Circuit Note
Circuit Note
Circuit Note
Devices Connected/Referenced
4-Channel, Low Noise, Low Power, 24-
AD7124-4 Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA and
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Ultralow Noise,150 mA CMOS Linear
Rev. C
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
10µF 0.1µF 4.7µF GND 4.7µF
4.7µF GND 4.7µF
0.1µF 1µF
RL1 1kΩ RL1 1kΩ RL2 1kΩ
0.01µF 0.01µF 0.01µF
0.1µF 0.1µF 0.1µF
RL2 1kΩ RL2 1kΩ RL3 1kΩ
AIN3 AIN3 AIN3 AD7124-8
Figure 1. 2-Wire, 3-Wire, or 4-Wire RTD Measurement Configuration
RTD Introduction 300
RTDs are frequently used sensors for temperature measurements.
A RTD is made from a pure metal (examples include platinum,
nickel, or copper), which has a predictable change in resistance
as the temperature changes and can typically measure up to
+850°C. RTDs are capable of high accuracy and good stability
when compared with other types of temperature sensors such as
thermistors, thermocouples, and semiconductor (IC) temperature 0
sensors. The most widely used RTDs are platinum Pt100 and
Pt1000. These sensors are categorized by their nominal resistance –100
–300 0 300 600 900
at 0°C. There are several industry standards that define the TEMPERATURE (°C)
tolerance and accuracy limits of a Platinum RTD sensor.
Figure 2. Pt100 RTD Resistance vs. Temperature
For the circuit in Figure 1, a Class B Pt100 RTD sensor was used
The three types of RTD configurations commonly used in RTD
which measures from −200°C to +600°C. The resistance of a
measurement applications are 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire. A 2-wire
Class B Pt100 RTD is typically 100 Ω at 0°C and has a typical
configuration is the simplest. However, in this configuration,
temperature coefficient of ~0.385 Ω/°C (see Figure 2) and a
the lead resistance adds error because this resistance is in series
tolerance of ±0.3°C at 0°C. Any temperature above or below the
with the RTD and cannot be compensated for. Thus, 2-wire RTDs
RTD calibrated temperature (0°C) has a wider tolerance band
are used when lead wires are short, minimizing lead resistance
and lower accuracy. A Pt1000 RTD is also available in a similar
effects on accuracy. The resistance of long wire lengths can be
range and tolerances. However, the resistance value for a Pt1000
compensated for with a 3-wire connection using two excitation
RTD is higher by a factor of ten compared with the resistance
currents, while the error due to the resistance of long wire lengths is
value of the Pt100 sensor.
near eliminated using the 4-wire connection. Therefore, a 4-wire
configuration results in the best performance.
However, a 3-wire RTD requires only three connections to the
RTD, which is useful in designs where the connector size is
minimized (three connection terminal required vs. the 4-wire
terminal for a 4-wire RTD).
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Circuit Note CN-0383
RTD Transfer Function RTD Measurements
From the specification of the PT100 RTD, the resistance changes To accurately measure the RTD resistance, a low level voltage is
by approximately 0.385 Ω/°C. This relationship can be used as a generated across the RRTD by a constant excitation current source.
quick method to get an approximate temperature of the RTD. This This low level voltage can then be amplified by the on-board
method has inaccuracies due to the temperature coefficient of PGA of the ADC and is then converted to a precision digital
the RTD changing slightly over the temperature range. However, it representation using the 24-bit Σ-Δ ADC. Errors in the current
can be a useful method to quickly check the temperature. source can be easily cancelled by referring the measurement to
To calculate the approximate temperature, use Equation 1, the voltage across a precision reference resistor (RREF) that is
where the resistance of the RTD is 100 Ω at 0°C. driven with the same current source, thereby resulting in a
ratiometric measurement result.
Temperature (°C) = (RRTD − 100)/0.385 (1)
The general expression to calculate the RTD resistance (R),
The RTD transfer function, known as the Callender-Van Dusen where the ADC is operating in unipolar mode, is given by
equation, gives a more accurate result. It is made up of two distinct
polynomial equations. Use Equation 2 for temperatures less (CODE × RREF )
RRTD = (6)
than 0°C, and use Equation 3 for temperatures greater than 0°C. G × 2N
The equation for temperature (T) ≤ 0°C follows: The general expression to calculate the RTD resistance (R),
where the ADC is operating in bipolar mode, is given by
RRTD(T) = R0(1 + AT + BT2 + C(T − 100°C)T3) (2)
The equation for T ≥ 0°C follows: (CODE − 2N − 1 ) × RREF
RRTD = (7)
G × 2N − 1
RRTD(T) = R0(1 + AT + BT ) 2
CODE is the ADC code.
RRTD(T) is the RTD resistance at temperature (T).
RREF is the reference resistor.
R0 is the RTD resistance at 0°C (in this case, R0 = 100 Ω).
N is the resolution of the ADC (24, in this case).
A = 3.9083 × 10−3.
G is the selected gain.
T is the RTD temperature (°C).
B = −5.775 × 10−7. As an example, the code read back from the AD7124-4/AD7124-8
C = −4.183 × 10−12. is configured in bipolar mode for a temperature set to 25°C is
11270065. Converting this code to a resistance using Equation 7
There are many different ways to determine the temperature
results in the following:
as a function of the RTD resistance given the transfer function
in Equation 2 and Equation 3. For this circuit note, the direct= (11270065 − 223 ) × RREF
RRTD = 109.704 Ω
mathematical method is chosen because of its accuracy. Using G × 223
Equation 3, the temperature can be calculated as
Linearization using Equation 4 gives a temperature of 24.921°C.
r As a second example, the code read back from the AD7124-4/
−A + A2 − 4 B 1 −
R0 AD7124-8 is configured in bipolar mode for a temperature set to
TRTD (°C) = (4)
2B −25°C is 10757779.
where r is the RTD resistance, and the other variables are as Converting this code to a resistance results in the following:
defined previously. (10757779 − 223 ) × RREF
=RRTD = 90.200 Ω
This method works well for temperatures ≥0°C. To calculate G × 223
the RTD temperature for temperatures below 0°C, a best fit
Linearization using Equation 5 gives a temperature of −24.982°C.
polynomial expression is required. The polynomial used in this
circuit note is a fifth-order polynomial, as shown in Equation 5.
