EAF DustTreatment ByNewProcess

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Electric arc furnaces (EAF) generate much dust during operation, which contains
very high percentages of zinc, lead, and iron, as well as toxic organic substances.
It is difficult to landfill it for environmental reasons, and not desirable in terms of
wasting metal. However, most of the EAF dust is not processed sufficiently to
make it harmless and to recover valuable metals.

Some EAF dust treatment processes are now in use, but the high chloride and
zinc content prevents most of them from satisfying environmental regulations and
metal recovery.

JP Steel Plantech in Japan and KATEC R&D Corporation in Taiwan have

resolved this problem by developing a new electric smelting reduction furnace
(ESRF) process. The ESRF is a simple electric furnace, which uses only electric
energy for material heating and oxide reduction. In contrast, process gas
treatment systems are equipped with a wide range of schemes to prevent
chloride and zinc problems.

The first ESRF plant was constructed in Taiwan and started operation in
December 2009. This plant is working well as initially intended, achieving high
levels of zinc and iron recovery, with no gaseous pollutant emission, and very low
leaching of toxic heavy metals from slag.

Keywords : EAF, arc furnace, dust, Zn, ZnO, dioxin, leaching, metal recovery

* Manager, Chief Engineer, Technology Development Center,

JP Steel Plantech Co., Yokohama, Japan
1. Introduction
When scrap is melted and refined by an arc furnace, the dust generated accounts
for 2 % of the steel production. In Japan, arc furnaces are estimated to generate
about 500,000 ton of dust per year during annual steel production of 30 million
tons by EAF.

This dust contains many organic toxic substances in addition to metal oxides and
chlorides. Metal chlorides and zinc vaporize at the temperature level of 1,300 –
1,500 ºC at which the metal oxides are reduced. When the hot gas from the
process passes through gas-cooling and dust-collecting equipment, vapors of
metal chlorides and zinc will condense and solidify. This is the main cause of
problems in many EAF-dust processing plants.

A new electric smelting reduction furnace (ESRF) has been developed to solve
such problems, in addition to recovering metals and conforming to regulations on
pollutant emissions and heavy metal leaching.

The ESRF is a simple electric furnace, which uses only electric energy for
material heating and oxide reduction. In contrast, process gas treatment systems
are equipped with a wide range of schemes to prevent high chlorine and zinc
content problems.

The first ESRF plant was constructed in Taiwan and started test-operation in
December 2009 and commercial operation in September 2010. The plant is
working well as initially intended.

2. EAF dust from steel industry

Table 1. shows an example of the composition of EAF dust. The main
components are 20 % zinc, 30 % iron, and 5 % chlorine, and dioxins in EAF dust
are reported to be 0.5 -5.0 ng-TEQ/g-dust.

Table 1. Example of EAF dust composition

T-Zn T-Fe C Cl Pb Na K Mn
22.3 30.9 3.9 5.1 1.9 1.5 1.4 3.0

When dust is processed at high temperature in a lean oxygen atmosphere, metal

chlorides are generated. The melting and boiling temperatures of metal chlorides
are shown in Table 2. The phase-change temperatures of ZnCl2 are very low, but
as the generation of NaCl and KCl is prioritized, a small amount of ZnCl2 is
formed during the dust processing. These figures suggest that chlorides are
easily liquefied and adhere to the walls of the equipment during gas cooling. This
is the main cause of problems in the EAF dust processing at many plants.

Table 2. Melting and boiling temperature of metal chlorides (ºC)

Boiling temperature
Melting temperature
(at 1 atm)
ZnCl2 318 732
NaCl 801 1,465
KCl 772 1,407

Of the 500,000 ton/y of EAF dust generated in Japan, about 60 % is processed

by rotary kilns to recover zinc, but the iron in the dust is not recovered by this
process. The remaining 40 % is made chemically harmless and disposed of
without recovering valuable metals. The dust processing cost paid by EAF
companies in Japan is about 220-310 US$/ton-dust, namely 110-155 million
US$/y. Another problem is the shortage of space for landfill and disposal.

Zinc is an important metal used as a raw material for strip galvanizing and
die-casting alloys. Annual zinc consumption in Japan is about 600,000 tons, 10 %
of which comes from the recycling of dust in the steel industry. By improving the
zinc recovery rate, this 10 % could be increased to 20 %. As natural zinc
resources are limited with less than 25 years’ worth of recoverable resources, the
recycling of dust should be given greater priority.

