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Table of Contents
28 The Con nection between Peak Performance Buoyancy and Staying Physically Fit
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the written permission of the publ isher. Acknowledgments
PADI gratefully acknowledges the following contributors
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for their assistance with publishing this manual:
"Got it," you say to yourself. You rise above the reef
- clear of fragile organisms - before looking at the
camera screen to confirm. You signal "okay" to your
buddy; together you continue exploring. With gentle
sculling kicks, you coast smoothly along, streamlined
and with economy of motion.
Knowledge Review. At the end of the manual, Why it's important: Knowing what you need to learn Why it's important: The knowledge reviews help you
Course Overview
you'll fi nd a two-port Knowledge Review that asks ma kes your reading active i nstead of passive . This confirm and reinforce how concepts interconnect, and
The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course goals that you're reta ining what you learn . Filling them out
comprehensive questions about key concepts you focuses you because you're seeking the information
all revolve around making you more skilled as a diver helps further encourage transfer i nto your long term
j ust studied . you need . Actually underlining or highlighting (and
by refi ning and expanding the buoyancy skills you . memory, and lets you and your instructor make sure
reciting) speeds learn ing more than simply noting
developed as a PADI Open Water Diver. You will Photos and illustrations. Throughout the manual,
mentally because you immediately engage with you understand foundational concepts before moving
not only master buoyancy control, but also learn how photos and illustrations support what you're learning
the i nformation by activating the motor procedure on in the course.
buoyancy and weighting i nterrelate with streamlining, with diagrams that help clarify or provide visual
portion of your brain in context with it. It also helps 5. Watch the video. Now watch the Peak
tri m , how you think and your fitness whether on open or emphasis for concepts .
you review more quickly later. Performance Buoyancy video . The video covers the
closed circuit. How to Learn Quickly and Effectively with the PADI
3. Answer the exercise questions. The exercise some information, but allows you to see the skills as
U pon successfully completing this course, you will Peak Performance Buoyancy Manual
q uestions ore not tests - they're for you, which is you would actually perform them . By the way, some
receive the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty people prefer to watch the video first, then read the
Over the last 50 years, the science of instruction has why the answers ore right there. They're supposed
certification . This certification means that you have uncovered m uch about learn ing effectively. If you use manual - that's fine.
to be sim ple and qu ick. If you're underlining, they
mastered buoyancy control beyond the Open Water the following steps, you'll en joy learning more, you 'll should be very easy. Answer them, again actually
Diver level, and con calmly and naturally control your Why it's important: Watch ing the skills creates a
learn better and you'll learn foster. circling or writing the answers. If you miss one,
buoyancy in a fluid manner - a level of execution better idea of how to perform them than does simply
go bock and review what you missed until you
that could be used for demonstration purposes. If you 1 . Start by flipping through what you're going reading about them . The video also acts as a general
understand. (Although not likely, if you still don't get
ore a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver a nd a PADI to read. Scan through the entire manual q uickly, review, helping you tra nsfer your learning i nto long
it, write a note in the marg i n to remind yourself to term memory by repeati ng what you read about in
Rescue Diver (or hove a qualifying certification from generally noting headings, topics, pictures and so o n .
ask your instructor to expla i n . )
another organ ization) with certification in four other PADI Then, review what you're going to read i n the short a new form . If you prefer to watch the video first,
Specialty ratings, and you hove 50-logged dives, you term, now (like a subsection) more thoroughly to get Why it's important: Im mediately reapplying new it helps much like skimmi ng the material does by
con a pply for the PADI Moster Scuba Diver rating. an idea of what you're going to be reading about. information by answering a q uestion, and by helping create the mental "framework" you build your
actually circl ing, helps transfer it to your long-term knowledge onto.
Why scanning is important: Cognitive psychology
Important: How to Succeed in memory Also, it allows you to confirm that you're
tells us that the mind learns by linking new i nformation
the Course learn ing as you go. What you' re learning appl ies
with existing mental "structures" that make knowledge
If you've token other PADI courses, you may already to practical applications, the dives and later study;
accessible by storing it in context with other
misunderstanding someth ing can create learning
know how to use instructionally-designed resources i nformation. Reviewing ahead helps establish new
difficulties later The exercises help reduce this
to make learning more enjoya ble and more effective. "fra meworks" for these structures, giving your bra i n
The Peak Performance Buoyancy course uses the some problem.
new places t o "attach" what you're learn ing .
principles 4. Answer the Knowledge Review. Answer the
2. Read the learning objectives for each subsection.
Peak Performance Buoyancy Manual Overview
Knowledge Review questions at the end of the
Now you're ready to start reading . As you read, look
manua l . If you don't know the answer, go back, find
for the answers to each objective question; when you
Let's start with a brief look at what you'll fi nd in the the information, review it until you understa nd and
find on answer, underl ine it or h ighlight by writing i n
pages that follow - take a moment as you read the complete the answer. If you don't understand after
the book. Pull out a pen a n d d o it - don't just th ink
descriptions to fli p ahead and find examples . rereading , get with your instructor for an explanation .
about it. Some people also recite answers out loud to
Study Objectives and Exercises. Before each Your instructor will go over your knowledge reviews to
section in the manual, you'll find Study Ob;ectives. check that you understand the materia l .
Stated as q uestions, these objectives guide your
study. Exercises at the end of each subsection ask
you questions about what you learned .
