I. Preliminaries: Lesson: Doing Philosophy
I. Preliminaries: Lesson: Doing Philosophy
I. Preliminaries: Lesson: Doing Philosophy
I. Preliminaries
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Concept Notes
Definition of Philosophy
Etymologically speaking, the term philosophy came from two Greek words:
philos (love) and sophia (wisdom). Thus, philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom."
According to several accounts and testimonies, the discovery of philosophy may
be attributed to Pythagoras of Samos who was the first to use the term “philosopher."
Manly P. Hall, a freemasonic philosopher, wrote in his book, The Secret
Teachings of All Ages (1928):
“Pythagoras went to Phlius, and made a great display of his learning before Leo
the prince of the Phliasians. The prince, charmed with his discourse, asked him what art
he professed. He answered that he knew no art, but was a Philosopher. Leo, surprised
at this new name, asked, what are Philosophers and wherein do they differ from others?
Pythagoras answered, that human life is like the Olympic Games, some attend for glory,
some for profit, and some to observe curiously what is there performed These despise
both glory and profit, and employ themselves studiously to inquire into the causes of all
things. These are inquiries after wisdom, or Philosophers.” (Cicero Tuscul. quaest. 5.)
Valerius Maximus relates also that when Pythagoras founded his school, he was asked
what was the name of his System, and answered, I am not Sophos, wise: but Philo-
sophos, a lover of wisdom; and my followers shall be called Philosophers.”
There is a big difference between being a lover of wisdom and a mere receiver
of knowledge. For philosophers, they aim to be wise in almost all aspects of human
discipline, inquiring and investigating all forms of human phenomena. They seek to
answer the questions of the world, not because they are forced to do so, but because
they are passionate in their quest for wisdom. This is the reason why philosophers are
known to be entities or beings of wisdom, for their Their wisdom stood the test of time
and were even immortalized that up to this day, they become the bases of the people's
judgments and decisions. 3 FOUNDATIONS OF PHILOSOPHY.
Over the years, philosophy went beyond its etymological definition. It became a
discipline and a field of study that desires to understand and comprehend the mysteries
of reality, to unveil the nature of truth, and examine the significance of life. It also
encompasses the examination of the relationships between a person and his/her
environment, and between the individual person and his/her society. Philosophy also
became the story of people who never cease to wonder, inquire, and investigate about
everything and anything under the sun.
One cannot simply divorce himself/herself from philosophy. The moment
someone starts asking anything about his/her environment. himself/herself, and his/her
society, this person is already philosophizing. It is in the nature of philosophy that a
person inquires for the meaning of himself/herself and the world around him/her. It
inquires about the entire breadth of reality, and gives a purely rational explanation of its
totality. Moreover, philosophy also has an exclusively speculative end.
While some philosophers may not always agree when it comes to the true nature and
function of philosophy, there are three general statements that attempt to explain what
philosophy is all about.
1. Metaphysics
Derived from the Greek word metaphysika (beyond physics), this branch of
philosophy deals with the true nature of reality. It focuses on the study of existence.
Metaphysics seeks to answer the question "What is?" and encompasses everything that
exists, as well as the true nature of existence itself. It also answers the question, “Is the
world real, or merely an illusion?"
2. Epistemology
This branch of philosophy deals with the study of the nature and scope of
knowledge and justified beliefs. Derived from two Greek words episteme (knowledge)
and logos (to study), epistemology investigates the acquisition of knowledge
encompassing the nature and construction of concepts, logical reasoning, and even the
validity of the perception of the senses. It deals with the process by which people are
led to know that something is true.
There are two significant domains in epistemology: rationalism and
Rationalism views reason as the chief source of knowledge and the most important
element in the acquisition of knowledge. A popular proponent of this view was René
Descartes who was well-known for the quote, “Cogito, ergo sum—I think, therefore I
am." He contended that a person was born with innate a priori or theoretical knowledge
and could deduce truths through mental reasoning. Descartes further stated that only
reason alone could validate knowledge, and this could be done independent of th e
senses. He strongly argued that experience could be the cause of illusions, and was
therefore doubtful. According to him, the human mind could operate alone, and could
come to terms about the physical world.
Empiricism, on the other hand, asserts that all of a person's knowledge comes from
his/her five senses. The chief proponent of this view was John Locke who conceived the
concept of mind being a tabula rasa (empty tablet/blank sheet) upon which one could
write and store his/her ideas based on experiences and learn out of those experiences.
He argued that it was only through experience that one could derive knowledge.
As a matter of fact, in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689), Locke
eliminated the idea of having innate knowledge. He sought to demonstrate where
knowledge came from by contending that knowledge sprung from ideas which came
exclusively through experience. Locke also provided two forms of experience where a
person could acquire knowledge:
a. Sensation (a kind of experience where the human mind grasps the world outside
through the five senses); and
b. Reflection (a kind of experience where the human mind goes internal, recognizing
the ideas regarding its own essence thinking, doubting, and believing).
3. Ethics
Also called moral philosophy, ethics came from the greek word Ethos which means”
custom” or “habit”. As a branch of philosophy, it is a discipline which aims to synthesize
the concents of right and wrong behavior.
Modern philosophers have divided ethics into three domains: metaethics, normative
ethics, and applied ethics.
