Thermo 2 Regen Cyc CH ST H Outs

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22 Regenerative Cycle Using Closed Heaters

Extracted Extracted
Steam Steam

Feedwater Feedwater
In In

Feedwater Feedwater
Out Out
Condensate Condensate
FW Pump Steam Trap
To Higher
Pressure Line To Lower Pressure
Heater or Condenser

Closed FWH with Drain Pumped Forward Closed FWH with Drain Cascaded Backward

For Optimal Efficiency

The final condensate heating temperature is kept 50-60OC below the boiler saturation temperature to
prevent evaporation of water in the feed mains, which leads to a drop in the boiler drum pressure.

The pressures for extraction for each heater is selected so that the TTD will range from 4°C to 10°C.


A steam power plant operating on the regenerative Rankine cycle has steam delivered to the turbine
at 5.5 MPaa, 480°C. Before condensation at 15kPaa, steam is extracted from the turbine at 460kPaa and
directed to a closed heater operating with a terminal temperature difference of 8°C. For an ideal cycle,
determine a) the cycle thermal efficiency; b) the turbine thermal efficiency; and c) the turbine heat rate.
Answers: 38.06%; 38.18%; 9429.02kJ/kW-hr.

t 1
480 OC

h1 = 3380.7 kJ/kg QA
h2 = 2751.31 kJ/kg 5.5MPa (1)
h3 = 2224.56 kJ/kg a (1) 2 151.55 OC
h4 = 225.94 kJ/kg (1) 6 0.46 WT
h5 = 231.5 kJ/kg 140.74 OC 7
h6 = 626.76 kJ/kg (m1)
(m1) (1-m1)
h7 = 593.42 kJ/kg 5
4 0.015
(1) 6 (1-m1)
QR s

p1 = 5.5 MPaa
t1 = 480 °C
p2 = 460 kPaa = 0.46 MPaa
p3 = 15 kPaa = 0.015 MPaa
TTD = 8 °C
a) ecyc
b) et
c) HRt
use Table 3 @ p1 = 5.5 MPaa, t1 = 480 °C
h1 = 3380.7 kJ/kg
s1 = 6.8642 kJ/kg.K
s1 = s 2 = s3
check Table 2 @ p2 = 0.46 MPaa
sf = 1.8290 kJ/kg.K
sg = 6.8492 kJ/kg.K
∴ cond. 2 is sh, use Table 3
6.8560 2747.8 150
6.8642 h2 t2
6.9088 2770.4 160
h2 = 2751.31 kJ/kg
t2 = 151.55 °C
check Table 2 @ p3 = 0.015 MPaa
sf = 0.7549 kJ/kg.K
sg = 8.0085 kJ/kg.K
∴ cond. 3 is wm
s3 - sf 6.8642 - 0.7549
x3 = = = 0.8422
sfg 7.2536
h3 = hf + x3hfg = 225.94 + (0.8422)(2373.1)
h3 = 2224.56 kJ/kg
h4 = hf3 = 225.94 kJ/kg
h5 = vf3(p1 - p3) + h4 = 1.0141x10-3(5500 - 15) + 225.94
h5 = 231.5 kJ/kg
h6 = hf2 = 626.76 kJ/kg
t6 = tsat2 = 148.74 °C
t7 = t6 - TTD = 148.74 - 8 = 140.74 ≈ 141 °C
use Table 1 @ t7 = 141 °C
h7 = hf141°C = 593.42 kJ/kg