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Before we get into the fundamentals that improve your buoyancy skil ls, take a moment to assess your skills as they
are right now with the following q uiz. Don't worry, there are no right or wrong answers - this helps you identify your
present ski ll level so you can identify where to put your efforts for the most im provement. Here you go:
D D l . I stay in shape for diving, which helps me avoid getting out of breath while underwater. It
i mproves my breath control and allows me to fine-tune my buoyancy more efficiently.
D D 2 . I use visualization to help attain peak performance buoyancy before, during and after
each dive.
D D 3 . Before I dive, I adjust the position and distribution of my weight to match the type of
dive I'm maki ng.
D D 4. I check my buoyancy at the beginn i ng of any d ive if I've changed dive equ ipment or
the dive environment, or if I haven't been diving in a while .
D D 5.When I haven't been diving for awhi le, or when using new gear, I warm up my
buoyancy skills at the beginning of my dive .
D D 6. When wearing a wet suit or dry suit, I need only add small amounts of air to my BCD
Performance Requirements and learning With your i nstructor's guidance, you learn from or dry suit to rema in neutrally buoyant. When not wearing an exposure suit (or a skin suit),
Your Instructor mistakes and try again, as many times as you need I rarely need to add air to my BCD to rema i n neutrally buoyant.
to until you demonstrate mastery of the performance D D 7. When I'm diving with open-circuit equi pment (not a rebreather) I can adjust my buoyancy·
To q ual ify for a ny level of PADI certification, you
req uirement. What matters is that you get there - not using breath control .
must meet specific performance requirements. You
how long it takes. You move on at the pace you learn -
pay for the course, but you earn the certification by D D 8 . I'm streamlined in the water with all hoses and gear secure and tucked close to my
demonstrating that you meet the requirements . This if you need extra dives or other practice, your i nstructor
body. Nothing hangs away from my body more than a few centimetres/inches in any position .
will work that out with you If anyth i ng complicates
makes sense, naturally, because your abil ity to dive
learn ing what you need to learn - no matter what it is - D D 9. I rarely touch the bottom by accident while diving .
safely depends upon your abil ity to do what you learn
be honest and direct so your instructor can help. D D l 0. I can hover comfortably for three minutes at 5 metres/ 15 feet for a safety stop at the
in this course.
end of a d ive, or at a deeper depth i ndefin itely during the dive.
The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course is
performance-based, which means that learn ing is Okay, be honest. How did you do? If you answered five or more " no, " then you're going to see big i mprovements
objective. You either meet a requirement or you don't - quickly - probably before you finish the first Peak Performance Buoyancy tra i n i ng d ive If you answered all but one
or two "yes, " you're on the right track, but you'll benefit from some "spit-and-polish" on your skills and will see a
it's not a rbitrary. Your i nstructor is a coach, guide and
difference before the end of the course. And, if you answered "yes" to all of them (and you were being honest!), you
friend whose goal is to help you meet the requ irements.
Having a difficulty isn't failure; it's a normal part of probably have excellent buoyancy skills already - but you'll likely be even better by the time you finish the course,
and continue to i mprove over the next d ives.
Peak Performance Buoyancy �htfam�Jda� 6. You prolong the life of your dive equipment.
Divers who control their buoyancy are way easier on
typ� cyl i nder size and type, body composition, fresh or
salt water and more. Regulators can differ in weight by
Reasons to Fine-Tune Your Buoyancy their gear. You avoid scrapes, tears and punctures as much as a kilogram/two pounds or more. Some fins
that result from dragging gear across the bottom. You float; others sink. Even the age of your wet suit changes
and Basic Weighting Guidelines how much weight you need (they lose buoyancy with
don't have as much weight, so you're not as hard on
the knees and elbows during entries and exits. time and use).
Study Objectives
Basic Weighting Guidelines The reality, then, is that the only way to really determine
Underline/highlight the answers to these questions the right amount of weight is to perform a buoyancy
At any dive site, you can divide divers i nto two types:
as you read: check. If you want to master peak performa nce
those weari ng the right amount of weight, and those
l . What are six reasons to li ne-tune your buoyancy buoyancy, you'll make a habit of doing buoyancy
who aren't. Yes, that's obvious, but it's not always
ski lls? checks whenever you need to, and we'll get i nto thE)
obvious which divers belong in which categories.
techniques i n the next section .
2. Based on basic weighting guidelines, how much But, it is an importa nt distinction, because for peak
weight do you need for the Peak Performance performance buoya ncy, too much or too little weight Although you're going to make buoyancy checks:
Buoyancy Dives? doesn't cut it. You need to wear exactly the right amount you still need a starting poi nt that's with in, say, two or
of weight. three kilograms/five to seven pounds. That lets you get
dia led in q uickly so you can get on with the dive . Use
It would be great ii some simple phone opp let you
Peak performa nce buoya ncy isn't simply a convenience the following Basic Weighting Guideli nes to provide a
enter what gear you have, where you're diving a nd
for divers. Refi ning your skills, from the rudi mentary starting point for your buoyancy check: �
so on, a nd then spit out the exact weight you need for
abilities you have to masteri ng the subtleties has
a dive. It may even be theoretically possible to create
significant practical benefits that make diving more fun .
such a program, but the practical real ity is proba bly
You'll hear divers commonly give six reasons for line
not. Your weight requirements change with exposure suit
tuning your buoyancy skills.