3. Conventional Zn recovery process from EAF dust

There are several processes for EAF dust treatment in operation now: (1) rotary
kiln (Waelz kiln), (2) rotary hearth furnace (RHF), and (3) multi-stage furnace
(PRIMUS). The features of these processes are described below.

(1) Rotary kiln

This is the most common process at present. Four units are working in Japan,
one unit in Taiwan, and another under consideration in Korea. Mixed EAF dust
and reducing agent carbon are charged into the kiln to be heated by fuel
combustion. ZnO in the dust is reduced to Zn vapor in the solid layer, and quickly
oxidized to ZnO in the kiln inner space. The ZnO is carried out by exhaust gas
from the kiln charge end. The features of this process are:

1) Cheap energy cost

As thermal energy for heating and reduction of oxide comes from fuel
combustion without electrical thermal energy, the energy cost is cheap.

2) Relatively large capacity

Small kilns are difficult to operate because of clogging on the inner wall.
Relatively large kilns are usually constructed to process the dust from four to
six EAFs.

3) Low ZnO % in crude ZnO and high dioxins in exhaust gas
The large volume of combusted gas causes carry-over of the charged material.
This carried-over dust is mixed with the ZnO and reduces the ZnO % in
recovered crude ZnO to 55-60 %. Also, this carry-over causes the transfer of
charged dust to the bag-house without thermal decomposition of dioxins,
resulting in high dioxin content in the exhaust gas.

4) High iron oxide, Zn, and Pb contents in clinker from the kiln
A high zinc recovery rate requires high material temperature, but this may
cause the softening and sticking of the material in the kiln. As the processing
temperature is kept relatively low, the remaining zinc content in the clinker
amounts to 2 – 5 %. Fe oxide in the dust cannot be reduced to metallic Fe,
and remains as FeO. Landfill or outdoor piling of clinker is not permitted
because it contains Pb. Recently, clinker is sent back to the steel mill to be
processed by their EAFs, but is not welcomed. This clinker problem is the most
serious issue of the rotary kiln process.

(2) Rotary hearth furnace (RHF) and multi-stage furnace (PRIMUS)

Carbon-containing agglomerated dust is put on the moving hearth and heated by
combustion heat from above the layer. As in a rotary kiln, ZnO in the dust is
reduced to Zn vapor in the solid layer, and quickly oxidized to ZnO in the upper
space. ZnO particles are carried out by the exhaust gas from the charge end.
Fe oxide is partially reduced to metallic Fe (sponge iron) in the solid state, and
melted and refined by the subsequent smelting furnace. This process is widely
used for BF dust and BOF dust and more than ten units are working in and out of
Japan. However, the process is not yet common for Zn- and chloride-rich EAF
dust, due to the following potential problems: (1) chloride solidification and
clogging in the gas cooling line, and (2) solidification and adherence of metallic
zinc at the bottom of the layer, although detailed results have not yet been
reported. In order to avoid the softening of chlorides and sponge iron, the
processing temperature should be restricted, which leads to a relatively low
metallization degree. The smelting furnace used to melt the discharged material
must include a reduction function.

4. New ESRF for EAF dust treatment process

The ESRF is a new process designed to solve the problems found in EAF dust
treatment plants. Figure 1. shows the concept of the process. Agglomerated EAF
dust is mixed with reducing agent coke and limestone, and charged into the
melting furnace to be melted by electric energy. Features of this process are:

(1) Electrical energy is used for heating, melting, and reducing without any fuel. A
small amount of waste gas from electrical heating reduces dust carry-over and
increases the ZnO content (over 70 %) in crude ZnO, leading to a high selling
price to Zn smelter
(2) Thermal energy of the hot exhaust gas is not actively used, only a portion of the

energy is used for preheating the charged material.
(3) Most of the Fe in the dust is recovered as molten pig iron, which is a useful iron
source for arc furnaces.
(4) The high gas temperature of over 1250 ºC completely decomposes dioxins and
other organic substances in EAF dust.
(5) No hazardous materials remain in the slag, and the leaching rates of heavy
metals are very low.
(6) The compact facilities can be installed on-site in each arc furnace plant, and idle
facilities such as LF transformers and bag-filters can be used, if any.

