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Micom P120, P121, P122 and P123 Universal Overcurrent Relays

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MiCOM P120, P121,

P122 and P123 :

Overcurrent Relays

MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123

Universal Overcurrent Relays

Energy Automation & Information
MiCOM P120, P121, P122 and P123
A whole range for a global answer

Description MiCOM P12x relays provide

P120 simple and powerful operator
The MiCOM P12x series are the
interface. The LEDs and LCD
universal overcurrent relay range
display on the front panel are fully
for ALSTOM. Starting with the
programmable to user
single phase P120 up to the
multifunction three phases and
earth P123, MiCOM relays are True RMS current and frequency
fully designed to protect and values are measured by all the
control industrial plants, utilities MiCOM P12x relays.
Single phase or earth o/c substations and networks at any Measurements are displayed on the
voltage level. front panel and are available for
local viewing and remote
Protection features of the
MiCOM P12x range include 3
P121 For each MiCOM P12x relay,
independent phase overcurrent
stages, 3 independent earth inputs and outputs are freely
overcurrent stages, 12 selectable assignable and combinations of
curve characteristics, thermal any thresholds are independently
overload protection, undercurrent programmable for each output.
and negative-sequence overcurrent Setting software MiCOM S1
protection. combined with the front and rear
Flexible automation functions communication ports allow the user
3 phases + earth o/c enable accurate co-ordination with easy access to all stored
other devices. information and ouput of operating
curves or parameter trends.
Circuit-breaker monitoring is
P122 performed through closing and The MiCOM P120, P121, P122,
opening time measurements, P123 relays are housed in the
breaker failure protection and trip same drawout 4U metal case for
circuit supervision. panel or rack mounting.
Two setting groups accomodate The use of MIDOS connectors
complex protection and control allows full compatibility with
schemes. Setting commutation is existing ALSTOM devices.
available locally or remotely. CT inputs of any relay of the
Advanced 3 phases + earth o/c The MiCOM P12x relays are fully MiCOM P12x series are 1 and 5
compatible with a wide range of Amp dual rated.
standard communication protocols
(MODBUSTM, IEC 60870-5-103,
P123 etc.).
All the information in memory such
as settings, measurements, events,
fault or disturbance records are
easily transmitted for better network
management. Remote system
requests are immediately executed
and transmitted to the adjacent
Expert 3 phases + earth o/c switchgear.

Models available
codes P120 P121 P122 P123
Single phase or Earth overcurrent 50/51 or X
3 independant stages 50N/51N
Three phase and Earth overcurrent 50/51 and X X X
3 independant stages 50N/51N
High Impedance Restricted Earth Fault 64N X X X X
Thermal overload (True RMS) 49 X X
Undercurrent 37 X X
Negative phase sequence overcurrent 46 X X
2 independant stages
Broken conductor detection (I2/I1) X X
Clock phase and anti-clock phase X X
rotation operation
Cold load pickup X X
Output relay latching 86 X X X X
Setting groups 1 1 2 2
Circuit breaker failure detection 50BF X X
Circuit breaker monitoring X X
Trip circuit supervision X X
Blocking logic X X X X
Selective relay scheme logic X X
Autoreclose (4 shots) 79 X
Measurements (True RMS values) X X X X
Peak and rolling values X X
Instantaneous records X X
Event records X X
Fault records X X
Disturbance records X X
Communication X X X X

Protection and control For each curve model, a wide The phase current range is
selection of 60 different TMS values adjustable independently for each
can be set to optimise detection and stage from 0.1 to 40 times the
Time-delayed phase
shorten tripping time for rated phase current (0.002 to
overcurrent (51)
co-ordination with fuses, motors, 40In for the MiCOM P120 model).
feeders, transformers and other
All the phase overcurrent settings
The MiCOM P12x relays provide devices.
are fully programmable using the
three phase current inputs (except
The second and third stages have front panel HMI, the Setting
for the single phase P120 relay).
independent settings with an Software front connection or a
Three independent stages relay are adjustable definite time tripping. remote communication control
available. For the first stage, the The time delays are programmable system (e.g. MiCOM S10).
user may select between 12 from 0 to 150 s thus providing
different shapes of curves maximum selectivity.

