Republic of The Philippines Commission On Higher Education Region V Polangui Community College Polangui, Albay

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Republic of the Philippines


Region V
Polangui, Albay

Course Code: GE 06
Course Title: Art Appreciation
Course Type: GEC
Course Credits: 3 units
Duration: first Semester 2021-2022
Instructor: Ma. Amelia B. Masindo
Contact Information:

Likha-Sining for the 21st. Century Filipino Students

Module 1
Clearing the Space: The Study of the Humanities

I. Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. Discuss and explain comprehensively the different concepts, perspectives and definitions of humanities
2. Describe and discuss comprehensively the nature of “humanities”
3. Enumerate and explain the importance of “humanities’
4. Make a concept map on the topic “humanities”
5. Explain this concept comprehensively by citing an example
6. Make an essay about the significance of studying Art Appreciation
7. Make a 3 stanza poem on the concept of art and humanities.

II. Introduction

This module covers the different concepts, perspectives, importance and definitions of humanities. Art
Appreciation is a three unit course that develops student’s ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique works of art.
Through interdisciplinary and multi-model approaches, this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the
practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to know students ability to articulate their
understanding of the arts. The course also develops student’s competency in researching and curating art as well
as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating arts production’s.
III. Eliciting Concepts/Vocabularies

Give the meaning of the following words:

a. Humanities
b. Art
c. Importance
d. Perspective
e. Concept

IV. Learning Content

 The term humanities generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and theatre- areas in which human
subjectively is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized.
 Humanities comes from the Latin word “humans” which means human, one who is refined, cultured and worthy of
the dignity of man. It may refer to those branches of knowledge concerned with man and his culture. The
humanities are therefore, the records of man’s experiences, his/her values, sentiments and his/her ideals, goals;
the humanities are ultimately the expressions of the man’s feelings and thoughts.
 Humanities is defined as a cultural discourse which focuses on the highest dignity of a man/ woman or LGBT, the
greatest need to develop his/her full potentials and make his/her a well-balanced individual as a cultured person.

On the Nature of Humanities

Humanities explore the fields of study of the branches of learning related to cultural achievements of man.
The study of humanities includes history, literature, language, the fine arts and philosophy- the fields concerned
with human relations, and the performing arts, like dance, music, theatre and films- fields concerned with human
expression. Humanities is designed to expose man to the fullest and wisest exposure to his physical and social
environments making him/ her into a well – informed and culturally sensitive person.

V. Learning Experiential Activities

Lesson/s Synchronous Asynchronous

Lesson -1 On the Nature of Humanities Google Meeting Activity 1:

 Describe and discuss
comprehensively the nature of  Discussion of the topic: On  Create your own acrostic
“humanities” the Nature of Humanities name for the word
 Discuss and explain H.U.M.A.N.I.T.I.E.S.
Google Jamboard:
comprehensively the different
concepts, perspectives and  Define humanities in one
definitions of humanities word. U-
 Make a concept map on the topic  Explain this quote from
“humanities” M-
Pablo Picasso “Every child
is an artist. The problem is A-
how to remain an artist once
we grow up”. N-
Google Draw: I-

 Using Google Draw, make a T-

concept map on the topic


Activity 2: In one-word, define

HUMANITIES. Give a short

Lesson- 2 Significance of Humanities Google Meeting Activity 1: In 1-2 paragraphs,

explain your own concept/
 Enumerate and explain the  Discussion of the topic: perspective on the nature of
importance of “humanities” Significance of Humanities humanities.
 Explain this concept
Google Jamboard
comprehensively by citing an
example  Give the importance of
studying the humanities.

VI. Assessment

Activity 1: Instructions: Write a reflection paper about the significance of studying Art Appreciation for you as a student. Be
guided by the rubrics below.

Reflection Writing Rubric

Excellent Very Good Good Poor

Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Response demonstrates Response demonstrates a Response Response demonstrates