TRTD (°C) = −242.02 + 2.2228 × r + (2.5859 × 10−3)r2 −
(48260 × 10−6)r3 − (2.8183 × 10−3)r4 +
(1.5243 × 10−10)r5 (5)
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
RTD Design Considerations compliance of the excitation current source must also be
The following sections describes the general guidelines in considered when making RTD measurements. For this circuit,
designing circuit components and setting the required 500 µA is selected, which has an output compliance voltage of
operation of the RTD measurement circuit shown in Figure 1. AVDD − 0.37 V. The AVDD supply voltage for this circuit is 3.3 V.
Therefore, the output compliance level for the excitation
The RTD Wiring Configuration section covers the different
current source must be less than 2.93 V.
circuit techniques and connections used for each wiring
configuration. All considerations and calculations used for Using the Callender-Van Dusen equation, with an RTD
each circuit configuration shown can be refer to the RTD temperature range of −200°C to +600°C, the voltage generated
Wiring Configuration section. across the RTD using a 500 µA excitation current is approximately
9.26 mV to 156.85 mV.
Analog Inputs and Gain Selection
Along with the RTD sensor specification, the accuracy of the
system depends on the performance of the ADC. The AD7124-4/ Signals from the sensor are quite small and must be amplified
AD7124-8 provide an integrated solution for RTD measurement. by a low noise gain stage. RTDs vary from tens of millivolts to
These devices can achieve high resolution, low nonlinearity, and hundreds of millivolts depending on the RTD chosen. An ADC
low noise performance as well as high 50 Hz and 60 Hz rejection. with an internal PGA can be used to avoid the need for any
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 consist of on-chip programmable external amplifier components. The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 consist
excitation current sources, reference buffers, and a low noise of an on-chip, low noise PGA that amplifies the small signal
PGA that amplifies the small signal from the RTD, thus allowing from the RTD with a gain programmable from 1 to 128, thus
direct interface with the sensor and minimizing the required allowing direct interface with the sensor. The gain stage has
external circuitry. high input impedance and limits the input leakage current to
3.3 nA typical for full power mode and 1 nA typical for low
Power Supplies power mode. If the on-chip excitation current is programmed
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 have separate analog and digital power to 500 µA, at a maximum temperature of 600°C, the voltage
supplies. The digital power supply, IOVDD, is independent of the generated across the RTD is approximately 156.85 mV.
analog power supply and can be from 1.65 V to 3.6 V referenced To ensure that the maximum range of the AD7124-4/AD7124-8
to DGND. The analog power supply, AVDD, is referred to AVSS is used, the PGA gain is programmed to a gain of 16. The PGA
and has a range of 2.7 V to 3.6 V for low and mid power modes amplifies the maximum RTD sensor output voltage to 2.5096 V.
and a range of 2.9 V to 3.6 V for full power mode. The circuits
shown in Figure 1 operate from a single supply. Therefore, AVSS Reference and Reference Buffer Headroom
and DGND are connected together, and only one ground plane For the circuit shown in Figure 1, the reference inputs used are
is used. The AVDD and IOVDD voltages are generated separately REFIN+ and REFIN1−. The current through the RTD also flows
using ADP150 voltage regulators. The AVDD voltage is set to through the precision reference resistor that generates the
3.3 V, and the IOVDD voltage is set to 1.8 V, using the ADP150 reference voltage. The voltage generated across this precision
regulators. Using separate regulators ensures the lowest noise. reference resistor is ratiometric to the voltage across the RTD.
The power mode selection depends on the current budget Therefore, any variations seen in the excitation current are
allotment for the end application. If the application requires a removed.
much higher output data rate and better noise performance, the The reference is continuously sampled by a switched capacitor.
devices can be programmed in full power mode. For any portable In this circuit, the reference input is driven by an external reference
application, low power components must be used, and for some resistor. Note that large RC values can cause gain errors in
industrial applications, the complete system is powered from measurements. Enabling the internal reference buffers allow a
the 4 mA to 20 mA loop so that a current budget of 4 mA wide range of resistor values or EMC filtering without adding any
maximum is allowed. For this type of application, the devices error. Because the reference buffers are enabled, it is necessary
can be programmed in mid or low power mode. to ensure that the headroom required for correct operation is met.
Excitation Current and Output Compliance The reference voltage must be within the minimum and maximum
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 offer two such excitation current reference voltages for operation. The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 can
sources that are register programmable from 50 µA to 1 mA. operate with a reference from 0.5 V to (AVDD − AVSS). The
The selection of excitation currents affects the RTD input reference buffers require a headroom of at least 0.1 V above and
voltage range, gain selection, and the reference and reference below the supply rails.
buffer headroom resistors. Maximize the possible excitation
current used for better performance. However, the output
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Circuit Note CN-0383
Using the excitation current (IEXC) of 500 µA, and the amplified Digital and Analog Filtering
voltage of the ADC (VRTD MAX), the reference resistor value is
Differential (~800 Hz cutoff) and common-mode (~16 kHz
VRTD MAX/IEXC = 2.51 V/500 µA = 5020 Ω cutoff) filters are implemented at the analog inputs as well as
Therefore, a 5.11 kΩ resistor is chosen, which gives a reference at the reference inputs. This filtering is required to reject any
voltage (VREF) of interference at the modulator frequency and also at any
multiples of this frequency.
