Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: Warning
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad: Warning
1. Response to each question should not be less than 1200 words.
2. Write in your own words after reading the text book.
3. Avoid irrelevant information, reproduction from any text and give a critical analysis of
the questions asked for.
4. Write your assignment in legible handwriting.
5. Give source in case of quoting any material.
6. Submit the assignment on or before the specified date.
7. Late assignment will not be accepted in any case.
Q.5 What is the use of instructional objectives in development of textbook? How
will you define chapter openness and closeness? (20)
Assignment No.2
(Units: 5 - 9)
Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Q.1 Explain the importance of tryout of textbook along with its procedure. (20)
Q.2 Develop the concept of students centerred instructions? How to implement
student centered learning? (20)
Q.3 Develop an evaluation tool for reviewing the science textbooks of secondary
level. (20)
Q.4 Critically examine the use and importance of visual aids. Also give some
guidelines for textbook layout and design. (20)
Q.5 Discuss the general problems of specific textbooks. Highlight the
appropriateness of GTZ model for designing science textbooks. (20)
AIOU-AS-267(21)PPU-04-03-2021-5000fp 2