A regenerative vapor power cycle with one closed feedwater heater has steam entering the
first turbine at state 1 where the pressure is 12MPa and temperature is 5600C. Steam then
expands to state 2 where some of the steam is extracted and diverted to the closed feedwater
heater at 1.2 MPa. Condensate exits the feedwater heater at state 6 as saturated liquid at 1.2
MPa, undergoes a throttling process through a trap, and then enters the condenser. The
remaining steam expands through the second turbine stage and then enters the condenser
operating at 6 kPaa at state 3. The feedwater exiting the condenser at state 4 is saturated liquid.
The feedwater is then pumped through the closed feedwater heater, exiting at state 7 at 12 MPa
and 1780C. The net power output for the cycle is 300 MW. For isentropic conditions in each
turbine stage and the pump, determine:
a. The cycle thermal efficiency. 43.82%
b. The mass flow rate into the first turbine stage, in kg/s. 248.77
c. The mass flow rate into the second turbine stage, in kg/s. 177.52
d. The terminal temperature difference in the heater. 10 OC
e. The rate of heat transfer in the condenser. 384 576 kW
1 1
t 560 OC
(1) (1-m1)
7 2
(m1) 3 12MPaa (1)
(1) 2
218.41 OC
(m1) (1) 6 1.2 WT
(m1) 2 6 7
178 OC (m1)
4 (m1) (1-m1)
(1) (1) 5
(1) WP 0.006
4 3
7 5 (1) 6 (1-m1)
6 QR s

Given: Req’d:
p1 = 12 MPaa a) ecyc
t1 = 560 °C b) m
p2 = 1.2 MPaa c) m after the extraction
p3 = 6 kPaa = 0.006 MPaa d) TTD
t7 = 178 °C e) QR
Wnet = 300 MW = 300 000 kW

use Table 3 @ p1 = 12 MPaa, t1 = 560 °C
h1 = 3506.2 kJ/kg
s1 = 6.6840 kJ/kg.K
s1 = s2 = s3

check Table 2 @ p2 = 1.2 MPaa
sf = 2.2166 kJ/kg.K
sg = 6.5233 kJ/kg.K
∴ cond. 2 is SH, use Table 3
6.6672 2853.1 215
6.6840 h2 t2
6.6918 2865.1 220
h2 = 2861.3 kJ/kg
t2 = 218.41 °C
check Table 2 @ p3 = 0.006 MPaa
sf = 0.5210 kJ/kg.K
sg = 8.3304 kJ/kg.K
∴ cond. 3 is WM
s3 - sf 6.6840 - 0.5210
x3 = = = 0.7892
sfg 7.8094
h3 = hf + x3hfg = 151.53 + (0.7892)(2415.9)
h3 = 2058.16 kJ/kg
h4 = hf3 = 151.53 kJ/kg
h5 = vf3(p1 - p3) + h4 = 1.0064x10-3(12 000 - 6) + 151.53
h5 = 163.6 kJ/kg
h6 = hf2 = 798.65 kJ/kg
use Table 1 @ t7 = 178 °C
h7 = hf178°C = 754.39 kJ/kg

The actual regenerative vapor power cycle in problem no. 2 has a turbine first stage efficiency of 80%,
a second stage efficiency of 82% and a pump efficiency of 79%. Determine a) the turbine thermal
efficiency; b) the turbine steam rate; c) the cycle steam rate. Answers: 37.20%; 3.5 kg/kW-hr; 3.55

h1=3506.2 kJ/kg
h4=151.53 12MPaa
h5= 163.6 (1) 2
h6= 798.65 ’ 274.68 C

h7= 754.39 (1)

2 218.41OC
h2’ = 2990.28 6 1.2
h3S =2134.98 178 OC
h3’ =2288.93 WT
h5’ =166.81 5’ (m1)
WP 5
(1) 6 (1-m1) 3 3s 3’

QR s
' ' '
h1 - h2 h2 - h3
ηts1 = ; ηts2 = ' ; where : s1 - s2 and s2 ' - s3s
h1 - h2 h2 - h3s