VREF = RREF × IEXC = 5.11 kΩ × 500 µA = 2.555 V
To get a high precision measurement from the sensor, it is also
The headroom of 0.125 V (500 µA × 250 Ω) is provided by the
important that the sensor noise and accuracy dominates the
250 Ω resistor to ground, as shown in Figure 1 (see the 2-wire
overall system error. Noise can impact the system accuracy
and 4-wire sections). This headroom resistor is required if the
because it limits the smallest possible change in the signal level
reference resistors are setup at the low side of the circuit. If the
of the sensor that the ADC can recognize and, therefore, directly
reference resistor is on the high side, as shown in Figure 1 (see the
impacts the resolution of the system. It may also have an impact
3-wire section), the headroom requirements for the reference
when performing calibration and accurate and repeatable
buffers are met for higher RTD temperature measurement
measurement results are required. Thus, it is important that the
(greater than 300°C). Therefore, additional headroom resistors
ADC resolution and noise performance is better than the sensor
are not required for this measurement configuration. However,
noise and resolution.
for lower RTD temperature measurement (less than 300°C), the
headroom of 0.1 V (500 µA × 100 Ω) is provided by the 100 Ω The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 offer a great deal of on-chip digital
resistor to ground, as shown in Figure 1 (see the 3-wire section). filtering flexibility. Several filter options are available. The filter
option selected has an effect on the output data rate, settling
From the previous discussions, the AVDD supply voltage for this
time, as well as the 50 Hz and 60 Hz rejection. For this circuit
circuit is 3.3 V. Therefore, the output compliance level for the
note, the sinc4 filter and the post filter are implemented. The
excitation current source must be less than 2.93 V, and the
sinc4 filter is used because it has excellent noise performance
reference voltage must be within the 0 V to 3.3 V range.
across the output data rates range, as well as excellent 50 Hz and
This specification is met because the maximum voltage on the 60 Hz rejection. The post filter is used to provide simultaneous
AIN0 (IOUT0) pin is the voltage across the precision reference 50 Hz and 60 Hz rejection with a 40 ms settling time.
resistor plus the voltage across the RTD plus the voltage across
The corresponding system rms noise values are shown in Table 1,
the headroom resistor:
and Table 2 also show the noise performance when the ADC
VREF + VRTD = 2.555 V + 156.85 mV = 2.71185 V analog inputs are shorted for the same filter, gain, and output
data rate settings. The noise measured is higher when the RTD
is connected because the RTD has some noise.
Table 1. Typical Noise Performance, Sinc4 Filter, Full Power Mode, 50 SPS
RTD Configuration Input Condition RMS Noise (nV) Noise Free Resolution
2-wire RTD connected 169.33 0.0029°C (18.09 bits)
Shorted 102 0.0017°C (18.83 bits)
3-wire RTD connected 199.37 0.0032°C (17.9 bits)
Shorted 100 0.0018°C (18.7 bits)
4-wire RTD connected 199.37 0.0032°C (17.9 bits)
Shorted 100 0.0018°C (18.7 bits)
Table 2. Typical Noise Performance, Post Filter, Low Power Mode, 25 SPS
RTD Configuration Input Condition RMS Noise (nV) Noise Free Resolution
2-wire RTD connected 347 0.0059°C (17.05 bits)
Shorted 335 0.0057°C (17.1 bits)
3-wire RTD connected 774 0.0070°C (16.8bits)
Shorted 360 0.0050°C (17.3 bits)
4-wire RTD connected 774 0.0070°C (16.8 bits)
Shorted 360 0.005°C (17.3 bits)
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
Calibration 2-Wire RTD Configuration
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 provide different calibration modes A 2-wire RTD configuration is the simplest configuration. Three
that can eliminate offset and gain errors. For this circuit note, analog pins from the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 are used to implement
internal zero-scale calibration as well as internal full-scale the 2-wire configuration: AIN0, AIN2, and AIN3. AIN2 and AIN3
calibration were used. Note that these calibrations remove the are configured as a fully differential input channel and are used for
ADC gain and offset errors only, not the gain and offset errors sensing the voltage across the RTD. The reference inputs used are
created by the external circuitry. REFIN+ and REFIN1−. A low-side reference resistor was used,
therefore a reference headroom resistor is required.
For the 2-wire configuration, one excitation current source is
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 have on-chip diagnostics that can
required. The excitation current source used to excite the RTD,
check that the voltage level on the analog pins are within the
reference, and headroom resistors is generated from AVDD and
specified operating range. All analog input pins (AINx) can be
is directed to AIN0 (IOUT0). The same current flows through
separately checked for overvoltages and undervoltages, as well as
the RTD and precision reference resistor that generates the
ADC saturation. An overvoltage is flagged when the voltage on
reference voltage, thus ensuring a ratiometric measurement.
the analog input exceeds AVDD, while an undervoltage is flagged
when the voltage on the analog input goes below AVSS. The For the 2-wire configuration, the AIN0 and AIN2 pins must be
extensive diagnostic functionality of the system also includes a shorted at the connector. AIN3 and REFIN1(+) must also be
CRC on the SPI bus and signal chain checks, which lead to a shorted at the connector. The analog pins and their configuration
more robust solution. These diagnostics reduce the need for are shown in greater detail in Figure 3. Selection of reference and
external components to implement diagnostics, resulting in headroom resistance was based on the RTD Design Considerations
smaller solution size, reduced design cycle times, and cost section along with the excitation, gain, and digital filtering.
savings. The failure mode effects and diagnostic analysis
(FMEDA) of a typical application has shown a safe failure IOUT
fraction (SFF) greater than 90% according to the IEC 61508
RL1 1kΩ
standard. 0.01µF
RTD Wiring Configuration RL2 1kΩ
The AD7124-4 can be configured for 4 differential or 7 pseudo
differential input channels, and the AD7124-8 can be configured
for 8 differential or 15 pseudo differential channels. It uses a 1kΩ IOUT
flexible multiplexer allowing the ease of sensor connections and
IOUT 0.01µF
RREF 0.1% 0.1µF
accommodating multiple 2-wire, 3-wire, and 4-wire RTDs on the 15ppm/°C 1kΩ
same board (see Table 3).
Wiring Configuration
Product 2 Wire 3 Wire 4 Wire Figure 3. 2-Wire RTD Analog Input Configuration Measurement
AD7124-4 2 2 2 The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 configuration for the 2-wire RTD
AD7124-8 5 4 5 measurement is as follows:
The following sections describe the circuit and ADC configuration • Differential input: the positive analog input (AIN+) =
for the three RTD wirings shown in Figure 1. These sections AIN2 and the negative analog input (AIN−) = AIN3
cover a deeper understanding and focus on each RTD • Excitation current: IOUT0 = AIN0 = 500 µA
configuration design, considering the different techniques • Gain = 16
needed to interface a RTD to an ADC, along with requirements • 5.11 kΩ precision reference resistor
from the ADC, such as ADC configuration, sensor connection, • 250 Ω headroom resistor
output compliance, and reference and gain selection, which was • Digital filtering (sinc4, 50 SPS and post filter, 25 SPS)
previously discussed in RTD Design Considerations section.
