1024053659902-P124 en 0819
1024053659902-P124 en 0819
1024053659902-P124 en 0819
MiCOM P124
Self and Dual Powered
Overcurrent Relays
MiCOM P124
Housed in a 4U metal case, it can be easily
dual-powered model mounted in a panel or in a rack.
Customer Benefits
• No auxiliary power required
• Simple and cost efficient
• Complete and fully safe
• Self or dual powered
• Additional measurement,
monitoring, recording and
communication features
MiCOM P124 overcurrent protection relays provide a Both models offer a wide range of overcurrent
complete and fully safe protection for applications protection functions without requiring an external
where no external auxiliary power supply is available or auxiliary supply: three independent phase stages, three
guaranteed. independent earth stages, twelve groups of IDMT
curves for the phase and 14 for the earth, and two
They provide efficient protection for industrial plants,
thermal overload stages.
utilities’ distribution substations or customers and can
be used as either main or backup protection.
The dual-powered model offers additional protection,
The following two models are available: automation and monitoring. Some of these additional
functions are operational only when an auxiliary power
> Self-powered P124
supply is available. In the event of loss of this power
> Dual-powered P124 supply, the performances of the P124 dual-powered
relay become equivalent to the ones of the self-
Self-powered P124 model offers a simple and cost
powered model.
efficient solution when no external auxiliary power
supply is available.
The power supply to the electronic circuits of the
In addition to its protection functions and when
MiCOM P124s has been optimised so that it can trigger
powered by an external auxiliary source, dual-powered
the circuit-breaker with a load current of 0.2 In on at
P124 offers the ability to transmit recorded and
least one phase.
measured data to a supervisor via communication
networks. Should the auxiliary power supply fail,
The hardware architecture and software algorithms
protection and tripping functions remain fully
have been studied to operate on very short failure
detection times, so that, starting from a load current of
These two types of MiCOM P124 relays take the power 0.2 In, tripping occurs within no more than 30 ms.
necessary for their operation from line current
The functions offered by these two models are listed
50/51 51N 49 46 46BC 50BF 37
Always Available Available on the Dual P124: Self and Dual Powered
Powered model Only Overcurrent Relays
(Description of ANSI code nos. see Functions Table)
> Blocking logic > Inputs and Outputs
When relays are used in critical networks, Dual-powered MiCOM P124 relays have seven output
management of protection relays must take relays with unbiased changeover contacts and five
surrounding devices into consideration. opto-isolated logic inputs. Each input can be configured
In MiCOM P124 dual-powered relays, two blocking for the blocking logic, selective logic, etc. and each
logic inputs can be configured independently of each output can be assigned to trip on thresholds crossing
other to lock any selected element (current thresholds, and to light up a LED on the front panel.
thermal replica, etc.). This function is deactivated in the
event of a loss of auxiliary power supply. > Tripping outputs
MiCOM P124 relays have two types of tripping outputs
> Selective relay scheme logic that are entirely independent from any auxiliary supply:
Dual-powered MiCOM P124 relays include selective • A capacitance discharge output capable
relay scheme logic. A dedicated digital input can of supplying a striker with an energy of 20mJ
temporarily alter the time delay settings in response to at 12 volts.
the phase/earth fault start condition of a downstream • Another changeover contact relay output
relay. This function allows the relay to clear the fault with a high breaking capacity to trip the
faster when used in a cascade scheme. It is an circuit-breaker coil.
alternative for personnel more familiar with this type of
selectivity than with blocking logic.
Fig. 4 MiCOM P124 adapted to a striker
Current (% of In)
MiCOM P124,
the easy, safe and fast way
to detect the fault in your power system.
DUAL-POWERED MODEL The last 5 faults are stored inside both models of
MiCOM P124 relays.
> Trip circuit supervision
Each fault includes:
MiCOM P124 relay constantly monitors trip circuit and
> Record number
ensures that they are available. Operation personnel
can easily view this information, both locally and
> Fault time
remotely, and optimise switchgear maintenance. > Active setting group
> Faulted phase
> Event recording > Protection operation
75 logic events are stored in MiCOM P124 dual- > Magnitude of input quantities
powered model.
Events include inputs/outputs, change of status, alarms Fault indicator helps the user to clearly identify the fault
and contacts operations. All events are time stamped to and to monitor relay setting and operation.
