Code of Conduct - K P Group - Revised - Sep 10, 2020
Code of Conduct - K P Group - Revised - Sep 10, 2020
Code of Conduct - K P Group - Revised - Sep 10, 2020
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Employees should remember that potential clients are often invited to visit Group offices.
Employees must therefore ensure that their appearance is neat and appropriate. Wherever
uniform is provided, it must be worn.
The following examples represent acceptable standards for male employees:
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Should get rid of facial hair in any part of the body exposed (hands, legs, area around lips)
Moderate jewelry and makeup may be worn
Nails to be trimmed. Use of transparent or light color nail paint is permitted
Mild perfume can be worn
Tie hair in neat ponytail, bun or braid
Shoes (Rubber shoes, athletic shoes, types of sneakers, trainers or gym shoes), pumps,
Ballerina Flats, Loafers are acceptable
The guidelines set forth above represent the minimum acceptable standards and may vary at
individual locations only to the extent that a location has more stringent standards. In addition,
deviations from this policy may be permitted on certain days such as Fridays or Theme days as
approved by Head - HR.
On the first violation, the employee will be advised in writing or verbally, however repeated
violations will result in progressive disciplinary action.
All employees are required to handle the Group’s property / equipment with due diligence and
care. They shall return all such property / equipment to the Group in good condition at the time
of separation from the Group or as and when directed by the Management.
Data is a valuable, special and unique asset of the Group and which is acquired at a considerable
expense to the Group and it is also confidential trade and business secret. Employees have an
ethical duty not to disclose any information gathered from business transactions and to protect
confidential relationships between the Group and its customers / suppliers and shareholders.
Business information that has not been made public (e.g. insider information) must not be
released to private individuals, organizations or government bodies unless demanded by legal
process such as a legal summons or court order. Employees shall not use confidential
information obtained in the course of their employment for the purpose of advancing any
private interest or for personal gain.
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a) Maintaining privacy:
Respect for privacy is necessary to build strong business relationships. Employees are required
to keep confidential any information that they might access in the course of their employment
and prevent data leakage. They should collect, use and disclose personal information only with
the knowledge and permission of the affected person unless otherwise permitted by local laws.
Personal information of the person collected by them while performing their duty may only be
used for purposes for which it was originally collected, unless otherwise permitted by local laws
or the affected person specifically authorizes them to use it in another way.
The Group purchases and licenses the use of various computer software/ hardware for
business purposes. Employees may only use software according to the business requirement.
The Group prohibits the illegal duplication of software and its related documentation.
Equipment must not be attached to or removed from the Group network, or removed from
its normal location, without the approval of the IT in-charge / the person authorized by him.
This includes any equipment brought into the Company, for any reason by third parties.
Modems must not be connected directly or indirectly to the Group network without the
approval of the IT in-charge / the person authorized by him/her.
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Illegally acquired software must not be loaded on Group’s owned equipment to avoid risks
from viruses or other malicious devices and to prevent exposure to legal proceedings.
Password to network access should not be shared or disclosed. If a workstation is shared by
more than one person, then each user should use his/her own user ID while accessing the
network. There should not be any written record of passwords.
b) Email
The Group e-mail system is designed exclusively for business purposes. Personal use of the e-
mail system is not permitted. Employees provided with access to e-mail should use discretion
and professionalism when writing e-mail messages.
Each e-mail user has a unique access login and password. The login allows access to messages
sent for the user. Use of passwords or other security measures does not in any way diminish the
Group rights to access materials on its system, or create any privacy rights of employee’s in the
messages and files on the computer/laptop. Any password used by employees must be revealed
to the Management, as emails may need to be accessed by the Group in an employee’s absence.
Login facility will be issued by the e-mail administrator upon receipt of a request from the
user duly approved by HR department.
Legally, e-mail messages are the same as written messages and, like written documents, can
be summoned and used in a court of law as evidence. Accordingly, confidential matters
should be marked appropriately and / or sent only via hard copy, where appropriate.
E-mail is a Group asset and any misuse such as carrying/receiving pornography or any legally
prohibited communication may result in disciplinary action.