Each section also discusses the results, lessons learned, and take
aways from using each configuration with a single RTD sensor.
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Circuit Note CN-0383
For the RTD circuit shown in Figure 3, data was gathered for With a two-point calibration and linearization, the overall 2-wire
different digital filter and power mode configurations of the system accuracy over the −50°C to +165°C temperature range
AD7124-4/AD7124-8, namely the sinc4 filter operating in full is better than ±1°C. For each temperature, the corresponding
power mode and the post filter operating in low power mode as voltage across the RTD was measured using the AD7124-4/
discussed in the Digital and Analog Filtering section. AD7124-8 as outlined previously. This voltage was then converted
The typical noise free code resolution of the 2-wire system is to a resistance, linearized, and converted to a temperature as
18.09 bits for full power mode with the sinc4 filter selected outlined in the RTD Transfer Function section.
and 17.05 bits for low power mode with the post filter, which Figure 6 and Figure 7 show the resulting error (set temperature
is equivalent to around 0.0029°C and 0.0059°C error variation minus measured temperature). For each RTD temperature
on each temperature measurements. Figure 4 and Figure 5 setting, the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 are kept at 25°C. As shown,
show the noise distribution when a 2-wire RTD is connected. the error is close to the RTD envelope at 0°C, and the lead
60 resistance adds error. Above or below 0°C, the measurement is
1000 SAMPLES well within the RTD specification. Figure 6 and Figure 7 also
50 show the deviation of the RTD error across different AD7124-4/
AD7124-8 temperature settings. For each AD7124-4/AD7124-8
temperature setting, an internal zero-scale and full-scale calibration
Figure 4. Histogram of Codes for 2-Wire RTD at Ambient Temperature, 0
Sinc4 Filter, Full Power Mode, 50 SPS –0.25
30 –0.50
1000 SAMPLES –0.75
25 –1.00
20 –1.50
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150
Figure 6. 2-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter,
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS
0 0.50
CODES –0.25
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the error in the measured RTD 0.385 Ω/°C. Therefore, 1.3 Ω lead resistance produces an error of
temperature for a one time, internal zero-scale and full-scale (1.3/0.385) = 3.38°C error due to lead resistance.
calibration carried out at 25°C. Figure 8 and Figure 9 show The only way to compensate for this error is to manually calibrate
the one time calibration at 25°C or that the calibration at the offset, which is possible as long as the lead wire resistance
each individual temperature of the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 remains constant. However, the lead resistance also changes with
has degraded performance when the AD7124-4/ADA7124-8 temperature. Therefore, as the ambient temperature changes, the
are at higher temperatures due to the lead resistance errors. lead resistance also changes, which introduces some degree of
error in the temperature measurements. If the wire is long, this
0.50 applications where lead wires are short or when using a high
0.25 resistance sensor (for example, PT1000), minimizing the lead
resistance effect on the accuracy.
–0.50 3-Wire RTD Configuration
–0.75 The 3-wire RTD configuration is the most commonly used
configuration because of its three pins and accuracy advantage
over the other configurations.
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 For the circuit shown in Figure 10, four analog pins from
the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 are used to implement the 3-wire
Figure 8. 2-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter,
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS, One Time 25°C Calibration Only
measurement: AIN0, AIN1, AIN2, and AIN3. AIN2 and AIN3
are configured as a fully differential input channel and are used
Pt100 TEMPERATURE PROFILE for sensing the voltage across the Pt100 RTD sensor. The excitation
current source used to excite the RTD is generated from AVDD
and is directed to AIN0. An identical current is directed to AIN1
0.50 and flows through the RL2 lead resistance, thereby generating a
0.25 voltage that cancels the voltage dropped across the RL1 lead
resistance. The reference inputs used are REFIN1+ and REFIN−.
A ratiometric configuration is again used, eliminating any errors
due to excitation current variation.
–1.00 The analog pins and their configuration are shown in greater
–1.25 detail in Figure 10.
Figure 10. 3-Wire RTD Analog Input Configuration Measurement
For example, the nominal resistance of 24 AWG copper wire is
0.026 Ω/foot (0.08 Ω/meter). If the RTD has leads of length of
25 foot, it has a total lead resistance (RL1 and RL2) equivalent
to 1.3 Ω. The RTD temperature coefficient is approximately
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Circuit Note CN-0383
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 configuration for the 3-wire RTD The typical noise free code resolution of the 3-wire system is
measurement is as follows: 17.9 bits for full power mode with the sinc4 filter selected and
• Differential input: AIN+ = AIN2 and AIN− = AIN3 16.8 bits for low power mode with the post filter, which is
• Excitation current: IOUT0 = AIN0 = 500 µA equivalent to around 0.0033°C and 0.0070°C error variation
• Excitation current: IOUT1 = AIN1 = 500 µA on each temperature measurements. Figure 11 and Figure 12
• Gain = 16 show the noise distribution when a 3-wire RTD is connected.
• 5.11 kΩ precision reference resistor 1000 SAMPLES
• 100 Ω headroom resistor 140
filtering were based on the RTD Design Considerations section.
With the PGA enabled, the analog input buffers are automatically
enabled. The PGA allows voltages on the input pins to be as low 60
for the reference buffers are met for higher RTD temperature 0
headroom resistors are not required for this measurement
configuration. However, for lower RTD temperature measurement CODES
(less than 300°C), reference headroom resistors are required. Figure 11. Histogram of Codes for 3-Wire RTD at Ambient, Sinc4 Filter,
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS
For the 3-wire RTD measurement, two precision excitation
current sources are required that provide an simple way to
cancel the lead resistance errors produced by RL1 and RL2.
