Sra0029 Roof Works - Surveying - Inspections
Sra0029 Roof Works - Surveying - Inspections
Sra0029 Roof Works - Surveying - Inspections
Persons at Risk (Groups) Risk Assessor Appointment Tel. No. Description of Task or Activity
A – One Direct employees Mark Bloxidge H&S Manager 0208 821 5197 One Direct Operatives accessing roof
B – Contractors/Sub contractors areas in order to carry out surveys,
C – Tenants inspections or carry out maintenance
D – Members of the public activities
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
1) Falls from A,B,C,D Cr O H 1) Only persons trained and M 3) Consider viewing roof area by L
height competent to do so must access other means such as google
roof areas maps, drone footage or remote
Serious injury camera / cctv or other safe
2) Roof areas should be
appropriately secured in order to elevated view point
prevent unauthorised access 4) Use area with existing 950mm
3) Avoid accessing roof areas where minimum height parapet wall,
practicably possible erecting edge protection, using
4) Use work equipment or other MEWP or work restraint system
measures to prevent falls where 5) Using nets, air or bean bags or
work at height cannot be avoided fall arrest harness system
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
3) Roof anchors A,B Cr O H 1) All anchor devices and man M 1) Do not use any equipment that L
and man safe safe systems should be has not been tested and is
systems inspected by a competent within its expiry date
person and tagged to indicate 2) Harnesses and lanyards should
they have been tested and are be specifically fitted to an
within date. individual user and maintained
2) Only use harnesses and in line with an appropriate
lanyards which are compatible testing schedule
with the equipment
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
4) Getting on A,B Cr O H 1) Means of entry and exit to a M 1) All ladders used should be L
and off the roof should always be secure subject to an appropriate
roof and should consists of either inspection schedule
a general access scaffold or
mobile tower Roof hatch with a
secure ladder, staircase or an
appropriately secured ladder
with safe step on step off area
5) Roof access A,B Cr O H 1) Roof access hatches pose M 1) Close the hatch once on the L
hatches openings that must be roof to prevent falls through
protected opening
2) Ensure that the cover will not
latch in a way that prevents exit
3) If the hatch must be left open
for any reason ensure it is
protected by either a guard
rail or personal fall arrest
6) Falling A,B,C,D Cr O H 1) Use edge protection when M 1,2,3) Where this level of protection L
objects appropriate to prevent objects cannot be provided, consider
falling such as toe boards on using debris netting, fans, covered
scaffold walkways or similar safeguards to
2) Where tools and equipment are stop falling material from causing
being used close to the roof injury
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
7) Fixed vertical A,B S O M 1) Inspect ladders prior to use to L 1) If ladder is found to be unsafe L
ladders ensure they secure and safe to don’t not use, use hazard tape
(Jacobs use or signage to indicate that the
ladders) 2) Always maintain the maximum ladder is out of use and report
number of contacts with the any defects
ladder 2) Exercise caution if the ladder is
3) Do not use vertical ladders as a slippery or wet or is not fitted
work platform with hoop protection
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
10) Insufficient A,B S P H 1) Do not attempt to access roofs 1) Provide additional lighting such
lighting or carry out work in poorly lit as torches or fixed temporary
areas lighting or carry out work during
daylight hours
11) Unprotected A,B S O M 1) Extra care should be taken M 2) Avoid walking in valley gutters L
walkways when walking in unprotected where possible as they can be
walkways, pay particular very slippery and damage to
attention to slip or trip hazards lead flashing is likely
that may be present
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
13) Fragile roofs, A,B Cr O H 1) The fragility of a roof should 1) If there is any doubt then a roof
sky lights be confirmed by a competent should be treated as fragile
person prior to accessing the until it is confirmed it is not
roof 3) Working off a fragile roof or
2) Where possible work off of an roofs containing unprotected
alternative platform such as a fragile areas should be carefully
MEWP planned and subjected to
3) Access to fragile areas of the a safe system of work which
roof should be communicated should be communicated to all
to all workers and signed or workers
blocked off where ever possible
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
16) Hot works A,B,C,D Cr O H 1) All hot works undertaken on a M 1) Permits must be supervised L
roof must be done under a hot and signed off by a competent
works permit system supervisor
17) Electrical A,B Cr O H 1) Workers should be aware of any M 1) If in any doubt advice should L
hazards potential electrical hazards. be sought from a competent
(including 2) Particular attention should electrician
High Voltage) be paid to electrical services/ 2) Where possible electrical
cables that may be suspended services should be isolated
above the roof area. Contact prior to work starting or access
with or arcing to a material that to these areas should be
conducts electricity, such as restricted
scaffold poles or metal sheeting 3) Any electrical hazards should
will cause serious injury or be communicated to all workers
death that access the roof area
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
18) Manual A,B S O M 1) Operatives are trained and M 1) See SRA0024 Manual Handling L
handling competent to carry out manual 2) Consideration should be given
handling to handling tools, material and
equipment safely onto the
roof area, mechanical lifting
aids should be used where
19) Trip hazards A,B S O M 1) Particular care should be taken M 1) Purpose made walk ways should L
of any potential trip hazards on be provided where possible
the roof such as the presence
of services, plant, gantries, roof
finishes, drains, gulley’s, man
safe systems and vents
2) Good housekeeping should be
applied at all times to prevent
hazards from tools, equipment,
material and waste
20) Electroma- A,B S O M 1) The presence of all transmitters M 1) where potential risks are L
gnetic / radio should be noted and where identified work should be
waves appropriate competent advice undertaken in line with a safe
should be sought from the system of work
device owners
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
21) UV Exposure/ A,B M O L 1) Workers who are exposed to L 1) Avoid working in direct sunlight L
heat UV rays should use adequate for extended periods of time or
protection / PPE to cover during the hottest part of the
exposed areas of skin and eyes. day where possible
2) Keep well hydrated with
drinking water
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
Page 9
Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Hazard/Risk Groups at Severity Probability Risk Level Existing Controls Risk Level Additional Controls Required Risk Level Actioned by
Risk before with with added
Controls Controls Controls
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
Page 10
Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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Safety Risk Assessment
SRA 0029 Roofing Works / Surveying / Inspections
One Direct Maintenance Ltd
Contingency Plan
Item No
1 Unauthorised entry to working area. 1) Aggressive behaviour / damage to access equipment 1) Work would cease. Unauthorised visitors asked to leave One
Violence and aggression / public access Direct supervisor informed. Emergency services called if
to restricted work area required.
2) Lone working procedure in place.
2 Electricity failure / flood / pipe leak / 1) Severance of services / lighting failure. 1) Work would cease and client would be informed by One
striking cable / pipework / suspected 2) Detection of suspected asbestos containing materials Direct Supervisor so remedial work can be carried out in
asbestos containing material order for the work to re-start.
Lighting failure / water in premises / 2) Work would cease and client would be informed by One
electrocution / gas leak / exposure to Direct Supervisor so remedial work can be carried out in
asbestos order for the work to re-start. One Direct asbestos policy
and procedures as agreed with individual clients.
3 Poor communication / lack of contact 1) Poor standard of work / low customer 1) One Direct supervisor to keep all parties informed of work
between direct labour and sub- satisfaction / violent and aggressive behaviour from procedures and standards
contractors customer
Severity C = Catastrophic, Cr = Critical, S = Serious, M = Minor, Probability N = Negligible, F = Frequent, P = Probable, O = Occasional, R = Remote, I = Improbable,
Risk T = Tolerable, L = Low, M = Medium, H = High, N = Intolerable
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