Design Mix of High Strength Concrete
Design Mix of High Strength Concrete
Design Mix of High Strength Concrete
Design Mix of High Strength Concrete low w/cm ratios are generally only attainable
with high-range water-reducing admixtures
High strength concrete is the concrete that has (HRWRA). PCE type (Poly carboxylate ether
characteristic compressive strength of 65 N/mm2 based) super plasticisers which reduce water
or more. Usually, for high strength concrete content by 30 percent or above at appropriate
mixes specially selected cementitious materials dosages, maybe used
and chemical admixtures, that is, super
plasticizers are used, and achieving a low water– 1.2 Concrete Mix Proportioning
cementitious materials ratio (w/ cm) is considered
essential. Proportioning high strength concrete Target Strength for Mix Proportioning
provide a mixture meeting workability, strength
In order that not more than the specified proportion
and durability requirements based on the of test results is likely to fall below the
combined properties of the individually selected characteristic strength, the concrete mix has to be
and proportioned ingredients. proportioned for higher target mean compressive
strength f’ck
1.1 Materials The margin over characteristic strength is given by
the following relation:
To achieve high strength concrete optimum
proportions shall be selected, considering the f’ck = fck + 1.65 S
cement and other cementitious materials or
properties, aggregate quality, aggregate gradation, f’ck = fck + X
paste volume, admixture type and dosage and f’ck = target mean compressive strength at
mixing. 28 days, in N/mm2;
fck = characteristic compressive strength
Cementitious Materials at 28 days, in N/mm2;
S = s t a n d a r d deviation, in N/mm2; and
X = factor based on the grade of concrete,
Proper selection of type of cement is very
important step for the production of high strength
concrete. Fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated Selection of Maximum Size of Aggregate
blast furnace slag (GGBS) or metakaoline are Based on the strength requirement, the maximum
widely used as cementitious and pozzolanic size of aggregates is generally restricted to 20 mm;
however, for grades M80 and above, aggregates
ingredients in high strength concrete. of maximum size 10.0 mm to 12.5 mm may be
Coarse Aggregate
Estimation of Air Content
The coarse aggregate shall be strong, sufficiently Approximate amount of entrapped air to be
sound, free of fissures or weak planes, clean and expected in normal (non-air-entrained) concrete
free of surface coating and shall meet the is given in Table 6 of IS 10262 2019. The actual
requirement of IS 383. Generally crushed stone values of air content can also be adopted
aggregates with impact/crushing value not greater during mix proportioning if, the site data (at
than 22 percent and combined flakiness and least 5 results) for similar mix is available.
elongation index not more than 30 percent have Selection of Water Content and Admixture
been found suitable for high strength concrete. Content