Google Dorks

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that Google Dorks are search operators used to refine searches on Google, SQL injection is a technique used to exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, and there are various mitigation strategies discussed such as input validation, prepared statements, and limiting access privileges.

Google Dorks are simple search operators or keywords that can be used with Google to narrow search results and find specific information. They allow searching within URLs, titles, filetypes, and text on websites.

The document discusses various Google Dorks including site, inurl, intitle, allintitle, filetype/ext, intext, and allintext which can be used to restrict search results based on domains, URLs, titles, filetypes, or text on pages.

Google Dorks

How much you are secure?

In this Lecture
• Google Dorks
• Types of Google Dorks
• SQL injection
• Types of SQL injection
• Defending against SQL injection
Google Dorks
• Google Dorks are nothing but simple
search operators that are used to
refine our search.

• A Google dork is an employee who

unknowingly exposes sensitive corporate
information on the Internet.
Google Hacking
What is Google hacking?
• Google hacking involves using advanced
operators in the google search engine to locate the
specific string of text with in search result.
• Google hacking doesn’t mean that we are going
to hack into the google website, it means we use
operators provided by google to narrow the search
results and to get the specific result as we want.
• Generally we call these operators as google dorks .
We use these dorks with the string that we want to
Google hacks
• Access Secure Webpages
• Download E-books , Videos , Music and
movies for free
• Access Security Cameras
Google Dorks
• We have lot of dorks which we will discuss in this
lecture one by one.
• site
• inurl
• intitle
• allintitle
• allinurl
• filetype or ext
• allintext
• intext
• site dork restricts the results to the
specified domain. We can use this
dork to find all the pages and
subdomains of the specified domain.

• inurl dork restricts the results to
site whose URL contains all the
specified phrase or word or string.

Example: inurl:admin
• allinurl is same as inurl but with some
difference. It restricts results to sites
whose URL contains all the specified
phrases, but inurl can show sites which
contain only single word from the

Example: allinurl: admin login

• intitle restricts results to documents
whose title contains the specified
phrase or word or string.

Example: intitle:engineering
• allintitle is almost same as intitle with
little difference. it will restricts results to
document whose title containing all
the specified phrases or collection or
Example: allintitle:engineering books
Intitle vs allintitle
filetype or ext
• It will show all the site which
contain document of the
specified type.
Example: filetype:pdf or ext:pdf
• it will show all the result pages or sites
which contains the specified text or
phrase in the text of site.

Example: intext:hacking
• allintext is same as intext but it will show
that results which contain all the text
specified in the text of the page or site.

Example: allintext: software engineering

Vulnerable Files
Combining multiple dorks
site:gov inurl:adminlogin
Accessing unprotected camera
Files Containing Juicy Info
Google search:
(Finds the configuration files of the PHP Database on
the server.)

Files Containing Juicy Passwords

Google search: filetype:xls “username | password”
(This search reveals usernames and/or passwords of
the xls documents.)
In this Topic
o What are injection attacks?
o How SQL Injection Works
o Exploiting SQL Injection Bugs
o Mitigating SQL Injection
o Defending Injection Attacks
What is SQL Injection?
• SQL injection is a code injection technique that
exploits a security vulnerability occurring in
the database layer of an application.
• The vulnerability is present when user input is either
incorrectly filtered for string literal escape
characters embedded in SQL statements or user
input is not strongly typed.
• Cause a false positive query result from the
database and grant you access.
SQL Injection
1. App sends form to user. Attacker
2. Attacker submits form with
SQL exploit data. User
3. Application builds string ‘ or 1=1--
with exploit data. Pass
4. Application sends SQL
query to DB.
5. DB executes query,
including exploit, sends Firewall
data back to application.
6. Application returns data to

DB Server
Web Server
SQL Injection Attack
Unauthorized Access Attempt:
password = ’ or 1=1 -- ( 'OR''=‘ )

SQL statement becomes:

select count(*) from users where username = ‘user’
and password = ‘’ or 1=1 --
Checks if password is empty OR 1=1, which is
always true, permitting access.
Injecting into SELECT

Most common SQL entry point.

SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE expression
ORDER BY expression

Places where user input is inserted:

WHERE expression
ORDER BY expression
Table or column names
Injecting into INSERT

Creates a new data row in a table.

INSERT INTO table (col1, col2, ...)
VALUES (val1, val2, ...)
Number of values must match # columns.
Types of values must match column types.
Technique: add values until no error.
foo’, 1)--
foo’, 1, 1)--
Injecting into UPDATE

Modifies one or more rows of data.

UPDATE table
SET col1=val1, col2=val2, ...
WHERE expression

Places where input is inserted

SET clause
WHERE clause
Be careful with WHERE clause
’ OR 1=1 will change all rows
Example (1)

• User ID: ` OR ``=`

• Password: `OR ``=`
• In this case the sqlString used to create the
result set would be as follows:
select USERID from USER where USERID = ``OR``=``and PWD = ``
OR``=`` TRUE

• Which would certainly set the

userHasBeenAuthenticated variable to true.
Example (2)
User ID: ` OR ``=`` --
Password: abc

As anything after the -- will be ignore, the injection

will work even without any specific injection into
the password predicate.
Example (3)
User ID: ` ; DROP TABLE USER ; --
Password: `OR ``=`

select USERID from USER where USERID = `` ; DROP

TABLE USER ; -- ` and PWD = ``OR ``=``

I will not try to get any information, I just want to bring

the application down.
Impact of SQL Injection
1. Leakage of sensitive
2. Reputation decline.
3. Modification of sensitive
4. Loss of control of db
5. Data loss.
6. Denial of service.
Mitigating SQL Injection
Ineffective Mitigations

Partially Effective Mitigations

Filter out or Sanitize known bad SQL
meta-characters, such as single

o Though it's easy to point out some

dangerous characters, it's harder to point
all of them.
Reject input that doesn’t match your
list of safe characters to accept.
o Identify what is good, not what is bad.
o Still have to deal with single quotes when
required, such as in names.
Defending against SQL Injection
• URL based injection:
o Avoid using clear text when coding in SQL.
• If your database and webpage are constructed in a
way where you can view the data, it’s open to
o As in prior example, you could add a drop, or other
command, to alter the database.
o Passwords, and other sensitive information need to be
either encrypted or one way hashed. There is no full proof
way to defend from injection, but by limiting sensitive
information, you can insure that your information is at least
somewhat protected.
Defending Against Injection ctd.
• Login based injection:
o Restrict input field length. Instead of allowing an
unlimited amount of characters to be entered for
user name and password, restricting them will
make it more difficult for someone to run a
malicious query.
• User privileges:
o Have a “Superuser/Admin” with full rights, but
limit other users to only the things they need to
do. This way, if someone accesses the database,
they’ll have a restricted amount of privileges.
Defending Against Injection ctd.
• Use proper escapes strings, generally created
through PHP.
o $SQL = "SELECT * FROM users where username =
• When someone tries to access the database
using a command like OR 1’”;, their query
would return \’ OR 1\’, because your query
was created to have a defined escape string.
Defending Against Injection ctd.
• Firewalls and similar intrusion detection
mechanisms provide little defense
against full-scale web attacks.
SQL injection Conclusion
o SQL injection is technique for exploiting
applications that use relational databases
as their back end.
o Transform the innocent SQL calls to a
malicious call
o Cause unauthorized access, deletion of
data, or theft of information
o All databases can be a target of SQL
injection and all are vulnerable to this
What we learned

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