4. You better preserve fragile underwater 3 mm/1/16 in. one piece wet suit, 5 % of your body weight
2. You dive longer because you reduce gas shorties, jump suits
environments. When you stay off the bottom and
consumption. The less energy you expend, the less 5 mm/3/16 in. two piece wet suit 10% of your body weight
avoid unintentionally kicki ng or brushing agai nst
hard you breathe. By diving more effortlessly, your 7 mm/1/4 in wet suit w/ hood & gloves 10% of your body weight, + 1.5 - 3 kg/3 - 5 lbs
sensitive organisms, you pass through with m i n i ma l
cylinder lasts longer so you get to dive longer. Neoprene dry suit 10% of your body weight, + 3 - 5 kg/7 - 1O lbs
effect, and preserve the underwater world for future
Shell dry suit, light undergarment 10% of your body weight, + 1.5 - 3 kg/3 - 5 lbs
3. You have more positive interactions with aquatic visits and other divers.
Shell dry suit, heavy undergarment 10% of your body weight, + 3 - 7 kg/7 - 14 lbs
life. Divers who control their buoyancy well move
5. You preserve the visibility. Divers with poor
i n a calm, precise and fluid manner, j ust like natural Salt/Fresh Water Change
buoyancy control kick up the bottom and reduce the
aquatic a n imals. You lit in better and get closer to
visibil ity - in some d ive environments, the primary Body Weight Subtract (going to fresh)
aquatic ani mals without disturbing them .
cause of poor visibility is kicking up silt. By mastering 45 - 56 kg/100 - 125 lbs 2 kg/4 lb
peak performance buoyancy, you avoid this problem . 57-70 kg/126 - 155 lbs 2.3 kg/5 lb
When to Check a cardboard box for that matter. Your cylinder choice
Buoyancy Check with a Rebreather Check your buoyancy will affect your overall weighting - you won't need as
Novice d ivers often ask how often they should conduct whenever you change your
If you're diving with o rebreother, o buoyancy check much weight in your weight system when using a steel
a buoyancy check before d iving With what you gear, when you go to a new
is similar, but not identical . Fully equipped in water in environment or when you cylinder, all else being the same. However, once your
already know, some of the answers ore no surprise:
which it is too deep to stand: have not been divingfor weighting is set, the change d ue to consuming say,
l. Any time you change your dive geor configuration awhile. It's never wrong to
2265 litres/SO cubic feet of free gas, is the same
l . Deflate your BCD and open the exhaust valve on checkyour buoyancy.
A change in gear is a change in buoyancy - a nd this regardless of what the cyl i nder is made of.
your dry suit if you're wearing one.
especially applies to your exposure suit.
2. Be sure your rebreother is at minimum loop volume.
2. Any time you change dive environments - What's Wrong with Just Using Your
3. Relax, breathe normally and see how deep you float.
especially fresh water to salt or vice-versa . Salt water BCD�
4. If you're weighted properly, you should just barely is denser than fresh, so you're more buoyant in the
float - the top of your head should be awash - Some divers don't understand what the big deal is
ocean than in, say, your local quarry. Seawater Buoyancy Change Due to
roughly level with the surface. about getting your weight right. They figure a little over
a lso varies to some extent depend ing upon rainfall Gas Consumption
isn't a concern because they can compensate with th.eir
5. Venting the loop by exhaling through your nose and evaporation . All else being the same it's not a Air (and any other gas or gas mix for that matter) has BCDs. Why all the emphasis an getting the weight
should start your descent. significa nt difference, but when your goal is peak weight. During the dive, you gradually use up the air in right?
6. If using o semiclosed circuit rebreother (SCR) and performance buoyancy, you pay attention to details. your cyli nder, so your cyl inder becomes more buoyant Although you can offset a bit of extra weight without
checking with o full supply cylinder, odd about o A half kilogram/one pound difference won't affect (loses weight) . It's not a trivial change - a typical doing anything unsafe, the extra weight competes with
kilogram/two pounds to offset the weight lost to gas diving safety, but it can make the difference between recreational scuba cyl inder like the popular aluminum effective diving. The weight drags your feet1down , and
consumption . being close and spot-on-shar� with your weig ht. l l litre/80 cubic foot cylinder, from full to reserve the offsetting air in your BCD raises your torso; you no
In both open-circuit and rebreother diving, diving with pressure, will drop about two kg/five lbs. You need to longer swim horizonta lly, so you use more energy (and
3. Any time you haven't been diving for a while
too much weight wastes gas and makes buoyancy account for th is change or your buoyancy will be off at air) due to increased drag. Plus, you more easily stir up
What's this about? Some people th ink it's because
control more difficult. With rebreothers, however, you the end of the dive. It's enoug h of a change that it can silt and/or kick fragile marine life.
when you're rusty, your tech nique is off and you
don't hove as much gas to waste. make trying to ma intain a safety stop difficult. On top of all this, the BCD (or dry suit) has more air
need more weight. No l Overweighting is not how
you compensate for techn ique (you compensate by than it would have had, so it protrudes more and
The ideal way to account for gas consumption is to
increases drag further. When you descend, you hove
brushing up your skills) . The reason you check after conduct your buoyancy check with a cylinder that's
to odd a greater volume to maintain your buoyancy,
you've been away from diving for a bit is because nearly empty, then have it filled or swa p for an identical
and when you ascend, you have to release more .air to
you can change physically If you've dropped a lot full one. But, that's not always logistically feasible. maintain o control led ascent.
of body fat, you won't need as much weight. Or Therefore, the alternative tech nique when you check
if you've gained some, you'll need more. You can So, even though your BCD can offset a bit of extra
your buoyancy with a full cylinder is to add two kg/five
weight, the price is reduced streamlining and greater
even stay the same body weight but change your pounds after you get your weight set. At the end of the
air use.
proportion of lean mass to body fat, and that will d ive with your cyl i nder near reserve pressure, recheck
affect how much weight you need . your buoyancy and fi ne-tune it if necessary.
