finite element and analytical models, including the ACI 440.2 R-08 model, and experimental data is also carried out.
Findings – A comparative study of the non-linear finite element results with analytical models, including the ACI 440.2 R-08 model and
experimental data for different parameters, shows that the strengthened beams possessed better resistance to cracks. In general, the finite element
model’s results are in good agreement with the experimental test data.
Practical implications – This model will predict the strengthened beams behavior and can describe the beams physical conditions, yielding the
results that can be interpreted in the structural study context without using a laboratory testing.
Originality/value – On the basis of the results, a good match is found between the model results and experimental data at all stages of loading the
tested samples. Crack models obtained in the non-linear finite element model in the beams are also presented. The submitted finite element model
can be used to predict the behavior of the reinforced concrete beam. Also, the comparative study between an analytical model proposed by of
current code of ACI 440.2 R-08 and finite element analysis is investigated.
Keywords Reinforced concrete beams, CFRP, Numerical model, ANSYS, Shear, Flexural
Paper type Research paper
Finite element analysis World Journal of Engineering
Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
Mns = contribution of steel reinforcement to nominal also compared the existing variation in behaviors of RC beams
flexural strength; with and without shear reinforcement to that obtained from
n = number of plies of FRP reinforcement; finite element (FE) analysis. The results have showed that all
tf = assumed thickness of the CFRP layer; types of web reinforcements have almost similar effect for a
« bi = strain level in concrete substrate at time of FRP static loading condition. The results of the FE model have
installation (tension is positive); showed a good matching with the experimental results.
«c = strain level in concrete; Also, Abu–Obeidah et al. (2015) and Taljsten (2003) have
«cu = ultimate axial strain of unconfined concrete; showed that the using FRP sheet/laminate for shear
«fd = debonding strain of externally bonded FRP strengthening RC beams can improve the ultimate load and
reinforcement; reduce deflection. Also, experimental studies have showed the
«fe = effective strain level in FRP reinforcement attained effectiveness of using externally bonded CFRP to improve the
at failure; strength of RC members (Hawileh et al., 2014). Similarly,
« fu = ultimate rupture strain of FRP reinforcement; Panigrahi et al. (2014) have worked on 12 RC beams, which
«fu = design rupture strain of FRP reinforcement; have been tested under four-point bending. Focus on
«s = strain level in non-prestessed steel reinforcement; retrofitting of the RC beams in shear has been investigated by
Wf = FRP strength reduction factor; using mechanically anchored bonded FRP fabrics. They have
a1 = multiplier on fc to determine intensity of an found that the FRP composites can significantly enhance the
equivalent rectangular stress distribution for strength of the RC beams. Musmar et al. (2006) have
concrete; investigated the physical response of shallow RC beams
b1 = ratio of depth of equivalent rectangular stress block subjected to transverse loading. The distribution of stresses
to depth of the neutral axis; and cracks and load–deflection relationship have been evaluated
1 = strength reduction factor. using ANSYS the FE software. Sasmal et al. (2012) have
focused on the numerical investigation using ANSYS non-
1. Introduction linear FE analysis software to study the response of flexural
strengthening of FRP on RC beams. Concrete, steel
Composite materials have good physical and mechanical
reinforcement, FRP and epoxy matrix have been modeled
properties, high resistance, good damping capacity, ease of
using SOLID65, LINK8, SHELL41 and SOLID45,
installation and high corrosion resistance (Wang et al., 2011).
respectively. The numerical results have indicated a significant
Numerous studies on carbon fiber-reinforced polymer
improvement in the displacement in the strengthened RC
(CFRP)-externally strengthened reinforced concrete beams
beams with the advancement of crack.