A two-stage regenerative cycle using closed heaters has steam bled at 7bar and 1.2bar. Steam enters
the turbine at 28 bar, 380°C and exhaust to a condenser operating at a pressure 0.065bar. If the
condensate from the high-pressure heater is flashed to the low-pressure heater and the condensate from
the low-pressure heater is flashed back to the main condenser, determine a) the cycle and the turbine
thermal efficiencies; b) the heat rejected in the condenser. Terminal temperature difference for both
heaters is 6.5°C. Answers: 36.83%, 36.9%; 1593.35kJ/kg
h1 = 3188.8 kJ/kg t 1
380 OC
h2 = 2845.66 kJ/kg
h3 = 2528.67 kJ/kg QA (1)
h4 = 2130.53 kJ/kg
h5 = 157.67 kJ/kg 2.8MPaa 2 200.39 OC
h6 = 160.48 kJ/kg (1)
9 0.7 (1-m1)
h7 = 439.32 kJ/kg 158.5 OC 10
(m1) (m1)
h8 = 410.61 kJ/kg (1)
7 9 0.12 3 WT
h9 = 697.22 kJ/kg 98.3 OC 8 (m2)
(m1+m2) (1-m1-m2)
h10 = 669.03 kJ/kg WP 6
5 4
(1) 7 (1-m1-m2)
QR s

Given: sf = 1.3608 kJ/kg.K

p1 = 28 bar = 2.8 MPaa sg = 7.2981 kJ/kg.K
t1 = 380 °C ∴ cond. 3 is WM
p2 = 7 bar = 0.7 MPaa s3 - sf 6.8883 - 1.3608
x3 = = = 0.9310
p3 = 1.2 bar = 0.12 MPaa sfg 5.9373
p4 = 0.065 bar = 0.0065 MPaa h3 = hf + x3hfg = 439.32 + (0.9310)(2244.2)
TTD = 6.5 °C h3 = 2528.67 kJ/kg
Req’d: check Table 2 @ p4 = 0.0065 MPaa
a) ecyc , et sf = 0.5408 kJ/kg.K
b) QR sg = 8.3020 kJ/kg.K
Sol’n: ∴ cond. 4 is WM
use Table 3 @ p1 = 2.8 MPaa, t1 = 380 °C s4 - sf 6.8883 - 0.5408
h1 = 3188.8 kJ/kg x4 = = = 0.8178
sfg 7.7613
s1 = 6.8883 kJ/kg.K h4 = hf + x4hfg = 157.67 + (0.8178)(2412.4)
s 1 = s 2 = s3 = s4 h4 = 2130.53 kJ/kg
check Table 2 @ p2 = 0.7 MPaa h5 = hf4 = 157.67 kJ/kg
sf = 1.9922 kJ/kg.K h6 = vf4(p1 - p4) + h5 = 1.00069x10-3(2800 - 6.5) + 157.67
sg = 6.7080 kJ/kg.K h6 = 160.48 kJ/kg
∴ cond. 2 is SH, use Table 3 h7 = hf3 = 439.32 kJ/kg
6.8865 2844.8 200 t7 = tsat3 = 104.8 °C
6.8883 h2 t2 t8 = t7 - TTD = 104.8 - 6.5 = 98.3 ≈ 98 °C
6.9331 2867.0 210 use Table 1 @ t8 = 98 °C
h2 = 2845.66 kJ/kg h8 = hf98°C = 410.61 kJ/kg
t2 = 200.39 °C h9 = hf2 = 697.22 kJ/kg
check Table 2 @ p3 = 0.12 MPaa t9 = tsat2 = 164.97 °C
t10 = t9 - TTD = 164.97 - 6.5 = 158.47 ≈ 158.5 °C
use Table 1 @ t10 = 158.5 °C
h8 = hf158.5°C = 669.03 kJ/kg

PROBLEM NO. 1: Start your solution with the tabulate enthalpies and complete t–s diagram
A 75-MW ideal regenerative vapor power cycle has one one closed feedwater heater
operating at 11.5 bar and a TTD of 6oC. Steam enters the turbine at 66 bar, 4400C, and leaves at
0.65 bar. Condensate exits the feedwater heater as saturated liquid and is throttled to the
condenser. For the cycle, determine (a) the condition of steam (x or OSh) entering the heater; (b)
the amount of steam extracted; (c) the thermal efficiency of the cycle; (d) the back work ratio; (e)
the rate of heat rejection in the condenser. Answers: a) 17.15 oC; (b) 17.27 kg/s; (c) 33.04%; (d)
0.0081; (f) 152 MW
h1=3268.1 kJ/kg
h4= 368.54
h5= 375.3
h6= 790.13
h7= 763.22