Considering that attaining peak performance Some divers ask whether the type of cylinder
buoyancy is about paying attention to details, it's affects figuring out your weight change due to gas
never wrong to conduct a buoyancy check. Check consumption . Since steel cylinders are heavier and
before every d ive if you wa nt. have less buoyancy than aluminum, would you add less
weight to account for gas use? The answer is "no . " The
Ifyou're weighted properly with a rebreathei; you should just barely weight of a given a mount of gas is the same whether
float - the top ofyour head should be awash. Venting the loop by it's in a cyli nder made of steel or aluminum, or even in Properly weighted; overweighted.
exhaling through your nose should start your descent.
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After conducting a buoya ncy check and making • Use your fins and lungs to change depth - Your
adjustments, if you're properly weighted you'll be Rebreather Counterlungs BCD isn't an elevator. If you properly ma inta i n Tee Diving, Dry Suits and Buoyancy Control
approxi mately two kilograms/five pounds negatively your buoya ncy, you shouldn't have t o release or When it comes to diving d ry and buoyancy control ,
Rebreathers have a gas space you don't have with
buoya nt. That's the weight of the gas; you want to be add gas to go down or up. Just a kick or two recreational diving and tee diving may vary significantly.
open-circuit scuba - the counterlung(s). You have
weighted so you're neutrally buoyant with the cyli nder at should start your ascent, and exhaling should In recreational diving, it takes minimal gas in a dry suit to
to control the counterlung volume so that it doesn't
reserve pressure. become a buoyancy issue. start you downward (with open-circuit scuba - maintain buoyancy control because a properly weighted
more about breath-control in a moment) . diver is only slightly heavy at the start of a dive - about two
At the beginning of the dive, you have to put air in your As you descend, the gas in the counterlung
kilograms/five pounds.
BCD or dry suit to counteract the negative buoyancy. If compresses, but is offset automatically by the ADV • Learn where all the valves are - Modern BCDs
you were to stay at a single depth for the entire dive, Tee divers, on the other hand, carry so much gas that
(automatic diluent valve). At depth , you set the usually have "quick dump" exhaust valves in two
you would periodically release some of that air as you they may be more 10 kilograms/ 2 2 pounds overweight
rebreather for minimum loop volume - the volume or three places. These al low you to release gas
em pty your cylinder and become lighter. If you were at the start of a dive This is way too m uch to offset with
of no more than a si ngle breath . without having to come to a vertical position in
diving in a skin suit or bathing suit ( i .e . , not wearing a dry suit i nflation, so tee divers inflate both their BCDs
the water (you can add gas in any position with
When you ascend, the gas in the counterlung and their dry suits. They control their buoyancy with their
compressible exposure suit), when you reach reserve one i nflator) Tra in yourself to use the ones that
expands . You release this gas by exhaling through BCDs, and add just enough gas to their suits to avoid
pressure you should be neutrally buoyant with no air i n vent while you're horizontal so you can keep
your nose or around the mouthpiece. If you don't, suit squeeze .
your BCD, regardless of your depth . swimming and save energy.
the gas expands above minimum loop and your
Depth Change buoyancy increases Tee CCR divers don't need nearly as much gas as
Adjusting Your Buoyancy with
Depth change relates to suit compression, but goes Depth changes affect rebreather gas consumption open-circu it tee divers . To depths of 40 metres/ 1 30
Your Dry Suit
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beyond that. At the start of any dive, properly weighted, because when you descend, the rebreather must add feet or less, these d ivers may control buo �ancy m uch
you'll be about two kilograms/five pounds negatively gas to the loop, and when you ascend, you must as recreational divers do. But, when tee CCR d ivers go
buoyant due to the weight of the air in your cyl i nder. release gas from the loop. This means that lots of e deeper, they have to carry enough emergency gas that
S"it Dt'"'
You offset that by putting air in your BCD or dry suit. As
ups-and-downs wastes gas with a rebreather - so you lf. · ·
you know that you control your buoyancy
they, too, use their BCDs for buoyancy and add just
learn to go around obstacles instead of over or under enough gas to their suits to prevent suit squeeze
you descend , i ncreasing pressure compresses this air, so a bit differently when diving dry. In recreational dry suit
them, if you can .
you have to keep adding gas to stay neutra l . If you're divi ng, at the surface you use your BCD for flotation .
wearing a com pressi ble exposure suit, you have to Once you deflate it and start your descent, however,
compensate for the suit's loss of buoyancy, as well. you usually make all your buoyancy adj ustments with
Assuming you're not diving i n a dry suit and you're your dry suit. This simplifies controlling your buoyancy
When you ascend, the gas you added to your BCD properly weighted , how does a diver with peak substa ntia lly. As you descend, adding gas to your suit
or dry suit expa nds, so you have to release gas performance buoya ncy use the BCD? Here are the line prevents suit squeeze and compensates for buoyancy
to maintai n proper buoyancy. If you're wearing a poi nts : change at the same time.
compressible suit, the suit expands and gains buoyancy,
so you have to release gas to adjust for that as well. • Small, frequent adjustments - As you descend , You'll start the dive with your dry suit's auto exhaust
you anticipate the buoya ncy change and add valve closed just slightly - enough that it holds a
gas to your BCD in small bursts often . When you little extra gas to offset the gas in your full cylinder.