subjected to bending have investigated by several studies. The
Al-Zaid et al. (2012) have used an analytical approach to
results have shown that the CFRP composite materials increase
predict the response of RC beams strengthened for flexure with
the strength and ductility of the structural elements (Al-Hadithy
externally bonded FRP composites. They have proposed a
and Al-Ani, 2016). Ashour et al. (2004), Ahmed et al. (2011)
model based on cross-sectional analysis satisfying strain
and Aboutaha et al. (2003) have shown that reinforced concrete compatibility and equilibrium conditions. The proposed
(RC) beams have a higher load capacity than the non-RC analytical model has been compared with experimental results
beams by 20-45 per cent. Dong et al. (2013) have studied the from the literature. The model has been verified against test
behavior of RC with external flexural and flexural-shear data related to full composite action failure mode, and a good
strengthening by CFRP and Glass composed fiber-reinforced agreement has been found.
polymer (GFRP) sheets. The obtained results have Previous studies have used the ANSYS program to predict
demonstrated that both the flexural and flexural-shear the behavior of CFRP-retrofitting RC beams. The load–
strengthening capacity of the RC beams using externally deflection curves and failure modes have been consistent with
bonded of CFRP or GFRP sheets on bottom and/or lateral faces the laboratory tests (Ibrahim, 2009; Mohamed et al., 2017;
can significantly improve the flexural and shear capacity of the Abbas, 2010). Ibrahim and Mahmood (2009) have modeled
beams strengthened. The increase on the overall flexural the RC beams strengthened using externally bonded CFRP
capacity of the CFRP-strengthened beams varies between 41 laminates; they have used the smeared cracking approach. The
and 125 per cent over the control beam, and on the shear curve of load–deflection relationship matches well with the
capacity of the GFRP- or CFRP-strengthened beams between experimental results in the linear stage. Fathelbab et al. (2011)
31 and 74 per cent. Esfahani et al. (2007) have found that when and Jayajothi et al. (2013) have studied the effect of shear
low reinforcement ratios are used, the bending strength of the reinforcement on RC beams strengthened with different FRP
beams is overestimated. On the other hand, previous sheet patterns. Strengthened beams show a higher ultimate
experimental works have been carried out on the behavior of the capacity and a significant improvement in ductility compared
CFRP-externally strengthened RC beam under bending (Sharif to the control beam. Zidani et al. (2015) have presented an
et al., 1994; Basappa and Rajagopal, 2013). Dahmani et al. advanced FE model using an FE software to simulate the
(2010) have studied the crack propagation in reinforced complete history of the steps where the concrete beam is
concrete beams using FEA software ANSYS. It has been found initially loaded to introduce damage and then the beam is
there is a good agreement between the experimental and reloaded at rupture. Gopinath et al. (2017) have numerically
numerical results. In addition, Saifullah et al. (2011) have studied the response of RC beams loaded with basalt RC. The
studied the response of RC beams with different shear load–deflection plots obtained from numerical study show a
reinforcement patterns using finite element analysis. They have good agreement with the experimental plots. Atea (2018) has
Finite element analysis World Journal of Engineering
Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
used the ANSYS program to simulate the bending behavior of Figure 1 Details of the experimental program
four RC beams composed by adding steel plates with different
The aim of this work is the development of numerical
models of CFRP-externally strengthened RC beams, without
stirrups and tested under three-point flexure. The obtained
results are compared with those of the experimental plots
reported by El-Sayed (2014). An important agreement is
reached between the experimental and FE results, and a high
level of accuracy is observed. The comparative study between
the current code of ACI 440.2 R-08 and FE analysis is also
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Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
Table III Element type and real constants used in numerical study
Real constant set Element type Real constants
1 SOLID65 Real constants for Rebar 1
Material number 0
Volume ratio 0
Orientation angle 0
Orientation angle 0
is entered for all real constants. Because, in this study, the SOLID 65 element requires linear isotropic and multi-
concrete used is a non-fibrous concrete. linear isotropic material properties to properly model
All the material properties of two types of concrete used in concrete. Poisson’s ratio for concrete is assumed to be 0.2.
