Action Plan and Implementation Identify & Explain: As A Teacher During This Goal(s) : These Are My Goals in Answering

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Identify & Explain: As a teacher during this Goal(s): These are my goals in answering
time of pandemic, we know that the main the problem that we teachers encounter this
problem that other teachers encounter this time of pandemic.
time of pandemic is that, on how we are
going to present the lesson with students in a 1. Improving the curriculum
short period of time of preparation and since 2. Prioritizing opportunities for authentic
it is our first time to encounter this kind of learning
happening in our life. We need more time to 3. Maximizing the use of learning outside
study the effectiveness of the plan that we the classroom
need to implement. The school are lack of 4. Supporting students’ independent
preparation when dealing with this problem, learning
since we are doing the trial-and-error 5. Enhancing teachers’ digital skills
mechanism until we come up with appropriate
response to the needs of the students and
teachers during pandemic time.

Planned Strategies: These are my Actual Output: I will going to list down the
strategies that I want to implement during this strategies that we’ve already implemented in
time of pandemic to address such problem our school.
and to achieve the goals being presented. 1. We are now improving our school
1. In improving the curriculum, we need curriculum; we already identify the
to identify first the needs of our needs of our students and give the
learners during this pandemic and if quality and fairly education to our
already identify those needs, we will students that they need. We are now
develop a curriculum that appropriate developing the new curriculum in
to needs of our learners. response to the challenge of this
2. In prioritizing opportunities for pandemic.
authentic learning, as teachers we are 2. The school give emphasizes on the
the one who identify the needs of our prioritization of the authentic learning
students for the continuity of learning for the students by giving the chance
process and to priority the plan that and adapting on other teaching
give the students an authentic strategies.
learning. 3. The school are very supportive in
3. In maximizing the use of learning giving the opportunities with learning
outside the classroom, as teachers we outside the classroom. It is beneficial
need to consider that the environment to the part of our students. The part of
of the student can give the best the school and the teacher with this is
learning to them. The environment will to guide the students on what kind of
mold the student’s ability in coping up learning they get outside the
with the challenge of the real world, classroom.
since it is really a real world scenario. 4. In the challenge of this pandemic to us
4. In supporting students’ independent teachers on how we continue to deliver
learning, we need to respect the to our students the quality education
independency of our students and that they need. We need to learn to be
also, we need to believe that they can digitally literate in using the devices
learn on their own pace. that could help us to deliver the
5. In the part of enhancing teachers’ learnings to our students. As a teacher
digital skills, as challenge of this we need to have and be equipped with
pandemic to us teachers, we need to the 21st century skills.
be equipped with the 21 st century skills
in order to give the 21 st century skills
and learnings to our students.
Because the line says you can’t give if
you don’t have.

Outcome: We found out that essential to the Reflection: COVID-19 indeed changed the
teachers’ lived experiences in the pre- lives of many people around the world. It
implementation of distance learning in the created fear, trauma, depression, and anxiety
new normal, the following are given to meet to people, especially those who lost their
our goals: loved ones due to the pandemic. In the
context of the Philippines, Filipinos,
1. We, teachers formulate appropriate plans particularly us, the teachers are worried about
and implement adequate strategies to meet the safety of our loved ones and even our
the demands of teaching and learning lifestyles have been affected because of the
process in the new normal. We should have a fears due to the pandemic. Even though we
growth have shown a positive outlook in life amid the
mindset towards the situation, embrace COVID-19 outbreak, we are still susceptible
changes, and explore possibilities by getting to the anxieties since the pandemic is still
out of our comfort zones. ongoing worldwide. These teachers though
are well aware of what to do to cope with their
2. For the higher offices and school educational, social, and personal anxieties.
authorities may work with the teachers in Therefore, we need to point out that there is
addressing the ample evidence that the we, Filipino teachers
challenges they face as they migrate to the practice measures to deal with anxiety since
new normal teaching practices. Necessary they adhere to the preventive and educational
resources and relevant training should be policies of DEPED and CHED in the fight
provided among teachers to successfully against COVID-19. The school manager and
deliver quality education. administrator should create further studies
focus on the effectiveness of social media for
communication purposes amid the health
crisis and an in-depth investigation should be
made that examines the effects of the
pandemic to the emotional and mental well-
being of the Filipino teachers including the
population of the student community.

Prepared by:

Leary John H. Tambagahan, LPT

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