Chemistry: DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chemistry: DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chemistry: DPP - Daily Practice Problems
Chapter-wise Sheets
C H E M I STRY (Ceo�
SYLLABUS : Structure of Atom
Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (-1 ) for incorrect Time : 60 min.
INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQ's. For each question only one option is correct.
Darken the correct drcle/ bubble in the Response Grid provided on each page.
1. Among the following groupings which represents the 4. A 600 W mercury lamp emits monochromatic rediation of
collection of isoelectronic species? wavelength 331.3 nm. How many photons are emitted from
the lamp per second? (h = 6.626 x 1 o- Js; velocity oflight
(a) NO+, c�-,02,CO (b) N 2 , C�-,CO,NO =3 x 108 ms-1)
(c) CO, NO+, CN-,c�- (d) NO,CN-,N2,02 (a) 1 X 1 01 9 (b) 1 X 1 0 0
(c) 1 x 1 02 1 (d) I x 1023
Jl(�2)1 .
2. Rutherford's experiment which established the nuclear 8 2
model of the atom used a beam of 5. Energyofan electron is given byE=-2.178 X 1 o-1
(a) P-particles which impinged on a metal foil and got
Wavelength of light required to excite an electron in an
(b) y-rays which impinged on a metal foil and ejected hydrogen atom from level n = 1 ton= 2 will be:
electrons (h=6.62x 1 0 -3 Jsand c = 3.0 x 1 08 ms-1)
(c) helium atoms which impinged on a metal foil and got (a) 1.214 x 10-7 m (b) 2.8 1 6 x I0-7 m
scattered (c) 6.500 x 10- 7 m (d) 8.500 x 1 0-7 m
(d) helium nuclei which impinged on a metal foil and got
6. The energy required to break one mole ofCl - Cl bonds in
CI2 is 242 kJ mol- 1 . The longest wavelength oflight capable
3. Which of the following levels of H and He+ have same ofbreaking a single Cl- Cl bond is
energy respectively ?
(c= 3 x 10s ms-1 and NA = 6.02 x 1 023 mol-1).
(A) 1, 2 (B) 3, 4 (C) 2, 4 (D) 3, 6
(a) A and D (b) A and B (a) 594nm (b) 640nm
(c) C and D (d) A, C and D (c) 700nm (d) 494nm
, 1
(d) n = 4 / = 1 , m = - l , ms = - 2
wave munber ofeach line is given by v = RH -
( I I l
l J
Dt 02
2 -- 2
9. What will be the difference between electromagnetic where RH is a constant and n 1 and n2 are integers. Which of
p (A)
radiation shown in A and B respectively ? the following statement(s) is (are) correct?
i the series converge.
(i) As wavelength decreases, the lines n
(ii) The integer n 1 is equal to 2.
(iii) The ion ization energy of hydrogen can be calculated
from the wave number ofthese lines.
(iv) The line of longest wavelength corresponds to n2 = 3.
(B) (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)(d) (ii) and (iv)
(i) Velocity (ii) Wavelength 15. The wavelength (in em) ofsecond line in the Lyman series
(iii) Frequency (iv) Energy of hydrogen atomic spectrum is (Rydberg constant
(a) (ii) only (b) (ii) and (iv) =Rcm- 1 )
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
Match the columns.
(d) (iv) only
Column-11 Column-ill
(8�H) (b)
( J
8 H
(A) d
(Sub shell)
(Number of (Angular/Azimuthal
1 (i)
Quantum Number)
(3;H) (d) e�H)
(B) f (q) 3 (ii) 2 16. and be threshold wavelength and wavelength of
If A.0 A.
(C) s (iii)
(r) 5 0
incident light, the velocity of photoelectron ejected from
(iv) the metal surface is:
(D) p (s) 7 3
(a) A- (r) - (ii), B -(s) -(iv), C -(p)- (iii), D -(q) -(i)
(b) A- (q)-(i), B -(s) - (iv), C-(p) -(iii), D - (r) -(ii)
(c) A- (p)-(iii), B - (s)-(iv), C - (r)- (ii), D - (q)-(i)
(a) 1�(A.o -A.) (b) 12;c (A.o-A.)
l ll
-;;-l A.A.0 )
(d) A- (r) -(ii), B -(p) -(iii), C - (s)- (iv), D -(q) -(i) 2hd A.0 -A. 2h( L
11. The orbital angular momenhun for an electron revolving in (c) (d) -;-l t..o - A.)
RESPO'iSE 7. ®®@@ 8. ®®@@ 9. ®®@@ 10. @@@@ 1 1 . ®®@@
Gum 12.®® 0@ 13 . @@@@ 14. @@@@ 15. @@@@ 16. ®®@@
[ l
highest energy?
