Fiat Barchetta: Electrical System

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Fiat barchetta Electrical system

Recharging system

The batteries fitted to all the Fiat barchetta
are of the sealed energy type and so do not
require maintenance.
This type of battery has the following advan-
tages over conventional batteries:
- very low electrolyte consumption owing to
the use of a new type of alloy for the con-
struction of the grids and plates;
I' .- - extremely low self-discharge rate which
offers good starting capacity for a period of
/ II~~~J 7 months; it therefore lends itself to pro-
longed storage (at temperatures of below
~(! -
28°C) ;
a reduction in the volumes of gases devel-
oped during charging, which are those that
y/~ P3WOO1 LO1
cause corrosion and consequently
contact on the terminals.

If a discharged battery is suspected, after leaving the battery on an open circuit for at least two hours,
measure the voltage without load, connecting a digital voltmeter to its terminals. If the reading is below
12.30 V it is 50% charged; if it is 12.48 V it is 75% charged, and if it is 12.66 V it is 100% charged.
If the electrolyte level in one or more cells of the battery is below the minimum level marked on
the plastic container, open the cell cover and add distilled and deionized water (as for ordinary
batteries). Do not subject the battery to fast charging at voltages of over 15.5 V, or to high
recharging currents or amperages.

NOTE On cars fitted with an alarm system, if the battery is remo ved, the alarm control unit must be re-
moved first.
Checking the voltage and maximum current intensity de-
livered by the alternator on the car, using a digital multi-
meter and HALL effect clip-on ammeter.

Description and use of the clip-on ammeter

This is clipped to a multimeter and permits the following
to be measured: battery charging and discharging cur-
rent, SCR (silicon-controlled diode) controlled current
and currents absorbed by starter motors, between 10 and
600 A without the circuit having to be interrupted. Be-
fore starting the measurements:
- set the 'LO-HI'switch on the clip to "LO" for measure-
ments up to 200 A or to "HI" for measurements be-
P3WOO1l02 tween 200 and 600 A.
The reading is obtained in both positions for any value, but it is necessary to change the position to en-
sure greater precision of the reading on the display.
- After connecting the clip to the multimeter, set the multimeter to the 200 mV or 2 V range, alternating
or direct depending on the current to be measured.
If the selected range is 200 mY, the reading will be given directly in amperes; if the range is 2 V, the
reading must be multiplied by one thousand.
- The reading must then be reset by operatingthe "ZERO ADJUST" button on the clip-on ammeter.If
there is reason to suspect the existence of dispersed magnetic fields, the ammeter should be reset while
being held at a distance of 5-10 cm from the conductor.
When measuring DC, a possible hysteresis phenomenon could render it impossible to reset the clip. In
this case, open and close the clip a few times and then reset it.

Copyright Fiat Auto 1

Electrical system Fiat barchetta
Recharging system

Checking the current intensity

- Fit the clip-on ammeter to the starter mo-
tor/battery cable (see figure)
- start up the engine and increase its speed
to 3000 - 4000 rpm;
- gradually switch on all the available electri-
cal devices;
- measure the value of the maximum current
delivered, on the multimeter's display.
If the multimeter's reading for the current in-
tensity is more than 5A below the specified
value, overhaul the alternator.

Checking the voltage

- Connect the multimeter leads to the battery
- start up the engine and increase its speed
to 3000 - 4000 rpm;
- gradually switch on a few electrical devices
until the absorption is about half of the
maximum load.
Under these conditions, the voltage readiing
must be between the maximum and mini-
mum values given in the graph below, de-
pending on the ambient temperature of the
electronic regulator (alternator).

Graph A refers to the RTM 151 A electronic

regulator which is incorporated in the M.
Marelli A1151 - 14V - 38/65A alternators,
while graph B refers to the 24 TR/B electron-
ic regulator 24 TR/B which is incorporated in
the M. Marelli A1271 - 14V - 50/85A alterna-






13-. Co
-40 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +110
Ambient temp. . IAmbient temp.

2 Publication no. 506.586

Fiat barchetta Electrical system
Recharging system

If the alternator is not recharging or its

recharging is faulty (indicated for example by
the warning light on the instrument panel
coming on), before removing and overhaul-
ing the alternator, carry out the following
- check that the belt tension is correct;
- check that the nut on the alternator's posi-
tive terminal (B+) is tight, ma.king sure that
the washer is present*;
- check that the blade terminal is connected
correctly to the excitation terminal (0+);
- check that the positive cable terminals are
connected securely to the main fuse box in
the engine compartment;
- check that the screws securing the bat-
tery's negative cable terminal to the body
shell and engine are tight;
- check that the battery cables are clean and
* Thesefaults can causedamageto the alter-
nator diodes during operation.


NOTE Raise the car, preferably on pillar

ramps, and remove the front right
1.2. Remove the wheelarch trim by undoing

the screws indicated.

.~ For cars fitted with ASS, take partic-

ular care during refitting since screw
A must also secure the ASS wiring.

3. Work in the direction of the arrow on the

belt tensioner bearing cam in order to prise
off and remove the belt.


Copyright Fiat Auto 3

Electrical system Fiat barchetta
Recharging system


1 Undo the nuts (arrowed) which secure

the first section of the exhaust pipe to the
cata lytic converter.