Fig. 1. Concept of ESRF process

There are a few examples of smelting reduction furnaces being used for
recovering metals from stainless steel refining dust and others, but many troubles
have been reported in EAF dust processing plants caused by chlorides in the
dust. Therefore, during the design stage of the new plant, careful attention was
paid to the configuration of the exhaust gas cooling and de-dusting device. Figure
2. shows the concept of this exhaust gas treatment system (patent pending).

Carbon monoxide and Zn vapor in the exhaust gas are oxidized in the ESRF and
combustion chamber. The combustion chamber is a simple vertical cylinder with
water-cooled and partially refractory-lined wall. The vertical water-cooled wall
prohibits the adhesion of softened dust and facilitates cleaning. The dimension
and insulation are decided to satisfy the design guideline of the incinerator, which
is a retention time of at least 2 seconds at a temperature above 850 ºC. Powders
of Fe oxide and carbon settle at the bottom of the combustion chamber and are
recycled to the ESRF. Particles of ZnO and chlorides are produced by gaseous
phase reaction and the sizes are too fine to settle in the combustion chamber. Hot
exhaust gas from the combustion chamber, which contains much crude ZnO and
chlorides, is quickly cooled through the multi-tube gas cooler and sent to the
bag-house to recover the particles. The temperature of the gas cooler is selected
to let the chlorides solidify on the vertical tube surface, and so any adhering
chlorides can be easily removed. This approach permits prolonged stable
operation and good ZnO recovery.

Fig. 2. Concept of ESRF exhaust gas line

5. Development of ESRF and construction of the first plant

(1) Development of ESRF
The first ESRF plant was constructed in Taiwan and has been operating since
December 2009. JP Steel Plantech (Japan) and KATEC R&D Corporation
(Taiwan) jointly developed and constructed the first commercial ESRF plant as

1) Concept of the ESRF process was developed by NKK (now JFE Steel), based
on extensive experience in steel-making EAFs, ferro-alloy submerged arc
furnaces, and resistance electric furnaces for melting ash from municipal
wastes incinerator. A pilot test was conducted by NKK in the 1990s.
2) KATEC R&D Corporation recognized its advantages for EAF dust treatment
and signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement with JP Steel Plantech in 2006.
JP Steel Plantech took charge of providing the process know-how and basic
design, and KATEC constructed the plant based on this information. The two

companies will jointly promote the technology.
3) A new company KATEC Creative Resources Corp. (KCR) was established to
operate the new ESRF plant.
4) Construction started in April 2008, hot-run started in December 2009, and
commercial operation started in September 2010.
5) The plant capacity is 5 ton/h (36,000 ton/y) of EAF dust, and the plant can
handle other waste such as medical wastes and used dry batteries.

(2) Photographs of the first ESRF plant

Figure 3. shows the main assembly of this ESRF.

Fig. 3. ESRF main unit

The furnace body is not tilted for metal/slag tapping. Tapping holes are opened
on the side-wall like a blast furnace. For this purpose, drilling machines and mud
guns are provided. Two furnaces are installed, one is working and the other is a
back-up. As the spare furnace was not used in the first nine months, a single
furnace would be enough for simplification.

Figure 4. shows the EAF dust briquette, recovered crude ZnO, and cast pig iron.
When ESRF is installed in an EAF plant, molten pig iron can be directly charged
into the EAF, and thus a casting machine to make ingots is unnecessary. This hot
liquid pig iron saves energy for the arc furnace.

Fig. 4. Raw material and recovered valuables

(3) Chemical composition of products

Tables 3. shows examples of the chemical composition from ESRF operation.
Although these figures fluctuate with variations in the raw material ingredients,
the density of ZnO in crude ZnO is higher than those from other processes..

Table 3. Example of chemical composition of recovered valuables

Crude ZnO Pig iron Slag

ZnO 63.30 % (50.2-73.7%) C 3.29 % CaO 28.61 %
Pb 4.21 % (0.35-7.22%) Si 0.47 % MgO 9.16 %
Cd 0.06 % (0.01-0.18%) Mn 1.02 % SiO2 20.86 %
Fe 3.49 % P 0.36 % Al2O3 9.02 %
Cu 0.13 % S 0.27 % FeO 2.86 %
Si 1.12 % Cu 0.47 % Zn 0.48 %
Ca 5.18 % Ni 0.05 % Pb 0.04 %
Cl 6.51 % Cr 1.26 % Cu 0.03 %
Na 2.46 % Cr 0.54 %
K 2.35 %

Leaching of heavy metals was measured by both Taiwan standard and JIS.
Table 4. shows the results. They are considerably lower than the regulation value
of both Taiwan and Japan.