Adjusting Your Buoyancy with Your BCD
ascend, release gas the same way. Maintain Over the course of the dive, you' l l open it in small
As a PADI Open Water Diver you already know how
neutral buoyancy, rather than correct negative adjustments to compensate for the weight lost due to
to adj ust your buoyancy with your BCD. No worries,
or positive buoyancy - don't wa it until you're gas consumption .
this section isn't here to i nsult your i ntelligence, but to plunging to the bottom to i nflate, or accelerating
take what you already know and refine it to the peak upward to deflate. Other tha n that, as you descend and ascend, you add
performance buoyancy level. and release gas from it much as you do a BCD - in
sma ll, frequent adj ustments, and don't use it as an
elevator. Modern BCDs usually have "quick dump" exhaust valves in two or three .
places. Train yourselfto use the ones that vent while you're horizontal
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If you're not already a PADI Dry Suit Diver and pion Fine-tuning Buoyancy with Breath Control
Rebreathers and Breath Control Note that as you ascend oi°' descend,
to dive dry, it's recommended that you complete the When you're diving i n open-circuit scuba, you use your your counterlung volume expands or
Dry Suit Adventure Dive in the PADI Advanced Open You can't adjust your buoyancy with breath
BCD or dry suit for coarse buoyancy control. It's your lung compresses, affecting your buoyancy.
Water program, and/or the PADI Dry Suit Diver control when diving a rebreather. This is
volume - breath control - that gives you the final, close because when you inhale, the counterlung To a skilled open-circuit diver, buoyancy
course. You not only adjustment. contracts correspondingly It expands when control with a rebreather seems harder
learn how to control at first because it's different and because
When you inhale, you i ncrease your volume displacement, you exhale. Your overall volume doesn't
your buoyancy with there's no breath control option. But, in the
change, so your buoyancy doesn't change.
·dry suits, but also suit and when you exhale, you decrease it. This changes your
end it's easier in some ways. Once you
buoyancy by as much as three kilograms/seven pounds. This means that you make all your buoyancy
selection, core, repairs have your buoyancy set for a given depth,
So, once you're neutrally buoyant with your BCD or dry adjustments with your BCD or dry suit.
and other topics you'll you can hover there for a very long time
wont to know as a dry suit, you can make m i nor buoyancy adjustments by timing So, how do you hover with a rebreather? with no further adjustments needed .
suit diver. your breathing, a nd breathing with somewhat full or Much like you do in open-circuit:
somewhat empty lungs as you need to - ·b'u t never hold ing
When dry suit diving, once • Adjust for neutral buoyancy.
your breath, of course.
you deflate your BCD and • Fi ne-tune by inflating and deflating
start your descent, you make To hover with a rebreather, you adjust for
With practice, this becomes automatic and chances ore, your BCD/dry suit.
all your buoyancy adjustments neutral buoyancy and then fine turn your depth
you already do it automatically to some extent. That's the
with your dry suit. This • Use minor fin/hand sculling to adjust by inflating and deflatingyour BCD/dry suit.
simplifies controllingyour first mark of mastering peak performance buoyancy. for small depth variations.
buoyancy substantially.
4. Keep procticing until you con hang in m idwoter for 3. When diving in a dry suit, usually you do not
l 0 or so m inutes, breathing normally. Your depth will use your BCD for underwater buoyancy control .
fluctuate up and down just slightly i n rhythm with your D True
breathing . When you can hover indefinitely, you will know you have
mastered breath control. D Folse
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Peak Performance Buoyancy ruhtfa»t&hfaf9 If the center of buoyancy and the center of gravity are
in the same place, you can orient the object in any
On the Diver
• Shift your weights and cylinder for any desired • BCD trim pockets and cyli nder-mounted weights allow Multiple Weight Systems
orientation . If you want to be feet down, vertical in you to shift your center of gravity u pword, toward
the water, put your weights low. If you want to be your center of buoyancy. Like a steel cyl inder, they're The not-so-secret secret of peak performance buoyancy
face up most of the time, shift your weights toword particularly useful when wearing a lot of weight to attitude and trim is having multiple weight systems. The
your back and swap an aluminum cyl i nder for a steel . offset the positive buoyancy of an full wet suit or dry more weight you have to wear, the more beneficial th is
suit, thoug h many divers use them with aluminum is". In cli mates where divers typically wear dry suits and
• A steel cylinder is usually a good choice when you
cylinders, too.
wear a lot of weight, and an aluminum cylinder is full exposure suits with hoods, the combination of weight
usually a good choice when you don't. This may Remember that the more separated your center of integrated BCD with weight belt or weight harness has
seem counterintuitive, but when you have a lot of become very common . In accomplishing the weight
buoyancy and center of gravity the more stable your
weight on already, you tend to have a low center
attitude . This works for you if it's right - but works distribution you need, consider that:
of gravity (when you're horizontal, close to your
stomach) This can make it harder to get i nto any against you ii you have to light it the whole dive . And • Weight integrated BCDs commonly have lwo mai n
other position, i ncluding vertical . A steel cylinder either way, you have to light it when you want to be i n "ditchable" compartments toward the front, as well a s
lets you reduce the weight in your weight system any other position than center-of-buoyancy-over-center smaller "trim" pockets that are toward the back, but
and helps sh ift your center of gravity u pward (away of-gravity. hig her on the body.
from your stomach toward your back), closer to your
• Some divers use ankle weights to raise their feet by
center of buoyancy. This makes it easier to get into a
clipping them around their cylinder valve.
position other than a horizontal swi mming position.