simulating the elements SOLID65 are illustrated in Tables IV Two shear transfer coefficients are required to be introduced
and V. for an open crack Bt and for a closed crack Bc. The value of
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Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
Open shear Coefficient transfer 0.5
Closed shear Transfer coefficient 0.9
Uniaxial cracking Stress 3.59
Uniaxial crushing Stress 33.5
Biaxial crushing Stress 0
Hydrostatic Pressure 0
Hydro biaxial Crushing stress 0
Tensile crack factor 0
these coefficients ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.0 (ANSYS, 2007). The steel bar is considered to be an elastic
representing a smooth crack (complete loss of shear plastic material with identical tensile and compressive behavior,
transfer) and 1.0 representing a rough crack (ANSYS, as shown in Figure 4.
2007). The adopted values for Bt and Bc are 0.5 and 0.9, LINK180 element is assumed to be a bilinear isotropic
respectively. (ANSYS, 2007). The bilinear model requires the yield stress Steel reinforcement. LINK180 element is used for the (fy), as well as the tangent modulus of the plastic region of steel
flexural steel bar reinforcements. It has three degrees of freedom to be defined. Elastic modulus (EX) is also defined, and
to each node; translations in nodal X, Y and Z directions. Poisson’s ratio (PRXY) is assumed to be 0.3, as shown in
Plasticity, creep, rotation, large deflection and large strain Table VI. And also, the real constants for this model are shown
capabilities are included. This element is shown in Figure 3 in Table VII.
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Figure 4 Stress–strain relationships for steel reinforcement Table VII Element type and real constants used for FE model of steel
Real constant set Element type Real constants
2 LINK180 Cross-sectional area (mm2) 200.96
Bilinear isotropic
Yield stress 562 MPa
Tangent modulus 20 MPa
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Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
Figure 6 Stress–strain relationships for steel reinforcement and FRP contact between the concrete and steel reinforcement. The
composite materials epoxy adhesive is also modeled using the SOLID185 element.
The perfect bonding is assumed to model the interface between
the CFRP and adhesive material. The concrete–epoxy adhesive
interface is also assumed perfectly bonded (Banjara and
Ramanjaneyulu, 2017).
2.2.2 Meshing
In this step, the mesh beam test number of maximum meshing
dimension is 25 25 mm; the geometrical modeling and the
materials attributes for beam are shown in Figure 8.
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the test parameters, such as the compressive strength, Young’s Figure 21 shows the FE model of CFRP-externally
modulus, number of layers and CFRP thickness on RC beam strengthened RC beams.
behavior. Figure 22 compares the load–deflection response curves
resulting from the FE analysis for the three strengthening
3.3 Evolution of crack configurations and control beam. While, Table XV represents
The ANSYS software reports the crack configuration at each the ultimate load for each strengthening configuration, as
loading step. Figure 13 shows the typical cracking signs calculated from the FE analysis.
occurring in FE models: (a) flexural cracks; (b) compressive From curves of load versus deflection presented in
cracks; (c) diagonal tensile cracks. Figures 14-20 show the Figure 22, it can be noticed that the maximum load (ultimate
development of crack patterns developed for each RC beam at load capacity) of strengthened RC beam PL-1.0-0.43 is equal
each applied loading step of the FE model with values first to 112.7245 KN, which leads to an increase in ultimate load
cracking at load and cracking at failure. Model validation is capacity about 21.33 per cent compared to control beam (C-
performed to compare the expected mid-span load deflection 1.0). The ultimate load capacity for configuration A is
response and ultimate load capacity with the experimental data 101.864 KN. This leads to an increase in ultimate load
for the RC beams. In all the beams, it is observed that the capacity about 9.64 per cent compared to control beam. For
bending cracks starts from the mid-span of the beam. The Configuration B, the ultimate load capacity is 98.868 KN,
appearance of cracks begins near the mid-span of all beams, which improves ultimate load capacity by 7.06 per cent.