26. Based on the equation:
(a) n = 4' I = 0' m = 0' s = + - 1 1
2 �E = -2.0 x l0- 1 8.r - -- 2
I n. 2 11
(b) n = 3, I 0 m
= ' = ' =
0 s +- 2
2 the wavelength oftbe light that must be absorbed to excite
n = 3' I = 1 , m = 1' s = +-
1 hydrogen electron from level n = 1 to level n = 2 will be:
(c) (h = 6.625 x 10-34 Js, C = 3 x 108 ms- 1 )
= 3, I = 2) m = 1 , s = +-
1 (a) 1 .325 X 10-7 ill (b) 1 .325 X 1Q- 10m
(d) 11 (c) 2.650 x w-7 m (d) 5.300 x w-10 m
2 27. I f uncertainty inposition and momentum are equal, then
19. From the data given below A, B, C and D respectively are, uncertainty in velocity is :
(A) 1 0 e-, atomic n o. 1 1 (B) 1 0 e-, atomic no. 6
2m �{b if
(C) 10 e-, atomic n o. I 0 (D) 10 e-, atomic no. 9 I
4 (a) (b)
(a) Na+, C -, Ne, r 4
(b) C -, Ne, Na-, r
�� � �
4 4
(c) r, Na+, Ne, C - (d) r, Na+, C -, Ne
20. Suppose beam containing all three fundamental subatomic (c) (d)
particles are allowed to pass through an electric field as
28· The radius of an atomic nucleus is ofthe order of:
shown in figure. The subatomic particles detected at three
points A, B and C on the screen n:spectively are ?
(a) l0- 10 cm (b) J0- 1 3 cm
(c) 10-15 cm
In Cu. (At. No. 29)
(d) IO�cm
Bcam of
(a) 13 electrons have spin in one direction and 1 6 electTons
in other direction
(b)14 electrons have spin in one direction and 15 electrons
(a) Protons, neutTons, electrons
in other direction
(b) Electrons, neutrons, protons (c) one electron can have spin only in the clockwise
(c) Electrons, protons, neutTons direction
(d) Neutrons, protons, electrons (d) None of the above is correct.
For a d-electron, the orbital angular momentum is
(b) .fi(h/2n)
21. 30. The correct order ofincreasing energy ofatomic orbitals is
(a) ./6(hl2n) (a) 5 p < 4 f< 6 s < 5 d (b) 5 p < 6 s< 4 f< 5 d
(a) l.92cm (b) 7.68cm (c) O.l75cm (d) 3.84cm. C Long radio waves ID. v= 1016Hz
23. The values of Planck's constant is 6.63 x 1 0-34 Js. The D. Microwave lV v= 1 0 1 8 Hz
velocity of light is 3.0 x 108m s-1 Which value is closest to (a) A-TV ; B- UI ; C - T ; D - II
the wavelength in nanometres of a quantum of light with (b) A-TIT ; B - TV ; C - I ; D - TT
frequency of8 x 1015 s- 1 ? (c) A - IV ; B - I ; C - lll ; D - II
(d) 2 x w-25
(a) 5 x I0- 18 (b) 4 x l01 (d) A- IV; B-Ill; C - 1 1 ; D - 1
(c) 3 x 1 07
RESPO'iSE 18.@@@@ 19.@@@@ 20.@@ @@ 2 1 . ®®®@ 22. ®®®@
GRID 23.@@@@ 24.®®®@ 25.@@@@ 26.@@@@ 27. ®®®@
28.@@@@ 29.@@@@ 30.@@@@ 31. @@@@ 32. ®®®@
Spacefor Rough Work -------
( ]
absorption spectra of the photon. D. Spin quantttm lV shape of the orbital
(a) v = RH - ___
1 1
_ n i > nr
(a) A-ll;B-IV; C - I ; D - III
(b) A - 1V; B - II; C - I; D -III
( ]
h ni2 nr2
(c) A-ll; B - I ; C - IV; D - III
(b) v = RH - __
(d) A- l l; B - IV; C - ll l; D - 1
1 l 42. The radius ofwhich ofthe following orbit is same as that of
_ nr > ni
( ]
h ni2 n r2 the first Bohr's orbit ofhydrogen atom?