When you're wearing little weight, a steel cylinder • Using a weight belt with a weight integrated BCD
may shift your center of gravity above your center of avoids a super heavy belt and a super heavy scuba
buoyancy, tendi ng to roll you face up . In this case, an rig .
aluminum cylinder would require you to add weight
to your weight system, and help lower your center If you're wondering about the "ditch your weight with
BCD trim pockets and cylinder-mounted weights allow you to shift
of g ravity (toward your stomach) . This helps you your center of gravity upward, toward your center ofbuoyancy. one hand" rule, multiple weight systems don't violate
maintain a normal horizontal swimming positi on . it. You only need to be sure that ditch ing a part of your
weight will g ive you adequate buoyancy. Typically,
ditching one side of a weight integrated system is all this
Why Less Exposure Suit Is Less T iring requires, with the added benefit that you're not as likely
to end up in a runaway ascent.
For many divers, the appeal of tropical waters is that they don't have to wear an exposure suit, or at least one that's not as
bulky. Divers commonly say they feel "freer" when they don't have to wear an exposure suit.
Although there are probably several factors, one of the main ones is center of buoyancy and center of gravity. In cool water lfyourfeet are low, adjust your weight toward your head. It
may help to shift your cylinder toward your head (but not close
with heavy exposure protection, you need weights. Regardless of type, a weight system tends to move your center of gravity enough that you can hit your head on the valve).
away from your center of buoyancy. Even trimmed for your desired attitude, every time you move into a different position you
have to fight your natural tendency to rotate into the center-of-buoyancy-over-center-of-gravity attitude. That takes effort and
energy. Center of Buoyancy Shifts
In warm water, you wear much less exposure protection and much less weight. Your center of buoyancy and center of gravity
One characteristic of a dry suit is that your center of buoyancy can shift depending upon your position and
are much closer together, so it takes less effort to rotate into any attitude. You feel "freer" because you do so easily. For some
where gas accumulates . If your feet are a bit heavy, if you raise them, gas migrates to the legs and they're
divers, center of gravity and center of buoyancy end up in the same place (practically speaking) . And, if your trim's not quite
more buoyant and your torso less so - sometimes enough to make your trim perfect. Similarly, if your right
right, it doesn't take as much effort to compensate during the dive anyway.
shoulder dips, roll left and gas migrates to the upper right and may compensate.
Of course, you lose far more energy and enjoy yourself much less if you're not adequately insulated . Although divers may .
Center of buoyancy shifts are minor (you may not even notice them) if you're properly weighted in a dry suit.
prefer not having to wear exposure suits, they prefer having them over being chilled, and they prefer diving in exposure suits
One problem with being overweighted when diving dry is that you end up overinflating the suit. As you
over not diving at all!
change attitude, you can then experience noticeable changes in your center of buoyancy, making it harder
to keep your trim where you want it.
Exercise 4 Peak Performance Buoyancy �ddM.&h!-et&
l . Your attitude and tri m in the water are based on the Stream Ii ning ,.---
- ---
· ---------.....
organisms. The SPG and a lternate second stage are prime The best way to become strea mlined is to copy divers to the chest to take up slack; the alternate air source is DTrue
who are strea mlined . They all have these characteristics in visible, but secured for immediate release with a firm tug .
D Fa lse
�J E C T
com mon: • Accessories pocketed - They carry slates, signal
sausages, DSMBs, etc. in a pocket. The only ones clipped 2 Which of the following is not a characteristic you
• Correct fit a n d adjustment - Streamlined divers wear the right
outside are in use, or absolutely won't fit in a pocket. would expect to see in a streamlined diver?
size gear, adjusted properly for a good fit Their scuba rigs
ride high and tight on their backs. (This is one reason skil led • Clipped items rigged properly - They attach clips to the D a . accessories kept in pockets
divers prefer their own gear) . accessory, then clip the accessory to the BCD - not vice
versa . Everything clips so it doesn't dangle. D b. clip attached to BCD to h old accessories
Correct weight - They don't have excess drag because their
An AWAR E Diver is a Streamlined Diver •
BCDs/dry suits aren't inflated any more than necessary. • Picture doesn't change with position - Peak Performance D c. h oses secure
The Project AWARE (Aquatic World Awareness, Buoyancy don't look different when they change attitude
Responsibility and Education) Foundation strongly because everything is secure; nothing swings in or out - D d . n othing dangles
encourages divers to weight properly and streamline so clipped or not - when they change position .
How did you do?
they reduce the potential for accidental damage to the l. True. 2. b .
aquatic world .
out, it can choke coral polyps and other organisms. emphasis on streamlining and rigging. It's easy to see surgical tubing land other materials) to restrain items so they
why: they have way more kit than do recreational divers deploy easily, yet stay put until needed .