Instantaneous phase High impedance restricted Thermal overload (49)
overcurrent (50) earth-fault (64N) Transformers and cables must be
The MiCOM P12x relays have MiCOM P12x range offer the REF protected to account for their
separate phase instantaneous feature applied to enhanced ground particular thermal characteristics.
overcurrent information for each fault detection on each transformer MiCOM P122 and P123 relays
selected stage. winding. include a thermal overload element
The relays ensure a high degree of based on the true RMS value of the
Phase instantaneous trips (with no
stability against external fault current. Alarm and overload
time delay programmed) are
conditions and a reliable thresholds are fully programmable
available in less than 30 ms.
performance against insternal faults. to match each device requirement.
Each instantaneous trip is fully All the stages can be used for this
assignable to any dedicated output application. Undercurrent (37)
of the MiCOM relays and/or on the MiCOM P122 and P123 relays
front panel LEDs. provide an undercurrent function.
Negative sequence
overcurrent (46) This function allows typical
The MiCOM P122 & P123 relays applications such as loss of load,
include a programmable function circuit breaker failure or simple

I> specially designed to detect broken conductor detection.

I >> unbalanced fault conditions when
t >> Blocking logic
I >>> t >>> earth fault elements are not
operated or not sufficiently sensitive. When MiCOM P12x relays are
Current Two independant stages are used in critical networks,
selectable. Instantaneous and time- management of protection relays
Figure1: Phase overcurrent characteristics
delayed (DT or IDMT) negative must take surrounding devices into
sequence overcurrent stages have consideration.
Time-delayed earth-fault the same functions as the phase Two blocking inputs can be
overcurrent (51N) overcurrent and earth-fault settings. configured independently from each
Earth fault detection in the other to block any combination of
MiCOM P12x range is identical to Broken conductor the user selected elements (e.g.
the time-delayed phase overcurrent. current elements, thermal overload,
One type of unbalanced fault which
etc.). Each blocking signal freezes
Three independent earth-fault stages can occur on the system is an open
its associated memory (timer or
are selectable. The user can select circuit fault. This can arise from
thermal state) and, after drop off,
any of the 14 families of curves broken conductors, maloperation of
re-imposes the pre-blocking value if
and TMS values for the first stage. single phase switchgear, or the
conditions are still present.
blowing of fuses.
Earth current range is adjustable for MiCOM P122 and P123 relays
each stage from 0.002 to 40 times incorporate an element which Cold load pickup
the rated earth current to allow measures the ratio of negative to
maximum sensitivity for earth fault positive sequence current (I2/I1).
detection. This fully programmable function
Current (% of nominal)


allows more sensitivity than

The earth current input is usually 200

negative sequence overcurrent Nominal threshold Figure3:

generated by a dedicated earth CT 100

detection. Typical
but may also be derived from the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (s) cold load
residual connection of the 3 line CTs.
When a feeder is loaded after a
Instantaneous earth-fault long outage, all connected devices
overcurrent (50N) such as transformers will call for an
over energisation current, over the
All instantaneous earth fault stages
nominal setting, during a short time.
are fully available. As with the
instantaneous phase fault feature, To prevent unwanted tripping,
the instantaneous earth stages are MiCOM P122 and P123 have a
cold load pickup function which
available in less than 30 ms.
automatically increases the standard
These indications are assignable to settings during a dedicated
any outputs and/or LEDs on the adjustable time. After a successful
Figure2: MiCOM P122 and P123
MiCOM relay front panel. broken conductor close, all settings are returned to
detection. their nominal values.