(a) He+ 2 (n=2) (b) Li2+(n=2)
v = - RH _ ___ l (c) Li + (n = 3) (d) Be3+ (n = 2)
h 1\2 11f2
(c) _ nr > ni 43. The average life of an excited state ofhydrogen atom is of
the order 1 0-8 s. The number of revolutions made by an
(d) All the above are correct
electron when it is in state n = 2 and before it suffers a
36. Chlorine exists in two isotopic forms, Cl-37 and C1-35 but
its atomic mass is 35.5. This indicates the ratio ofCI-37 and transition to staten = 9 are
Cl-35 is approximately (a) 8.23 x 1 o6 (b) 2.82 x 1 o
(a) l : 2 (c) 1 : 3
(c) 22.8 X 1 o6
(b) 1 : l (d) 3 : l
37. l fm and e are the mass and charge ofthe revolving electron (d) 2.28 X I o6
44. I f the kinetic energy of an electron is increased four times,
in the orbit ofradius r for hydrogen atom, the total energy
the wavelength of the de-Broglie wave associated with it
ofthe revolving electron will be: would become
2 2 2
1 e e me2 I e (a) one fourth (b) half
(a) -- (b) -- (c) (d) (c) four times (d) two times
2 r r r 2 r
38. An electron, e1 is moving in the fifth stationary state, and 45. Ifthe radius of first orbit ofH-atom is a0 , then de-Broglie
another electron e? is moving in the fourth stationary state. wavelength ofelectron in 4' 1 orbit is
The radius of orbit ofelectron e1 is five times the radius of ao
orbit ofelectron e2 calculate the ratio ofvelocity ofelectron (a) 8rra0 (b) (c) 16a0 (d) 2rra0
e1 (v1) to the velocity of electron e2 (v2). 4
( :]J
9. (c) Em waves shown in figure A has higher wavelength
(a- particle)
in comparison to em waves shown in figure B.
E!I = -2.18x 1o- '8 z -2.18 10- 18 Thus these waves also differ in frequency and
3. (d) = � J e
energy. v =-
nH nH
Then n + = 2
Then n
Then nHe+ = 6
+ =4
0 0 0 0)
= +-
12 2 A. =6 6
. 1 7 x 10-1 8 x� =
he 6.62x 1 0-34 x 3 x 108
�E 3.03x1o-19
= (a) (n + l) mle the higher the value of(n + /), the higher is
4 /... /... 13.
-3 4 the energy. When (n+/) value is the same see
6.62 X ] 0 X 3 X 1 08 X 4
A= - 1.214 X I O
-?m value ofn.
2.17x i 0- 18 x 3
6. (d) Energy required to break one mole of Cl - Cl bonds 1 n m N
inC� (n + I) (4+ 1 ) (4+0) (3+2) (3+ 1)
242x103 he 6.626x 10-34 x 3 x 1 08 5 4 5 4
6.023x 1023 A. /... :. IV < II < ill < l
6.626x 1 0-34 x3x 108 x6.023 x 1 0 3 14. (c) (i) Beyond a certain wavelength the line spcctnun
. . A. = becomes band spectrum.
242 x 1 03 (ii) For Balmer series n 1 = 2
=0.4947 x Jo-6m =494.7nm (iv)For calculation oflongest wavelength use nearest
7. (d) For Balmer n1 = 2 and n2 = 3;
( )
value ofn2. Hence for longest wavelength in Balmer
- - R H 22-32" 1 1 series ofhydrogen spectrum,
cm_ 1
v _
= 36 n, = 2 & n2 = 3.
