Course Outline Purposive Communication 2021

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Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya Philippines



Languages Department

Course Title Purposive Communication
Course Number GP Comm
Course Description Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different
audiences for various purposes. (CMO 20 s 2013).

Purposive Communication is a three-unit course that develops students'

communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness
through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating
effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context.
It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on
the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of
conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that students
gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen
disciplines, and their future careers as they compose and produce relevant oral,
written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for various purposes.
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Knowledge Skills Values
1. Describe the nature, 1. Convey ideas through 1. Adopt cultural and
elements, and functions oral, audio-visual, and/or intercultural awareness and
of verbal and non-verbal web-based presentations sensitivity in communication
communication in various for different target of ideas.
and multicultural audiences in local and
contexts. global settings using
appropriate registers.

2. Explain how cultural 2. Create clear, coherent, 2. Appreciate the differences

and global issues affect and effective of the varieties of spoken and
communication. communication materials. written language.

1|P age Copyright 2020. No part of this material should be used

or reproduced without permission. mbq2020
3. Determine culturally 3. Present ideas 3. Adopt awareness of
appropriate terms, persuasively using audience and context in
expressions, and images. appropriate language presenting ideas.
registers, tone, facial
expressions, and
4. Evaluate multimodal 4. Write and present 4. Appreciate the impact of
texts critically to enhance academic papers using communication on society
receptive (listening, appropriate tone, style, and the world.
reading, viewing) skills conventions, and
reference styles.

5. Summarize the
principles of academic
text structure.

Number of Hours: 3 hours every week for 18 weeks or 54 hours in a semester

Course Outline and Timeframe

Time Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Content Assessment
Weeks 1-2 At the end of these weeks, the
students should be able to: Orientation

a. Familiarize themselves 1. Language and Communication Objective Quiz

with the nature, types,
elements, processes, The nature of language
Types of Communication
principles and ethics in Communication processes,
communication principles and ethics
highlighting the role of

Week 3 At the end of the week, the students 2. Communication and Globalization
should be able to:
a. Explain how cultural and global Communication and Technology Essay (Personal Reaction)
issues affect communication; “Flight from Conversation”
b. Show appreciation on the impact .
of communication through a
reaction paper.

Weeks At the end of the weeks, the students 3. Intercultural Communication

4-6 should be able to:
a. Determine culturally appropriate Local and global communication in
terms, expressions, and images multicultural settings Essay
(sensitivity to gender, race, Varieties and registers of spoken “Mirroring of cultures”
class, etc.) and written language
b. Adopt cultural and intercultural Philippine English
awareness and sensitivity in
communication of ideas.
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or reproduced without permission. mbq2020
Week 6 First Term Exam (Prelims)

Week 7 At the end of the week, the students 4. Exploring texts types and texts
should be able to: of different cultures
a. Evaluate the texts critically in Evaluating messages and/or images Text type analysis
relation to: a. message, b. of different types of texts reflecting
image/s, c. text types, and different context and cultures
d. culture

Weeks At the end of these weeks, the 5. Communication for various

8-12 students should be able to: purposes
a. a. express feelings, thoughts and A. Literature as communication Creative Output: poetry/song
b. emotions via literature; (written/video-recorded)
c. b. evaluate multimodal texts B. Communication aids and
d. critically to enhance receptive strategies using tools of
e. (listening, reading, viewing) skills technology
f. 1. To obtain, provide, and Poster critiquing
g. disseminate information Creating a blog
(poster, blog)

Week 12 Second Term Exam (Midterms)

Weeks At the end of these weeks, the Communication aids and strategies
13-14 students should be able to: using tools of technology
a. Convey ideas through oral,
audio-visual, written, and/or 2. to persuade and argue
web-based presentations for PSA, promo ad (The Marian), PSA critiquing
different target audiences in Argumentative essay
Argumentative essay, video clip
local and global settings using Video clip (application)
appropriate registers.

Weeks At the end of these weeks, the 6. Communication for work

14-16 students should be able to: purposes
a. Create clear, coherent and
effective communication Oral presentation in the workplace PowerPoint presentation with audio
materials/products; Letters, Memos, and emails (related to their field 10-15 minutes)
b. Present ideas persuasively Minutes of the meeting Letter of
using appropriate language Proposals/Media campaign complaint/clarification/request sent to
registers, tone, facial expression proposal teacher via email
and gestures.
Weeks At the end of these weeks, the 8. Communication for academic
14-18 preservice teacher (PST) should be Purposes
able to: Principles of Research Referencing and Citation
a. explore and share their Selecting a topic Making a simulacrum
understanding of language Referencing and Citation Skills Writing The Abstract
programs across ASEAN Writing a literature review
countries; and (simulacrum)
b. demonstrate deeper and wider Research Methodology
understanding of language Results, Discussion, and
Writing The Abstract

Week 18 Third Term Exam (Finals)

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or reproduced without permission. mbq2020

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