Setting groups Autorecloser (79) Measurements
External conditions may call the MiCOM P123 relays include a The MiCOM P12x relays monitor
need for several setting groups. 4-shot autorecloser with one permanently all the current inputs,
The MiCOM P122 and P123 relays instantaneous and three time- calculate the frequency and the line
have two selectable setting groups delayed reclose shots. All the currents, display the values on the
including all the protection, programmed protection functions
LCD display and store the
may start any of the shots
automation features and monitoring measurements into memory.
independently and the user can
program which functions are The calculation of the average
Commutation between groups 1 and allowed to trip after any of the value for each phase during a
2 can be achieved locally, remotely shots. Dead and reclaim times are selectable rolling sub-period is also
or via a dedicated logic input. freely adjustable. Associated LEDs available.
can be programmed on the front
Transition from one setting group LCD display of the MiCOM relay. The measured values are true RMS
to the other is achieved only if no up to the 10th harmonic with a
A counter stores the number of
protection or automation function 0.1% accuracy (nominal
reclose commands, incremented
is running to prevent unwanted with each reclose order. This conditions). Peak demands with a
tripping. information can be displayed 15-minute window are also
locally or remotely. memorised.
Programmable inputs and All the measured and derived
ouputs Selective relay scheme logic values can be displayed on the
MiCOM P12x relays include up to 5 Reduction of supply outages is a front panel LCD or transferred
logic inputs and 9 logic outputs primary objective in any electrical locally or remotely upon user
including a watch-dog. All inputs network. To help the user reduce request.
and outputs are freely configurable. these non-quality factors, MiCOM
Instantaneous recording
Two of the outputs are change-over P122 and P123 relays include
type typically used for tripping selective relay scheme logic. Five instantaneous logs are stored
commands. A dedicated input can temporarily in the MiCOM P122 & P123
alter the time-delay settings in relays.
All programmed thresholds
response to a downstream relay Each instantaneous record includes:
(time- delayed or instantaneous) can
phase/earth fault start condition.
easily be combined onto any of the • instantaneous time
This function allows the MiCOM
outputs. relays to discriminate correctly (date & duration)
when used in a cascade scheme. • origin (phase & earth threshold)
The selective relay scheme logic Instantaneous records give the user
Output relay latching (86) function can be enabled or useful information for preventive
Any of the outputs, including trip, disabled by the user as required. maintenance of the electrical
can be latched. system.
Reset of the outputs is possible from
Monitoring functions Event recording
a logic input, the front panel
operator interface or through the and measurements
75 logic events are stored in the
remote communications.
MiCOM P122 and P123 relays.
Circuit-breaker maintenance Events include inputs/outputs, state
Circuit-breaker preventive changes, alarms and contact
maintenance is the advanced operations.
Circuit breaker failure
function provided by the
protection (50BF) MiCOM P122 and P123 relays All events are time-tagged to 1ms.
The circuit breaker failure protection with adjustable closing and
verifies the effective opening of the opening time measurements and
CB by a dedicated undercurrent breaker failure protection.
threshold during a t_BF timer.
All phase currents Iand I2 during
The circuit breaker failure function is faults are memorised and summed.
activated by the trip of a generic The MiCOM P122 & P123 relays
protection. allow trip circuit supervision via a
Circuit breaker failure protection specific input. The result of this
may be used for tripping upstream monitoring can be viewed locally or
circuit breakers. remotely. Figure4: MiCOM P122 settings in
MiCOM S1 support software