Table 4. Leaching data of heavy metals

KCR ESRF slag leaching data by Taiwan Taiwan criteria

standard (adhering to USA EPA) for landfill
mg/L procedure mg/L
Cd 0.008 USA EPA 1.00
Pb 0.29 USA EPA 5.00
Cr (+6) N.D. USA EPA 2.50
Cr 0.014 USA EPA 5.00
Hg N.D. USA EPA 0.20
As 0.0012 USA EPA 5.00

KCR ESRF Japanese criteria

slag leaching data by JIS for landfill
mg/L procedure mg/L
Cd < 0.005 JIS K 0102 0.01
Pb < 0.005 JIS K 0103 0.01
Cr (+6) < 0.02 JIS K 0104 0.05
Hg < 0.0005 other standard 0.0005
As < 0.005 JIS K 0106 0.01
Se < 0.005 JIS K 0107 0.01

(4) Recovery rate of valuables and unit consumption

Table 5. shows sample data of the recovery rate of valuables and unit
consumption for reference and economic evaluation. Recovery rates also
fluctuate with variation in the raw material dust ingredients. Lime is used to
control the basicity of slag. If the slag is too alkaline, silica stone is used. The
recovered high-ZnO material can be sold to zinc smelters, although EAF dust is
disposed of by paying fees at present. The selling price is estimated to be 25 % of
the LME price of zinc ingots. The consumption of electrode and refractory largely
depends on the operating conditions, but there are no organized statistical data
for these costs as yet.

Table 5. Example of recovery rate of valuables and unit consumption

Item Income & cost Assumptions and remarks

EAF dust disposal fee 220-310 US$/ton-dust Reduction of

outsourcing cost
Crude ZnO 0.35-0.42 ton/ton-dust Selling price is 25 % of Zn
recovery rate LME price (2,400 US$/ton)
Pig iron recovery rate 0.20-0.25 ton/ton-dust
Electricity 1,600 kWh/ton-dust Including aux. equipment
Reducing agent 0.15-0.17 ton/ton-dust Coke
Electrode, Refractory, Lime - No statistical data yet

(5) Typical conditions of ESRF plant in Taiwan

The first ESRF plant in Taiwan was constructed on a greenfield site and planned
to receive EAF dust from a number of EAFs, but there were the following

1) New land, building, and utilities had to be newly arranged.

2) An independent maintenance crew and management group were needed.
3) As the site was a newly developed industrial park intended for cleaner
production, obtaining approval for construction and operation was complex and
time consuming.

JP Steel Plantech recommends that an ESRF plant should be installed within an

existing EAF plant to treat in-plant dust. This approach offers the following
advantages compared to an independent plant.

1) Existing land, building, and utilities can be effectively used.

2) An additional maintenance crew and management group are unnecessary.
3) Approval for construction and operation is easy.
4) Recycling of molten pig iron to EAF helps save energy.

6. Possibility of multi-purpose melting furnace for industrial wastes.

The ESRF can treat miscellaneous wastes as it is a high-temperature sealed
melting device. KCR receives much medical waste from hospitals in Taiwan and
incinerates and melts it. Treatment of waste dry batteries is also under
consideration. Figure 5. shows the receiving of packed medical wastes and
storage in refrigerators. Medical wastes are delivered in 10–15 kg plastic bags,
and the bags are charged into the ESRF every 3–5 minutes through a charging

chute. The very high furnace temperature ensures quick incineration, and
non-combustibles are melted into the slag. There is no hazardous material in the
exhaust gas. The disposal of medical wastes is a promising business for furnace

Fig. 5. Disposal of medical wastes with ESRF

7. Conclusion
The ESRF is a revolutionary smelting reduction process to deal with EAF dust.
The process solves the problems of environment pollution, unsatisfactory metal
recovery, and operation troubles caused by chlorides associated with the
old-fashioned dust processing processes. The first ESRF plant started to operate
in December 2009 in Taiwan and is working well. The process has great potential
to be used in EAF plants worldwide.


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