Divers are not a major threat to the underwater
and they dive places where entanglement and drag
environment, but we are witnesses to what's happening Fin straps - Tee divers tape or otherwise secure the loose ends
can be outright dangerous. It is through this community
below the surface. In speaking up for preserving the of their fin straps. Many use spring heel straps that eliminate the
that we've learned about the leading edge of being
aquatic world, it's important to start by being good streamlined. Here's what tee divers do to streamline: loose ends, don't break and don't need adjustment .
stewards ourselves by being environmentally friendly divers. Small cutting devices on the upper body - You don't see many
Thigh pockets - Tee divers prefer these to BCD pockets
AWARE underwater photographers are not only Peak !most tee harnesses don't have pockets, or only a few knives on tee divers; instead, look for small Z-knives (hooks with
Performance Divers, but are conscious of where there fins, highly specialized ones) Thigh pockets are bigger and blades for cutting lines) and EMT shears, mounted on gauge
hands, gauges and gear are when they shoot, realizing easier to get into, even wearing o lot of stuff. straps, waist straps and/or BCD hoses.
that no picture is worth damage the environment. They're Whistles: the one exception - Open water tee divers (not
Lots of clips - Although accessories are kept in a pocket,
also careful after they shoot - rising well above the reef cave divers) have one somewhat non-streamlined item: the
the clip makes it easy to secure something so it's not lost
so they don't accidentally damage aquatic life while their when in use. But, the item goes back in the pocket when emergency whistle, usually secured to the BCD oral inflator. The
attention is on their cameras' LCD screens. done. reason is that ii you need to use it, you don't want to have to
dig it out of a pocket.
For more information about how divers can help support Wrist gauges -Tee divers avoid consoles; wrist computers
The best way to become streamlined is to copy divers who are
the aquatic world and guidelines for underwater streamlined. They all have several characteristics in common. are much more streamlined . Even some gauges go in
photographers, visit projectaware. org . pockets until they're needed - that's where many cave
divers keep their compasses .
Pea k Pei for mo nce Buoyo i> cy
Peak Performance Buoyancy �htftt-ni&wet& Now it's time to head up. Continue the process of seeing,
hearing, and feeling as you ascend properly, make a
Actua+ Visualization Example
The following a necdote shows how effective
Visualization Techniques safety stop and reach the surface.
visualization can be, and how importa nt the details are .
Picture yourself Congratulations. You just mentally rehearsed an entire
Study Objectives dive in less than live minutes (one of the benefits of A diver who wore glasses decided to get
underwater, looking
visualization is that you can practice mentally much faster contact lenses so he didn't need prescription
By the end of this section, you should be able to out through your
than in reality) . Gear up and go make the dive you just masks anymore. Never havi ng worn contacts,
answer the following q uestions mask. Look down
i magined in your head . he real ized that the act of touching a lens to
at your gear. See
l . How does visual ization help you relax, breathe his eye may be difficult at first, so he visual ized
how it's streamli ned During the dive, th ink back to your mentally rehearsed
comfortably and swim gracefully2 h i mself repeatedly bringing the lens to his eye
- everyth ing is as it dive. Mimic what you imagined . There will be differences and gently placing it with ease. He rehearsed
2 . How do you use visua lization to achieve peak should be. You see - you ca n't master skills only with visualization - but by this mentally again and again until his lenses
performance buoyancy? the bottom straight noting these differences, your next mental rehearsal will were ready from the lab .
below and you look be more effective.
Can you help yourself do better j ust by imagining it? down toward your Putting contacts in for the first time, he put the
Visualization is one of those things that, ii you're not feet; you're perfectly After the dive, thi n k about how your visua lized dive and right lens in on the fi rst try as if he'd been doing
familiar with it, can sound l i ke a lot of nonsense. But, level in the woter. your actual dive compared. How can you i mprove your it for years. But, it took him 30 min utes and
"visualization " is actually j ust another word for " mental Feel yourself roll to skills? What deta ils will you mentally rehearse next time many failed attempts to get the left lens i n .
rehearsal , " which many sports professionals and one side, and feel that you overlooked th is time? (The details are i m portant -
see the Actual Visualization Exa mple sidebar). Remember Why the difference? It turns out that in allJiis
enthusiasts use to atta i n peak performance. Mental your proper tri m roll
what to adjust so you ca n do so next time. visualizations, he had only imagi ned his right
rehearsal has been objectively studied many times, and you gently back to a
eye. He had not mentally rehea rsed both eyes .
researchers have found that it unambiguously improves natural swi mming position . Also, an important note : Avoid imagin ing what you don 't
performance. It not only applies well to your buoyancy This anecdote shows that visualization ca n improve
Imagine looking over to your buddy (who is also a Peak want to do because that's rehea rsal, too. Visual ization is
skills, but to your other dive skills and actually, almost performance, but that for the best performance, try to
Performance Buoyancy diver) You signal "okay" to each mental programming that works both ways, so be sure
anyth i ng else you choose to do. rehearse as completely as possible.
other. Feel the water moving over you as you swi m with you visualize what you want, not what you don'tl
Visualization helps you relax, breathe comfortably and smooth, steady strokes, cutting through the water with ease
swim gracefully because you use it to program your because you're streamlined .
mind to do your best with respect to these parts of
Now picture your descent. Feel the water pressure and
diving. That is, ii, before the dive, you i magine yourself Exercise 6
gently equalize. Put small bursts i nto your BCD or dry suit.
diving this way, you've actually started the mental
Feel your breathi ng and the natural sensations of buoyancy l . Visualization, also known as mental rehearsa l, has been shown to
processes that will guide you to do so. Chances are,
change as you feel j ust a tiny tug of negative buoyancy - be effective i n im proving performance i n multi ple objective studies .
you already use visualization to some extent without
small i nflation - descend, tug of negative, i nflate - and so D True
even knowing it - most people do - but to get the most
on, until you arrive just above the bottom with your buddy,
benefit, you want to visualize with purpose. D False
neutrally buoyant.
