Chapter 21 - Motivation

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Motivation – Chapter 21

Case study: Anju Sharma and Jaya Dhar pg174

1: Two reason that Jaya is poorly motivated is because she wanted to go to medical school but she
failed so she had to settle with a job at a bank and another reason is that she is looking for another
job so she doesn’t really care as much about her job at the bank.

2: Motivation is important in business because if a person is motivated in a business, they will

always work harder, be on time, and be less likely to leave the business.

3: Can’t do it because I can’t be a pair with myself and extra work but focus on the first point.

What is Motivation and how business influence motivation:

Motivation is the desire to achieve a goal. Businesses can change a person motivation they can
provide for someone needs. Businesses do this by paying or giving creative or challenging work.

Case study: Andris Zjuzins pg176

1: A well-motivated employee means an employee who is omotivated enough to work hard, come
on time and do everything properly.

2: The evidence on figure 21.1 that the staff was poorly motivated is that the staff turnover from
2010 to 2013 was always over 27% which is exceptionally high, productivity from 2010 to 2013 was
always under 1340 which is really low productivity and staff absentation was always over 6.7%.

3: The possible effect on the working environment if worker aren’t motivated are that, the worker
would probably leave because they don’t like the job, Another would be that it would be harder to
attract new employee because if working environment isn’t good most employee wont join them
and productivity would be lowered since people would be negative and won’t work as hard as if they
were motivated.

Why is motivation important n business?

Easier to attract employee = If employee are motivated then that means that the working
environment is likely to be pleasant so workers would be more positive and kinder so when
interviewee are seeing the workers more candidates are likely to join cause environment is good.

Easier to retain employee = If employee are motivated, they are less likely to leave the business.
This is good because if staff turnover is high, recruitment, selection and training cost will increase.

Higher labour productivity = If employee are motivated, they will take pride in their work, complete
tasks quickly and feel that their job is important. As a result outputs will increase. On the other hand
poorly motivated staff might get depressed so will take time off work so output will decrease.
Motivation – Chapter 21

Herzberg two-factor theory:

Psychologist Fredrick Herzberg

found that certain factors
(motivators) at work would help to
give employee job satisfaction. He
also found factor that leave worker
dissatisfied. He called them Hygiene

Job Satisfaction = Pleasure, enjoyment or sense of achievement that employee get from their work.

Hygiene factors (Herzberg’s) = Things at work that result in dissatisfaction.

Motivators (Herzberg’s) = Things at work that result in satisfaction.

Job enrichment = Making a job more challenging and interesting.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s recognised the need of employee and arranged them into a
hierarchy. So Maslow’s hierarchy of needs = orders of people need starting with basic human needs

Physiological needs = Adequate pay – subsidised meals and


Safety and Security = Job security and safe working conditions

Social Needs = Teamworking, good communication systems and

social facilities

Esteem needs = Praise for doing a good job, awards and rewards for

Self-actualisation = Opportunities to be challenged, be creative, solve

problem and make decisions.

Maslow also said when business try to motivate worker, they should try to satisfy their needs;

 Once the needs of a worker have been satisfied, they are no longer a motivator so if worker had
enough pay and feels secure, he may not be motivated so a business will need to find ways of
satisfying higher needs.
 If lower need are not met, worker cannot be motivated if a business tries to meet higher needs.
 If a business fail to meet a particular need, worker are not likely to be motivated.

Case study: Inchcape pg178

1: Hygiene factors in hertz 2 factor theory means things at work that result in dissatisfaction.
Motivation – Chapter 21

2: Some example of hygiene factor in Inchcape are the holiday benefits because if they decide to
lower the rewards it would become a hygiene factor and another one would be the advantage
scheme so if they decided to lower the discount or even remove it, some employee would lose

3: I think Inchcape manages to meet the social needs of the staff. For example, in the case study you
find out Inchcape encourages the staff to take part in charity events. This helps to satisfy the social
needs because they would be able to develop their friendship and relationship while taking care of
the charity, additionally in the case study says an employee “The charity even is lovely” so you know
they like taking part in them.

Taylor’s theory of scientific management.

Fredrick Taylor said that worker were motivated by money. Taylor recommended that jobs should be
broken down into simple tasks and that workers should:

 Use specialist tools and equipment

 Follow a strict working procedure
 Receive proper training
 Get breaks to recover from the physical strain of work
 Be paid according to what they product

Taylor felt that employee pay should be linked to output in order to motivate workers.

Case study: Chess pg180

1: People need to work because they need to make money. With money they can get shelter, food
and have fun with their friend and families.

2: two reason why motivation is important to a company like chess are that it is easier to make
employee to stay at the company because getting new staff is really costly because training,
recruitment and selection is expensive and the case study states that the chess staff turnover rate
was only 12% which is incredibly low. The second reason is that if employee is motivated, they will
work harder and feel that their job is important so output would increase.

3: Two Hertzberg’s motivational factor used at chess are recognition and responsibility. Recognition
is used as a motivational factor because staff have a “5 praise page” on a page which allow the staff
to give thanks to other employee and employee are encouraged to vote the employee of the month
so this gives the staff recognition which motivates employee because they want to be recognised so
they work harder.

4: I think Chess satisfies all 4 out of the needs outlined by the Maslow hierarchy. This is because
chess satisfies the physiological need because chess give adequate pay to their employee so they are
satisfied because they can pay for shelter and for their needs and wants. Chess satisfies the safety
and security because they have safe working conditions as highlighted by the case study “seen
clearly in the work environment, which is well designed with plenty of space, lights, plants and fish
Motivation – Chapter 21

Chess satisfies the social needs of their employee because chess hold monthly ‘ideas lunches’ where
employee meet, chat and bond and eat together, additionally chess also forces employee to do at
least take one day off with pay to do charity work. Chess satisfies the employee esteem needs
because they have a website where employee can give thanks to other employee so there work is
recognised and they encourage their employee to vote for employee of the month.

Chess also satisfies the employee needs for self-actualisation because chess allows the employee to
be creative, solve problem because in the case study it says “A happy working environment where
everyone can progress their career, develop knowledge and skill, gain reward and recognition and
maximise their potential.”.

This is the final stage because if you have everything, below this all you
Self- need is hard challenging work so you don’t get bored of it and lose
actualisation motivation.

Social need is so high because you don’t need to have to be socialise with
Social Needs
your co-worker to achieve great result but it helps so it is so high.

Recognition is important because it motivates you to work

harder so you get more respect and recognition.

New experience and This is here because a business should give you fresh new
knowledge. experience, so you don’t feel the job is repetitive and knowledge

so, you don’t stay in a toxic environment with employee

Safe work environment
who treat you rudely or you don’t have a unsafe workspace

Good pay is the most important because good pay

Good pay
helps you to pay rent and et your needs and wants

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