Course Outline Purposive Communication 2021
Course Outline Purposive Communication 2021
Course Outline Purposive Communication 2021
Course Title Purposive Communication
Course Number GP Comm
Course Description Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different
audiences for various purposes. (CMO 20 s 2013).
5. Summarize the
principles of academic
text structure.
Week 3 At the end of the week, the students 2. Communication and Globalization
should be able to:
a. Explain how cultural and global Communication and Technology Essay (Personal Reaction)
issues affect communication; “Flight from Conversation”
b. Show appreciation on the impact .
of communication through a
reaction paper.
Week 7 At the end of the week, the students 4. Exploring texts types and texts
should be able to: of different cultures
a. Evaluate the texts critically in Evaluating messages and/or images Text type analysis
relation to: a. message, b. of different types of texts reflecting
image/s, c. text types, and different context and cultures
d. culture
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the Communication aids and strategies
13-14 students should be able to: using tools of technology
a. Convey ideas through oral,
audio-visual, written, and/or 2. to persuade and argue
web-based presentations for PSA, promo ad (The Marian), PSA critiquing
different target audiences in Argumentative essay
Argumentative essay, video clip
local and global settings using Video clip (application)
appropriate registers.