an in-depth reflection on, general reflection on, and demonstrates a a lack of reflection on,
and personalization of, personalization of, the minimal reflection on, or personalization of,
the theories, concepts, theories, concepts, and/or and personalization of, the theories, concepts,
and/or strategies strategies presented in the the theories, concepts, and/or strategies
presented in the course course materials to date. and/or strategies presented in the course
Depth of materials to date. Viewpoints and presented in the materials to date.
Reflection Viewpoints and interpretations are course materials to Viewpoints and
interpretations are supported. Appropriate date. Viewpoints and interpretations are
insightful and well examples are provided, as interpretations are missing, inappropriate,
supported. Clear, applicable. unsupported or and/or unsupported.
detailed examples are supported with flawed Examples, when
provided, as applicable. arguments. Examples, applicable, are not
when applicable, are provided.
not provided or are
irrelevant to the
Response includes all Response includes all Response is missing Response excludes
components and meets components and meets all some components essential components
or exceeds all requirements indicated in and/or does not fully and/or does not address
requirements indicated the instructions. Each meet the requirements the requirements
in the instructions. Each question or part of the indicated in the indicated in the
question or part of the assignment is addressed. instructions. Some instructions. Many parts
Required assignment is All attachments and/or questions or parts of of the assignment are
Components addressed thoroughly. additional documents are the assignment are not addressed minimally,
All attachments and/or included, as required. addressed. Some inadequately, and/or not
additional documents attachments and at all.
are included, as additional documents,
required. if required, are missing
or unsuitable for the
purpose of the
Writing is clear, concise, Writing is mostly clear, Writing is unclear Writing is unclear and
and well organized with concise, and well and/or disorganized. disorganized. Thoughts
Structure excellent organized with good Thoughts are not ramble and make little
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a logical sense. There are
construction. Thoughts construction. Thoughts are manner. There are numerous spelling,
are expressed in a expressed in a coherent more than five grammar, or syntax
coherent and logical and logical manner. There spelling, grammar, or errors throughout the
manner. There are no are no more than five syntax errors per page response.
more than three spelling, spelling, grammar, or of writing.
grammar, or syntax syntax errors per page of
errors per page of writing.
Response shows strong Response shows evidence Response shows little Response shows no
evidence of synthesis of of synthesis of ideas evidence of synthesis evidence of synthesis of
ideas presented and presented and insights of ideas presented and ideas presented and
insights gained gained throughout the insights gained insights gained
Evidence and throughout the entire entire course. The throughout the entire throughout the entire
Practice course. The implications implications of these course. Few course. No implications
of these insights for the insights for the implications of these for the respondent's
respondent's overall respondent's overall insights for the overall teaching practice
teaching practice are teaching practice are respondent's overall are presented, as
thoroughly detailed, as presented, as applicable. teaching practice are applicable.
applicable. presented, as

Activity 2: Instructions: Make a three (3) stanza POEM about arts and humanities.

Poem Writing Rubric

Excellent Very Good Good Poor
4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

The entire poem is Most of the poem is Some of the poem is No attempt has been
related to the related to the assigned related to the assigned made to relate the poem
Focus on Assigned assigned topic and topic. The poem topic, but a reader does to the assigned topic.
Topic allows the reader to wanders off at one point, not learn much about the
understand much but the reader can still topic.
more about the learn something about
topic. the topic.
The poem contains The poem contains a few The poem contains a few There is little evidence of
many creative creative details and/or creative details and/or creativity in the poem. The
Creativity details and/or descriptions that descriptions, but they author does not seem to
descriptions that contribute to the reader's distract from the poem. have used much
contribute to the enjoyment. The author The author has tried to imagination.
reader's enjoyment. has used his use his imagination.
The author has imagination.
really used his
There are no There is one spelling or There are 2-3 spelling The final draft has more
Spelling and spelling or punctuation error in the and punctuation errors in than 3 spelling and
Punctuation punctuation errors final draft. the final draft. punctuation errors.
in the final draft.
Title is creative, Title is related to the Title is present, but does No title.
sparks interest and poem and topic. not appear to be related
Title is related to the to the poem and topic.
poem and topic.
Many vivid, Some vivid, descriptive The reader can figure The reader has trouble
descriptive words words are used. The out what to picture in the figuring out what imagery
Imagery are used. The reader can somewhat poem, but the author the poem is using and
reader can picture picture the imagery in didn't supply much detail. what the author wants
the imagery in the the poem. him/her to picture.

VII. References

 ANG-J.M. (2019) Art Appreciation for the 21 st Century Filipino University Student (A Modular Approach). Intramuros
Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc.
 Caslib, Bernardo Nicolas et al., (2019). Art Appreciation. Quezon City: C & E Publishing
 Benton, J. R. and Diyanni, R. (2002). Arts and Culture: An Introduction to Humanities. New Jersey: Practice Hall.
 Dudley, LFaricy, A., and McGraw- Hill Book Company. (1960) The Humanities. New York: McGraw Hill.

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