To use visualization to atta i n peak performance
I n your m i nd , practice hovering (look to your right - your 2. When visualizing, a general picture is fine; there is little benefit in
buoyancy, take a moment to stop and thi n k about the
buddy's practici ng, too) Feel the buoyancy change as you trying to i magine the detai ls.
dive. Try to see the dive as you will when you're diving,
breathe. Inha le, slight rise - exhale, slight sink; see your How did you do?
and try to imagine the sensations, sounds and smells D True
buddy doing the same. You smile at each other. Relax and l . True .
(which , isn't visualization, techn ically, but still part of the D False
en joy the moment, breathing slowly and deeply 2 . Fa lse . When visualizing, the more details you can
process) :
imagine, the more effective the mental rehearsal.
,):_�(;< ,)�� '.:)' •Y' C '' ��e 3 u ovc 1• cy l '!
Peak Performance Buoyancy �dant&h!-a� So while a physically lit diver has more stamina and
muscle power, the diver also doesn't use as much
See your doctor about starting an appropriate program
of exercise and hE!althy eating if you know you're not
stamina and muscle power - not only proportionately in the shape you should be in . Proper exercise can
The Con nection between Pea k Perfor m a n ce Buoya ncy
less, but less actual energy output, all else being equa l . include ca listhenics, working out with weights and
a nd Staying Physically Fit For a given dive a n d set o f circumstances, out-of-shape card iovascular training like running or jumping rope.
divers have to work harder, and proportionately, use Regardless of what works best for you, the effort you
Study O bjectives substantially more of their physical capabil ities . spend staying healthy will not only pay off in the water,
but in everything you do. Statistically speaking , by
Underline/highlight the answers to these The bottom line is, as you'd expect, staying in shape
staying physically fit, you can expect to live a longer,
questions as you read: for diving goes a long way toward helping you dive
happier, healthier, more productive life .
well . You move through the water efficiently and have
l . How does physical fitness fit into peak stamina, so you stay well within your physical limits. You
performance buoyancy? have a reserve for emergencies, and you don't need
as much in your weight system to offset body fat and a
bigger exposure suit. Your center of gravity and center
The final point in becoming a Peak Performance
of buoyancy are closer together, making it easier to set
Buoyancy diver is taking care of your most i m portant
your trim and maneuver into other positions.
piece of dive equipment - your body You ca n have
everyth i ng else right, but if you're not fit, you struggle to
achieve the peak buoyancy skills you wa nt.
Dive Requirements - Peak Dive Requirements - Peak Peak Performance Buoyancy 5. When you're neutrally buoyant, you __ slightly as
you inhale and slightly as you exhale
Performance Buoyancy Dive One Performance Buoyancy Dive Two Knowledge Review Part I 6 . Proper weight and distribution give you greater
control in the water.
Performance Requirements. Performance Requ i rements. Complete this knowledge review to hand in to your
· D resistance
instructor for review. If there's somethi ng you don't
By the end of Peak Performa nce Buoyancy Dive One, By the end of Peak Performance Buoyancy Dive Two, you
understand, review the related material . If you still don't D control
you should be a ble to: should be able to:
understand, have your instructor explai n it to you . D buoyancy
• Rig a weight system with the estimated amount of • Rig a weight system with the estimated amount of
weight from PADl's Basic Weighting Guidelines. weight from PADl's Basic Weighting Guidelines. l. Using the Basic Weighting Guidelines, estimate D visualization
( Rebreather divers, refer to manufacturer weighting ( Rebreather divers, refer to manufacturer weighting the amount of weight (based on your present body
recommendations. ) recommendations. } weight) you want to beg in a buoyancy check with if 7. List four reasons for being streamlined w h i le diving.
you plan to use:
• Position and distribute the weight in one or more • Position and distribute the weight for comfort and l . _____________
weight systems for comfort and desired body desired body position (trim) in the water. a. Neoprene dry suit, l l 1/80 cf cylinder i n salt water:
(Answer Va ries) 2.
position (trim} in the water. ____________
to begi n his buoyancy check at the beginning of ______ to control your buoyancy
a dive . Because the diver is a bit overweight for underwater.
his height, he uses the maxi mum a mount of weight
O your BCD
recom mended for his suit a nd underwear as listed
on PADl's Basic Weighting Guideli nes chart. The D special ized weights on your ankles a nd tan k
boat uses steel cylinders, and manages to find one
D your d r y suit
that is emply to conduct his buoyancy check. Using
the Basic Weighting Guidelines, the described diver 6. When diving with a dry suit, controlling buoyancy
should begi n with ( kg/lbs) prior to a u nderwater using your suit: {Check all that apply. )
buoyancy check in salt water. In fresh water the diver D Helps you avoid suit squeeze problems
should would beg i n with __ (kg/lbs) prior to a
buoyancy check. D Should only be done when you a re not wearing
a BCD.