Software Dev Technical Challenge - Task One

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The key takeaways are that software development involves understanding requirements, designing solutions, testing solutions, and ensuring the user experience is positive. Test-driven development and user stories are important concepts.

The requirements for validating a user's information include validating their name, email, and credit card number when booking a course. The information must only allow certain valid characters and formats, and credit cards must pass the LUHN algorithm check.

The steps involved in test-driven development include identifying tests based on acceptance criteria and user stories, recording test cases, executing the test cases, and updating code if tests fail until all tests pass.

Software Development Technical Challenge

What Is Software Development?

The difference between someone who can write code and a developer is that the developer is paid to solve
somebody else’s problem. Therefore, a large part of the software development process is understanding
somebody else’s requirements before designing, developing, and proving that a solution delivers what was
asked for.

N.B. there will be occasions when what is asked for is often not what is needed. If a developer has done their
job well, they will have worked through a process to uncover what is truly needed!

To complete this activity you don’t need experience of writing code or developing solutions as everything can
be Googled and adapted. We are more interested in your curiosity attention to detail and desire to solve the

In this activity you will review a number of user stories that contain the requirements for a software solution.
You will then be asked to identify a suite of tests that must be passed if your solution is ‘working.’ Finally you
will get to cut some code and create a simple webpage using the most basic of tools, literally a text editor and
a browser. Finally, you will be asked to reflect on your experience. This reflection and how you approached this
challenge will be discussed at the next stage of the recruitment process.

There are links to tutorials and reference guides on HTML, CSS and JavaScript just click the words.

This video here will show you how to create a web page with a text editor.

Tasks: In this activity you will:

Review a series of user stories.

Define tests to prove that your solution works.

Develop a simple web page using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Task 1: Review Requirements:

As part of their online offer a training business wants to be able to validate a subscriber’s name, email address
and credit card number when they book a course.

The commercial director, marketing director and CTO were identified as stakeholders for this app and
identified the User Stories in Appendix A:

1) Review the User Stories in Appendix A

Often User Stories are missing all the information a developer needs to develop a solution. These situations
can be tracked through issues or by arranging a session to discuss the user stories to get clarification.

2) Record the issues you can find in the User Stories?

Create a list of issues that you would like to discuss with the stakeholders.

ID User Issue / Defect

Story ID

1 10 Example: ‘As CTO I need the application for follow our UX (User Experience)’ The UX guide
is not available.

If we cannot get answers from the stakeholders, then we can use assumptions to carry on developing.

3) Record the assumptions you need to make to allow you to carry on developing?

ID Issue ID Assumption

1 1 Example: Only the UX requirements in the user stories will be developed. i.e.
Issues being highlighted to the user ASAP, preferably when they are still entering a field.
Correct fields should be shown as green
Errors should show in DN Pink

Once we have identified the issues, made assumptions about the areas where we don’t have enough
information, we are ready to start thinking about our solution.

Often, developers will identify the tests that their code needs to pass to be considered working. This approach
is called Test Driven Development.

Test cases are used to define the tests that we will execute to prove we have developed a solution that meets
the User Story Requirements. These can be grouped into a test suite.

We’ve simplified things for this example and have provided a Template Test Suite for you to add your tests to
in Appendix B. The Test Suite Template contains the following columns

Test Case ID A unique ID for the Test case used in the defect report if the test fails,

User Story ID Test cases should relate back to a User Story, if it isn’t in a user story, it shouldn’t be tested…

Acceptance Condition User Stories will often contain acceptance criteria that the software tester will propose,
and the stakeholders will agree to. i.e. Our User Story could say As a user I need to enter my name so that I
can… acceptance criteria for that story could be: Western Style First Name and Surname would be a valid
name. Title, First Name and Surname would be valid. You can define the acceptance criteria.

Preconditions What needs to have happened before we can execute this test?

Test Data What test data do we need to use?

Steps / Instructions What does the tester have to do?

Expected Results What do we expect the outcome to be?

Actual Results What actually happened (this can include screenshots as evidence.)

Pass / Fail Did the Actual match the Expected?

Notes / Defect ID Raised. Any notes from the test or If the test failed what changes did you make to the code?

4) In the Template in Appendix B create a suite of tests that the solution must pass to be considered

5) Development time: using just a text editor and a browser create your solution.

6) Update your test results as you develop, you can show when tests fail. (Its really OK), just add a new
line underneath the test and note the change you made to the code. This will show how you’ve
repeated the Dev / Test cycle till all tests are passed.

7) Create a few paragraphs reflecting on each of the points below:

a. How was working from User Stories?
b. How was TDD?
c. What have you learned?
d. What would you do differently?
8) Prepare an email that contains:
a. The completed tables in this Document
b. Your code
c. Screenshots of your solution
d. Your reflection
9) Send your email to
Appendix A – User Stories
ID Stakeholder User Story
1 Commercial As a user I need to be able to insert my name into the form
2 Commercial As a user I need to be able to insert my email into the form
3 Commercial As a user I need to be able to insert my Credit/Debit Card into the form
4 Commercial As the Commercial Director I need users to only be able to enter valid names
5 Commercial As the Commercial Director I need users to only be able to enter valid email address
6 Commercial As the Commercial Director I need users to only be able to enter valid credit card
6 Marketing As the marketing director I need the page to conform to our branding guidelines and
Director use our brand colours: Green RGB 137,200,46 Hex 89c82e Grey RGB 60,60,59 Hex
3c3c3b Pink RGB 231,0,100 Hex 700064
7 Marketing As the marketing director I need the page to be consistent with our other pages i.e.,
Director using the same Calibri font and text size, centred horizontally and vertically and to
match the wireframe below:

8 CTO As CTO I need the application to reduce the load on the back-end server, validation
should be done on page.
9 CTO As CTO I need to ensure all applications can be accessed by all users, the application
needs to conform to w3c accessibility initiative. Introduction to Web Accessibility |
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C

Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (

10 CTO As CTO I need the application for follow our UX (User Experience) guide so that each
user has the best possible experience. This should include any issues being
highlighted to the user when they are still entering a field of as soon as possible
Correct fields should be shown as DN green, errors shown in DN Pink.
11 CTO As CTO I need to ensure that any data capture is secure and there is no risk of
database corruption through SQL injection. Only standard upper / lower case. letters
and printable characters: !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~ should be allowed in all fields.
12 CTO As CTO I need to ensure that all accepted credit cards conform to the LUHN
13 CTO As CTO I need to ensure that all applications can run on all common browsers,
devices and screen sizes.
14 CTO As CTO for this exercise, I need an Email to be sent containing the
validated information when a user presses a ‘Submit’ button.
Appendix B Simplified Test Suite Template
Below is a simplified Test Suite Template this contains the test cases that need to be completed.
Copy this into Excel. Tools such as Jira and Azure DevOps are often used to track tests for User Stories.
Test User Acceptance Condition Preconditions Test Data Steps / Expected Results Actual Results Pass / Notes
Case Story Instructions Fail
1 1 ‘John Doe’ is a valid name Web page showing John Doe Enter ‘John Doe’ On leaving the field
validation screen is loaded. into Name field. (tab or mouse away)
Web page contains input the name field entry
capable ‘Name’ field. box turns green.

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