PROBLEM NO. 2: Start your solution with the tabulate enthalpies and complete t–s diagram
A power plant operating on the regenerative vapor power cycle has steam entering the first
turbine stage at 7.5 MPaa, it expands to 800 kPaa, 195 oC where some of the steam is extracted
and diverted to a closed feedwater heater operating with a TTD of 5.5 oC. The remaining steam
expands through the second turbine stage and exits at a condenser pressure of 5 kPaa. For the
ideal cycle, determine (a) the temperature of steam entering the turbine; (b) the percentage of
steam extracted; (c) the cycle thermal efficiency; (d) the turbine thermal efficiency; (e) the turbine
heat rate. Answers: (a) 510.03 oC; (b) 26.2%; (c) 42.19%; (d) 42.35%: (e) 8500.6 kJ/kW-hr
h1=3428.98 kJ/kg
h4= 137.82
h5= 145.35
h6= 721.11
h7= 697.34

PROBLEM NO. 3: Start your solution with the tabulate enthalpies and complete t–s diagram
In an ideal regenerative vapor power cycle steam enters the turbine at 75 bar, 580 OC and
expands to 25 bar, where some of the steam is extracted and diverted to a closed feedwater
heater having a TTD of 5OC. The remaining steam expands through the second turbine stage
where steam is again extracted at 6.5 bar and diverted to another closed heater having a TTD of
7OC. The condensate from the HP heater and condensate from the LP heater are flashed to the
condenser operating at 707.5 mm Hg vacuum. For a net power output of 335 MW. determine (a)
the condition of steam (x or OSh) entering the heaters and condenser; (b) the amounts of steam
extracted; (c) the thermal efficiency of the cycle; (d) the turbine thermal efficiency; (e) the back
work ratio; (f) the rate of heat rejection in the condenser. Answers: (a) 171.11 oC, 54.06 oC,
83.44%; (b) 37.34 kg/s, 65.21 kg/s; (c) 42.44%; (d) 42.6%; (e) 0.0066; (f) 454.33MW
1 580 OC

Solution: t
h1=3598.2 kJ/kg QA 395.1 OC
h2=3228.33 2
h3=2882.72 7.5MPaa WT
h4=2173.55 (1)
219 OC
9 2.5 (1-m1)
h5= 163.4
10 (m1)
h6= 170.95
h7= 684.28 (m1) 216.08 OC
(1) 7 0.65
h8= 653.84 155 OC 8 3
(m2) (m2)
h9= 962.11
h10=939.01 WP 6 9 0.007
5 4
(1) 7 (1-m1-m2)
QR s

PROBLEM NO. 4: Start your solution with the tabulate enthalpies and complete t–s diagram
A 325-MW steam turbine is used in a power plant operating with two closed heaters. Steam
enters the turbine at 530 OC, expands to 20.5 bar, 321.66 OC where part of the steam is extracted
and diverted to a closed feedwater heater (TTD=8.7 OC). The remainder of the steam expands to
7 bar where part of the steam is again extracted and diverted to a closed feedwater heater
(TTD=7 OC). The rest of the steam expands further and discharges to the condenser operating at
9.5kPaa. The condensate from both heaters is flashed directly to the main condenser. For the
ideal cycle, determine (a) the pressure of steam entering the HP turbine; (b) the condition of
steam (x or OSh) entering the LP turbine and condenser; c) the turbine thermal efficiency; (d) the
amount of steam entering each heater; (e) the heat transferred (kW) in the condenser and steam
generator; (f) the BWR; (g) the cycle steam rate. Answers: (a) 7.7 MPaa (b) 25.09 oC, 82.34%;
(c) 41.43%; (d) 29.02 kg/s, 66.71 kg/s; (e) 459 425.94kW, 782 084.27kW; (f) 0.0072; (g)
h5= 187.65
h6= 195.42
h7= 697.22
h8= 666.85
h9= 914.52
h10= 875.04


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