which is observed in all RC beams with a CFRP layer. Based on these numerical results, it can be noticed that the
Hence, as the load increases, the bending cracks increase strength of RC beam increases with increasing of the CFRP
within the shear span. Obviously, the shear stresses multiply, length plate.
and the cracks gradually tilted and propagated near the middle Figure 23 shows the development of the maximum
of the span of all beams, leading eventually to diagonal tension deflection at mid-span of RC beams (C-1.0, PL-1.0-0.43,
failure. Configurations A and B). The percentage decrease in
maximum deflection of PL-1.0-0.43, Configurations A and
3.4 Parametric study B are found to be 6, 3 and 2 per cent, respectively, as
3.4.1 Effect of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer length compared to that of control beam (C-1.0). In fact, in the
To investigate the effectiveness of CFRP lengths on non-linear FE analysis formulations, the element stiffness
strengthened RC beam, three different strengthening schemes matrix is proportional to the material property matrix. The
modeled are investigated. Table XIV shows CFRP lengths material property matrix is composed of the contribution
used in this parametric study. from the material property of concrete, steel, epoxy adhesive
Configuration (PL-1.0-0.43): One layer of CFRP of 1,400 and CFRP. Therefore, the increased CFRP length enhances
mm length; these material properties; consequently, the element
Configuration A: One layer of CFRP of 1,125 mm length; stiffness matrix of an externally retrofitted RC beam is most
and robust with the greatest CFRP layer-length, which in turn
Configuration B: One layer of CFRP of 1,050 mm length. restricts crack growth, thus improving the strength of the
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Figure 9 Comparison of load–deflection relationship of RC beams from test results and FE models
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
60 60
40 40
Experimental Experimental
Numerical Numerical
20 20
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(a) (b)
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
Load (kN)
Load (kN)
60 60
40 40
20 Experimental 20
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Deflection (mm) Deflection (mm)
(c) (d)
RC beam and reducing the mid-span deflection. On the 4.1 Proposed model by ACI 440.2 R-08
other hand, the increase in CFRP layer-length serves to ACI 440.2 R-08 (ACI, 2008) uses a rectangular stress block
stiffen the RC beams, which results in lowering the similar to that used in normal RC beams. To prevent
interfacial shear stress and restricting crack propagation, debonding of the FRP laminate, a limitation should be placed
hence increasing the load-carrying capacity and decreasing on the strain level developed in the laminate.
the mid-span deflection. Table XVI shows the mechanical properties for concrete,
In general, the numerical results from the non-linear FE steel reinforcement and CFRP materials used in the analytical
analysis are in good matching with the experimental results method.
recorded in the experimental program (Obaidat, 2011). The following step-by-step algorithm is used to predict
the behavior of un-strengthened and strengthened RC
beams using ACI 440.2 R-08 code (ACI, 2008) for beam
4. Analytical investigation Step 1: FRP system design material properties:
In this section, a theoretical analysis is carried out
according to the analytical model ACI 440.2 R-08 (ACI, f fu ¼ CE f fu ¼ 2660 MPa
2008), which is the American code that tends to estimate
the behavior of FRP-externally strengthened reinforced
« fu ¼ CE « fu ¼ 0:01615
concrete beams.