Metaethics deals with the origin and meaning of ethical concepts. It responds to
questions focusing on the meaning of ethical terms such as "good" and "bad, issues on
the universally accepted truths, and even people's justifications of their own judgments.
Normative ethics is that part of moral philosophy concerned with the setting of certain
standards of what is morally right and morally wrong. It involves the formulation of set
values or moral norms which have an impact as to what should be the people's actions
and ways of life.
Applied ethics is the domain of moral philosophy that attempts to apply theories to
situations in real life. It involves examining controversial issues such as abotion,
euthanasia, infanticide, environmental concerns, and even animal rights. The solutions
to these problems are being used in the formulation of public policy.
As for applied ethics, the generally accepted truth that "stealing is immoral" became a
ground for the formulation of a public policy in the form of ordinances or laws penalizing
the act of stealing
4. Aesthetics
This is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and appreciation of art,
beauty, and good taste. Derived from the Greek word aisthetikos which means of s ense
perception," aesthetics, (sometimes also spelled as esthetics), encompasses all the
responses people may solicit from all forms of art, be it negative or positive.
Human judgment of aesthetic value is not only anchored in one's ability to criticize and
appreciate art using sense perception. One's judgment on what is beautiful transcends
beyond sensory level, and includes both emotional and intellectual aspects.
Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher considered as one of the most important
thinkers of Europe, contended that beauty and art were both objective and universal.
This means that there were things beautiful and pleasing to everyone's eyes. But
according to him, there was also an aspect in the interpretation of art which was
anchored upon the individual's taste. Art was subjective as it was based from one's
background, culture, class, society, and education.
Judgment of art's aesthetic value can also be tied up with one's political, economic, or
moral values. For example, people may consider signature clothes or a highly
expensive bag as beautiful simply because these are considered status symbols; or
they may consider them as impractical for they do not fit their economic status or their
moral values.
a. Sensation (a kind of experience where the human mind grasps the world
outside through the five senses); and
b. Reflection (a kind of experience where the human mind goes internal,
recognizing the ideas regarding its own essence thinking, doubting, and
3. Ethics
Also called moral philosophy, ethics came from the greek word Ethos which means”
custom” or “habit”.
Metaethics deals with the origin and meaning of ethical concepts. It responds to
questions focusing on the meaning of ethical terms such as "good" and "bad, issues on
the universally accepted truths, and even people's justifications of their own judgments.
Normative ethics is that part of moral philosophy concerned with the setting of certain
standards of what is morally right and morally wrong. It involves the formulation of set
values or moral norms which have an impact as to what should be the people's actions
and ways of life.
Applied ethics is the domain of moral philosophy that attempts to apply theories to
situations in real life.
4. Aesthetics
This is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and appreciation of art,
beauty, and good taste. Derived from the Greek word aisthetikos which means of sense
perception," aesthetics, (sometimes also spelled as esthetics),
Aesthetics usually focus on questions like:
Can art be a vehicle of truth? What makes an art outstanding?
How can one say that something is beautiful?
Is a person's judgment of art objective or subjective?
How does art relate to spirituality and religion?
Is there a link between morality and art?
1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Seatwork No.1
Direction:Look at the pictures below. What can you say about them? Describe their similarities
and differences. Write your answer in your notebook
1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Seatwork No.2
Direction: Complete the table below. Write your answer in your notebook.
2. Choosing friends
3. Eating food
6. Going to school
7. Visiting a friend
12.Helping a stranger
18.Giving opinions
Direction: Answer the following questions and write your answer in your notebook.
1. Based on your answers in Activity 2, what must before making actions?
2. Is it helpful that you do this before making actions? Why or why not?
3. As a grade 12 student, what have you realized about this activity? Reflect and explain your
answer in your notebook.
1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Activity 2
Worksheet No.2
Read the following text. Then, answer the questions that follow.
That it is not a science of production is clear even from the history of the earliest
philosophers. For it is owing to their wonder that men both now begin and at first began to
philosophize; they wondered originally at the obvious difficulties, then advanced little by little
and stated difficulties about the greater matters, e.g. about the phenomena of the moon and
those of the sun and of the stars, and about the genesis of the universe. And a man who is
puzzled and wonders thinks himself ignorant (whence even the lover of myth is in a sense a
lover of Wisdom, for the myth is composed of wonders); therefore since they philosophized
order to escape from ignorance, evidently they were pursuing science in order to know, and
not for any utilitarian end. And this is confirmed by the facts; for it was when almost all the
necessities of life and the things that make for comfort and recreation had been secured,
that such knowledge began to be sought. Evidently then we do not seek it for the sake of
any other advantage; but as the man is free, we say, who exists for his own sake and not
for another's, so we pursue this as the only free science, for it alone exists for its own sake.
DIRECTION: Below are the defining question of epistemology. Answer them from two
points of view: as a rationalist and as an empiricist.
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1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Activity 2
Worksheet No.4
- Are you a rationalist or an empiricist? Name one event in your life that made
you believe in the said domain of epistemology. Elaborate your experience..
1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Activity 2
Worksheet No.5
1st Quarter Introduction to the Philosophy
of the Human Person
Week 1
Activity 3
Direction: What can you say about the quotation below? Do you agree with this? Express your
answers on the space provided.