Note that the RL3 lead resistance does not affect the measurement
accuracy. For the 3-wire RTD configuration shown in Figure 10, 80
the reference resistor is placed on the high side of the RTD. For
this setup, one excitation current flows through both the reference 60
resistor and the RTD, and the second current flows through the
RL2 lead resistance and develops a voltage that cancels the voltage 40
dropped across the RL1 lead resistance. Because only one excitation
current generates the reference voltage to REFIN1+ and REFIN− 20
and also generates the voltage across the RTD, the current
source accuracy, mismatch, and mismatch drift have a minimal 0
3-Wire RTD Results CODES
For the RTD circuit shown in Figure 10, data was gathered for Figure 12. Histogram of Codes for 3-Wire RTD at Ambient, Post Filter,
different digital filter and power mode configurations of the Low Power Mode, 25 SPS
AD7124-4/AD7124-8, namely the sinc4 filter operating in full With a two-point calibration and linearization, the overall
power mode and the post filter operating in low power mode as 3-wire system accuracy over the −50°C to +200°C temperature
discussed in Digital and Analog Filtering section. range is better than ±1°C. For each temperature, the corresponding
voltage across the RTD was measured using the AD7124-4/
AD7124-8 as outlined previously. This voltage was then converted
to a resistance, linearized, and converted to a temperature as
outlined in the RTD Transfer Function section.
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the resulting error (set temperature
minus measured temperature). For each RTD temperature TEMPERATURE
1.00 Pt100
setting, the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 are kept at 25°C, and the error +105°C
0.75 +25°C
is well within the error window of the Pt100 Class B. Figure 13 and 0.50
Figure 14 also show the deviation of the RTD error across different
AD7124-4/AD7124-8 temperature settings. For each AD7124-4/ 0
AD7124-8 temperature setting, an internal zero-scale and full-scale –0.25
calibration is carried out. As shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14, –0.50
the overall error is well within the allowed error budget. –0.75
1.50 –1.00
1.25 TEMPERATURE –1.25
1.00 Pt100 –1.50
+105°C –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
0.75 +25°C
–40ºC Pt100 TEMPERATURE (°C)
Figure 15. 3-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter,
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS, One Time 25°C Calibration Only
–0.25 AD7124-4/AD7124-8
1.00 Pt100
–0.75 +105°C
0.75 +25°C
–1.00 –40ºC
Figure 13. 3-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter, –0.50
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS –0.75
1.50 –1.00
1.25 TEMPERATURE –1.25
1.00 Pt100 –1.50
+105°C –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
0.75 +25°C
–40ºC Pt100 TEMPERATURE (°C)
Figure 16. 3-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Post Filter,
Low Power Mode, 25 SPS, 25°C One Time Calibration Only
–0.25 Lead Resistance Consideration for 3-Wire RTD
For the 3-wire measurement, the second excitation current actively
compensates for the lead resistance. Therefore, any changes with
the lead resistance over temperature also no longer affect the
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Circuit Note CN-0383
the matching characteristics of the connecting cables must be To chop the currents, a measurement of the RTD voltage is taken
known precisely. when IOUT0 is connected to AIN0, and IOUT1 is connected
Assuming perfect lead resistance matching, mismatches in the to AIN1, as shown in Figure 17. A second measurement of the
excitation currents (IOUT0 and IOUT1) produce an error that voltage across the RTD is then taken when the currents are
is proportional to the total lead resistance. For instance, a 0.5% swapped, that is, when IOUT1 is connected to AIN0, and
mismatch in the excitation currents (typical specification for IOUT1 is connected to AIN1. The average of these two voltage
the AD7124-4/AD7124-8) produces a corresponding 0.5% measurements is then used in the overall calculation of the RTD
error in the RTD resistance measurement. The nominal Pt100 resistance, and subsequently, the temperature is calculated using
RTD resistance temperature coefficient is 0.385 Ω/°C, which is Equation 2 through Equation 7. The chopping method greatly
equivalent to a temperature change of 2.6°C/Ω. A 0.5% error in reduces any effects of excitation current mismatch and mismatch
the resistance measurement gives an RTD measurement error of drift. However, there is an impact on the throughput rate
(0.005 × 2.6) = 0.013°C/Ω. For a lead resistance of 10 Ω (~400 feet because two measurements are required.
of 24 AWG copper wire), the error due to the mismatch in currents 250µA
much more error than the 0.5% mismatch in excitation RL2 1kΩ
currents. AIN3
RL3 0.01µF
In the Figure 10 circuit, the precision reference resistor was
placed on the high side. The high-side configuration works well AIN1
for systems using a single RTD. When multiple 3-wire RTDs are 1kΩ
used, it is better to place the precision resistor on the low side 500µA
With the reference resistor on the low side, better excitation
current matching is required (3-wire RTD). The following two Figure 17. AD7124-4/AD7124-8 Configuration for 3-Wire RTD Measurement
Using the Current Chopping Measurement Technique
different techniques can minimize the errors due to mismatches
in the currents: Measurement data using the excitation current chopping method
was gathered, and the corresponding Pt100 temperature error
• Chopping the excitation currents
recorded as shown in Figure 18. For all RTD temperatures
• Calibration by measuring the excitation currents
measured, the temperature error is within the error band of the
Chopping the Excitation Currents Pt100 RTD for different ambient temperatures of the AD7124-4/
The crosspoint multiplexer on the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 allows AD7124-8. These results show that chopping the excitation
simple implementation of the chopping configuration. Figure 17 current gives results that are comparable to the data gathered
shows the 3-wire RTD configuration with the precision 5.11 kΩ with the high-side precision reference resistor configuration.
reference resistor connected to the low side of the Pt100 RTD. 1.50
For this configuration, the current source used as well as the
1.00 Pt100
gain must be reconsidered. Both IOUT0 and IOUT1 are set to +105°C
0.75 +25°C
250 µA. Selecting this current ensures that the circuit complies –40ºC
with the output compliance of the current sources as well as the
reference voltage generated across the precision resistor. To 0
ensure that the full range of the ADC is used, the gain of the –0.25
PGA was set to 32. A resistor is required on the low side of the –0.50
reference resistor because the reference buffers are enabled and –0.75
require headroom (100 mV). –1.00
similar to that used for chopping the currents, where both 0
the currents are set to 250 μA, and the PGA gain is set to 32. –0.25
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
each of the excitation currents is individually enabled. The Pt100 TEMPERATURE (°C)
measured voltage is then converted to a current based on the value Figure 20. Temperature Accuracy Measurement for Excitation Current
of the precision reference resistor value, which is subsequently Calibration, Sinc4 Filter, Full Power Mode, Calibration at Each Temperature
used to calculate the ratio of the currents, and then used to Multiple 3-Wire RTD Configuration
calibrate the mismatch.