Disturbance recording User interface Keypad
Current waveforms are captured by A seven-button tactile keypad on the
the MiCOM P122 and P123 relays Front display and menus front panel allows the user easy
at a sampling frequency of 1600Hz. access to any data in the
All functions including protection MiCOM P12x relays.
Up to 3 seconds of records are automation, communication, LEDs,
stored inside the relays. inputs and outputs can be
The disturbance recording function programmed and modified using Communication EIA RS485
is triggered either by any of the the front panel user interface. All models of MiCOM P12x series
programmed thresholds or by an have an EIA RS485 communications
external input, or through the The 32 alphanumerical backlit LCD
display (available in a range of rear port. This port is available
communications. for MODBUSTM, Courier,
languages) provides the user with
All logic and analogue information key information (faults, IEC 60870-5-103, or DNP3
is stored in memory and can be measurements, settings, etc.). protocols. MiCOM relays can
transferred using the front transmit to the local monitoring
The menus have a pull-down
communication port or the rear LAN system (e.g. MiCOM S10), or
structure for easy use and quick
to an external data analyser. remotely to the SCADA, settings,
access to any data.
measurements and alarms, as well
Disturbance Record Analysis
as fault, event and disturbance
File Configuration Analysis Calculation Window ?
Dedicated LEDs records.
4 LEDs indicate the state of the
The communications settings (relay
MiCOM relays (Trip, Alarm,
address, data rate, parity, etc.) can
Warning, Healthy).
be programmed using the Human
Acknowledgement of alarm and trip Machine Interface of the relay.
LEDs can be easily performed
locally or remotely.
Communication EIA RS232
An EIA RS232 front port is
Programmable LEDs
Figure5: P123 available in the
Disturbance record analysis 4 freely programmable LEDs are MiCOM P12x series.
provided on all models of the
MiCOM P12x series. It allows the user to download a
Fault records
The user can assign independently new firmware (update, language
Five faults are stored inside the each LED to any program function changing,...) and the link with the
MiCOM relays. Each record or combination of thresholds. setting software MiCOM S1
includes: (P122 & P123 only).
• Fault indicators
• Current values MiCOM S1support software
A dedicated ALSTOM Support
• Tripping time
Software MiCOM S1 is available
Fault indications help the user for the MiCOM P12x relays to
identify clearly the fault and monitor allow easy use.
the MiCOM P122 and P123 relays’
Fully WindowsTM compatible
(98 and NT4.0), the Support
Software allows easy setting of any
MiCOM P12x model, in addition to
uploading of event, fault and
disturbance records, settings and

Figure6: M i C O M P12x front panel

Figure7: MiCOM S10 control system.

MiCOM P12x models are
numerical protection and control 78 10.5
relays. 23.6

All dimensions
Case in mm.

For all models of the MiCOM P12x 168 158

series (P120, P121, P122 and
P123), the unit has a drawout metal 103 (20 TE)

4U case. All the CT inputs are short- MiCOM P121

circuited if the active unit is 4 holes Ø 3.4 99 4 holes
IA = 214.50 A
Ø 4.4 (M4 screw)
withdrawn from its case. Trip .
Panel cut-out flush mounting
C 177 fixing details
All MiCOM relays can be panel or



AUX. 1

AUX. 2
25.1 226
AUX. 3

AUX. 4

Wiring Front view

External connections are made via
MIDOS type terminal blocks. Each 151.2 max.
connection includes two 6.35mm
Faston and one M4 screw fixing.
The wiring for all the MiCOM Side view, flush mounting
P120, P121, P122 and P123
relays is standard so as to provide
maximum compatibility.
Figure 12: Size 20 TE
Case outlines

Alternative : The earth current input is connected to the sommation of the three phase CTs. The current inputs are connected to 3 phase CTs + a core balanced CT.
P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 37
A A 33 35
S2 S1 S2 S1 Auxiliary + WD Watch dog (4)
B B 36
C C _ 6
S2 S1 34
49 49 4
Programmable tripping
P121 RL1
} output
1A 1A
50 50 12
51 51 10
RL2 Programmable output
1A 1A P121 8
A only
52 52 16
53 53 RL3 Programmable output
14 }
1A 1A 20
54 54 RL4 18 Programmable output
55 55 }
1A 1A
Phase rotation
56 56
41 P121 41

5A 5A
42 42
43 43
5A 5A P121
44 44
45 45

Figure8:Typical application diagram MiCOM P120/P121.