15. (a) 1
v- = = R H
[ ] 6.6x to-27
t.x = = 0.175 em
i nf n�
4x3.14x9.1 x 10-28 x 3 .3
For second line in lyman series
he c
n2 =3 23. (b) E =hv =-·andv =-
'A '
[...!._ _!_]
.·. 'A = R H 1 2 32 = R H 1 9 = 9
_ g RH [�-_!_] 8 x 1 015 =
16. (c) The kinetic energy ofthe ejected electron is given by
3 0x10 8
the equation 'A= · 15 =0.3 7 x 1 0-7 = 3 7 .5x 1 0-9 m = 4 x 101 nm
hv = hv0 + mv -
·: v =-
e 8x 1 0
2 A. 24. (a) According to de-Broglie's equation
he he 1
- - = +-mv2 A. = -
1 2 he he 5
mv =--- m/s
A. A.o v=
6.6 x t o-34
A= 3 = 2·38 X I 0-1 0 m
200 X 1 0- X 5 /(60 X 60)
25. (b) Average atomic mass ofFe
(54 x 5) + (56x 90) +(57 x 5)
= = 55_ 95
h 6.63 x 1 o-34
= -2.0 X 10-18 X
1 o-23 kg 1 S
3 4
- X = 1.5 X J0 - 1 R
A. 2.2x10-11
(d) Atomic orbitals are 4s, 3s, 3p and 3d. (n + /) values t.E =
being 4, 3, 4 and 5. Hence 3d has highest energy.
= 1 .325 x I o-7 m
19. (a) A. � 6.6 x 1 0- x 3 x l08
= =
20. (b) Since electrons are negatively charged particles they t.E 1.5 x 1 o- 1 8
got deflected toward positively charged electrode
whereas proton being positively charged will get 27. (a) We know t.p.t.x � -
deflected toward negative electrode. Since neutrons 4rr
are neutral, so they went straight. since t.p = t.x (given)
21. (a) The expression for orbital angular momentum is h
:. t.p.t.p=-
Angular momentum = �1(1+ I ) h
or mt.v. mt.v.=- [ :. t.p= mt.v]
For d orbital, l = 2. 2 h
C) ( n) 4n:m 2
; or (t.v) =--
Hence, L = �2(2+1) 11n = F6
22. (c) t.x . t.p = - or t.x . mt.v = -
or 6v= 1 4mn 2 2m � ;
- �
4n 4n
Thus option (a) is the correct option.
28. (b) The radius of nucleus is of the order of 1 . 5 x 1 o- 13 to
0.0 1 1 4 1
t.v= --x 3 x 1 0 = 3 . 3 ems- 6.5 x I0- 1 3 em or 1.5 to 6.5 Fermi (1 Fermi = I0- 13 em)
29. (b)
- O. 529
. _ _
43. (a) Velocity ofelectron
Hence the order is 5p < 6s < 4f< 5d
31. (a) v11 = 2 . 1 9 x 1 06 -ms-1
The distance travelled by electron in 1 o-8 sin Second
32. (c)
33. (c) Not more than two electrons can be present in same
atomic orbital. This is Pauli's exclusion principle. Bohr's Orbit
34. (a) 6
2 . 1 9 x 1 0 x 1 x l0-8
35. (b) 2
36. (c)
= 1 .095 x 1 0-2 m
37. (d) Total energy of a revolving electron is the sum of its
kinetic and potential energy. The circumference ofsecond orbit = 2m2
Total energy= K.E. + P. E.
= 2n: x 0.529 x l 0- 10 x 2 2
e2 ( e2 l Jl)
+ = 1 3.3 X 1 0-10
2r l - -;:-)
1 .095 x 10-2
:. Ntunberofrevolutions= 0 =8.23 x 1 0 6
1 3. 3 x l 0-1
i 44. (b) de - Broglie wavelength is given by :
A. = _!:_
38. (d) From the expression ofBohr's theory, we know that mv
... (i)
mcvlrl = n, - 1
= -m v
2n: K.E.
& meVzCz = nz - 2
v = --
2n: 2KE
me v1 r1 n1 h 2n: m
= --x-
me v2 r2 n2 2n: h
Given, r 1 = 5 r2 , n 1 = 5, n2 = 4 .
me x v1 x 5 r2 5
A. - .!!_ m
me x v2 x r2 4
- = .!. = 1 ·· 4
m 2KE
� =-5
A. = h 1
v 4x5 4
39. (a) The electronic configuration ofRubidium (Rb = 3 7) is 2m(K.E.)