The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 can be used as a measurement system
for multiple 3-wire RTDs. When the ADC is configured in multiple
Pt100 channels, the ADC automatically sequences through the enabled
channels, performing one conversion on each channel. When
RL1 1kΩ
0.01µF the channel changes, the complete settling time of the filter is
0.1µF required to generate the conversion, thus affecting the overall
RL2 1kΩ
AIN3 throughput rate. Therefore, it is also important to consider
RL3 0.01µF the latency of the digital filter when muxing between multiple
AIN1 sensors. The excitation currents are outside the sequencer,
250µA which means users must write to the device to turn on or
1kΩ turn off the excitation currents and/or direct these currents to
500µA REFIN1(+)
5.11kΩ specific channels. However, the turn-on time is dependent on
0.1% 0.1µF
±15ppm/°C 1kΩ
the external RC values connected to the ADC. Therefore, the actual
BUFFER 250Ω turn-on or turn-off time is outside the control of Analog Devices,
Inc., and must also be considered when taking measurements.
To configure a single 3-wire RTD configuration, refer to the
3-Wire RTD Configuration section.
Figure 19. AD7124-4/AD7124-8 Configuration for 3-Wire RTD Measurement The AD7124-4 can connect two 3-wire RTDs, whereas the
Calibration by Measuring the Excitation Currents AD7124-8 can connect up to four 3-wire RTDs.
Figure 20 shows the calibrated temperature error in the RTD When multiple 3-wire RTDs are used, it is better to place the
measurements. The results show that the RTD error is within the precision resistor on the low side because only a single reference
expected error band of the RTD, where the error in measurement resistor is required. As a minimum, each 3-wire RTD requires
is close to the error profile of the RTD itself. To ensure accurate four pins of the AD7124-4/AD7124-8, two pins for the excitation
results, calibration of the currents must take place at regular currents and two pins for the analog inputs. Therefore, the
intervals over time. following steps needed to measure an RTD voltage are:
1. Set the external reference to REFIN1+ and REFIN1−.
2. Enable the analog input channel that has the RTD
connected across its input.
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Circuit Note CN-0383
As an example, four 3-wire RTDs were connected to the AD7124-8 IOUT0
as shown in Figure 21. One 3-wire RTD is connected across the AD7124-8
AIN2 and AIN3 analog input pins (Channel 0 configuration),
where the excitation currents come from AIN0 and AIN1, and AIN0
RL1 1kΩ
a second 3-wire RTD is also shown connected across the AIN4 AIN2
0.01µF IOUT1
and AIN5 analog input pins (Channel 1 configuration), where RL2 1kΩ
AIN6 and AIN7 are used for the excitation currents and so on. 0.01µF
All of the RTD configurations are detailed in Table 4. IOUT1
4. Repeat this sequence until all RTDs are measured. IOUT0 + IOUT1 1kΩ
R REF 0.01µF 0.1µF
Figure 21. AD7124-8 Multiple 3-Wire RTD Configurations
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
4-Wire RTD Configuration power mode and the post filter operating in low power mode as
discussed in Digital and Analog Filtering section.
A 4-wire RTD configuration is the most straight forward and
most accurate configuration. The only complexity in this The typical noise free code resolution of the 4-wire system is
configuration is the size of the 4-pin connector as compared 17.9 bits for full power mode with the sinc4 filter selected and
to the other two configurations which took up most of the PCB 16.8 bits for low power mode with the post filter, which is
area. Three analog pins on the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 are used equivalent to around 0.0033°C and 0.0070°C error variation
to implement the 4-wire RTD configuration: AIN0, AIN2, and on each temperature measurements. Figure 23 and Figure 24
AIN3. AIN2 and AIN3 are configured as a fully differential show the noise distribution when a 4-wire RTD is connected.
input channel and are used for sensing the voltage across the 90
source is required. The excitation current source used to excite
the RTD, reference, and headroom resistors is generated from 40
resistance were based on the RTD Design Considerations
section along with the excitation, gain, and digital filtering.
RTD Figure 23. Histogram of Codes for 4-Wire RTD at Ambient Temperature,
RL1 IOUT AIN0 Sinc4 Filter, Full Power Mode, 50 SPS
RL2 1kΩ
0.01µF 90
0.1µF 1000 SAMPLES
RL3 1kΩ
RL4 60
1kΩ 50
IOUT 5.11kΩ 40
0.1% 0.1µF
15ppm/°C 1kΩ
REFIN1(–) 30
250Ω 0.01µF 20
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Circuit Note CN-0383
Figure 25 and Figure 26 show the resulting error (set
temperature minus measured temperature). For each RTD 2.0 TEMPERATURE
error across different AD7124-4/AD7124-8 temperature settings. 0
For each AD7124-4/AD7124-8 temperature setting, an internal –0.5
zero-scale and full-scale calibration is carried out. As shown in
Figure 25 and Figure 26, the overall error is well within the
allowed error budget.