5A 5A
46 46
47 47
5A 5A MiCOM Case earth
48 48

+ P120/P121
Programmable 22
input L1
{ 24
Alternative (P121 only): Connection to 2 phases CTs + a core balanced CT. +
Programmable 26

input L2
P2 P1 P2 P1 { 28
A -
S2 S1 Case earth
B 29 Communication
cable shield
C 30
S2 S1 1 2 29 30 *
3 4 31 32
1A 31 _
5 6 33 34 EIA RS485
50 Port communication
7 8 35 36
9 10 37 38 32 }
1A +
11 12 39 40 ( : terminating resistor for the
52 13 14 41 42 *
53 last relay to be connected
15 16 43 44 between 30-32)
17 18 45 46
55 19 20 47 48
21 22 49 50
23 24 51 52
56 Nota :
41 25 26 53 54
(1) (a) CT shorting links make before (b) and (c) disconnect
5A 27 28 55 56

43 (b) Short terminals break before (c)
Module terminal blocks
5A (c) Long terminals
viewed fromp rear
44 (d)
45 (with integral case earth link) Pins terminals (pcb type)

5A (2) CT connection are typical only

(3) Earth terminals are typical only
5A (4) Change over contact from Hardware version 4 only


Scheme representing MiCOM relay off

Alternative : The earth current input is connected to the sommation of the three phase CTs. The current inputs are connected to 3 phase CTs + a core balanced CT.
P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 37
A A 33 35 36
S2 S1 S2 S1 Auxiliary + Watch dog (4)
B B WD }
{ _ 6
S2 S1 34
49 49 4
Programmable tripping
RL1 output
2 }
1A 1A
50 50 12
51 51 10
RL2 Programmable output
1A 1A 8
52 52 16
53 53 RL3 Programmable output
14 }
1A 1A 20
54 54 RL4 18 Programmable output
55 55
B 3
1A C 1A
Phase rotation RL5 1 Programmable output
56 56
41 41 7
RL6 5 Programmable output
5A 5A }
42 42
43 43 RL7 11 Programmable output
5A 5A 13
44 44 RL8 15 Programmable output
45 45
5A 5A P123 only
46 46
47 47
48 48

+ P122/P123
Programmable 22
input L1
{ 24 Case earth
- connection
Alternative : Connection to 2 phases CTs + a core balanced CT. +
Programmable 26

input L2
P2 P1 P2 P1 { 28
A -
S2 S1 Programmable 17
B L3 29
Case earth input { 19
C - cable shield
S2 S1 1 2 29 30 + 30
49 Programmable 21 *
3 4 31 32 input L4 _
1A 23 31 EIA RS485
5 6 33 34
{ -
+ Port communication
50 7 8 35 36 Programmable 25
51 input L5
9 10 37 38 { 27 32 }
1A - +
11 12 39 40 ( : terminating resistor for the
52 13 14 41 42 *
53 P123 only last relay to be connected
15 16 43 44 between 30-32)
17 18 45 46
55 19 20 47 48
21 22 49 50
23 24 51 52
56 Nota :
41 25 26 53 54
(1) (a) CT shorting links make before (b) and (c) disconnect
5A 27 28 55 56

43 (b) Short terminals break before (c)
Module terminal blocks
5A (c) Long terminals
viewed from rear
44 (d)
45 (with integral case earth link) Pins terminals (pcb type)

5A (2) CT connection are typical only

47 (3) Earth terminals are typical only
5A (4) Change over contact from Hardware version 4 only


Scheme representing MiCOM relay off

Figure9:Typical application diagram MiCOM P122/123.

