Lesson Plan 2 8 21
Lesson Plan 2 8 21
Lesson Plan 2 8 21
45 mins
Students have identified everyday materials and can state some of their properties
Students investigate what happens to different materials when they are warmed.
Lesson objective/s
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Evidence of learning
Offer Praise
Set Guidelines
Model Ideal Behaviour
Encourage Initiative
Explicit Teaching
Incorporate Visual Aids
Explain Each Step
Think, Pair and Share
Lesson Introduction Make sure students have settled and eyes are up the front of the classroom.
Introducing the topic Ask students, ‘What did we talk about in our last science lesson. Mini Discussion to
Engagement of the familiarises students with previous lesson.
learners Tell students that in today’s lesson they will investigate what happens to different
materials when they are cooled.
Explain to students that they will take part in a think, pair and share. The question
that the students will base this activity on is, ‘how can we cool different materials?
Students will have roughly 1-2 minutes to think about this question before they turn
to their elbow partner and can discuss their answers between each other. After
about another 1-2 minutes, gain their attention back to the front of the classroom
and once again ask them, ‘how can we cool a material?’ Remind students to raise
their hands if they would like to share their response.
Place PowerPoint on the IWB and explain to the students some extra ways how we
can cool a material.
Lesson Body Place the ‘Warming Material Retrieval Chart’ on the IWB and hand out A4 copies to
Delivering the the students so that they can use this chart throughout the lesson.
content through Explain that the material section of the chart explains the materials that we will be
specific strategies using to investigate what happens when different materials are cooled.
On the next slide it will be the images of the five different materials that will be used,
this will help students get a visual of how they look before being cooled.
The first section, we will fill out as a class is the prediction. Explain, that a prediction
is what do you think will happen, in this case it is what do you think will happen to
the material when heat is applied.
Give the students a word bank that they can use for the prediction section of their
One at a time, bring out the different materials and allow students to observe the
As a class, we will come up with the words to put into the observation section during
a quick class discussion.
Complete these last two steps for all of the different materials.
The final section of the chart is reversible, if the material is reversible a tick will go
into the box if the material isn’t a cross will go into the box.
Ask students, ‘Who can remember what the word reversible means? Give students
time to think about their answer.
Place the final slide of the PowerPoint onto the IWB and explain to the class that if
something is reversible then it can be turned back to exactly the way it was before
the action took place.
Go through the five different materials with the class and explain as to why the
material is either reversible or irreversible.
Lesson Conclusion Ask students to raise their hands and explain to the class one thing they have learnt
Concluding activities throughout this lesson.
Summarizing the Students will need to collect their science book and glue in the chart that has been
lesson used throughout the lesson. When the chart is glued, place science books away.
Evaluation / Reflection