1ms, and can be accessed either locally or remotely. In addition, the dual-powered model offers the following
functions: time-tagging of all parameters, status of logic
> Disturbance recording inputs and outputs and remote retrieval of stored
Up to five records or 3 seconds each can be stored in information.
MiCOM relays.
The current sampling frequency is 1600 Hz. The
different records can be retrieved either locally or
> Front panel and menus
The user can program and modify all parameters
> Measurements
(protection, communication, automation, LEDs, inputs
MiCOM P124 relays permanently monitor all current and outputs) through the front panel user interface. The
inputs, calculate the frequency and line currents, backlit LCD informs the user about settings,
display values on the LCD and store measurements in measurements, faults, etc.
memory. The menus have a pull-down structure to allow easy
The measured values are true RMS up to the 10th and quick access to any data.
This data can be accessed either locally or remotely. > Dedicated LEDs
An healthy LED on the front panel of MiCOM P124
relays indicates that the relay is correctly energized
with sufficient power from line current.
In addition, for the dual-powered model, three LEDs
indicate the relay condition (Trip, Alarm, Watchdog).
Enter Key
Alarm Led
Trip Flag Indicator
Failure Led Programmable
Trip Flag
Auxiliary Indicators
Supply Led
Programmable Leds
Battery RS232
> Dedicated magnetic indicator flag > K1-3 Striker
The front panel also features a bistable magnetic flag Associated with a self-powered relay, such as
that indicates that the trip order has been issued to MiCOM P124, the K1-3 Striker converts an electrical
operate the circuit breaker. pulse of low intensity (<20mA during 25ms) into a
mechanical pulse of 4,7 daN, thus allowing the trip of
> Configurable magnetic indicator flags the circuit breaker.
(dual-powered model only)
In order to display faults even when the auxiliary power > Capacitor Trip Unit MiCOM E124
is down, four additional bistable magnetic flags exactly For applications where there is no auxiliary supply or
replicate the status of the four programmable LEDs. where a striker can not be used, MiCOM E124
ensures the supply of energy to a self or dual powered
> RS485 communications relay, such as MiCOM P124.
The dual-powered MiCOM P124 includes an RS485 This capacitor module has such storage capacity that,
communication rear port. This port is available for in case of loss of auxiliary supply, it can supply
MODBUSTM, Courier, DNP3.0 or IEC 60870-5-103 sufficient energy to excite a standard trip coil for two
protocols. MiCOM relays can transmit to the monitoring consecutive tripping orders without recharge.
or SCADA system, settings, measurements, alarms,
faults, events and disturbance records. The
communication parameters (relay address, data rate,
parity, etc.) can be programmed using the operator
interface front port.
A communication failure does not affect the protection
functions of MiCOM relays.
> Battery box
> Case
Even when the circuit-breaker is open, i.e. the relay is
The relays have a drawout metal 4U shallow case. All
no longer energized by the load current, settings can
CT inputs are short-circuited if the active unit is
be applied thanks to a simple and inexpensive battery
withdrawn from its case. All MiCOM relays can be
box. On one side, this battery box is connected to the
mounted in a panel or in a rack.
RS232 port of the relay and on the other side to the
They require no handling operations, since all the
PC loaded with the support software MiCOM S1.
settings are put in through the operator interface.
This battery box temporary energizes the relay and so
allows the user to quickly and easily retrieve or change
> Wiring
the setting of the relay.
External connections are made via MIDOS type
terminal blocks. Each connection includes 2 x 6.35mm
Faston and one M4 screw fixing.
The wiring of both models of MiCOM P124 is standard
to provide maximum compatibility.
Fig. 6 MiCOM E1 battery box
>> MiCOM Px2x range:
Over 100.000 Medium Voltage Protection Relays
sold in only 6 years of existence
>> MiCOM P124:
First released in September 2000.
Over 6150 devices installed.
MiCOM is a registered trademark of AREVA. All trade names or trademarks mentioned herein whether registered or not, are the property of their owners. - 389191982 RCS PARIS - Printed in France - SONOVISION-ITEP
AUTOMATION-L3-P124-BR-01.05-0819-GB - © - AREVA - 2005. AREVA, the AREVA logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of AREVA.