Technical specifications Overcurrent time settings Broken conductor
• Phase time (tI>, tI>>, tI>>>) • I2/I1 threshold
Inputs 0 to 150s, step size 10ms 20 to 100%, step size 1%
• AC phase current 1A and 5A • Earth time (tIe>, tIe>>, tIe>>>) • Time delay
• AC earth current 1A and 5A 0 to 150s, step size 10ms 0 to 14400s, step size 1s
• Frequency 50/60Hz • IDMT curves IEC and
• Auxiliary voltage Vaux, 3 ranges special type: Recloser
24-60Vdc, Short time inverse (A), • Dead time 1&2
48-150Vdc, Standard Inverse (IEC), 0.01 to 300s,
130-250Vdc/100-250Vac Very inverse (IEC) step size 0.01s
• Digital input Extremely inverse (IEC) • Dead time 3&4
Range identical to Vaux range Long time inverse (A) 0.01 to 600s,
Rectifier (RC) step size 0.01
Burdens • Reclaim time
• IEEE/ANSI type:
• AC current 0.02 to 600s,
Short time inverse (CO2) step size 0.01s
Phase < 0.025VA (1A) < 0.3VA (5A)
Moderately inverse (ANSI)
• Earth < 0.008VA at 0.1Ie (1A)
Inverse (CO8) Circuit breaker control
< 0.01VA at 0.1Ie (5A)
Very inverse (ANSI)
• Auxiliary voltage • Trip time 0.1 to 5s,
Extremely inverse (ANSI)
DC: 3 W standby step size 0.1s
• Electromechanical type (RI)
+ 0.25 per energised relay • Closing time 0.1 to 5s,
• LABORELEC 1, 2 & 3
AC: 6VA step size 0.1s
on earth current range
+ 0.4VA per energised
0.01 to 8 Ion only Contacts
• Time multiplier setting (TMS) • Contacts ratings
Optical isolated input
0.025 to 1.5, step 0.025 Make: 30A and carry for 3s
10mA per input
• Reset time
Thermal withstand Carry: 5 A continuous
IDMT curves:
Short time inverse (CO2) Break:
• AC current inputs
1s at 100 x In Moderately inverse (ANSI) dc 50W resistive
2s at 40 x In Inverse (CO8) 25 W inductive
continuous at 4 x In Very inverse (ANSI) (L/R=40ms)
Extremely inverse (ANSI) ac 1250VA resistive
Accuracy DT: 0 to 60s, step size 0.01s ac 1250VA inductive
• Protection thresholds ±2% (P.F= 0,5)
• Time delay (for DT) ±2% with a Thermal overload
Subject to maxima of 5A and
minimum of 10ms • Ranges 0.1 to 3.2 x In 300V.
• For IDMT conform to BS 14 -class5 • Alarm and Trip 50 to 200% x Θ
• Measurements ±1% @ • Time constant • Durability:
In 1 to 200mn, Loaded contact
CT requirements step size 1mn 10.000 operations minimum
• 1A 2.5 VA 10P10 Cold load pickup Unloaded contact
• 5A 7.5 VA 10P20 100.000 operations minimum
• Range 20 to 500%
Overcurrent settings • Time delay 0.1 to 3600s, step Housing
• Phase current 0.1 to 40 x In size 0.1s • MiCOM 20TE, rack or
• Earth current 0.002 to 1 x Ion flush mounting
0.01 to 8 x Ion Undercurrent • Size 4U (177mm) x 103mm W
0.1 to 40 x Ion • Range 0.02 In to 1 In x 226mm D
• Range 0.01 to 8 x Ion • Hysteresis 105% • Drawout with automatic
Ie > 0.01 to 1 Ion (see note) • Time delay 0 to 150s CT shorting
Ie >> 0.01 to 8 Ion (see note) step size 10ms • Weight 2.1 Kg
Ie >>> 0.01 to 8 Ion • MIDOS connectors:
• Range 0.1 to 40 x Ion CB fail detection each terminal has two blades
Ie > 0.1 to 25 Ion (see note) 4.8mm x 0.8mm + one M4 screw
Ie >> 0.5 to 40 Ion (see note) • Undercurrent threshold
Ie >>> 0.5 to 40 Ion 0.02 In to 1 In
• Time delay tBF 10ms to10s High voltage withstand
• Sensitive range 0.002 to 1 x Ion
Ie > 0.002 to 1 Ion (see note) step size 10ms • Dielectric withstand
Ie >> 0.002 to 1 Ion (see note) • Detection < 15ms IEC 60255-5
Ie >>> 0.002 to 1 Ion Negative sequence overcurrent 2kV common mode
Note: 1kV differential mode
• 2 Phase current • Impulse voltage
When I>, I>>, Io> and Io>> are
thresholds I2>, I2>>
associated with an IDMT curve, the IEC 60255-5
recommended maximum setting • Range 0.1 to 40 x In
• Hysteresis 95% 5kV common mode
value should be < range max./20 1kV differential mode
• Hysteresis 95% • Time delay 0 to 150s,
step size 10ms • Insulation resistance
• Instantaneous time IEC 60255-5 > 1000 MΩ
(phase and earth) <30ms • IDMT curves (I2> only)
• Drop-out time 30ms Identical to phase overcurrent

