Motivation & Emotion

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Chapter 8


Intext Question 8.1

1. Explain the concept of motivation.

The concept of motivation is as follows:

a. Optimum level of arousal
b. External Stimuli like rewards and grades
c. People’s thoughts & expectations
2. Differentiate between primary and secondary motives.

Primary Needs Secondary Needs

They are biological needs They are psychological needs
hunger, thirst, oxygen, rest, sleep, Achievement, Affiliation, Nurturance,
temperature regulation, warmth, shelter, Aggression, Exploration and Power
excretion, and sex.

3. Describe Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

The lowest level is the biological needs, followed by the need to love and to be loved.

If these are satisfied the person feels the need to have self-esteem, confidence and self-
worth. Next comes the cognitive needs of knowledge and understanding. Finally, a person
moves towards achieving the full potential i.e., Self-actualization

4. Discuss the role of culture and environment in our needs and motives.

We don’t feel hungry only because the glucose level is low in our body, environmental
factors to play a major role:
a. Learned liking and habits – you eat pizza not only because your hungry also because you
love it
b. External cues – You feel hungry once your mother calls you for lunch.
c. Stress - stress leads to over eating in people.


1. State the functions of emotions in our lives.

The three functions of emotions are:

a. Prepare ourselves for action
b. Help to interact with people
c. Arrange our activities

2. With the help of examples identify the components of emotions.

The components of emotion are;
a. Physiological changes – these are changes that occur in our body during a situation
b. Behavioural changes – The gestures we express
c. Emotional changes – This involves labelling an emotion

The following are the basic emotion we encounter;

Fear, Anger, Disgust, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise

3. State how display rules are influenced by culture.

The social experiences lead to the development of display rules which are approved way
of showing of emotions. These rules are learnt during childhood. The emotions of joy
and fear is same across the world where Japanese show little emotional display
compared to the Italians

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