The Group in its discretion as owner of the email system, reserves and may exercise the right
to monitor, access, retrieve and delete any matter stored in, created, received or sent over
the email system, for any reason and without the permission of employees.
Employees should be aware that deletion of any e-mail messages or files would not truly and
eliminate the message from the system.
c) Internet
The Group provides access to the information available on the Internet to its employees
specifically, for business related and other permitted purposes only.
The Group is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by Internet users. Users
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are cautioned that many of pages include offensive, sexually explicit, and legally prohibited
material. Even innocuous search requests may lead to sites with highly offensive content and
having an e-mail address on the Internet may lead to receipt of unsolicited e-mail containing
offensive content. Users accessing the Internet do so at their own risk.
Images, audio or videos may not be downloaded from the Internet using Company
facilities except for explicit business-related use. Permitted file transfers or video downloads
etc. which are communications-intensive should be scheduled for off-peak times.
9. Conflict of Interest:
Conflict of interest may occur whenever an employee’s interest in a particular subject may lead them
to actions, activities or relationships that undermine the Group and may place it to disadvantage.
This situation may take many different forms that include, but are not limited to, conflict of
interest examples:
Employees’ ability to use their position with the Group to their personal advantage
Employees engaging in activities that will bring direct or indirect profit to a competitor
Employees owning shares of a competitor’s stock
Employees using connections obtained through the Group for their own private purposes
Employees using Group equipment or means to support an external business
Employees acting in ways that may compromise the Group legality (e.g. taking bribes or bribing
representatives of legal authorities)
Selling, possessing, using, delivering or receiving alcohol/ illegal drugs/ controlled substances at any
time during the workday or anywhere on the Group premises is strictly prohibited. Violators will be
subject disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Any employee who must use a prescription drug that causes adverse side effects like drowsiness,
impaired reflexes or reaction time shall not be allowed to work during such period.
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11. Smoking and Tobacco Consumption:
Group does not promote or encourage smoking. It is not permissible to smoke in office premises. Passive
smoking can have negative effect on other employees, the community and create a poor image of the
All areas of the workplace are tobacco-free without exception. Tobacco use is not permitted anywhere
in the workplace, including all indoor facilities and company vehicles with more than one person
present. Tobacco use is not permitted in private enclosed offices, conference and meeting rooms,
cafeterias, lunchrooms, or employee lounges. Compliance with the tobacco-free workplace policy is
mandatory for all employees and persons visiting the company, with no exceptions. Employees who
violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action.
12. Bullying:
Bullying is defined as repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more people by one or more
perpetrators. It is abusive conduct that includes:
In addition, the following examples may constitute or contribute to evidence of bullying in the
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Taking credit for another person's ideas.
Refusing reasonable requests for leave in the absence of work-related reasons not to grant leave.
Unwanted physical contact, physical abuse or threats of abuse to an individual or an
individual's property (defacing or marking up property).
Individuals who feel they have experienced bullying should report this to their supervisor or to
Human Resources Department before the conduct becomes severe or pervasive.
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g) Habitual indiscipline.
h) Smoking within the area in places where it is prohibited.
i) Causing willful damage to work in progress or to property of the employer.
j) Sleeping on duty.
k) Malingering or showing down work.
l) Acceptance of gifts from subordinate employees.
m) Conviction in any Court of Law for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
n) Continuous absence without permission and without satisfactory cause for more than eight days.
o) Giving false information regarding one’s name, age, father’s name, qualification or previous
service at the time of the employment.
p) Leaving work without permission or sufficient reason.
q) Threatening, abusing or assaulting any superior or co-worker.
r) Habitual money-lending.
s) Preaching of or inciting to violence.
t) Abetment of or attempt at abetment of any of the above acts of misconduct.
u) Going on illegal strike either singly or with other workers without giving 14 days’ previous
v) Disclosing to any unauthorized person of any confidential information in regard to the working or
process of the establishment which may come into the possession of the workman in the course
of his work.
w) Refusal to accepted any charge-sheet or order or notice communicated in writing.
x) Failure or refusal to wear or use any protective equipment given by the employers.
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