2. Disconnect the lambda probe's electrical


3. Undo the nuts and remove the flange

joininig the gearbox bellhousing to the oil
sump. Undo the nuts securing the exhaust
pipe to the exhaust manifold, and then re-
move the fist section of the exhaust pipe.

4. Disconnect the electrical connectors from

the alternator terminals B+ and D+.

NOTE The alternator terminals are protect-

ed by a plastic cover: to accessthem,
the cover must be removed by re-
leasing the side clips.


4 Publication no. 506.586

Fiat barchetta Electrical system
Recharging system

1 Remove the starter motor (refer to the

specific sub-section in this manual).

Slacken the bolts (1) securing the alterna-

tor to the mounting bracket.
Slacken the nut (2) securing the hand-
brakepipe mounting bracket,so as to per-
mit removal of the bottom bolt (1).

2. Disconnect the electrical connector from

the reversing light switch located on the
front of the gearbox.

3. Place a column jack under the gearbox,

making sure that the top of the jack rests
Remove the bolt securing the engine rear
mounting shown by the arrow. Operate
the jack so as to gradually lower the en-
gine-gearbox assembly (approx. 8-10
Remove the bolts (1) slackened previously
and withdraw the alternator.

Copyright Fiat Auto 5

Electrical system Fiat barchetta
Recharging system


38/65A; A1271 - 14V - 50/85A and A1271 -

1. View of alternator, pulley side.
2. Undo the three bolts indicated and re-
move the plastic cover protecting the
diode carrier.
3.4. Undo the four nuts and socket-headed
screws shown by the arrows and remove
the voltage regulator.
1- Electronic voltage regulator.
2- Brushes
5. Undo the three nuts (arrowed)

6 Publication no. 506.586/02

Fiat barchetta Electrical system
Recharging system




1 Unsolder the six points indicated which

join the ends of the stator windings to the
diode pack, and remove the diode pack.

2. Insert an Allen key in the hexagonal hole

on the alternator shaft in order to hold the
alternator shaft still, and using another
wrench undo the nut securing the pulley
to the rotor. Withdraw the pulley, nut and
washer from the alternator shaft.

3.4. Undo the three nuts (arrowed); separate

the various components bearing in mind
that to disengage the rotor from the
front end bracket, a certain amount of
pressure must be exerted on the rotor

4 1. Rear end bracket with stator

2. Rotor
3. Front end bracket

NOTE If a pressis not available,use a brass

drift to avoid damaging the thread.

Check that the bearings turn freely

without tight spots or noise.

Check that there are no recesses on

the slip rings caused by the brushes,
otherwise replace the complete rotor.


Copyright Fiat Auto 7

Electrical system Fiat barchetta
Recharging system

---" Checking resistance of rotor winding on
the slip rings

- Place the two leads of an ohmmeter (set to

the scale .0 x 1) in contact with th~ rotor's
slip rings (arrowed); the instrument read-
)~,\ ing should indicate a certain resistance val-
~ ue.

NOTE If the resistance is infinite (broken

circuit), the rotor needs to be re-

Checking rotor winding insulation

- Place the two leads of an ohmmeter (set to

the scale 0 x 1) in contact with the ends of
the windings and the rotor casing;

- the instrumentreadingshould indicate infi-

nite resistance,otherwise replacethe rotor.

Checking stator winding insulation

- Place the two leads of an ohmmeter (set to

the scale Q x 1) in contact with the ends of
the windings and the stator casing;

the instrument reading should indicate infi-

nite resistance, otherwise replace the rotor.

8 Publication no. 506.586

Fiat barchetta Electrical system

Checking continuity of stator windings

- place the leadsof an ohmmeter (set to the

scale.0 x 1) in contact with the ends of the
stator windings (1-2), (3-4), (5-6);
- for each measurement,the instrument re-
ading should indicate a certain resistance.

If the resistance reading does not

move from the beginning of the
scale (infinite resistance)or reaches
full scale (no resistance),this means
that the phase being measured is
broken or in short circuit, and so the
stator has to be replaced.


Checking excitation diodes

- Connect the leadsof a multimeter, used in

the diode test function, as shown in the fig-
ure, moving the negative lead in sequence
onto the positions indicated by the arrows;

NOTE The readings for the three terminals

of the excitation diodesmust give re-
versepolarity values (current is not

- reverse the positions of the multimeter

leads and carry out the test by moving the
positive lead onto the positions shown by
the arrows.

NOTE The readings for the three terminals

of the excitation diodesmust give di-
rect polarity values (current is pass-

Copyright Fiat Auto 9

Electrical system Fiat barchetta
Recharging system

Wiring diagram

1. Positive diodes
2. Negative diodes
3. Excitation diodes
4. Stator windings
5. Rotor winding
6. Voltage regulator

Checking positive diodes

- Connect the leads of a multimeter, used in

the diode test function, as shown in the fig-
ure, moving the negative lead in sequence
onto the positions indicated by the arrows;

NOTE The readings for the three terminals

of the positive diodes must give re-
verse polarity values (current is not

- reverse the positions of the multimeter

leads and carry out the test by moving the
positive lead onto the positions shown by
the arrows.

NOTE The readings for the three terminals

of the negative diodes must give di-
rect polarity values (current is pass-

10 Publication no. 506.586

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