5 Isma A Khamsa Good
5 Isma A Khamsa Good
5 Isma A Khamsa Good
and I`raab (final Harakat), they glue on matching letters too.
Note: the word هنis more commonly ended with normal vowel
endings and not these extra ones, that's why it's extra in my
notes. Some people do use the rare irregular case ending for it.
When these five nouns are Mudaf to any noun - except 'Ya
Mutakkalim' (representing 'my') - they take a matching vowel letter
( )ا ويto represent their states.
What are these states for normal nouns?
11. In my opinion the letter لand the ماare the key to understanding Arabic properly.
It is essential to understand the various meanings of ما.
12. ماis a genuine jack-of-all-trades. By throwing this tiny word into a sentence, you
can change the meaning dramatically.
13. Here is a list of some possibilities:
14. Ma used to negate sentences
negation particle َحرْ ف ما النَّافِية
15. Normally ماis used to negate a past tense verb ()الماضِ ي. ْ Theoretically, however, it
is also possible to negate a ُج ْملة اِسْ ِميّةwith ما.
16. You could even negate the present tense (ُضارع ْ with ما. This is very rare and
ِ )الم
occasionally used with the expression: ( ما َيزا ُلstill)
22. Notice the ُس ُكونat the end of the verb ( – ) َمجْ ُزومit is a َشرْ ط.
Whatever good that you do comes back to you. ُما تَ ْف َعلْ ِم ْن َخي ٍْر ت َِج ْد جا َءه
23. ماto strengthen the meaning
Used to strengthen
ما لِتَأْ ِكي ِد َم ْعنَى
the conditional َحرْ ف
ال َّشرْ ط
If you had worked hard, you would have
إِذا ما َع ِم ْلتَ بِ ِج ٍّد
َنَ َجحْ ت
(Notice that it is not a negation!)
26. It is used like the particle ْ أَنand has the same meaning and
The student came after the lesson had started. ُالطاّل بُ بَ ْع َد ما بَدَأَ ال َّدرْ س
ُّ ض َر
َ َح
18 Jazm-izers of Verbs
February 6, 2017 by ultimatearabic 2 Comments
السالم عليكم,
We’ve looked into why a verb will be in the state of nasb. Today,
we’re going to see what can change it into the state of jazm.
The influences that cause jazm are 18, and they are:
1. َل ْم
2. َلمَّا
3. أَ َل ْم
4. أَ َلمَّا
5. The لof commanding and beseeching
6. الin prohibition and beseeching
7. ْإِن
8. َما
9. َْمن
10. َم ْه َما
11. إِ ْذ َما
12. ٌّأَي
13. َم َتى
14. أَي َْن
15. َ أَي
16. أَ َّنى
17. َحي ُْثما
18. َك ْي َفما
And in poetry only: إِ ْذا
There are 18 tools used to put a verb in jazm, and they are divided
into 2 groups below. If a verb is attached to a pronoun, I bring it out.
Otherwise, you should be able to figure out how it looked like
in raf’ before becoming jazm-ized.
Then he should say good or keep“( ْ لِ َيصْ م َخيْرً ا أو َف ْل َيقُ ْل
]al-Bukhari and Muslim[ )“silent
1. ْ – إنFor example: ْ“( إنْ ُتذا ِكرْ َت ْن َجحIf you revise, you will
succeed”). إنis a particle used for conditional
statements. The condition ( ْ“ – ُتذا ِكرyou study”) and the
consequence ( ْ“ – َت ْن َجحyou succeed”) are both
in jazm because of ْإن
2. There is consensus that it’s an ism (noun) – These are
1. ْ“( َمنwho”) – used for intelligent beings