2.5 –2.0
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
1.5 +105°C Pt100 TEMPERATURE (°C)
+25°C Pt100
1.0 –40ºC Figure 27. 4-Wire Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter,
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS, One Time 25°C Calibration Only
0 AD7124-4/AD7124-8
–0.5 1.00 Pt100
–1.0 0.75 +25°C
–1.5 0.50
Figure 25. 4-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Sinc4 Filter, –0.75
Full Power Mode, 50 SPS –1.00
3 –1.25
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
+105°C Pt100 TEMPERATURE (°C)
+25°C Pt100
–40ºC Figure 28. 4-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Post Filter,
Low Power Mode, 25 SPS, 25°C One Time Calibration Only
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 measurement. Therefore, 4-wire RTDs give the most accurate
Figure 26. 4-Wire RTD Temperature Accuracy Measurement, Post Filter,
Low Power Mode, 25 SPS Multiple 2-Wire/4-Wire RTD Configuration
Figure 27 and Figure 28 show the error in the measured RTD The AD7124-4/AD7124-8 can be used as a measurement system
temperature for a one time, internal zero-scale and full-scale for multiple 2-wire/4-wire RTDs. When the ADC is configured
calibration carried out at 25°C. Figure 27 and Figure 28 show in multiple channels, the ADC automatically sequences through
the one time calibration at 25°C and that the calibration at each the enabled channels, performing one conversion on each
individual temperature of the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 gives similar channel. When the channel changes, the complete settling time
performances. of the filter is required to generate the conversion, thus affecting the
overall throughput rate. Therefore, it is also important to consider
the latency of the digital filter when muxing between multiple
sensors. The excitation currents are outside the sequencer, which
means users must write to the device to turn on or turn off the
excitation currents and/or direct these currents to specific
Rev. C | Page 15 of 20
CN-0383 Circuit Note
channels. However, the turn-on time is dependent on the external IOUT0
same reference input can be used for all RTDs, and one current AIN1
source can be used to excite all RTDs. The current is directed RL2 1kΩ
to the top side of each of the RTDs in turn when the RTD AIN4
0.01µF 0.1µF
temperature measurement is required. The cross multiplexer RL3 1kΩ
on the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 allows multiple channels to be 0.01µF
configured separately, where each channel can be configured
for different setups. RTD3
The steps needed to measure an RTD voltage are as follows: RL1 IOUT
1. Set the external reference to REFIN1+ and REFIN1−. RL2 1kΩ
2. Enable the IOUT0 current to the RTD for measuring. 0.01µF 0.1µF
3. Enable the analog input channel that has the RTD RL3 1kΩ
connected across its input. 0.01µF
As an example, five 2-wire/4-wire RTDs were connected to the
AD7124-8 as shown in Figure 29 and Figure 30. One 2-wire/ RTD4
4-wire RTD is connected across the AIN2 and AIN3 analog input RL1 IOUT
pins (Channel 0 configuration), where the excitation current comes
RL2 1kΩ
from AIN0, a second 2-wire/4-wire RTD is also shown connected AIN9
0.01µF 0.1µF
across the AIN4 and AIN5 analog input pins (Channel 1 RL3 1kΩ
configuration), where AIN1 is used for the excitation current, 0.01µF
and so on. All of the RTD configurations are detailed in Table 5. RL4
1. Direct IOUT0 to AIN0. The voltage is measured on
Channel 0 (AIN2, AIN3). Therefore, Channel 0 must be
Figure 29. AD7124-8 Multiple 4-Wire RTD Configurations
enabled. All other channels are disabled for this measurement.
2. Disable Channel 0, enable Channel 1, and direct the IOUT0
current to AIN1. The voltage is then measured on Channel 1
(AIN4 and AIN5). Note that the EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or
the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ have an on-board thermistor
across AIN4 and AIN5. When using AIN4 and AIN5,
remove this thermistor (R28).
3. Repeat this sequence until all RTDs are measured.
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Circuit Note CN-0383
AD7124-8 When multiple RTDs are used, it is better to place the precision
RTD1 AIN0 resistor on the low side because only a single reference resistor
RL1 1kΩ is required. The performance of the circuit can be enhanced by
0.01µF 0.1µF using a higher grade RTD class with a higher accuracy, less than
RL2 1kΩ
AIN3 ±0.1°C at 0°C. With a PT1000 sensor, lower excitation currents are
used, which makes the device suitable for low power applications.
IOUT When using a single 2-wire or 4-wire RTD, the precision resistor
can also be placed on the high side. The performance is the
RL1 1kΩ
AIN4 same as that achieved with the reference resistor on the low side.
0.01µF 0.1µF
RL2 1kΩ
Equipment Needed
IOUT The following equipment is required for the 2-wire, 3-wire, or
4-wire RTD measurement system:
RL1 1kΩ
• The EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ
RL2 1kΩ
evaluation board
0.01µF • The EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z system
demonstration platform (SDP)
AIN11 • The AD7124_Eval+ software
RL1 1kΩ • A power supply that is USB powered
0.01µF 0.1µF
• A Class B, Pt100, 2-wire, 3-wire, or 4-wire RTD
AIN10 • A PC running Windows® with a USB 2.0 port
Software Installation
AIN14 A complete software user guide for the AD7124-4/AD7124-8
RL1 1kΩ and the EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z can be found
in the EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ user
RL2 1kΩ
guide and the SDP User Guide.
The software is required to interface with the hardware. Download
IOUT 1kΩ IOUT this software from If the
RREF 0.01µF 0.1µF setup file does not run automatically, double-click the setup.exe
REFIN1(–) file. Install the evaluation software before connecting the EVAL-
AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ and the EVAL-
SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z to the USB port of the PC
Figure 30. AD7124-8 Multiple 2-Wire Configurations
to ensure that the evaluation system is recognized correctly
when connected to the PC.
After the evaluation software installation is complete, connect
the EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z to the EVAL-
AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ and then connect
the EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z to the USB port
of the PC using the supplied cable. When the evaluation system
is detected, proceed through any dialog boxes that appear to
complete installation.
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CN-0383 Circuit Note
Setup and Test After selecting the evaluation board, the window shown in
Do not connect power to the hardware until both the EVAL- Figure 33 appears. To configure the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 for
AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ and the EVAL-SDP- 2-wire, 3-wire, or 4-wire RTD measurements, click the 2-WIRE
CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z are connected. Figure 31 shows a RTD, 3-WIRE RTD, or 4-WIRE RTD Demo Modes button
functional block diagram of the test setup for the 2-wire, 3-wire, (see Figure 33).
or 4-wire RTD configuration.
RTD ADA7124-4/ADA7124-8 SDP
• 5.11 kΩ precision reference resistor
• 250 Ω or 100 Ω resistor for buffer headroom Figure 33. AD7124_Eval+ Software Window
To configure the hardware, take the following steps: Clicking a Demo Modes button configures the ADC software
• Set all links on the EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL- for each RTD configuration. One additional step is required
AD7124-8SDZ to the default board positions as outlined before the AD7124-4/AD7124-8 is configured for each RTD
in the EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ measurement: an internal full-scale and zero-scale calibration
user guide. of the AD7124-4/AD7124-8. This calibration can be performed
• Power the EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ or the EVAL-AD7124- via the Registers tab (see Figure 34).