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Figure 9
140 140
120 120
100 100
80 80
Load (KN)
Load (KN)
60 60
40 40
Experimental Experimental
Numerical Numerical
20 20
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Load (KN)
0 1 2 3 4
Deflection (mm)
Notes: (a) C-1.0; (b) PL-1.0-0.43; (c) PL-1.0-0.85; (d) PH-1.0-0.36; (e) S-1.0-0.27; (f) C-1.5; (g) PL-1.5-0.85
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Table XII Percentage change values of failure load obtained from experimental Figure 12 Numerical results of first crack load
approach and numerical simulation
Change of failure Change of failure
Beam load in the experiment (%) load in the numerical (%)
C-1.0 – –
PL-1.0-0.43 21.10 17.60
PL-1.0-0.85 31.47 24.39
PH-1.0-0.36 20.05 29.03
C-1.5 – –
PL-1.5-0.85 26.63 21.85
As ¼ 401:92 mm2
Figure 10 Comparison between experimental and numerical mid-span
deflection for all RC beams Area of externally bonded CFRP:
Af ¼ 168 mm2
MDl ð df kdÞ
« bi ¼ ¼ 0:0124
Icr Ec
Figure 11 Comparison between experimental and numerical mid-span « fd ¼ 0; 41 0:9 « fu
n tf Ef
load for all RC beams
« fd ¼ 0; 00557 0:0145
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« s ¼ 0:0106
df c Step 8: Stress level in steel reinforcement and
« fe ¼ « cu « bi « fd CFRP plate:
f s ¼ Es « s f y
« fe ¼ 0:000241
f s ¼ 2173 MPa > 562 MPa
As section failure is controlled by CFRP; con-
crete strain at failure « c may be less than
0.003 and is calculated as follows:
f s ¼ 562 MPa
c Step 9: Internal force resultants and check for
« c ¼ ð« fe 1 « bi Þ
df c equilibrium (as mentioned in Step 5):
As f s 1 Af f fe
dc c¼ 0
« s ¼ ð« fe 1 « bi Þ a1 f c b 1 d
df c
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Table XIV Different strengthening schemes used in parametric study Mnf ¼ 1:585 KN:m
(modulus of elasticity = 165 GPa, thickness = 1.4 mm)
Step 12: Design flexural strength of the section:
Beams ID CFRP length (mm)
C1 0.0 – b c b c
PL-1.0-0.43 1,400 Mn ¼ As f s d 1 1 Wf Af f fe df 1
2 2
Configuration A 1,125
Configuration B 1,050 where:
Wf ¼ 0:85
Mn ¼ 55:935 KN:m
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Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
5. Conclusion
In the current study, FE simulation code ANSYS and
Figure 23 Development of the mid-span deflection of RC beams (C-
analytical model ACI 440.2 R-08 are used to numerically
1.0, PL-1.0-0.43, Configurations A and B)
evaluate the structural response of a CFRP-strengthened RC
beam. In addition, a parametric study consisting of four models
is conducted.
The validated FE model is used to evaluate the load–
deflection behavior and crack pattern of the control and
strengthened RC beams. It is found that the FE models could
predict ultimate load within (0.03-11.34 per cent) variation
with that of experimental study and deflection at failure within
(0.241-9.02 per cent) variation with that of experimental
investigation. However, the general behaviors of the FE models
are in good agreement with the experimental test data. On the
other hand, the increase in number of layers of CFRP leads to
reduce the mid-span deflection and the density of cracks in RC
beams. Similarly, increasing in elastic modulus of CFRP
composites tends to reduce the mid-span deflection and the
Table XV Values of failure load of different strengthening schemes using
density of cracks in RC beams. Therefore, the developed model
numerical simulation
gives very good results compared to the experimental results,
Beam ID Failure load (KN) Increasing strength (%) from the beginning to the end of the loading stages of cracks in
C-1.0 92.9054 – the RC beams are observed.
Configuration B 98.868 7.063 From numerical study, it can be noted that the load-carrying
Configuration A 101.864 9.642 capacity of RC beam increases with increasing of the CFRP
PL-1.0-0.43 112.7245 21.332 length. The percentage increase in maximum load-carrying
capacity of PL-1.0-0.43, Configurations A and B are found to
be 21.332, 9.642 and 7.063 per cent, respectively, as compared
to that of control beam (C-1.0). This is because of the
increased CFRP length that leads to enhance the material
Finite element analysis World Journal of Engineering
Sabiha Barour et al. Volume 17 · Number 2 · 2020 · 183–202
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