Electrical environment • Shock • Negative sequence
• High frequency disturbance IEC 60255-21-2, overcurrent - 46
IEC 61000-4-12 Response and withstand, class 1 & 2 • Undercurrent - 37
2.5kV common mode, class 3 • Seismic • Thermal overload - 49
1kV differential mode, class 3 IEC 60255-21-3, class 2 • Output relay latching - 86
• Fast transient disturbance • Broken conductor detection
• Bump • 4 shot autorecloser - 79
IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 60255-21-2,
4kV auxiliary voltage, class 4 • Circuit breaker failure
Response and withstand, class 1 detection - 50 BF
ANSI C37.90.1
2kV others, class 4 • Circuit breaker monitoring
• Electrostatic discharge Outline description • Trip circuit supervision
IEC 61000-4-2 Phase and earth numerical
8kV, class 4 overcurrent relay in drawout 4U The relay provides complete
• Radio Frequency Impulse metal case. measurements and recording
functions including:
ANSI C37.90.2 35V/m The following functions are • True RMS values
IEC 61000-4-3 10V/m available: • Event recorder with the last
• 3 independent phase stages 75 events, 1ms time-tagged.
(instantaneous and tine-delayed) • Fault recorder with the last 5 faults
Atmospheric environment • Instantaneous recorder with the
• Temperature IEC 60255-6 • 3 independent earth stages last 5 instantaneous
Storage –25°C to +70°C (instantaneous and time-delayed) • Disturbance recorder with storage
Operation –25°C to + 55°C 50N/51N of 5 records for 3 seconds each
• Humidity IEC 60068-2-3 • Tripping curves type IEC (short
56 days at 93% time inverse, standard inverse, User interface includes:
RH and 40°C very inverse, extremely inverse, • A 32-character backlit display
• Enclosure protection long time inverse) and IEEE/ANSI • Programmable LEDs
(short time inverse, moderately • A front panel EIA RS232 for local
IEC 60529 settings
IP 52, IK 07 inverse, inverse, very inverse,
extremely inverse) • A EIA RS485 rear port
• Vibrations • LABORELEC curves compatible with MODBUS,
IEC 60255-21-1 • Rectifier curve Courier, IEC 60870-5-103, or DNP3
Response and endurance, class 2 • An easy to use PC setting software

Information required with order 0 0

MiCOM P 1 2 0
MiCOM P 1 2 1
MiCOM MiCOM P 1 2 2
Earth current input MiCOM P 1 2 3
0.1-40 Ion A
0.01-8 Ion B
0.002-1 Ion C
Auxiliary supply voltage Digital inputs voltage
24-60 Vdc 24-60 Vdc A
48-150 Vdc 48-150 Vdc F
130-250 Vdc/100-250 Vac 130-250 Vdc/100-250 Vac M
48-150 Vdc 48-150 Vdc (special EA) T
130-250 Vdc 130-250 Vdc (special EA) U
125-250 Vdc/100-250 Vac 95-150 Vdc (special application) H
Communication protocol
K-BUS/Courrier 2
CEI 60870-5-103 3
DNP3 4
HMI languages (see Note 1)
French 0
English/American 1
Spanish 2
German 3
Italian 4
Russian 5
Polish 6
Portuguese 7
Dutch 8
Czech A
Hungarian B
Greek C
Note 1: Please consult us for language availability.

© 2003 ALSTOM - 100300 - Electronic file - Sonovision-ITEP
Publication: P12x/EN BR/Mm

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Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 49 20 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 49 24 85 energy-automation.information@tde.alstom.com www.tde.alstom.com
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ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of ALSTOM.
MiCOM is a registered trademark of ALSTOM. Other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies.
Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this
brochure should only be regarded as a guide and is intended for information purposes only. Its contents do not constitute an offer for sale or advice on the application of any product
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