8SDZ with a 7 V or 9 V power source connected to J5.
• Connect the RTD, precision reference resistor, and the
resistor for buffer headroom depending on which RTD
configuration is used (2-wire, 3-wire, or 4-wire). See the
CN-0383 Hardware and Software User Guide Wiki page.
• Connect the EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or the EVAL-SDP-CB1Z to
the PC via the USB cable.
Run the AD7124_Eval+ Software. This evaluation software
supports both the AD7124-4 and the AD7124-8. When running
the software, select the evaluation board that is connected to the
PC. For the AD7124-8, select EVAL-AD7124-8SDZ from the
dropdown menu (see Figure 32).
For more details about the ADC register map settings, calibration,
and measurements procedures, see the CN-0383 Hardware and
Software User Guide Wiki page.
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Circuit Note CN-0383
CN-0383 Design Support Package: 10/2020—Rev. B to Rev. C Updated Format ................................................................. Universal
SDP User Guide Changes to Circuit Function and Benefits Section....................... 1
Changes to Figure 1 .......................................................................... 2
EVAL-AD7124-4 User Guide (UG-855)
Changed RTD Temperature Measurement Section to RTD
EVAL-AD7124-8 User Guide (UG-856) Introduction Section ......................................................................... 2
AN-892 Application Note. Temperature Measurement Theory Changes to RTD Introduction Section........................................... 2
and Practical Techniques. Analog Devices. Deleted Figure 3; Renumbered Sequentially ................................. 3
Added RTD Transfer Function Section and RTD Measurements
Kester, Walt. “Temperature Sensors,” Chapter 7 in Sensor Signal
Section, ............................................................................................... 3
Conditioning. Analog Devices, 1999.
Moved Equation 1 to Equation 7 .................................................... 3
McCarthy, Mary. AN-615 Application Note. Peak-to-Peak Added RTD Design Considerations Section, ADC Section,
Resolution Versus Effective Resolution. Analog Devices. Excitation Current and Output Compliance Section, Analog
MT-031 Tutorial. Grounding Data Converters and Solving the Inputs and Gain Selection Section, and Reference and Reference
Mystery of “AGND” and “DGND”. Analog Devices. Buffer Headroom .............................................................................. 4
Changes to Power Supplies Section ................................................ 4
MT-101 Tutorial. Decoupling Techniques. Analog Devices.
Added Digital and Analog Filtering Section, Table 1;
Circuit Note CN-0376. Channel-to-Channel Isolated Renumbered Sequentially, and Table 2 .......................................... 5
Temperature Input (Thermocouple/RTD) for PLC/DCS Changes to Calibration Section ....................................................... 6
Applications. Analog Devices. Added Diagnostics Section, RTD Wiring Configuration Section,
Circuit Note CN-0382. Isolated 4 mA to 20 mA/HART Table 3, 2-Wire RTD Configuration Section, Figure 3 ................ 6
Temperature and Pressure Industrial Transmitter Using a Low Added Figure 4 to Figure 7 .............................................................. 7
Power, Precision, 24-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC. Analog Devices. Added Figure 8, Figure 9, and Lead Resistance Consideration in
2-Wire RTD Section ......................................................................... 8
Circuit Note CN-0384. Completely Integrated Thermocouple
Changes to 3-Wire RTD Configuration Section and Figure 10 ....... 8
Measurement System Using a Low Power, Precision, 24-Bit,
Deleted Figure 16 ..................................................................................... 10
Sigma-Delta ADC. Analog Devices.
Changed Lead Resistance Considerations to Lead Resistance
Data Sheets and Evaluation Boards Considerations for 3-Wire RTD Section ............................................. 10
EVAL-AD7124-4SDZ Changes to Lead Resistance Considerations for 3-Wire RTD
Section........................................................................................................ 10
Deleted Figure 18 ..................................................................................... 11
EVAL-SDP-CK1Z or EVAL-SDP-CB1Z Changes to Current Source Mismatch and Mismatch Drift
AD7124-4 Data Sheet Section........................................................................................................ 11
Added Multiple 3-Wire RTD Configuration Section ....................... 12
AD7124-8 Data Sheet
Added Table 4 and Figure 21 ................................................................. 13
ADP150 Data Sheet Added 4-Wire RTD Configuration Section, Figure 22 to
Figure 24 .................................................................................................... 14
Added Figure 25 to Figure 28, Lead Resistance Consideration
in 4-Wire RTD Section and Multiple 2-Wire/4-Wire RTD
Configuration Section .................................................................... 15
Added Table 5 and Figure 29 ................................................................. 16
Added Figure 30 ....................................................................................... 17
Changes to Common Variations Section ............................................ 17
Changes to Setup and Test Section, Figure 31, and Figure 33 ......... 18
Added Figure 34 .............................................................................. 18
Rev. C | Page 19 of 20
CN-0383 Circuit Note
10/2019—Rev. A to Rev. B 9/2017—Rev. 0 to Rev. A
Changes to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Section and Analog Changes to 3-Wire RTD Configuration Section ...........................5
Inputs and Reference Section.......................................................... 3
Change to Digital and Analog Filtering Section .......................... 4 7/2015—Revision 0: Initial Version
Change to 3-Wire RTD Configuration .......................................... 5
Change to Equipment Needed Section .......................................... 9
Change to Figure 17 Caption ........................................................ 10
(Continued from first page) Circuits from the Lab reference designs are intended only for use with Analog Devices products and are the intellectual property of Analog Devices or its licensors.
While you may use the Circuits from the Lab reference designs in the design of your product, no other license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual
property by application or use of the Circuits from the Lab reference designs. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Circuits from the Lab
reference designs are supplied "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability,
noninfringement or fitness for a particular purpose and no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for their use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that
may result from their use. Analog Devices reserves the right to change any Circuits from the Lab reference designs at any time without notice but is under no obligation to do so.
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